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Hello all,

Not only am I new to being a fan of Brandon’s work, I’m also pretty new to actively participating as a fan in general. I usually like a thing, lurk about over it on the internet, read some fanfics, devour all the fan art, think about it every waking minute while not telling ANYONE about the obsession brewing in my head.

Until now. Can’t keep it all in, had to join. From what I’ve gathered from all the forum stalking I’ve been doing for almost a year now, you all seem like very lovely folks! ^_^  

So far, I’ve read The Way of Kings, the Mistborn trilogy, and Words of Radiance. I’m currently reading The Black Prism by Brent Weeks to deal with the pain of WoR being over, haha, but was planning to take on The Alloy of Law as my next Sanderson book. Do you guys have any suggestions for which book to take on next? I’m sure, like a lot of you, finding out about the Cosmere sorta blew the lid for me. I’m excited to read more!

I’ve also been pretty actively creating fan art, only Stormlight stuff at the moment. You can find my most recent work and sketches on tumblr, but I’m also on deviantart. I’ll try to add some of my finished pieces to the gallery when I get a chance.

I have to say I just...I’ve never felt so totally obsessed with any book or series or anything as to really make a habit of making art for it. There are some truly wonderful artists here, I’m forever inspired by everyone. *sigh*

I look forward to being part of this...Cosmere Support Group. Stormfather knows I need you,  haha! :D

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Cosmere Support Group. What a fantastic definition of this site.

Welcome! :)

Sanderson fandom,excluding Harry Potter is also my first serious fandom, and I believe for a lot of people this was the first forum they ever joined, so you're definitely not alone here :) (Now why don't we call a forum an agora?....never mind :) )

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Ooo, thanks all! Thanks Erai :3


From my recon I gathered that Elantris and Warbreaker would be good logical next steps. I only had Elantris on my radar but I was seeing a lot of talk about Warbreaker. So thanks for the suggestion, Ashiok!


And that's really comforting, Delightful. I was a little scared of what these novels were doing to me, so it's very, very good to know I'm not alone, haha. :) I think the last maybe only time I tried a fan piece was of Ginny yeaaars ago and I got the eye color wrong and everything. -_- That's why I need the support group, it's a wealth of reading comprehension win. And then some.






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Definitely Warbreaker as your next Cosmere book, although Alloy of Law is also quite an enjoyable experience!


And welcome to the Cosmere Support Group! We will always support you in any endeavor involving the geekiness and over-analysis skills of a 17th Sharder. :D


(I love that Jasnah, by the way.)

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Hehe, *waves* thanks for the welcome shortycake! I'll look out for you on tumblr.

Thanks for the recommendations, Elsa. I had put Steelheart more towards the end of my queue since I havent been in a YA-y mood recently, but I've heard good things so it sounds like one to get to.

Ahhh, thanks (and thxxx ^_^), Kobold! Another vote for Warbreaker, interesting. Looks like its gonna be a Summer of Sanderson for me, if only to hone my ahem...analytical skills. Very important.

Haha, Cosmere for newbs. I'm curious, Lightsworn, what about Warbreaker makes it a good Cosmere intro? Or should I just read it and simply be enlightened?

So, I'm very, very curious...what shades of geek are we dealing with here? :D I would love to know more about you guys and what makes a Sanderson fan tick! What are you into lately or even greatest of all time things? Books, music, video games, TV, anime, card/board games, hobbies, etc. I’ll nerd out over anything!

For me, I am loving the fantasy genre, and Sanderson’s work is up there in the all time favorites for me. Outside of that, Hugh Howey’s Wool/Silo Series was a highlight, really wonderful story. For music, if prog rock=fantasy novels, then Steven Wilson is my Brandon Sanderson. Neverwinter Nights is one of my favorite games, I play a little Magic, but I am by no means any good at it...at all...haha…and I like my coffee with just a touch of cream, no sugar. B)

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Yay! More Planeswalkers here! We have a strong Internet Mafia community (The game, not the gang) and there is always a game of Sanderson Elimination running. There is a lot of Pseudo RP in the Social guilds and clans thread too.

