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i'll probably post this a few paragraphs at a time. each chapter is going to be short too.



Wayne was dying, looking upon the world one last time.

The earth spun, scadrial itself below him, harmony himself standing beside him, the V pattern on his robes glowing.

"Well." Sazed said.

"Your supposed to go beyond now."

"I know, but something, something's stopping me. I... There's something I have to do."Wayne said confusedly.

"You are already dead. you cannot return. "

"That's not true is it? Two others came here and returned. The survivor, and wax. So Maybe, I dunno'" Wayne muttered.

Harmony sighed.

"What is it you wish to be done, servant of preservation and ruin?"

"Well I just had the Idea for an awesome prank...."

Sazed sighed again. "You want me to use my godly powers to prank waxillium?"

"Yup!" Wayne gave a thumbs up, and proceeded to explain this prank quietly.

Then he threw himself into the beyond.

Sazed Projected his image into another of the pathians, concentrating slightly to get his image to appear and not only his voice, to one Willif.

Willif was a distant relation of the house tekiel, but dissapointingly to himself was not an allomancer. He lived in the second octant, working as a gunsmith, making quite impressive sidearms. He was a small man, maybe 5 feet, with long black hair. He was a shockingly devout pathian, and had served Harmony to do wierd requests from dead heroes before.

Willif stayed to himself so that others would not know that Harmony was preserving him, making him look around 30, when in truth he was 56. 

"WIllif, I am sorry, but an idiot just saved five million people, and he had a request."

"I'll do it. was it the Jak guy from the broadsheets?"

Sazed sighed for the third time.

" It was kid wayne. he died a hero to save waxillium."


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Chapter(though the chapters are going to be super short) # 1.


WIllif rested his hand on the earring, contemplating the message he had gotten, three weeks ago. He had been sneaking into wax's house setting things up and leading him off the scent by replacing random stuff of his, and leading the suspicion to wayne's business associates. For a noble house, it had been shockingly easy to sneak in. Everything was going well, and it would happen it about two or three days. WIllif's hand strayed from the earring to the guns resting all over his house. Being a gunsmith, he had arms everywhere, and warned all before they entered his house. Willif sighed.

Well, I guess I have to go and finish it up

Willif entered another room of his house, this one made for his brother who was a tailor. His brother had moved off to new Seran a few weeks ago, and willif was using the room to make a very complex costume. He set down to work, threading and searching reports of the specific person he wanted to impersonate. He continued for an hour until he heard a loud knock on his door.

No one was expected, and whoever it was continued pounding on the door.

" We see the lights on. We know your there!" came a loud gruff voice.

Willif grabbed a handgun off the rack on his left, softly clicking bullets inot the spinning eight round magazine. This gun was one of his works, made with rifling for better accuracy at range, loaded with aluminum. The price of aluminum had dropped massively, and was now not too much more expensive than copper or bronze.

This gun in particular was for fighting coinshots and lurchers, but it had served Willif much during his odd, harmony serving life.

ANother set of pounding came on the door.

"Come on!"

WIllif threw the door open, readying Spitfire, the pistol.

One constable general Reddi, and a tall burly constable that he didn't recognize stood at the door.

"Willif tekiel. Your services are needed at the fourht octant precinct. Please come with us. Now." said Reddi.

"Conners."Willif muttered  as he holstered spitfire and walked out the door.


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@Shadonin yes i'm writing it myself.

chapter 2.


Willif entered the precinct, Reddi and tev, the other conner at his sides.

"Why did you have me come here?" Willif asked.

Reddi turned, grabbed a cup of tea, and sat on a small leather chair.

"One of your guns was found hidden ten feet in a dumpster from where one Aginy hasting was found dead two nights ago. we were hoping you could have some insight."

WIllif sighed.

"I knew that not always my guns would be used for good. I just wanted people to be able to protect themselves."

The other constable, Tev, spoke up in a gravelly voice, and willif could see he was clearly koloss blooded.

"It is hard, having power, knowing it won't always be used for good. I would just like to ask for some records of who you've sold guns to in the past few months.Then we can catch whoever did this."

Tev stood up.

"any of you want some Choc?"

Willif's hand immediately shot up.

So did Reddi's.

"This tea is terrible. yes"

Willif nodded, and turned away in thought. Aginy had been his friend a few years back, but had gotten angry with him when he had started making guns. Aginy had left, shouting that he was going to get people killed. He had. Aginy was dead. (Pronouce ah-je-nee) 

Willif idly spun the wheel of spitfire in his holster, speaking with reddi about boring old stuff with no relevance to the story.


Two hours later.

The door to the bar swung open, a koloss blooded walking through.

The people did not accept.

Bottle were thrown. 

The man shouted.

