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Tarachin Rules

The Sibling

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Would anyone be interested in trying to make up rules for Tarachin? I don't know if anyone's done this before, but if not I think that it could be fun. 

I tried to compile everything in Warbreaker about Tarachin, but there might be more stuff in WoBs that I haven't seen. Anyways here's what I've got. (spoilered for size)


- The balls are weighted with lead

- Blue ball carved with rings is called a doubling sphere

- Four players

- Lawn is divided into game board with ropes and stakes

- Orange ball is called a reversing sphere

- Normal turns are one throw

- If you achieve the crown pairing you get to go again (It can be achieved by throwing the orange ball)

- Every throw gets you a lot of points, like 300 or something

- 400-550 is considered a lot of points

- Doesn't take much effort for Returned to play

- Rules are very complex

Now that is not very much to go off of. There's basically nothing about the game in the annotations either, except to say that it was based off a game from a deleted Elantris scene called Stones. I read that scene to see if there was anything useful. There wasn't. 

The game should probably have lots of different coloured balls. In the deleted scene the game is split into rounds and after each person throws once, it ends and one person gets a point. It's very different in Warbreaker though, so we should probably disregard that. There's not a ton of information, and this is probably going to take a whole lot of playtesting, but if anyone at all is interested, even just for something simple like designing the balls/board, that would be really cool.

Edit : I'm going to start putting the rules that we make here.


There are ten colours of ball. On your turn you throw one ball. The balls stay on the field until the end of the game. The order in which everyone throws stays the same unless explicitly changed by one of the throw's effects. Each ball has a special effect, and also different combinations/situations add more effects. Each throw gets a certain amount of effects, and at the end the person with the most points wins.

The field is divided like this :

By the way just in case anyone was wondering, if you look at the colour wheel starting at the center top and going clockwise the colours are : Orange, peach, red, pink, purple, azure, blue, turquoise, green, and yellow. 


When you throw your ball, the closer to the middle that it is thrown, the more points your get. The center ring is 300 points, then 175, then 150, 125, 100. If your ball lands in it's own colour, you get an extra 50 points. If your ball lands in the colour opposite to it, you get -50 points. 

If your ball lands on a tile with another ball of the same colour, you get 50 points, unless there is a ball of the opposite colour, in which case you get -50 points.

If you throw a ball into a tile adjacent to a tile with the same coloured ball, you get 25 points. You get 50 more points if both of the balls were on tiles of their colour.

If on a ring there are exactly 1 ball on each tile, and you throw in the last one, you get 200 points - if all balls match the color of tiles they're on, you get 200 more points, or if all balls are of the same color, you get 50 points (on top of the first 200) - only you, only the last person that closed that ring. 

If on a single section, all tiles have a ball matching a section's color (5 yellow balls in a yellow section, each in its own tile) the last person completing it gets 200 points. 

If on a single tile there are 10 balls, each has a different color, you have a rainbow completion which gives the last thrown ball 500 points (and no negatives for the ball of the opposite color being there as well).

If there is only one ball in the center, and the opposite coloured ball is thrown in, the crown pairing is achieved (100 points and ignore the -50) and the thrower gets to go again. 

If there are 10 balls each of a different colour in the center tile, then the person who completed this gets 1000 points. 

If everyone uses the same colour in a row, then whoever threw that colour closest to the center gets 75 points. 

if 3 balls of the same color are matching the color of the segment they are on, the last ball gets triple points

If you throw into the same ring as the person before you, you get 4 points. If the next person throws into the same ring again, they get 8 points, then 12, etc.

Mixing - if there are two balls on a tile of a different color, and you throw a third one which color is the one you would get from mixing colors of those 2 balls, you get 100 points, also you ignore all negative points you would get in that throw and other players can't use that color in their next throw.

When you throw, you get a point for every ball the same colour as yours in the ring that it lands in. 

Also I wanted to clarify that the throwers should be standing in front of the yellow section of the circle (because it's the useless colour).

How about if there are colours adjacent to yours in the wheel, adjacent to the section where your ball landed, you get 1 point for each.

If you throw without looking at the board, and gain over 500 points, you lose 13 points. This is a stupid rule but maybe people would use it as a way to show off, like "I can win even without looking" and people wanted to discourage this so they made this rule.

