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8 minutes ago, The Last Fæ said:



Well, he can't alter reality, I'm going off of the main post, which says only a few are that powerful. He's one of the unlucky ones that can't do anything. 

@The Bookwyrm


I vote for Panama (because I like the idea of the place that connects the East to the West connecting the world to space), or Pacific, cause FLOATING CITY!


Edited by The Known Novel
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30 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Uhh... where would people transfering from Venus be?


We could say your guy came to Earth for some time to get some extra briefing or something and just happened to meet everyone else at a space elevator.


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Are we all meeting at the same space elevator or a different ones?

Cause it would make the most sense for my character to use the one in Italy because its closest to England, but he could totally travel farther.


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I just sent everyone a PM for further discussion. Let me know if you didn't get it.

Also, a question; how would people feel about going to the elevator Dubai? It's relatively near England and India, and though it isn't floating in the ocean, it's a pretty cool city. We can also postulate about how it would look in hyper advanced nature-harmony sci-fi 2276.

Though we could do that with literally any city.

If people really want to do other places I'm okay with that too.


1 hour ago, The Known Novel said:

I vote for Panama (because I like the idea of the place that connects the East to the West connecting the world to space),


This is exactly why I chose Panama for one of the space elevator locations.

I actually went on Google Earth and did my best to map out where a circle going around the world would intersect with the ground in order to come up with my locations, and Panama and Dubai specifically were my key points.


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15 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

This space elevator could be in one of several locations, namely:

  • Panama City
  • A place in Portugal
  • Somewhere in Italy
  • Dubai
  • Somewhere in Southern India
  • A place south of Sydney, Australia
  • or, a floating city in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

New Mombasa

Panama city sounds good :D.


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36 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Panama city sounds good :D.


Unfortunately, I think you've been outvoted...based on some other consensus in the PM thread, most people want, or are at least okay with, the floating ocean city.

Let's get started.

Seaport, South Pacific

Fetu Malamalama exited the main doors of the airport and out into the city of Seaport.

It was a beautiful day. The sky was a deep blue, and lazy clouds drifted through the air. The city around her glinted in the bright sun in white and silvery colors. Seaport floated at the base of the Pacific Beanstalk, a city built entirely for the transferring of things and people to and from space. The gigantic elevator was anchored to the seafloor below, and as Seaport was anchored to the elevator, the city was stable.

The city was a marvel of technology, and it showed. As it had been built after the Reclamation Act of 2047, the city was perfectly in tune with the environment. No signs of pollution, a variety plants growing around - and even on - the towering silver buildings. The transportation system on the ground and in the air was fully autonomous and systematic. 

The thing that made Seaport most distinctive, though was the gigantic Pacific Beanstalk that grew from it's center.

The space elevator shaft was huge, casting a large shadow onto part of the city at any time of the day. Made of solid and sturdy material, some of it shipped from offworld, it rose up unimaginably high into the sky, fading into almost nothingness before meeting with a thin white line in the sky that arched towards the horizon to the Northeast and Southwest. The Orbital Ring. 

Both around and within the Beanstalk, as it was nicknamed, were gigantic building-sized elevators that carried people and cargo from the planet's surface to space, and vice versa. From up there it was far easier to load them onto a shuttle and bring them across the solar system. 

Fetu and her family were heading for one of those shuttles, currently waiting up on the Ring. That shuttle would take them to the Hawai'iloa, the ship that would carry them across the stars and to their new home on a distant world.

Makaula, Fetu's husband, stood beside her with her hand held in his. She turned and looked into his eyes, and he gave her one of his perfect smiles. She kissed him, a short action that conveyed infinite love.

Their four children looked as excited to start the adventure as Fetu felt. Hi'ilani, in her early twenties, was an adult in her own right, and an apprentice Astrobiologist to her father. Their teenage sons, Atamai and Ka'ohu, still deciding their futures, but knowing they wanted to do something with the stars. And little Masina, only 13, who took a step of bravery in agreeing to leave her home behind for a new world and new hopes.

"You all ready to get going?" she asked them. They nodded enthusiastically.

The family called one of the city's automated hovercraft and piled in, and it started flying them towards the base of the Beanstalk, which was as tall as a skyscraper in it's own right, and many times as wide. The Spaceport, as it was called, was organized in a systematic way that got passengers and cargo easily moved into space, or unloaded from space. 

The hovercraft landed at one of the outer platforms of the Spaceport.

"How much longer till we get up there?" Ka'ohu asked.

"Just wait quietly, Ka," Fetu said. "We'll be there soon enough."

Pacific Beanstalk Spaceport

After entering the main Spaceport, they were taken to a side waiting area where the Hawai'iloa colonists, at least at this Beanstalk, were waiting. Similar gatherings were taking place at the other Beanstalks across Earth, and probably in a few other worlds.

An announcement came out over the speaker: "The elevators taking the Hawai'iloa colonists to the Orbital Ring will be ready to load in one hour."

"Well," Fetu said, turning to her family. "We have an hour. Go find some of your friends, kids, just meet us back here before then." The three youngest ran off in a clump, but Hi'ilani stuck around.