"You cannot accept that we are living among you?Human have always been hundreds of times more destructive than koloss!"

"Go back to eltania!"

Three men advanced on the koloss blooded.

"Get back, Kig!"

The koloss turned away and began to walk out the door.

He caught the arm with the knife just in time.

He ducked under a swing and decked the first man across the face, plowign him backwards. The second hurled a broken bottle his direction,and the man ducked and threw a chair to hit him in the face. The third man reached to his side.

Metal. glinting at his side.

A gun.

The man dove away as a boom erupted in the bar. The bullet just barely grazed his arm, and the man rsuhed forwards and decked the guy with the gun.

"Get the constables!"The man shouted.

 The near silence broken, the bar erupted into movement towards the man. Knives, guns, axes, other sharpened metal stuff was used best to try and kill him.


A gunshot, louder than the others erupted behind the mob.

They slowly turned to see a constable, koloss blooded, holding a shotgun, standing at the back door. A nobleman flaked him, holding a strange eight shot pistol

"Alll of you are under arrest for assault, destruction fo property and attempted murder!"Tev shouted.

One man stepped forwards out of the mob.

"There dozens of us, and only two of ye'"The man said with an accent tev counld'nt quite place.

WIllif stepped in front of the crowd.

"All of you, get down now!"

An explosion shook the back door. A man stepped in, mistcloak tassel swirling behind him, two guns resting at his sides.

Waxillium ladrian, lawman of Elendel, burned steel. and pushed.



chapter 3     


Willif ran. He ran after spitifre, who had been pushed away through the wall. He ran into the mists, the mob behind him dropping to the ground as constables flooded the bar. WIllif ran.
He spotted spitfire glinting light off the moon on the ground. Waxillium's push had sent it quite far. He holstered the pistol, and turned around, realizing he had no idea where he was. Fear began to build within him. Shadows lurked in the mists. People, lights, buildings. He came to an intersection between three roads, along with some alleys around it. Willif spun and drew spitfire at the shadows moving forwards in the mists in front of him.They continued forwards, seeming close yet willif could not make out what they looked like. There were three shadows in the mists. The central one raised one hand, something resting in it. Willif Picked up a rock, not wanting to kill them, and whipped it with all his strength at the first shadow. It puffed through the mists, skidding across the ground. The shadows walked up to willif.

Air shot from his lungs. he fell to the ground, spasming. he saw faintly Tev running up to him.

"WIllif! Whats happening?"Tev shouted, darkness edged at his vision as the shadows faded away into the mists. Willif shook once more, and darkness broke through and flooded his vision.

Four hours later.

Willlif felt pain. pain, faintly, in his chest. He tried opening his eyes, but a fierce light shining made hm close them again.

"H-he moved!"A voice said.

Willif twitched faintly, finding his legs and arms still worked fairly well.

He opened his eyes, finding himself in a gray room, a light above him. two doctor sat on either side, and tev was asleep on a thrid chair.

He struggled to sit up.

"What hapenned?"Willif asked.

The older doctor raised a clipboard.

"You had a panic attack of some sort. Lung's only working at about 40%, spasms, clenched teeth, fallling unconscious.Is their anything you think could have caused this trauma?"The doctor spoke in a softly terris accent.

"I-i saw something. shadows in the mist. Like a person was far away and you couldn't make out the shape. I thought they had a gun, so I threw a rock, and it went through them, and then..."Willif sighed. "here"

The other doctor looked up from reading through various papers.

"I see here your iron is incredibly low. This would have caused weaknesses in your systems that could make you more apt to have an attack."

They explain, sounding faintly Seran,

They stand and grab a small prescription bottle off the counter.

"These have extra iron in them. Take one after each meal, and you should be fine.They sometimes have a side effect of extreme intensity in work or games. I advise staying away from compettetive areas. Also no alcohol."

At the last part willif sighs.

As he take the first pill, blue sprouts up in his vision. He rubs his eyes seeing random blue line pointing towards the doorknob, stethescope, completely random metal stu-


Willif whoops

"I'm a lurcher! Yeah! Whoo!"

The doctors step back from the madman.

"So you snapped in the mist?"Says the older doctor.

"I guess" Willif replies.

the next day.

bWillif meditated, waiting for a word from harmony.

"Your welcome."God said.

Edited by stormform wert
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chapter four.


Willif burned iron and puled off of a lamppost, shooting himself upwards into the sky towards waxilium ladrian's house. He of course still mostly lived in the penthouse on that tower, but they went to the mansion every few days, using it for random stuff.

Allik and Marasi colms were out in new seran, calming the rebellion,

So no one but waxilium and steris ladrian ever went there.

He had finished his elaborate costume, getting ready and putting everything into place.