The balls are :

Blue : Doubling sphere. When the doubling sphere is thrown, the next throw has to make at least twice as many points or the thrower loses their next turn. 

Orange  : Reversing spere : The next thrower has to throw the same colour ball as the one thrown before the orange sphere. if they do not have this colour, they lose their turn.

Peach : Sunset sphere. After this ball is thrown, the next ball has to land in the orange, yellow, peach,  or red sections. If not, the thrower gets -50 points. 

Yellow : Basic sphere : No effect

Green : Matching sphere. The next person has to match his ball color with a tile color, otherwise he will get 0 points. 

Turquoise : Returned spere. After the turquoise ball is thrown, the thrower can move it up to 2 tiles (not diagonally) but the thrower also gets -100 points if they choose to do this. You cannot move the ball into the center.

Azure : Thieving Sphere: If the next person fails to land within the same section or ring as the thieving sphere, the original thrower steals 20 points from the next person.

Purple : Dark sphere : The next throw is made with eyes closed. 

Pink : Friendly sphere : If you throw the pink ball, then the next person to hit that ball with a ball that matches the color of the square it landed in gets 50 points

Red : Blood sphere : The next thrower throws with their non-dominant hand. 


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"Rules" is misspelled in the Thread Title.

59 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

I tried to compile everything in Warbreaker about Tarachin, but there might be more stuff in WoBs that I haven't seen.

Have you already read Stormlight Archive? (Spoilers)


Don't forget we also see Vasher/Zahel playing a solitaire version with colored stones in WoR (Ch 44) - from which we can know:

  • The game is not always 4 players (or, at least has a Solitaire variant)
  • "Lead-weighted Balls" is the Court of the Gods version for their "Returned-sized" game
    • As is the "lawn measured with stakes and ropes"
  • Most likely, the "carved with rings" is an embellishment for the Returned, since each "stone" in WoR was only identified by color. 

WoR Ch 44:


Kaladin marched them up to Zahel, who stood at the back of the sand-covered courtyard. Though the other ardents all busied themselves carrying water, towels, or sparring weapons to dueling lighteyes, Zahel had drawn a circle in the sand and was throwing little colored rocks into it.

“I’m taking you up on your offer,” Kaladin said,


“I was just testing how willing you were to obey me,” Zahel said, throwing a rock into his circle. He grunted, as if pleased with himself. Finally, he turned to look at them. 

Overall, I always pictured Tarachin as a cross between Lawn Darts and Cornhole. 


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58 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

Would anyone be interested in trying to make up rules for Tarachin? I don't know if anyone's done this before, but if not I think that it could be fun. 

I tried to compile everything in Warbreaker about Tarachin, but there might be more stuff in WoBs that I haven't seen. Anyways here's what I've got. (spoilered for size)

  Hide contents

- The balls are weighted with lead

- Blue ball carved with rings is called a doubling sphere

- Four players

- Lawn is divided into game board with ropes and stakes

- Orange ball is called a reversing sphere

- Normal turns are one throw

- If you achieve the crown pairing you get to go again (It can be achieved by throwing the orange ball)

- Every throw gets you a lot of points, like 300 or something

- 400-550 is considered a lot of points

- Doesn't take much effort for Returned to play

- Rules are very complex

Now that is not very much to go off of. There's basically nothing about the game in the annotations either, except to say that it was based off a game from a deleted Elantris scene called Stones. I read that scene to see if there was anything useful. There wasn't. 

The game should probably have lots of different coloured balls. In the deleted scene the game is split into rounds and after each person throws once, it ends and one person gets a point. It's very different in Warbreaker though, so we should probably disregard that. There's not a ton of information, and this is probably going to take a whole lot of playtesting, but if anyone at all is interested, even just for something simple like designing the balls/board, that would be really cool.


Not necessarily, the Court of Gods could have their own variant that is intended for the physical capabilities (and ego's, with those score numbers) of Returned, compared to the Stones game.  Also worth mentioning that Vasher was spotted playing something that looked like a small-scale single-player version with colored stones, more like a marbles game.  

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3 hours ago, Quantus said:

Not necessarily, the Court of Gods could have their own variant that is intended for the physical capabilities (and ego's, with those score numbers) of Returned, compared to the Stones game.  Also worth mentioning that Vasher was spotted playing something that looked like a small-scale single-player version with colored stones, more like a marbles game.  