"You heard me."

"It's fine," Lani said. "I don't need to-"

"Come on, isn't Paul at this Beanstalk? Go say hi to him."

Lani blushed slightly and couldn't hold back a small smile. Makaula laughed at his daughter's embarrassment.

"Go on," he said gently. "It's fine."

Lani smiled again and vanished into the crowd.

Fetu settled down in one of the chairs in the waiting area, filled with love for her family and pondering their future.


There. I've set up a very nice place for our characters to start interacting.


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3 minutes ago, The Last Fæ said:




I mean, why not? A giant thing that brings you to another world in the sky? Beanstalk.

(I first heard the word "beanstalk" used to mean a space elevator in a video game where you didn't realize the elevator was an elevator until the end...)


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Ladcral hurried out of security, trying to look like he wasn't doing just that. He took a quick swig from his flask and stood in the corner.

Ladcral leaned over to the closest person (Fetu) and muttered, "Hey, what are we waiting for again?"


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2 minutes ago, AltonicKeys said:

Ladcral hurried out of security, trying to look like he wasn't doing just that. He took a quick swig from his flask and stood in the corner.

Ladcral leaned over to the closest person (Fetu) and muttered, "Hey, what are we waiting for again?"


Fetu turned and gave Ladcral a strange look. She briefly turned to her husband, who shrugged.

"...The elevator up to the Orbital Ring," she said, slowly, as if explaining to a child. "Are you a Hawai'iloa colonist?"

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Echo Lopez looked furtively around before darting quietly into a shadowed corner, behind the chairs of the waiting area. A small, private smile graced their face as they considered the prospect of what was about to happen. They could soar among the stars, find freedom away from a place that only served as a constant reminder of…

The smile vanished.

Look what you’ve done. You’ve gone and ruined the moment for yourself, already.


By the way, Echo’s probably not going to approach anyone (yay for introversion) so someone might have to talk to them first.


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Even after four months, Cyndi felt as if there was nothing inside of her. She kept reaching for a memory, but it slipped away each time, like a word you want to use, but can’t recall for the life of you. Dancing out of reach, like the child’s toy under the couch, just too far to grab, but you brush it with you fingertips…. Wait. A child’s toy. There it was, a memory. Reaching under the couch… gripping a broom to slide it out… anger at… who? A child, obviously. Her child? No. Maybe? Tears welled up in Cyndi’s eyes, the overwhelming emptiness growing…. No. She was here. At the Beanstalk. Leaving her old, forgotten life behind. Starting anew.

She walked into the waiting area, and sat down next to a young man, maybe early twenties.

@Edema Ruh


Riyu, btw 



If you want to be my kid feel free, it would be fun. I’ve set up a spot for you to do it if you want, but there are plenty of other places I can go with it. Do what gives you the most fun!


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27 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Fetu turned and gave Ladcral a strange look. She briefly turned to her husband, who shrugged.

"...The elevator up to the Orbital Ring," she said, slowly, as if explaining to a child. "Are you a Hawai'iloa colonist?"

Ladcral nodded. "Got it, got it. Thanks. No, yeah I belong here." He gave a thumbs up and returned to his corner stalking.

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Just now, AltonicKeys said:


Ladcral nodded. "Got it, got it. Thanks. No, yeah I belong here." He gave a thumbs up and returned to his corner stalking.

Fetu stared as Ladcral walked off.

How'd someone like him get selected?

"Interesting man," Makaula said.

Fetu snorted.

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Minh wandered into the waiting area and sat down in one of the chairs with a sigh. She folded her arms behind her head and crossed her legs in a relaxed position, looking up at the ceiling. Soon she'd be up there. Up through that ceiling, up past the sky. She hadn't really cared to get changed, so she wore her grubby engineer's clothing and her tool belt. She wasn't quite sure what equipment she'd be supplied, so she decided to bring her own tools. Just in case.

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5 minutes ago, Edema Ruh said:

Riyu smiled warmly at the woman who sat down next to him. "Hey! Do you have a name, friend?"


Cyndi snapped out of a reverie. “Erm, hello. My name’s Cyndi.” Then, as an afterthought, she added, “Um, what is your name? What do you do?”

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3 minutes ago, TheAlpha929 said:

Cyndi snapped out of a reverie. “Erm, hello. My name’s Cyndi.” Then, as an afterthought, she added, “Um, what is your name? What do you do?”

"Cyndi. That's a beautiful name. I'm Riyu, the head therapist. Anything goes wrong in your own head, you come to me, okay?" His gaze was stern for just a moment, but then he was smiling again. "What do you do?"

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11 minutes ago, Edema Ruh said:

"Cyndi. That's a beautiful name. I'm Riyu, the head therapist. Anything goes wrong in your own head, you come to me, okay?" His gaze was stern for just a moment, but then he was smiling again. "What do you do?"

“Nice to meet you Riyu. I’m a psychologist.” She tried to gloss over his mentioning of therapy. I will be fine. That’s why I’m doing this, for a fresh start, and peace. Peace of mind.

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