Willif pulled put the key that wayne had ahd into the deadlock, and the breaking and entering was complete.

He knew wax was not here, but servants or cleaners could be, so he stepped softly across the floor. He Checked on his preparations, making sure everything was ready. Then, the door creaked open. 

The light flicked on.

Waxillium stepped through the door.

WIllif rushed over to his place, and pressed the button. A nice tune began playing.

Ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum

Wax stiffened.

Willif put on his pest weird kid who's old but still a kid voice.

Wayne had always said that stealing accents was okay,

"Hey Wax! You got any liquor better that cooking sherry? I can't find anything else?"

Willif heard Wax paused, and heard a gun be clicked back.

"You heard that the survivor survived? Well I don' did that too!!"Willif said, still in his voice.

Wax stepped forwards.

"Wayne?"His voice was barely  a whisper.

Willif pressed another button discreetly, the music stopped.

"Down!" Willif pulled a string that led to some guns that fired blanks.

"Okay this is obvious. VenDell, did harmony put you up to this?"Wax siad in exasperation

Willif saw blue lines through wax. Wax did too. He psuhed the knife away into the wall, holding vindication and scanning the house for lines.

WIllif held up one of his dueling canes.

"Let's get 'em."He said.

WIllif charged into a room quickly costumed changed and walked back out. dressed up as none other than edwarn Ladrian.

Wax fired vindication.

WIllif had totally expected this to happen. He had filled vindication with faulty bullets that spun away into nothingness.

"Hello nephew."WIllif said.

"Okayyyy. what did you do to my gun?"Wax said

"Harmonium allomancy. obviously."

Wax just sighed.

"You are some idiot trying to prank me. you are not edwarn. You are some other guy."Wax muttered this while clamping his ears.

"Yeah harmony put me up to this.Apparently it was Waynes last wish."

WIllif took off the hat.

And the whole costume.

"Willif tekiel, at your service."

"Your the gunsmith right?Could I buy a handgun of some sort? I know a guy named Jak whose really in need of a new gun."



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chapter five.


Willif stood in his house with a living legend, talking about an idiot from the broadsheets.

"So you shot Jak's gun out of his hand when he jumped you as a joke last week."Willif said.

"Yes..."Waxillium muttered.

"Well I've got guns for him, but I will need to get paid. Obviously."WIllif wandered over to a shelf, with three guns resting atop it.

"Here i've got some 0.19 caliber guns, for closer range. Made of steel, six shots,  smooth-bore, generally for street fighting. Not great out in the roughs at range."WIllif explained, then turned to a different gun, One with a longer barrel.

"Here's a 0.17 caliber. Not much stopping power, but if you hit someone with a gun, they'll probably stop shooting at you anyway. Good for range, an odd seven shot pistol, made for speed and general coolness. Probably good for that idiot."WIllif explained the new gun.

Wax frowned.

"He's actually bringing down a big anti-Koloss gang, and probably needs some stopping power."

"Wait. Anti-koloss?"WIllif gasped.

"Was that why you were at the bar? Was that them?"WIllif asked.

"Yeah."Wax moved over to a larger handgun.

"What about this?"

Willif walked and picked u the gun.

"0.22 caliber, rifled. Made with a strap on the bottom of the barrel for an allomantic vial. Another can go into the handle, it's hollow. only five shots, because for a pistol, 0.22 is pretty big. Not to fast shooting, but should drop anyone if you get a good shot at them. It's lined with bit's of aluminum so if an allomancer is not focused on it, they can't sense it. If you concentrate a bit you can push and pull it, but I did not have enough money at the time I made this to make it fully aluminum."

Waxillium lifted the gun.

"it's light. Odd. I'll take it for the idiot, Also, a box of 0.22 rounds."

WIllif walked over to his list of various gun prices and stuff.

"That comes to, with the gun tax, constable discount, 871 boxings."WIllif explained.

Wax's mouth opened in protest for a moment, then thought better to not insult a gunsmith in his house.

"It's high, but they have a new raise in the gun tax."

Wax handed willif the boxings, and put the gun in it's holster. He walked out the door without another word and wandered off.

"Well that's got to be the weirdest thing thats ever happened to me."Willif muttered to himself.

He woke to gunfire in the morning.

He leapt outside, pulling on lampposts, lurching towards the gunfire.

To see allomancer Jak, hero of the roughs, gentleman adventurer, facing down four gunmen. Two of them hovering in the air above coins, one of them healing impossible quikly from a gun wound in their arm. Three metalborn against one tineye idiot. He had to help.

Willif burned steel and leapt into the fight. Against those who would oppose the ones who were greater than humans. The koloss.