Good point. So maybe it can have from 1-4 players, or just either 1 player or 4 players. The game might only take the whole lawn when the Returned are playing, or maybe the hoops are only for the solo players. 

Okay, so how could this work? If we were going to make rules, I think that it would probably easiest to divide a small maybe backyard sized lawn into a grid. The grid could also be made of lots of hoops if we wanted to follow Zahel's solo game more than the Returned's. 

For the colours, there could probably be about 7 or 8? We wouldn't want it too complicated, so we could do every colour of the rainbow.

So we would need to figure out what each colour does, and how the points work. The game could look something like this:

◯◯◯◯                l_l_l_l_l
◯◯◯◯   or this   l_l_l_l_l    (Imagine that was a grid)
◯◯◯◯                l_l_l_l_l

I'm not really sure what the rules would be past that. It's not like you're aiming for a specific spot because it seems like the other people's throws affect the amount of points that you get. Maybe the person throws, and something about their throw affects where you're aiming for, depending what ball you used. Then you tally your points and clear the field and the next person goes. Maybe each throw affects the rest of the throws for the round so that the last person has the most complicated turn, and then the order switches.

Any ideas?

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I feel like it would be different types of heavier balls would give more points, and each segment on the board would be different. then their would be special stuff like a blue sector with a blue ball adds points and stuff like that.

maybe also theirs like a bocce component with whoever is in the lead throws one rock thats easy to throw, and for closer distance you get more points and stuff.

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9 minutes ago, stormform wert said:

maybe also theirs like a bocce component with whoever is in the lead throws one rock thats easy to throw, and for closer distance you get more points and stuff.

That would be cool but in Warbreaker it doesn't really seem like anyone is throwing a lead rock. I'll read it again to see. 

9 minutes ago, stormform wert said:

I feel like it would be different types of heavier balls would give more points, and each segment on the board would be different. then their would be special stuff like a blue sector with a blue ball adds points and stuff like that.


Yeah I agree, that could be cool. If anyone actually wanted to make the game though, it would be hard to get balls that weighed differently. There should totally be sectors that are better for different balls. 

8 minutes ago, Quantus said:

Question #1:  Base 5 rules for Nalthis or base 16 as a worldhopper game?

I would say that base 5 would be better because it was probably invented on Nalthis. Not actually sure what you mean by "base 5 rules" though.

If the board is 4 by 3 than there is not that much space to make different sectors. There are twelve squares so maybe 7 colours and each square is a specific colour and then there are 5 special squares that do something else. It could look like this :

Yellow      Blue      Green                         

Special    Red      Special

Orange  Special    Pink

Special   Purple   Special

And then the people would stand in front of purple. I have no idea what the special squares would do I just think that we should get started on designing it.

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25 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

That would be cool but in Warbreaker it doesn't really seem like anyone is throwing a lead rock. I'll read it again to see. 

Yeah I agree, that could be cool. If anyone actually wanted to make the game though, it would be hard to get balls that weighed differently. There should totally be sectors that are better for different balls. 

I would say that base 5 would be better because it was probably invented on Nalthis. Not actually sure what you mean by "base 5 rules" though.

If the board is 4 by 3 than there is not that much space to make different sectors. There are twelve squares so maybe 7 colours and each square is a specific colour and then there are 5 special squares that do something else. It could look like this :

Yellow      Blue      Green                         

Special    Red      Special

Orange  Special    Pink

Special   Purple   Special

And then the people would stand in front of purple. I have no idea what the special squares would do I just think that we should get started on designing it.

Base 5 expects 5 variations, colors, grid spots,  etc whenever possible. Base 16 would want sets of 4, 8, and 16.


Edit: maybe a 5x5 grid that's quadrants with a strip zone splitting the vertical and horizontal:

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0 0


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21 hours ago, Quantus said:

Base 5 expects 5 variations, colors, grid spots,  etc whenever possible. Base 16 would want sets of 4, 8, and 16

Oh okay. I didn't really get what you meant before. 

