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the fourth bridge's crew RPG ( Still looking for new joiners!)

The Stormfather

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*I think I figured out how they work. There's a tiny gem in the mini boxes and a huge one in the big ones so when you move it around the model, it moves more, but the gems are the right size to fit well with the model right?*

"That could be quite helpful. In fact, maybe we could use them as a sort of shield for windrunners. Imagine me flying with that in front of me, and then it moves out of the way for me to strike, and then you move it back to block!" Solivar says.

@shardnuke? You there? hello?

The ship is hovering above the ship. 

Enlieth comes up from belowdecks. "Dinner! Dinner!"

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there are also small aluminum spikes that can be used to lock them in place but yes

"Yes, as I said, many uses, that is good idea, I may do him." Sky glances at Enlieth, "Ah, dinner, I will take to fabrial room to eat while upsetting... wait, no, setting up. You come when done with food. Sound good?"


apparently @shardnuke is busy right now, I will continue with Innovation, assuming that she is unable to locate lapen

Innovation goes to dinner, seeing Sky come in briefly, she waits for him to leave, then stands on top of a table and shouts "Hey! Everyone! Look what I found in Enlieth's room!" With some effort, she lifts the voidlight sphere into the air.

Edited by Aetherbound
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Enlieth pointedly walks out the door.

"What is it?"

It's voidlight stupid."

"Oh." Well why does enlieth have it?"

"Didn't he say he was trying to study fused powers?"

The chatter is, well chattery. No one is particularly interested, and please roll a d6 to see if you don't drop the sphere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Innovation drops the sphere anyways, it didn't feel good to hold, she then leaves to invade other rooms. What was that thing Sky said about privacy? Probably doesn't matter.

Sky begins making a glass box, he pours molten glass into the mold he's built and uses the surge of progression to make it instantly solidify.


I envision progression as speeding up time for an object, which is how this works. It doesn't affect the game part anyways.


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  • 3 weeks later...

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