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Do you cheat on books with other books?


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Are you the type of reader who just sticks with one book until the end? Or do you read more than one book at a time, flipping between them? If you are reading novels in a series, do you typically read each entry back to back until its over (given that they are all written already) or do you take breaks between each book?

I was just thinking today that I’ve always been the type to read several different books at once, until I started reading fantasy. What I would do is start a long or more challenging book, enjoyable in doses, but not really a page turner, and then work on several shorter/easier reads. That way I didn’t have to worry about reader’s block or powering through and can work on the “fast book with short chapters” on my commute. This got even easier with tablets and ebooks.

Now, binging on fantasy, maybe its because its fantasy and you need to flex a lot of imagination muscle to build the worlds in your head, I find myself not cheating on a book with other books. I’ve also been buying physical books again (yes, yes, very hipster), because I started to want a physical reminder of the worlds I’d traveled in, not to mention all the lovely maps and illustrations. Or maybe its just that I’ve gotten so lost reading Sanderson novels that my reading habits are forever altered, haha. That must be it.

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I'm totally a book cheater by your definition.  I've been better in recent years, but if I'm sufficiently tempted to pick up another book, I will leave the current book I'm reading for a time.  Sometimes each room in my house has a different book I'm reading waiting for me there.  Like, for instance, I've got a non-fiction book (The Christian World of The Hobbit by Devin Brown as recommended by Orson Scott Card in a review) sitting by my bedside, but in my bag for work I have a collection of short stories (Dangerous Women, edited by GRRM & G. Dozios and including a Sanderson story as well as some other gems).  Then there's the audiobook I'm listening to (Letter & Spirit, which is non-fiction) that I will sometimes pull out the paper book of for reference.  And the other day I totally pulled up a short story (Mitosis: A Reconkers Story) on my kindle even though I have the other books going elsewhere.


Now, when I'm in the middle of something epic/exciting, like a SA novel or, more recently, the latest Dresden Files novel, I will exclusively read that unless I forgot to bring it with me to work (in which case, kindle books on my phone fill in, like a collection of Father Brown mystery stories by G.K. Chesterton).  If it's a book I don't want to ever put it down, I'm much less likely to book cheat, though. :)

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Only audio. On occasion I would pick up something from Graphic Audio - something I've read on paper - and listen to it when I am in situations when I can't read (e.g. I am driving). 

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If I'm not reading at least three books at one time, either something is very wrong or I've just found a book amazing enough to catch my whole interest.


Incidentally, besides cheating on books with other books, I also break up with book series when the next book in the series isn't released fast enough. Maybe one day, Kingkiller Chronicles. Maybe one day I'll take you back. 

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"Way of Kings... I'm sorry, but I've been reading other books! I know you're upset... but I saw Tailchaser's Song sitting on the self and I just couldn't help myself!"


In all seriousness, I usually read just one work of fiction at a time. There are exceptions, of course, depending on what books I'm reading and what my general life is like at a specific point.

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If its a book I've been waiting for (WoR) I will just read it in a few sittings, regardless of what I was reading when it comes out. If its something I've already read, or a book that isn't particularly spectacular, I'll usually have a few on the go. Then there's the "To Read" list, which we all know takes too long when there are Cosmere books to read and re-read.

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Not only am I a cheater, I have been known to hit it and quit it. I'll get half way through a book and something more exciting will release, at which point I will drop the old book and sometimes never pick it back up. It's a scary thought for some people that can't leave anything unfinished, but I usually get swept up into different genres or series so fast that I never go back. 

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Ooooh, great responses, so very interesting.

Traceria, I love the idea that you have books just scattered about. So what do you keep in the bathroom? Hahah, jkjk. I do keep a Cthulhu collection by my desk at home, I'm not sure why...and I usually keep a collection of poetry at my desk at work. I like to read a random poem when I need a mental break, since they usually don't take that long to get through. Lately I've noticed on the subway some of the ads are poem features, it's really great I wish they had more. I definitely agree that short stories are great for a commute, I currently have the King in Yellow by Robert Chambers on my phone, but I haven't checked out Dangerous Women yet, that seems like a good one.

Hmm, I've only done audio for Asoiaf, Argent. I have a bit of a walk to get home, so I'd listen for 15-20 minutes on foot and then continue reading from the book at home. I would definitely do more if an old British man were the voice, haha.


Incidentally, besides cheating on books with other books, I also break up with book series when the next book in the series isn't released fast enough. Maybe one day, Kingkiller Chronicles. Maybe one day I'll take you back. 

Omg, yess, right?! I had read Kingkiller before I'd even got word about Sanderson, so now I definitely feel like I'm cheating with how invested I am in SA.


"Way of Kings... I'm sorry, but I've been reading other books! I know you're upset... but I saw Tailchaser's Song sitting on the self and I just couldn't help myself!"


In all seriousness, I usually read just one work of fiction at a time. There are exceptions, of course, depending on what books I'm reading and what my general life is like at a specific point.

Haha, awesome. In the middle of WoR, I was like half way through, so I had like 500 pages to go, lol, and I was enjoying it so much that I stopped reading it for 2 weeks. I didn't want it to end, so I just didn't read anything for 2 weeks...


If its a book I've been waiting for (WoR) I will just read it in a few sittings, regardless of what I was reading when it comes out. If its something I've already read, or a book that isn't particularly spectacular, I'll usually have a few on the go. Then there's the "To Read" list, which we all know takes too long when there are Cosmere books to read and re-read.

Ah, yeah, I will usually rush to finish whatever I started if something I'm looking forward to comes out.


