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Welcome! (I just barely made an account myself) And, I have to ask this... What do you play another instrument besides the cello, That1Cellist? (I play the violin and the paino!) Don'tGoSharingYourDevotion, what's your favorite of Brandon's books?

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Thanks for the welcomes!

Why would I be a bot? 

I used to play guitar, but don't play an instrument anymore. 

As for my current favourite Brandon books, I think I'll have to go for the Stormlight Archive series, but it's like having to pick your favourite child :). The first series I read was era 1 of Mistborn, which will always have a special place in my heart. 

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3 hours ago, Don'tGoSharingYourDevotion said:

Thanks for the welcomes!

Why would I be a bot? 

There’s been a recent uptick of bot spans, for some reason, appearing mostly around  the Introduce Yourself forums. They have long names, that to the unfocused eye, could be quite similar in structure to your username.


But anyways, welcome to the land of the posting!

If you were to gain the ability to semi-shift into any of the Cosmere’s magical creatures (basically half transforming into a humanoid-looking variant of them), which would you choose (and why)?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/23/2023 at 4:03 PM, Don'tGoSharingYourDevotion said:

Hi Koloss17,

Ah that makes sense. Yeah I was thinking of a nice username and I thought this was a cool ABBA reference which also has a cosmere thing (devotion) in it.

I would be a kandra I think, just to troll some people and live forever ;)

I think I already know which one you would be hahaha

Ah, well you would think that, but I would probably semi-shift into a funky little Larkin person

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