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Query regarding the Shattered Plains mapping

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8 hours ago, HyrulianKale said:

Has Sanderson ever stated whether or not there is a specific tone/sound he envisioned the layout of the Shattered Plains resembles? 

Do you mean the Cymatics (as explained by Kabsal in WoK to Shallan about the Dawn Cities)? Also please let us know what you have (or have not) read in case spoilers become a factor later in the thread.

All he has said about the Shattered Plains can be found in the WoBs found here.

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I wonder if it could be the result or backlash of


the capturing of Ba-Ado-Mishram.  I can't fathom what the details of that would be or how it would work.  Except for the death of Honor that's the most cataclysmic event that I can think of.  And I don't figure that the death of Honor would have made the shattered plains being that shards don't really fight in the physical realm.

Yes, more information on the subject would be awesome!

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I'm caught up with Stormlight. Does it mention somewhere what the "note" is and I just missed it? They use the violin bow + metal board with sand early on to show the discuss the concept of patterns in the world. I didn't know if Sanderson said if he had sound in mind that produced the mapping of the Shattered Plains.


On 5/3/2023 at 9:55 AM, Nogo said:

I wonder if it could be the result or backlash of

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the capturing of Ba-Ado-Mishram.  I can't fathom what the details of that would be or how it would work.  Except for the death of Honor that's the most cataclysmic event that I can think of.  And I don't figure that the death of Honor would have made the shattered plains being that shards don't really fight in the physical realm.

Yes, more information on the subject would be awesome!

I feel like it would have to do something with Stormseat and the Oathgate since they reside in the middle of the Plains. 

Edited by HyrulianKale
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1 hour ago, Nogo said:

I wonder if it could be the result or backlash of

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the capturing of Ba-Ado-Mishram.  I can't fathom what the details of that would be or how it would work.  Except for the death of Honor that's the most cataclysmic event that I can think of.  And I don't figure that the death of Honor would have made the shattered plains being that shards don't really fight in the physical realm.

Yes, more information on the subject would be awesome!

Shattered Plains were shattered before the Last Desolation, Aharietiam, and this is like 2500 years before capturing of BAM.

1 hour ago, HyrulianKale said:

I'm caught up with Stormlight. Does it mention somewhere what the "note" is and I just missed it? They use the violin bow + metal board with sand early on to show the discuss the concept of patterns in the world. I didn't know if Sanderson said if he had sound in mind that produced the mapping of the Shattered Plains.

No, there is no mention of what Stormseat's (city's real name on the Shattered Plains) tone or Cymatic's pattern looks like.

Brandon (or artists) very likely had some real tones in mind when creating patterns of cities. After all, Roshar is shaped based on a mathematical function, Julia set. WoB where Brandon talks about it:



Does this [map of Roshar] look like a storm to anyone else?

Brandon Sanderson

I was searching for something that at once felt organic, but would hint at a pattern. (Much like cymatic patterns, as referenced in the first book.) Fractals and mathematical functions became my go-to place to hunt, as I like the blend of structure and spontaneity they can sometimes exhibit. The slice of the Julia Set was the one that stuck with me as feeling perfect for Roshar. As the continent was specifically grown by Adonalsium, you now know the seed that was used in-world to create it.

The fact that it looked like a swirling cloud is part of this all--but also part of the connection between natural patterns and the underlying math, which is a primary theme of the Stormlight books. So yes, it SHOULD look like a storm--but for deeper reasons than you might assume.


I asked Isaac recently, but he suggested you might be the right person for this - do you have a specific equation for the Julia set you used to generate Roshar? I know it resembles a few easily Google-able images of (shadows of slices of) Julia sets, but I was curious if had specific numbers here.

Brandon Sanderson

I don't have any numbers I could give you. Sorry. I might be able to find them, if I looked, but it would take more time than I'd like.

Footnote: The specific equations were determined later in that reddit conversation.
General Reddit 2016 (Sept. 9, 2016)


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17 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Shattered Plains were shattered before the Last Desolation, Aharietiam, and this is like 2500 years before capturing of BAM.

Oh wow, I didn't know they were shattered before the Last Desolation.  Welp, there goes that thought.  

I'm curious to know more about the dome cities in what are now the warcamps. Ok, I'm curious about everything really.  Maybe the shattered plains are just the eye of the storm on the Julia set or something.

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5 minutes ago, Nogo said:

Oh wow, I didn't know they were shattered before the Last Desolation.  Welp, there goes that thought.  

I'm curious to know more about the dome cities in what are now the warcamps. Ok, I'm curious about everything really.  Maybe the shattered plains are just the eye of the storm on the Julia set or something.

For this I think we have to wait for Taln or Ash book.

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