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How should I take White Sand in? When should I read it to catch all the connections


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So far I’ve read Warbreaker, all of STA (except RoW) and TFE. Is this a good point to read White Sand. 
I’ve heard there’s a book version of white Sand, Graphic Audio and comic. Which is the true/best way to indulged in it

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2 hours ago, Munazir said:

So far I’ve read Warbreaker, all of STA (except RoW) and TFE. Is this a good point to read White Sand.

There isn't much spoilery there and most of the connections go the other way (reading White Sand first helps find connections in some books you have, and many books you have not yet read). I outlined my thoughts on the entire Cosmere reading order in this post; but to answer this specific question I would say read Emperor's Soul then White Sand - either now or after you finish the Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages.

Really, the only caveats I recommend for White Sand are:

  • Read after Emperor's Soul (which may not apply to you since you have already read many other books and I recommend that early because it does such a good job explaining the Realms, and is a quick-reading Novella)
  • Read before Bands of Morning, Tress, and Rhythm of War.

I’ve heard there’s a book version of White Sand, Graphic Audio and comic. Which is the true/best way to indulged in it

It really comes down to your personal preferences. The Prose White Sand is not Canon and many things were changed for the Graphic Novel (which is Canon). I read them both, Graphic Novel first, then the Prose version. I've heard good things about the Audiobook, but I hate audiobooks and have never listened to that version, so I can't weigh in on it.

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19 hours ago, Treamayne said:

There isn't much spoilery there and most of the connections go the other way (reading White Sand first helps find connections in some books you have, and many books you have not yet read). I outlined my thoughts on the entire Cosmere reading order in this post; but to answer this specific question I would say read Emperor's Soul then White Sand - either now or after you finish the Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages.

Really, the only caveats I recommend for White Sand are:

  • Read after Emperor's Soul (which may not apply to you since you have already read many other books and I recommend that early because it does such a good job explaining the Realms, and is a quick-reading Novella)
  • Read before Bands of Morning, Tress, and Rhythm of War.

It really comes down to your personal preferences. The Prose White Sand is not Canon and many things were changed for the Graphic Novel (which is Canon). I read them both, Graphic Novel first, then the Prose version. I've heard good things about the Audiobook, but I hate audiobooks and have never listened to that version, so I can't weigh in on it.

So I can finish Era 1, Elantris and Emperor’s Soul then read White Sand. Then start Era 2

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Just now, Munazir said:

So I can finish Era 1, Elantris and Emperor’s Soul then read White Sand. Then start Era 2

Sure. You don't need to finish Elantris before either Emperor's Soul or White Sand - but it should probably come before The Lost Metal or Rhythm of War. 

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  • 2 months later...

White Sand doesn't particularly connect to any in a way that requires reading something as a prerequisite. I do recommend reading it before Rhythm of War, Tress of the Emerald Sea, and Bands of Mourning. But it isn't absolutely required for either. 

Tress just has a brief reference to something introduced in White Sand. Bands of Mourning has an important character from it, but you don't really need to recognize her to understand the story. I do however definitely recommend it before The Lost Metal for far more important reasons, but even then, it isn't really required. 

Rhythm of War has a substance in White Sand play a relatively important role. But it explains it in Rhythm of War itself, so you wouldn't need to read White Sand to understand it. 

But in terms of what to read before White Sand, can't really think of much. 

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