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18 minutes ago, Shadowed said:

Echo runs over, desperate to get out of the crowds. The interior of the elevator is like nothing they have ever seen before, but they take it all in with an awestruck light in their eyes.

”Should we go and find whoever’s in charge? I want to ask about this elevator. The mechanics must be so fascinating…” They had abandoned all signs of introversion and looked like they could chatter on about mechanics for hours if Nable didn’t stop them.


"I take it you're the mechanic then?" asks Nable "That does sound interesting. I wonder if Fetu knows about it or knows someone who knows about it? I saw her on the second tier although we might want to sit down because I don't know when it's going to start moving."

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A few more minutes passed as people loaded and were strapped in. Then an announcement came over that ascention would begin in one minute.

Right on cue, a shudder ran through the entire elevator structure, and it slowly started to rise. The acceleration chairs tilted back slightly, so they were angled upwards. The elevator began accelerating, and the rate of acceleration continued to build until each passenger was pressed back into their seats. Not as much as the old rocket launches, but still a considerable amount.

The bright blue sky above slowly darkened as the details of the world below shrank into miniscule specks. The blue sky eventually faded to a complete black, and the sun shone a stark white against the blackness. The earth slowly curved away, revealing it's true nature as a round body.

An announcement came from an automated voice: "Force dampeners activated. It is safe to move around the elevator cabin."

The chairs tilted back to their original positions and people began unstrapping themselves from their seats and gazing out on the amazing horizon around them. The Orbital Ring wasn't that high in the grand scheme of things, and the elevator wasn't even at that point yet...but the view was still breathtaking.

Fetu smiled as she gazed out upon the fragile world, the one that had barely been saved by the sudden and mysterious effects of Starshaping, a power that defied all known physical laws. Humanity had nearly razed Earth to the ground, but Starshaping gave them alternative energy and the means to restore the planet's various systems. With that sure foothold, they'd been free to expand to the solar system, which was now quite populous...and now they were voyaging to other systems. And Fetu got to be a part of the next step in those voyages.

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1 hour ago, AltonicKeys said:

"I'd rather not." Ladcral said. He stood (appeared) next to Riyu and stared at the open sky and horizon. "People live down there, you know. That's kinda gross."

Riyu started, but recovered quickly. "Hello! I don't think we've met. Do you have a name, stranger?"

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Hi hi hi! I want to join (Can I do that or am I too late?) no matter, I’m going to make an introduction post anyway and if I can’t join, y’all can just ignore it. 

This is my 800th post btw so… yay?!


Name: Neil

Gender / Pronouns: Male (He/They)

Age: 19

Physical characteristics: Neil is tall and gangly with light brown that never seems to sit flat (probably as a result of his constantly running his fingers through it). He wears round spectacles and is always in what he considers ‘formal and professional clothing’ (suits, sweater vests etc) his ears are rather pointy and his nose angles upwards in a way that makes him look cheeky.

Personality: Neil is very excitable and  enthusiastic about everything, he is also extremely forgetful and ist often late. Neil is happy to talk to people as long as it isn’t too many at once and they aren’t judging him. He also majorly overthinks nearly everything.

Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity (WITHIN the solar system; colonization isn't big enough yet for them to be from another system): Neil lived on Earth (the original one) and was born in New Zealand but moved to Hawaii when he was 17 for… reasons. (Hehehe)

Backstory (get creative; why does this person want to leave their old home behind? Why set out for the stars?): Neil is restless, he has never liked to stay in one place for long, whether that mean bouncing from foot to foot or leaving his planet for the stars. Besides, it’s not like he had anything keeping him on Earth, right? (Wrong? No. Right.) Yeah, in fact there were some ... things that he wanted to get away from.

Powers: (the only option is Starshaping, but if your character has access to it, what is their strength level in it? What special skills do they have? How would they use this for the benefit of the mission?): Neil is a Starshaper and has been since he was a tiny boy but, his family believed that his ability was “hokum for men who think themselves gods but really are just trying to get killed” so he never got any real training. However, he is still very good, he can manipulate the matter around him into occupying different space, essentially teleporting. (OOC: Is this possible Bookwyrm?) He can’t really Starshape in way that would be helpful to anyone other than him yet however, knowing his specialty he was put as a reserve messenger boy for when they need important packages hand delivered across the ship quickly.

Profession: Neil is a Chef, he can cook really well. He was brought onto the ship for this ability and is among the culinary staff aboard.


Neil sprinted down the corridor, through the waiting bay, his blue plaid tie fluttering behind him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had run this hard, no. That was a lie, seven months ago along the beach with Kaleo after they’d lost track of time in their hideout and needed to make it home in time for opening at the restaurant. Then, he’d been running so he wouldn’t get fired, now he was running to change his life.