21 hours ago, Quantus said:

Edit: maybe a 5x5 grid that's quadrants with a strip zone splitting the vertical and horizontal:

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0 0

That works! So maybe each quadrant could have four colours and then the 1s are special?  I guess then we would need 8 colours. We could use these



Anyways, for basic rules here's what I was thinking. The first person throws whatever ball they want, into whatever square they want. If they throw into the same colour as the ball that they chose, it's worth 100 points. If it's a colour in the first row, it doesn't do anything. If it's in the second row you get an extra 25 points. If it's in the third row you get an extra 150, fourth row an extra 100, fifth row an extra 75. So really the third row is best but also hardest. If you throw it into a special square, I don't really know. We can decide what happens next, and maybe each special square does something different?

Then it would be up to the next person to throw. If they choose a rock that's a colour which is part of the colour of the first rock (like yellow and blue are parts of green I don't know the proper terminology) then if it lands within 2 squares of the first rock, it's worth 150 points. If it lands within 1 square it's worth 80 points. If it lands further away it's worth -50 points, but if you land it in the right colour you get the extra points mentioned above. 

If the rock thrown by the second person is the same colour as the first one, the goal is to land it in whatever colour is opposite it on the colour wheel above. If it lands in that, it's worth 70 points, but if it lands in the right square and it's at least 4 squares away from the thrower they get an extra 50 points. If they don't land it in it's opposite colour, they get -50 points but if you land it in the right colour you get the extra points mentioned above. 

Finally, if the second person throws a colour that is neither of the options above, they get an extra 10 points, but their only option is to throw as far away from the first rock as possible. 5 square away = 20 points, 6 squares = 40, 7 squares = 60 etc. If it lands in the same colour as their rock they get -10 points, but if it lands inn the same square as the first rock they get 140 points. 

Then the two rocks which have been thrown are moved 1 square in whatever direction the throwers choose, and the third person throws.

I have no idea what happens next, or even if this make sense at all, I'm just trying to think of some complicated colour based rules. Probably a lot of what I just said needs to be changed, so if anyone has an idea of what to change and what happens when the third person throws, please share. 

On 5/11/2023 at 3:58 PM, Treamayne said:

"Rules" is misspelled in the Thread Title


How do you change that?

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37 minutes ago, Aetherbound said:

Doubling Sphere: After you throw it, the next person must make at least twice as many points or skip their next turn, the doubling sphere cannot be affected by any sort of color based bonuses.

That’s a good idea. What if the person throwing the sphere gets to decide whether it will have the effect of a doubling sphere or not.

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On 11.05.2023 at 8:58 PM, The Sibling said:

Would anyone be interested in trying to make up rules for Tarachin? I don't know if anyone's done this before, but if not I think that it could be fun. 

At this point you can make whatever rules you want and they will be just fine, as the only time we see this game is through the eyes of someone that doesn't know a single rule of this game (except for the one that says "pick a ball and throw it"). Just invent 10 different balls, each with different rules depending on which ball was thrown before or something like that - this game was really complicated and that's how I've always imagined it. That's like 100 possible combinations? 

Something like "after a blue ball is thrown, orange can't be used in the next round, but green gets double points if it lands in the circle, or 0 if not". The rows and columns could work with this as well, but for me it was always about which ball to choose depending on the previous throw. 

And another set of rules depending where balls will land - "if a green ball lands in a 2b sector, and there is red ball there, you get double points". Just go crazy with things like that. This is how I've always imagine this game to work, just massive amounts of rules, for every ball, every color, every place where it can land, so much that not only Lightsong don't know any of those rules, but other Returns just don't remember all of them (they were surprised that he chose orange ball and didn't know what made him do that).

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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Something like "after a blue ball is thrown, orange can't be used in the next round, but green gets double points if it lands in the circle, or 0 if not". The rows and columns could work with this as well, but for me it was always about which ball to choose depending on the previous throw. 

I feel like this doesn't work because then if Lightsong when to throw a random ball he would break the rules. It seems like he just does whatever he wants and everyone believes he's good at it. If he often went to throw a ball that couldn't be thrown, they would realize he was just making stuff up. The green one works but maybe not the orange.

1 hour ago, alder24 said:

And another set of rules depending where balls will land - "if a green ball lands in a 2b sector, and there is red ball there, you get double points". Just go crazy with things like that. This is how I've always imagine this game to work, just massive amounts of rules, for every ball, every color, every place where it can land, so much that not only Lightsong don't know any of those rules, but other Returns just don't remember all of them (they were surprised that he chose orange ball and didn't know what made him do that).

