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The Iconar Collective - An RP

Channelknight Fadran

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*rises from the depths of inactivity*

Crowe took out another man with his axe. The rock-like sprite at the stairway was doing a fair job of holding the freelancers back, but more and more were able to slip through. It didn't matter how good of a fighter either of them were, there was just to many.

He turned to check on the others, and one took the opportunity to hit him in the shoulder from behind. There were to many people up here  for him to Sense it coming. The cut wasn't deep thankfully, but the spike of pain made it difficult to concentrate. 

"We need to find a way out of this!" Crowe shouted. "Is there a trapdoor or maybe another staircase anywhere?"

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12 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Why the hell would I know? I only just got here!" Ahna grit her teeth and swiped at another assailant.

"I was mostly asking If you could see anything but whatever," Crow said dodging another blow.

"Hey your a fey right? can you do the thaumaty thing on the floor to make a hole we could jump down into?" he didn't actually know how all that worked, he'd only been to Feylore a couple times, but it was an idea.

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"But . . . if its a tower then it should have multiple stories right? so it might not be as far of a fall- unless the only thing inside it is the staircase, I didn't really pay much attention when we ran up here." 

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6 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

I imagined it was just a single spiral staircase all the way up


oooooooh yeah that makes alot more sense

"Uuuuuuh, is it really too high to jump?" he said. Another freelancer swiped at them and he only just dodged out of the way in time. "Do you have to be touching something to use the thaumaty stuff on it?"

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2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

 glance out of the window


Are we on an open rooftop thing or is it like an actual room?

"Whatever would be easiest, snow would work, vegetation would work well but I don't know if you can do something living, sand might work, I'm not sure . . ."

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On 5/29/2023 at 8:00 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

I imagined it was a room


yeah that makes waaaay more sense I don't even know what I was thinking


15 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

Valtameri perked up, peeking out from her hiding spot. "Escape? We're gonna try to escape?"


5 hours ago, Edema Ruh said:

“Finally,” Eceline said, though it came out as more of a squeak.

"Somebody open the window for Ahna so she can try and thaumaty us a soft patch of ground, I'll hold them off as best I can," Crowe said. His shoulder was really starting to hurt now, but at least it had stopped bleeding.

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