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the fourth bridge's crew RPG ( Still looking for new joiners!)

The Stormfather

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If one of the gemstones on the bottom of the fourth bridge is broken you replace in with a fresh one, coinjoin it to the wrokers in urithiru, and then all is well.

sometimes when you uncoinjoin the one on the ship, there's a little jolt that could make fighting a bit interesting.

@Aetherbound please give me a description of what you do or pick an action.

'tis your turn.

Edited by stormform wert
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Sky grabs a rod with an emerald on one end and an amethyst on the other, he points the amethyst end at one of the fused and throws it.

As the rod flies through the air, Innovation pushes a small box off the edge of the ship, immediately, the rod gains a burst of speed and flies past the fused.


The rod has a life attractor on it, the box contained some aluminum and the other half of the reverser fabrial. Basically, it's a missile that pulls the fused off course.


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As it is the fused's turn, it draws a dagger and throws it towards Sky.(Hitting physics are odd) Please pick a number from one to six. I have assigned different things to each number.

you could roll a die too.

@shardnuke it is now your turn.

you are sergeant, who can control the troops, and will hopefully help fight the fused.

@Aetherbound could you PM me about your idea's for fabrials?I could add them into the story.


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It did work, but shanay-im have a great flying capability. It lowered their hitting probability and hits less extreme places.

You lunge away from the knife, it skimming you thigh, tearing your trousers and leaving a fairly shallow cut. A big scratch, really.

@shardnuke it is your turn. please post your move soon.

Edited by stormform wert
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Lapen calls his soldiers over and yells "Fused attack"

he then orders the four bowmen to shoot arrows at the fused

he also orders his four spearmen to stab there spears in the sky to prevent the fused from attacking from the sky

and finally he sends his two lighteye officers to keep things in controll on the ground 

Edited by shardnuke
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an fused is dropped from arrows, voidlight running out.

@The Sibling is at summer camp, so I'll do their turn. The ship moves away from the fused.

Enlieht's turn is next after that, and he runs inside as a knife is thrown his way. 

Fused #1 is dead because of the archers.

Next in the turn order is the battle below

The battle rages, The lighteyes officers rallying troops as a group of stormform crash into them.

behind the stormforms, two mavset-im, the ones of the deep, the ones who can sink into stone, go into the ground and begin causing chaos.

A soldier in the fight suddenly bursts afire with white light, shouting out: Life before death!

 Strength before weakness!

journey before destination!

A small group of sotrmform are killed by archers.

Reliet: Form up! Make a landing and protect the fabrial! We need to surround those regals!"

Dalat, a war artifabrian who is on the ground, Fires a storm fabrial up, swinging at one of the fused, but sadly missing.

The merchant ships sail at all speed away from the battle, as the stormforms near the coast.

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Innovation carries a fishing rod-like device over to a strong-looking person and asks him to reel it in.

The fabrial missile and power box rise from the ocean and begin traveling back to the ship.

Sky resets the mechanisms on the fabrial missile and fires it again, this time at the other fused.


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Sorry I was At a summer camp this week.

I' m Back now tho.

Solivar, the windrunner, Tears into the stormforms. Four fall beneath their hand.

Dalat fires the storm fabrial again, hitting one of the mavset-im and killing it.

Well, killing it as much as you can kill a fused.

The battle rages, noow with scores dead on either side.

Fused: Knife at @shardnuke

Rolled a die: 4


@Aetherbound What do you do?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cool. The battle is cooling off, and most thing are fine.

“We will stay with this ship for a few days as it makes for kharbranth.”Enlieth says.

We are also thinking about turning this ship into a restaurant for light eyes when not on a mission. Chef, would you be willing to do that for us? We’d pay.


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Innovation see's in Enlieths room

Only aetherbound look at the spoiler box please.


You see it's a regular room identical to yours but a bit bigger.

Papers are strewn across the desk with designs of the fourth bridge. They seem to be sorts of battle plans possibly, but bits of it are written in a language you don't regcognize. Most of it is in Alethi. He seems to be trying to predict what the fused will to in each fight. Innovation finds the room slightly disturbing in the dark.

You also see that the bed is made perfectly, and their are several spheres on the desk, all dun.

Solivar turns to see Sky.

"Ah.. The Artifabrian!"He laughs. "Your Creations are the talk of the soldiers!"

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only for the stormfather


I see your larkin foreshadowing

Innovation begins inspecting any closets, drawers, or other containers

"This thing is what I came to ask you about,  I have new fabrials that need testing, but they need to go in air. So..."

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Solivr smiles.

"Good! I can test the fabrials. What are they?"

only for Aetherbound.


You find many more similar battle plans.

One sheet of paper shows the fabrial housings and shows the easiest ways to attack, and also is written the ways to defend against those attacks. You can surmise that Enlieth has a strong military mind.

You then find one sphere, glowing, with voidlight.

@shardnuke you wanna do anything?

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Innovation steals the voidlight sphere and shows it to lapen, telling him where she found it.

"Um, it easier to show you." He pulls a strange metal cube out of his pouch, along with a glass box and a scale model of the fourth bridge and a bunch of tiny cubes. He then projects a field of metal cubes all around the ship. "Is very simple, you just put big cubes there, I will put small cubes there in box, then I can control big ones."


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