Okay, maybe that was a little melodramatic, then again perhaps it wasn’t. This Starship was his ticket off this planet, perhaps even his ticket to forgetting his problems and pain. So, he ran. He ran right up until he made it to the huge elevator doors which slid shut I front of his face. “By the stars! Poopmuffins!” He cursed under his breath. He really hadn’t wanted to use his ability today.
Closing his eyes Neil breathed then disappeared.
Alright that isn’t exactly what happened. In the space of a second, his mind was transported to the silent stary place, then he became conscious of the matter around him and he stretched it and pulled it all the while focusing on where he wanted to be “the elevator” he chanted in his mind “the elevator” then, with a mighty ripping sensation he opened his eyes, in the elevator and... immediately puked on the shoes of some poor passenger. (OOC: Again, @The Bookwyrm, is this possible? I don't really know how Starshaping works)

“Sorry” he croaked after all of this morning’s breakfast (a quite delicious pineapple omlette he'd made himself) had evacuated his stomach. See, that’s what happened when Neil used power without first taking a motion sickness tablet, he became nauseous and subsequently that nausea led to him emptying the contents of his stomach through his mouth. Charming? Wasn’t it?

Standing up and straightening his tie, he tried to look as professional as possible, no one (except that poor gentleman whose shoes now bore the mark of his unpreparedness) had noticed him yet and he wanted to make a good first impression.

Neil weaved his way through the people until he was sufficiently separated from his vomit. He pulled a small tablet from his pocket and swallowed it just in case he had a need for his power again.
This was the first day of the rest of his life.

Edited by Cinnamon
grammar :\
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2 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

(OOC: Again, @The Bookwyrm, is this possible? I don't really know how Starshaping works)



But no one's worked out the math of how to do it yet.

I'm sorry, I'm going to veto this...But thank you for checking with me. And other than that, your character looks great.


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10 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Doctor Theodores decided to rejoin his new aquaintance. "I am Doctor Calin Theodores. This is Ladcral, if I remember correctly."


9 hours ago, AltonicKeys said:

"I should hope you can tell the difference between yourself and I, doc." Ladcral smiled. He turned to Riyu and held out his hand. "Ladcral, biochemist."

Riyu smiled warmly and shook the hand. "Nice to meet you, Doctor. And you too, Ladcral. I'm Riyu, therapist."

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4 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Profession: Neil is a Chef, he can cook really well. He was brought onto the ship for this ability and is among the culinary staff aboard.


Hehe me and you gonna be besties

Let’s say my character is close to where you teleported. Is that okay? So now you’re closer to me (that isn’t godmodding or anything right?)

Cyndi noticed the young man who had appeared out of nowhere, and watched him make his way through a crowd of people. He stopped approximately beside her. “Hi, I’m Cyndi. I’m a psychologist. And this,” she gestured toward Terym, “is my daughter. What’s your name?” 



I’m gonna summon you so you can be part of the interaction 


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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Ah, then we might be seeing each other often."

"So we will!" Riyu chuckled. "It seems that every person I meet is some sort of doctor or scientist. Do you do anything specific?"

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4 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

Cyndi noticed the young man who had appeared out of nowhere, and watched him make his way through a crowd of people. He stopped approximately beside her. “Hi, I’m Cyndi. I’m a psychologist. And this,” she gestured toward Terym, “is my daughter. What’s your name?” 

Turning, to the sound of the voice Neil began “Hello Cy-“ before realised the dark woman who had spoken to him was quite a bit shorter than himself. He adjusted his gaze so he wasn’t looking over her raven haired head and continued “-Cyndi! It’s lovely to meet you! I’m Neil, I’m a chef! Well, an assistant one at least” he chuckled. Crouching down to meet Terym’s eyes he continued “Hello Terym, if you ever get hungry on this here ship just head down to the galley and ask for Neil. I’ll fix you up some well and proper tucker!” He winked mischievous at the kid, thinking that if everyone was as nice as these folks, this would be a right good journey indeed.



8 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:



Oki dokey! For some reason I can’t edit my post so I’m going to leave it for now but my starshaping abilities are a bit more vague. 
For future reference for all the Starshapers could you please give us a paragraph on some of the finer points of our ability? If you can’t that’s fine, I don’t want you to have to do more work :P 


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2 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Oki dokey! For some reason I can’t edit my post so I’m going to leave it for now but my starshaping abilities are a bit more vague. 
For future reference for all the Starshapers could you please give us a paragraph on some of the finer points of our ability? If you can’t that’s fine, I don’t want you to have to do more work :P 


I should do that.

It is a vague power. There are hypothetically tons of stuff you could do with it at an advanced level, but that advanced level has yet to be reached by anyone in the human population. There are probably abilities that could be used that I haven't even thought of.