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On 5/15/2023 at 4:14 PM, stormform wert said:

It's like the koloss are greater than humans cuz their awesome and the ones who oppose them are this ainti koloss gang.

Okay, got it. i really like the new part of the story. have you planned it all out? or are yoou just discovering it as you go along.

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  • 2 weeks later...

chapter six.


willif acted first. He burned steel, grabbing the two lines pointing to the coins the coinshots were on and pulled. Jak dove away from a hail of gunfire coming from the non-metalborn, firing from a rifle with a spinning cartridge with over a dozen shots.the bloodmaker charged at the idiot, willif planted a bullet in his leg, making him fall down. 

the coinshots pushed on spitfire, sending him away, but willif braced himself on a wall and pulled back. The coinshot was flung away, allowing jak to come out from behind a motorcar and shoot at the bloodmaker, who was standing up. Willif grabbed his small three shot aluminum lined pistol with aluminum bullets. He quickly fired all three shots at one of the coinshots, smacking his arm, leg, and eye. The coinshot dropped, the other pushing on jak's pistol. willif pulled on a lamppost behind the coinshot, throwing himself forwards. the coinshot, up on a roof, glanced around as metal moved around him. he fired towards different quivering lines, not seeing Willif behind him. Willif pulled on the trigger of his pistol, fireing it into his arm. Willif pulled on a coin he had placed behind the coinshot, his face one of satisfaction as the coinshot fell.  Jak had retrieved his pistol and was firing at the not-metalborn, striking him head. The bloodmaker aimed up at willif, firing a spray of bullet. Jak dropped the man from behind and he did not get up again.

Willif walked over to the bloodmaker, checking to make sure he was dropped.

"Well thank you, fine gunsmith!"Jak said. "This will make a great story for the broadsheets, and off I go!"Jak ran into an alley, running away through bending paths between houses. 


Jak came out of the alley, firing at someone. Something looked different about Jak. A different Jak came out of the alley, the two firing at each other, the one willif had saved getting hit.

"Hey! Both of you tell me what in ruins name is going on!"Wilif shouted.

Jak, turned towards him.

"This man is impersonating me."

Jak turned towards him.

"This man is impersonating me."

Willif burned iron.

The two pistols that each of them had, only one was lined with aluminum. That one was the real Jak.

"You!"He pointed at not-Jak.

Not-Jak turned his pistol to his chin. "Trell forever." He blew his brains out.


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no idea. writing things as they pop into my head.


Willif covered his ears as gold blood blasted from the top of not-jak's head.



The blood.stained the ground gold, and willif saw that the not-jak had been wearing makeup. this was not a human, or if it was, it was spiked heavily.

"So who was that?"Jak asked.

"Someone working for an evil god."Waxillium had explained to willif what had happened with trell.

Willif retreived spitfire and his other pistol, reloading them idly.

"We need help with this. if they can impersonate people easily, this will be exactly like in the words of founding. when there was a kandra."Willif said to Jak.

"Do I really need to be here, because, umm...."Jak twiddled his thumbs.

"go do the rusting portrait or whatever the rusting thing is."WIllif sighed.

Jak sprinted off.

WIllif looked back to the body.

time for some thinking.

"So the men of gold and red can get here, to the basin, so the portal, what did marasi call it? the perpendicularity would have been opened somewhere. The well of acension would have been one when it still had preservation there, and supposedly there is enough investiture at the pits of hathsin, but kelsier destroyed those in the words of founding saying that the crystal would not grow back for... three centuries."Willif gasped.

And put his earring in.

"Where did you put the pits of hathsin?"He asked

"She's fighting me. cannot! cannot! leave!"He heard harmony yelling, and another voice in the background, rasping something.

WIllif ran to his house.

grabbed the words of founding.

tore out the map.

put it on top of a map of the basin.

rashekin was on top of the pits.

willif burned iron.


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  • 2 weeks later...

chapter # whatever number i'm on now.


willif lurched along the road to rashekin, taking another vial of iron.

Waxillium had given him a few shots of whiskey, and rusts it was strong. How did the guy drink this?

He pulled on a lamppost sending him far up above the road, pulling again as he swept back down.

the town of rashekin began to come into view, the cobbled roads and one story houses feeling like something out of a storybook.

As he landed, he walked to the front of a line of carriages entering the city, a few motorcars scattered among them.

"Willif tekiel, here on official constabulary business."He said to the two constables at the door.

"Got a badge, any proof of that?"one said.

the voice sounded familiar.

"tev!"he said.

"Quiet. that's a kig name. call me tevide. Like the lord prelan in the words of founding."

"odd name choice but okay."WIllif responded.

"Tevide, There's something important here. You have to let me in."Willif began to explain.

"The men of gold and red, have come to rashekin. 

They have come, to the pits of hathsin."


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