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the fourth bridge's crew RPG ( Still looking for new joiners!)

The Stormfather

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Innovation floats up to Rvlit, "What are you doing, is tapping walls with a knife common for humans?" Innovation begins inspecting the wall "Is there someone in there? Is this a cultural thing? Why were you glancing around like you didn't want anyone to see? Is this some sort of code?"

Meanwhile, Sky, completely unaware of this, stuffs his dinner in a horn and begins crunching.

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You will need a job in combat, the roles are as follows


helmsperson: You are aboard the ship at the front, using a spanreed to tell the workers with the dummy ships which ways to turn it. You control the movement of the ship. There can only be one helmsperson. your actions during a time where you actually need to do stuff are as follows.


. Turn. You can turn the ship ninety degrees in any direction.


.Move. you can move the ship forwards or backwards an amount deiced by some dice but generally pretty far.


land. you can land the fourth bridge if above suitable terrain.


launch. when landed, you can launch the ship again.


You are also sort of the captain and completely have the right to order people around.


Artifabrian: You are one of the three( or more if a lot of people want to play but probably three) artifabrians aboard the ship. the fabrials and such are your responsibility. You are also trained in replacing fabrial swiftly and without causing a jolt in the ship. You will care for the ship and its repairs, are good with stormlight theory, and can ask me if you want to do something cool with fabrials other than the actions below:


. Repair. If a part of the "hull" of the ship is broken, you can use a repair kit and patch it up with some wood planks.


. Replace. You can replace a gems with another that is also conjoined to the dummy ships. You will have limited number of gems aboard the ship and will have to have them added in urithiru.


. Comfort. If people you have rescued from under fused rule are causing trouble its up to you to comfort them and give them food and rest.


sergeant: you control the dozen or so soldiers aboard the fourth bridge. you only have one action, but that is to move them and use them as a small army.


You can fight as well. Your soldiers are 4 darkeyes spearmen. 4 darkeyes archers. 2 lighteyes swordsmen as an honor guard and 1 3nd ideal windrunner. If you don't remember 3rd is where they get their shardweapon. The windrunner will obey you less perfectly because they happen to be one of lopen's cousins. a new one. I will say if there need to be two sergeants, cut the troops in half and each get a radiant but there should only be one.


War artifabrian: You are an artifabrian with fabrial for battlefield use. You are trained in field surgery, combat, and are a vital part of the ship


During a battle or encounter thing, your actions are as follows.


Painrial arrows: you fire a painrial that has been made into an arrow. If it hits a singer, they fall down and will not get up for a while. If it hits a regal, their next three actions only have an 80% success rate cuz pain. If it hits a fused their next action has a success rate of 70%. 


Field surgery: If a person is injured, you can surgerify them and depending on the wound will be okay and most likely not die. They might have a limp or something for a while.


fire storm fabrial: storm fabrial are fabrial with trapped stormspren in them. they can be used as cannons as they fire lightning as if a stormform had thrown it. It is inaccurate but will most likely explode any enemies it hits. The storm fabrial is located irght on the bow of the ship, and cannot be used twice in a row.


Edited by Aetherbound
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yes please join!

pick one of the combat roles, preferably not helmperson cuz we already have one in @The Sibling.you can be a chef.

By the way for people joining we have windrunners who fly them to the ship. 

Because why not?

so yay! new joiner!


Enlieth steps out of his room, rubbing is arm uncorfortably and then going to the bow of the ship.

"All get to position! We're nearing the ship! ten minutes!"He shouts loudly, causing reliet to jump.

"AYe! up and ready ye storming lazy lumps!"reliet yells

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Sky walks up onto the deck, leaving his half eaten food on the table.

"Where is Innovation, I need her help with fabrial making!"


Innovation follows Rvlit up the stairs, questioning the entire way. When they reach the top she floats over to Sky and looks out to the ship.


Is this a water ship or another airship?


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(Maybe Jasnah figured out transportation. Or you've got a thing.)

"Ah!"Enlieth jumps as Lapen appears.

(A general rule of the shard, no double posting.)

did you read your troop numbers?

Reliet walks over to Lapen.

"Here's your box. All of you get a box.

A sergeant uniform, with a hat.

A fabrial that makes your voice louder to order your soldiers.

A blue chit of admittance to the armory.



Edited by stormform wert
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* @shardnuke please read the previous pages if you have not.)

Enlieth calls out,

and the ocean begins to come into view.

You see the growing field of jah keved and thaylenah below and the crashing waves of the ocean begin to sound.

A large three masted merchantile ship sails across the waves.

"Were escortin' this one up to Marat! 'Bout three days!"Reliet shouts.

A soft cracking noise sounds far below, and you see platoons of soldiers fighting off a group of stormforms. Fused fly above.

Three Shanay-im lash themselves upwards, spinning in the air and charging towards the fourth bridge.

Rpg mode activating.

The Battle of the thaylen coast.

Turn order!


fused 2


@The Sibling


Fused 1


Dalat, a war artifabrian.

fused 3

battle below.

merchant ship.     (Just to clarify it starts at the top and moves down for the turn order.)


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