Thanks for putting up with this half-fleshed out world...

The elevator continued it's path to the stars, though those stars weren't visible against the glare of the sun at the moment, even in the blackness.

The true journey to the stars starts on the Hawai'iloa, Fetu thought. 

The Orbital Ring, which had seemed like a thin line from the surface, was slowly getting thicker. Fetu knew that where the Beanstalk met the Ring was a large city, the space equivalent of Seaport. That city, a disk that extended for miles in every direction from the Beanstalk's apex, connected to the main body of the Ring on either side. The ring's main body was made of hundreds of long habitat units, filled with simulated Earth-like environments. Some portions of the ring were sprawling metropolis, others were peaceful plains or forests interspersed with ponds and lakes, and yet others held rarer biomes. Each of these units, many miles wide and tens of times as long, was encased by a glass ceiling miles up that kept the Ring's various populations safe from the vacuum of space. The simulated atmosphere was enough to provide a convincing day and night cycle, so that if it weren't the fact that the ground to the "North" and "South" of you curved up to meet that glass case, you could almost imagine you were down on the surface. To the Ring's residents, East and West were the directions along the Ring's circular length, while North and South were perpendicular to that direction.

Of course, these colonists wouldn't get to see the main body of the ring. The city at the top of the Pacific Beanstalk also served as a spaceport to the wider solar system, complete with docking ports for shuttles and ships of various types and sizes. A special ISEA shuttle was waiting for them at that city, and it would take them to the Hawai'iloa, the meeting point of various similar shuttles throughout the Solar System, and the craft that would take them to their new home.

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4 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Turning, to the sound of the voice Neil began “Hello Cy-“ before realised the dark woman who had spoken to him was quite a bit shorter than himself. He adjusted his gaze so he wasn’t looking over her raven haired head and continued “-Cyndi! It’s lovely to meet you! I’m Neil, I’m a chef! Well, an assistant one at least” he chuckled. Crouching down to meet Terym’s eyes he continued “Hello Terym, if you ever get hungry on this here ship just head down to the galley and ask for Neil. I’ll fix you up some well and proper tucker!” He winked mischievous at the kid, thinking that if everyone was as nice as these folks, this would be a right good journey indeed.





Lol I was super scatter-brained when I wrote that, so it's a little awkward on my part, sorry

"Oh, of course! I don't know why it didn't occur to me that there would be cooks. Where are you from?"


That was a little awkward too :P I'm tired


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On 5/6/2023 at 5:08 PM, Cinnamon said:

Turning, to the sound of the voice Neil began “Hello Cy-“ before realised the dark woman who had spoken to him was quite a bit shorter than himself. He adjusted his gaze so he wasn’t looking over her raven haired head and continued “-Cyndi! It’s lovely to meet you! I’m Neil, I’m a chef! Well, an assistant one at least” he chuckled. Crouching down to meet Terym’s eyes he continued “Hello Terym, if you ever get hungry on this here ship just head down to the galley and ask for Neil. I’ll fix you up some well and proper tucker!” He winked mischievous at the kid, thinking that if everyone was as nice as these folks, this would be a right good journey indeed.




Terym grinned. "Are you good at making macaroni and cheese?" she bounced on her heels a little while holding her sketchbook close to her chest. If you are, you are officially my new best friend, she thought.



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56 minutes ago, shortcake said:

Terym grinned. "Are you good at making macaroni and cheese?" she bounced on her heels a little while holding her sketchbook close to her chest. If you are, you are officially my new best friend, she thought.



With a little smirk Neil said "Well, I suppose we're best friends then I'm good at making everything! Especially Mac n' Cheese"


22 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

"Oh, of course! I don't know why it didn't occur to me that there would be cooks. Where are you from?"

Neil sighed and put his hand up to his head and mock swooned like a damsel in distress "Alas, we often get overlooked. I'll forgive you though." he continued with a little twinkle in his hazel-green eyes "I'm originally a Kiwi but I've lived in Hawaii for the last three years of my life. What 'bout you two?


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12 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

With a little smirk Neil said "Well, I suppose we're best friends then I'm good at making everything! Especially Mac n' Cheese"


Neil sighed and put his hand up to his head and mock swooned like a damsel in distress "Alas, we often get overlooked. I'll forgive you though." he continued with a little twinkle in his hazel-green eyes "I'm originally a Kiwi but I've lived in Hawaii for the last three years of my life. What 'bout you two?


Terym looked up to her mum, awaiting her response. After all, Terym didn't really know where she came from. All she really knew was that her mother, Cyndi, had adopted her at a young age.



Alpha, I'm leaving the "vague" backstory up to you. I don't really care how you go about it ^^


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