Haha, Bloodfalcon, hit it and quit it...niiiice. Do you ever think you'll ever go back to any of it one day? I like to think that I'll finish Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle one day, but I might be lying to myself. But, yeah, not a bad thing, though, you just follow your err...passions. :D


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I'm like you: if it's not fantasy, I'm a book cheater. Now I feel guilt. I have wished for many extra pairs of eyes so I could read everything all at once. I read paper or screen. I buy audio. Often if I start something on audio and Love it, I have to go get a physical copy of it. There's something about touching a page.... (not to mention knowing the spelling of all the weird fantasy names!)

My first step into fantasy was Wheel of Time. I went straight through that series. I tried another series and quit after 1 book because I felt like Wheel of Time already did that... Which one came first? I have no idea. There's something about your first fantasy series....
Now that I'm reading Sanderson's stuff, when I get caught up in a series, it's hard for me. I'm not good at waiting. I got spoiled to having the next one ready and waiting. It's a little strange be spread across a few series. My brain is adapting. The concept of the Cosmere actually helps me keep it together.


 I do keep a Cthulhu collection by my desk at home, I'm not sure why...and I usually keep a collection of poetry at my desk at work. 

Cthulhu was our cat's name. RIP little freakshow buddy.  Seriously though... it was the perfect name for that cat.

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Cthulhu was our cat's name. RIP little freakshow buddy.  Seriously though... it was the perfect name for that cat.

Cthulhu Kitty!!!! What a name to answer to, haha. Sorry to hear he passed away, though. :(


And yes, its getting really hard to start new a series knowing that its still being written. The Cosmere is genius in how it holds my interest. Totally agree with you there.

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Re: Cthulhu. It's ok. The ancient one got old. It happens.  B) He was a major hit with H.P. Lovecraft fans.

I'm already ready for the 3rd volume of the Stormlight Archive. I'm ready for whatever he has in store for Elantris. There's so many things I want to have explained.... I'm on pins and needles. Firefight is going to give me the stamina I need to continue waiting. hahaha This is the first fiction author that has made me want to re-read his books. I have Never felt it necessary to do that until Sanderson.


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If I'm enjoying the book I'm currently reading, I'll stick with it until the end. If I get bored, I'll usually pick up another book in the meanwhile until I'm motivated to read the first book again. For me, though, if I cannot put a book down until I'm finished, and I carry it with me to work and church and the store so I can read a few words when I have a spare minute, that's a sign the book is going to be one of my favorites. 

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If I'm enjoying the book I'm currently reading, I'll stick with it until the end. If I get bored, I'll usually pick up another book in the meanwhile until I'm motivated to read the first book again. For me, though, if I cannot put a book down until I'm finished, and I carry it with me to work and church and the store so I can read a few words when I have a spare minute, that's a sign the book is going to be one of my favorites. 

I do that, too, if it's THE book in my life at the moment.  Then it trumps all the other ones littered around my house/car/work desk that might have made me stray.  Um...by the way...is your username a reference to what I think it is?!?!  And nice userpic, too! :)

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This is the first fiction author that has made me want to re-read his books. I have Never felt it necessary to do that until Sanderson.

I've considered maybe rereading a few novels that I read a long time ago, to see how time might change how I see it, but I've never actually done it. I can see myself rereading Cosmere books after I get through the first read of all of them. I never thought I would want to do that for any other author, either.


I always have a harem of books I read at the same time.

Hahaha. Mmmhmmm...!


If I'm enjoying the book I'm currently reading, I'll stick with it until the end. If I get bored, I'll usually pick up another book in the meanwhile until I'm motivated to read the first book again. For me, though, if I cannot put a book down until I'm finished, and I carry it with me to work and church and the store so I can read a few words when I have a spare minute, that's a sign the book is going to be one of my favorites. 

Ah yeah, that's a good way of putting it, a good sign you know early on you're gonna love a book. Yeah, sometimes its hard to know what story you're in the mood for or need in your life at that moment. Better not to force it.


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If I don't have 4-5 books currently in progress, there's something very wrong with my life. Either I've been too busy working, or just was too lazy to look for new material to read.


With some Sanderson books, I read through till the end. I remember having one Cosmere and one Non-Cosmere book in progress for a time. I also usually have one book open that is just a rereading. And one non-fiction, for variety.

And I always have one children's lit book open, just because it brightens up my day to read children's books and retain the wonder.

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I read about five books at a time - three physical, one audio, and one ebook. I generally shift between them depending on the circumstances; one is my "before bed" book, and I only read it when I'm going to sleep. Another is my "out and about" book, which i take with me when I go places. Audio is for whenever I can't be reading actual words with my eyes.


There are exceptions. For example, when I finally get Skin Game, nothing is taking me away from it. Some authors have earned my full and undivided attention.


However, if one of those five books happens to suddenly grab me, I will set all the others (save for the audio) aside and focus entirely on that one. It is sadly rare for a book to grab me in such a way lately... 

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There are exceptions. For example, when I finally get Skin Game, nothing is taking me away from it. Some authors have earned my full and undivided attention.

Even if this wasn't your normal approach, I think you'd still have a hard time putting down Skin Game.  SO GOOD.

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Shhh don't tell the other books.



23 Jun 2014

Why Cthulhu?

My husband really loved the character. He found the kitten, swimming up out of a pond at night. He took the fuzzball home. The little fella didn't know how to meow or be cat-like. He acted like he communed with unseen spirits. And he looked like such a sweet, innocent cat that it was sort of hilarious. Like naming a Doberman "Fluffy". ;-)

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My husband really loved the character. He found the kitten, swimming up out of a pond at night. He took the fuzzball home. The little fella didn't know how to meow or be cat-like. He acted like he communed with unseen spirits. And he looked like such a sweet, innocent cat that it was sort of hilarious. Like naming a Doberman "Fluffy". ;-)

:'3 Love this Cthulhu origin story.

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