Yeah that's smart. What I was thinking of before was a bit weird and I like this better. So ten colours. We could use these :


We need to decide whether you leave all the balls in the field until the end of the game, or clear them after each round.

So there will be ten different colours of rock, one for each above. The grid won't be in quadrants but it can still be 5x5. I will write the balls that we have so far, and everyone who thinks of one should add it.

The grid is just normal, you know, with a, b, c, d, and e on one side and 1-5 on the other. 

The balls are here :


- Doubling sphere

- Doubling Sphere: After you throw it, the next person must make at least twice as many points or skip their next turn, the doubling sphere cannot be affected by any sort of color based bonuses.


- Reversing sphere

- We don't know what it does

I think that I am going to start putting everything we decide in the first post so people don't have to read the whole thread before posting. Is that a good a idea?

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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Something like "after a blue ball is thrown, orange can't be used in the next round, but green gets double points if it lands in the circle, or 0 if not". The rows and columns could work with this as well, but for me it was always about which ball to choose depending on the previous throw. 

Well, from the "Crown Pairing" quote that at least one set of the rules is about two colors landing either in the same section (or possibly touching/hit - such as in cornhole when you can use one bag to "push" another off the ramp). So something about Lightsong's Orange Ball throw made the "Crown Pairing" with Weatherlove's blue ball

Which may also imply that each 2 color combination has a name "X paring" and an effect (such as Lightsong's Crown pairing reversing the turn order).

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7 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

I feel like this doesn't work because then if Lightsong when to throw a random ball he would break the rules. It seems like he just does whatever he wants and everyone believes he's good at it. If he often went to throw a ball that couldn't be thrown, they would realize he was just making stuff up. The green one works but maybe not the orange.


Or Fortune makes him choose the right one all the time. And that was just an example, you don't need to make rules that forbids the use of any ball, just more or less focusing on points gained. But I personally like the idea of choosing balls to make sure other won't use favorable situation.

10 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

We need to decide whether you leave all the balls in the field until the end of the game, or clear them after each round.

I think all should stay.

Plus making some rules for each section like "if there are more than 2 green balls, but less than 3, you get 1.5 more points". Again, crazy rules :P 

12 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

I think that I am going to start putting everything we decide in the first post so people don't have to read the whole thread before posting. Is that a good a idea?


14 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Well, from the "Crown Pairing" quote that at least one set of the rules is about two colors landing either in the same section (or possibly touching/hit - such as in cornhole when you can use one bag to "push" another off the ramp). So something about Lightsong's Orange Ball throw made the "Crown Pairing" with Weatherlove's blue ball

Which may also imply that each 2 color combination has a name "X paring" and an effect (such as Lightsong's Crown pairing reversing the turn order).

Yeah, that's why I think how others were throwing, how balls are positioned on the ball affects the way you can score, depending on the ball you chose.

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22 hours ago, alder24 said:


Okay it's done.

We need to start coming up with rules. How about if the orange ball lands in the same square as a blue ball, and there are less than two other balls in that square, then the order reverses. Only if this happens in the far half of th field, the thrower gets to throw again.

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1 hour ago, stormform wert said:

how about if three balls land in the corner segment, only the one closest to the edge of section gets points

55 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

That's cool but it seems like in the book they get points after each throw.

Expanding on this idea, if 3 balls of the same color are matching the color of the segment they are on, the last ball gets triple points? And by a segment I mean the pie portion - the whole yellow part of the board. 3 yellow balls in the yellow segment, even on different tiles, then the 3rd ball gets triple points. Or instead of triple points, you get the points that the other 2 balls are worth (without retrieving those points from other players). What's better?

What are the definitions? to be clear:



Tbf we have to make rules for gaining points in the first place. The very center of the board, white tile can give like 300 points. Then every ring further from the center gets fewer points - 175, 150, 125, 100, 50. If the color of your ball matches the color of the pie section, you get 50 more points. 

More to spice it up a bit, if your ball lands on the very opposite section of your ball's color, you get -50 points - for example, blue ball landing on an orange tile, closest to the center - you can 175 for the tile, but -50 for mismatched colors = 125 points in total for the throw. 

But if your blue ball lands on the tile next to the tile where someone else’s blue ball is, you get 25 more points, 50 points instead if both balls are on the blue section.