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Make sure you don't join in in the middle of a game. You have to wait for the next game to begin (Quick Fix Game 3, I believe)


As for nerd, we have everything. Magic the Gathering, Yugioh, Risk, Diablo, Titanfall, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, we've got 'em all.


Hmm... It's been a long time since I've been called Lightsworn. Most people call me Panda  :D

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Hehe, *waves* thanks for the welcome shortycake! I'll look out for you on tumblr.

Thanks for the recommendations, Elsa. I had put Steelheart more towards the end of my queue since I havent been in a YA-y mood recently, but I've heard good things so it sounds like one to get to.

Ahhh, thanks (and thxxx ^_^), Kobold! Another vote for Warbreaker, interesting. Looks like its gonna be a Summer of Sanderson for me, if only to hone my ahem...analytical skills. Very important.

Haha, Cosmere for newbs. I'm curious, Lightsworn, what about Warbreaker makes it a good Cosmere intro? Or should I just read it and simply be enlightened?

So, I'm very, very curious...what shades of geek are we dealing with here? :D I would love to know more about you guys and what makes a Sanderson fan tick! What are you into lately or even greatest of all time things? Books, music, video games, TV, anime, card/board games, hobbies, etc. I’ll nerd out over anything!

For me, I am loving the fantasy genre, and Sanderson’s work is up there in the all time favorites for me. Outside of that, Hugh Howey’s Wool/Silo Series was a highlight, really wonderful story. For music, if prog rock=fantasy novels, then Steven Wilson is my Brandon Sanderson. Neverwinter Nights is one of my favorite games, I play a little Magic, but I am by no means any good at it...at all...haha…and I like my coffee with just a touch of cream, no sugar. B)

If you check out the Other Books/Other Entertainment section you'll find plenty discussion of all kinds of nerdiness :)
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Awesome, awesome, will totally check that out. Looking forward to the non-stop nerd party with everyone!


Haha, sorry I wasn't sure...I figured Lightsworn would sound more proper and polite. Smelly Bamboo Eater has a nice ring to it, it says "I'm not afraid to have an odor and get my grub on."


People usually just call me Rei, as its sometimes hard to remember how to spell and even I don't know how to pronounce it.

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Oh wow, yes it is, thanks. :3 It's an original work, the full image is on tumblr here.


I'm hoping to do some Stormlight fan art digitally like that soon, but so far I've only managed traditional (mostly because I want to hang it up in my apartment, haha, like, you know, a serial killer would, that's my goal...omg support group help me...).

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Oh wow, yes it is, thanks. :3 It's an original work, the full image is on tumblr here.


I'm hoping to do some Stormlight fan art digitally like that soon, but so far I've only managed traditional (mostly because I want to hang it up in my apartment, haha, like, you know, a serial killer would, that's my goal...omg support group help me...).


As long as you don't murder any Kholins. Featherwriter might want to kill you then :P

(Her slogan for Splintercast has basically been " No More Dead Kholins 2014.")

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As long as you don't murder any Kholins. Featherwriter might want to kill you then :P

(Her slogan for Splintercast has basically been " No More Dead Kholins 2014.")

I love that, the campaign for Kholin rights to live. I can't make any promises...but I will be gentle...except for maybe if Elhokar's involved. A little roughhousing is for his own good...bwhahahahaha.

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Hey, good to see you around here! I've been reblogging your art to the Adonalsium tumblr, and it's good stuff! (Also your Renarin was adorable, I loved it!)

Wow, many, many thanks!!! The Adonalsium tumblr is really great, I appreciate all the reblogs and I love connecting with new content through it. I didn't realize the connection to your other tumblrs...I think I will be stalking you pretty intensely now.  :P

(Sigh, I have a soft spot for Renarin, glad you enjoyed my first proper go at him!)

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Wow, many, many thanks!!! The Adonalsium tumblr is really great, I appreciate all the reblogs and I love connecting with new content through it. I didn't realize the connection to your other tumblrs...I think I will be stalking you pretty intensely now.  :P

(Sigh, I have a soft spot for Renarin, glad you enjoyed my first proper go at him!)

Oh no, you are now officially in Feather's Favorite List! The keyword there is Renarin. Any love you show for him by extension reaches Feather.  :P





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