Throwing a blue ball into the same tile where another blue ball already is, gives you 50 points. There can be other balls on that tile as well, but not the opposite color - not an orange ball when you're throwing a blue ball, in that case: throwing a blue ball into a tile where the ball of the opposite color is, gives you -50 points.

If on a ring there are exactly 1 ball on each tile, and you throw in the last one, you get 200 points - if all balls match the color of tiles they're on, you get 200 more points, or if all balls are of the same color, you get 50 points (on top of the first 200) - only you, only the last person that closed that ring. 

Go crazy, if on a single section, all tiles have a ball matching a section's color (5 yellow balls in a yellow section, each in its own tile) the last person completing it gets 200 points. 

If on a single tile there are 10 balls, each has a different color, you have a rainbow completion which gives the last thrown ball 500 points (and no negatives for the ball of the opposite color being there as well).

Maybe the "Crown Pairing" happens only on the center white tile - if there is only one ball in that tile, and you throw in the opposite color - you get a crown pairing, but there are now 2 balls there, nobody can get it anymore? Scoring on the white tile can work differently. But if there are 10 balls there, all have a different color, the last one gets 1000 points. On the white tile throwing a ball that is already there (like a blue ball is there you throw in another) gives you -100 points, and you have to skip your next rounds.


Hmm I got a bit overboard with those rules (pun intended). With more rules like that, based on a tile and balls already in them, the fewer rules can be applied just to the balls that you've taken - like the blue ball being a doubling sphere. But rules to the balls can be applied as well, but on a "smaller" scale - pick up a green ball and the next person has to match his ball color with a tile color, otherwise he will get 0 points. 

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One more rule! Mixing - if there are two balls on a tile of a different color, and you throw a third one which color is the one you would get from mixing colors of those 2 balls, you get 100 points, also you ignore all negative points you would get in that throw and other players can't use that color in their next throw.

Example: there is a yellow and blue ball on some tile. If you throw on that tile a green ball (which is what you get from mixing blue+yellow) you have Mixing, get 100 points more and others can't throw green ball in their next move.

Sounds cool for me. But I don't know if you can get every mixing of every color we have, but some of them can be made and that would be fun.

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2 hours ago, alder24 said:

But if your blue ball lands on the tile next to the tile where someone else’s blue ball is, you get 25 more points, 50 points instead if both balls are on the blue section.

Throwing a blue ball into the same tile where another blue ball already is, gives you 50 points. There can be other balls on that tile as well, but not the opposite color - not an orange ball when you're throwing a blue ball, in that case: throwing a blue ball into a tile where the ball of the opposite color is, gives you -50 points.

Just wanted to ask whether you mean for these rules to be specific to blue balls, or if this is just an example and these rules would then apply to all the balls. 

2 hours ago, alder24 said:

Hmm I got a bit overboard with those rules (pun intended). With more rules like that, based on a tile and balls already in them, the fewer rules can be applied just to the balls that you've taken - like the blue ball being a doubling sphere. But rules to the balls can be applied as well, but on a "smaller" scale - pick up a green ball and the next person has to match his ball color with a tile color, otherwise he will get 0 points. 

Yeah this makes sense. We can use your idea for the green ball, and I will try to come up with some more stuff for the other balls. 

I'm going to make a to-do list for everything we need before it's actually playable.

So the to-do list is :

- Name the green ball

- Figure out what the orange ball does

- Name and describe the rest of the balls

- Figure out how the game ends

- Add some more rules

- make sure that they don't contradict each other

- Try to play the game? 

Here are some ideas for what the balls can do. 

Peach Ball : Sunset ball. After this ball is thrown, the next ball has to land in the orange, yellow, peach,  or red sections. If not, the thrower gets -50 points. 

Purple Ball : Target ball. The next player gets double points if they throw into the center three rings, but half points if they throw into the outer rings.

Turquoise Ball : Returned ball. After the turquoise ball is thrown, the thrower can move it up to 2 tiles (not diagonally) but the thrower also gets -100 points if they choose to do this. You cannot move the ball into the center.

By the way just in case anyone was wondering, if you look at the colour wheel starting at the center top and going clockwise the colours are : Orange, peach, red, pink, purple, azure, blue, turquoise, green, and yellow. 


Edited by The Sibling
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