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3 minutes ago, The Stick said:

Lore: This order was by far the most corrupt and dangerous of the Radiants. They were one of the last orders founded. Honor approached them giving them the duty of administrating and purifying Vorinism. They took this much too literally which essentially made them Inquisitor. Shunned by every order except the Dustbringers, they were despised by the common citizens of Roshar. They acted as effectively an inquisition, and they started the Hierocracy to give the church ultimate power. They believe it is their duty to crusade against all who do not properly follow Vorin law. They commonly arrested darkeyed families for not following Vorin customs like separating food. They then took the property of the arrested and sold it to fund their corruption. At the end of the Hierocracy, a massive horde of Vorin peasants contracted Azish mercenaries and burned the Lifemelter stronghold to the ground. None survived for the next few centuries. It was only when Odium began to take an active role in Rosharan affairs did they resurface. This time they were bonded to Unmade and served Odium totally. They became a terrifying threat to Roshar.


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Just now, The Stick said:

Sorry, I just had an idea of a super dangerous order of Radiants who took Honor too literally and became crusaders.

it's fine :Sobbing:

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Reposting my orders to get them up to snuff with the new stuff you all have been putting out! @The Sibling wanna re-do the Sightseekers?  You don't have to of course.


Suncrashers (Division/ Illuminations) (Formerly Sunbreakers, when I forgot the Skybreakers where around) 
Surges Division and Illumination
Division splits the bonds of molecules, creating fire, dust, or otherwise decay.
Illumination normally allows for the creation of illusions, via manipulation of electromagnetic waves or sound waves. However, as the Suncrashers abhor lies, they commonly stick to very simple lightweavings like beams or obs of light, or pulses of harsh sound.

Surge Combo: The blasts of light, instead of being incorpleal and able to passed through, now can burn creatures they come in contact with.
True Spren: Sunspren
Plate Spren: Lightspren
Resonance: Improved nightvision
Ideal Theme: Unveiling secrets and those who control them.

First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD

Second Ideal: I will unveil secrets no matter the cost.

Third Ideal: "Personal Quest to reveal a secret important to you"

Fourth Ideal: I will strike down those that seek to conceal the truth.

Fifth Ideal: Some secrets (those that cause harm, death Ex) should not see the light.

Historically, the Suncrashers where Inquisitors, seeking out the Truth in some very dangerous places. While the Truthwatchers sought out the secrets of the universe, the Suncrashers focused on those purposely concealed or simply lost. 
The Suncrashe's Plate and Blade is naturally golden in color and glows faintly, even when dead.


Cloudskippers (Abrasion/Gravitation)

Surges: Abrasion + Gravitation

Abrasion reduces friction, enabling the cloudskippers to reduce or eliminate air resistance.

Gravitation alters an object's or being's spiritual gravitational bond, effectively launching them in that direction.

True Spren: Hopespren

Plate Spren: Joyspren (or Laughterspren, depending on how these work)

Resonance: Unearthly sense of balance

Ideal theme: Encouraging hope at first and later becoming a reason for hope.


First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD

Second Ideal: "I will find hope in even the darkest of days."

Third Ideal: "I will carry hope to the farthest lands, even in the midst of despair."

Fourth Ideal: "It is not enough to just spread the word of hope, I will be the reason for hope, not just for myself, but for all those who follow in my wake."

Fifth Ideal: "I will forge hope from despair, transforming even the bleakest of night to a beacon of light for all to see."


As the fastest order, the Cloudskippers acted as the messengers and heralds of the radiants.


Veilmender (Transportation/ Tension)

Surges: Transportation+ Tension

Transportation allows for movement between the realms via a small perpendicularity.
Tension allows to make something soft and flexible, into something hard and stiff.

Surge Combo: Strengthing the barrier between realms, which makes opening a perpendicularity harder or even impossible. This also makes Cognitve entities find it harder to appear in the area affected; spren don't manifest (except for bonded radiant spren, very powerful spren ex.), and stuff like Midnight essence or cognitive shadows can't enter until the stormlight runs out. 

True Spren: Wardspren

Plate Spren: Clothspren

Resonance: Harder to effect/corrupt with foreign investiture, (This means anything affecting their spiritual or cognitive self will need more power  to work)

Ideal Theme: Preserving the way the world is meant to be, and protecting's one's autonomy


First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD

Second Ideal: I will preserve the order of the world.

Third Ideal: I will not bend to the will of those in power, for they do not decide how the world should be.

Fourth Ideal: There are some things that must not be preserved, for order may crush those it ought to protect.

Fifth Ideal: I am the bulwark against intrusion, so none may pass my eye.


The Veilmenders served in two common roles, special forces whenever a cognitive or spiritual anomaly formed on Roshar, and as wardens for magical prisoners, like fused or shades.

A Veilmender's plate seems to ripple when struck, like a veil blowing in the wind; it, however, quickly returns to its normal shape.

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I also went back and added a few things:

Seekers are now renamed Pathseekers




Other Notes:  Rockburner Shardblades have a trace of black mist/smoke when coalescing into Physical form. 

Mistborn Spoilers:


Unlike most Radiant spren, destructionspren are not deterred by Hemalurgy.





Other Notes: Fortwright Shardblades are semi-transparent, like ice (credit to @Argenti for the idea). Their Shardplate is much less obviously distinct, but it does glisten slightly.


Other Notes: Hearthfounders of the 4th Ideal and higher can call their Shardplate spren to serve as sentinels against corrupted spren over an area, such as a small farm or large castle. 


Other Notes: When Meltforger Shardblades coalesce, they feel warm instead of cold.


Still thinking about revising the Psychopomps.

Edited by cometaryorbit
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9 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

I also went back and added a few things:

Seekers are now renamed Pathseekers


Still thinking about revising the Psychopomps.

Cool! It's ultimately completely up to you, since this is all for fun.


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Wheelwatchers (Double Abrasion) 

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will guide

Wheelwatchers are often leaders, but not top leaders. The Order tends towards learning, but practical learning rather than theory. They are most comfortable ensuring the success of a strategic plan and managing the details, not creating the plan themselves. They are about precise control of motion, both literally through their powers, and conceptually.

During the Desolations, Wheelwatchers were often aides to commanders. Their powers were used primarily to assist in movement of bodies of troops or cargoes too large for a Windrunner to fly, using frictionless sledges or ships.

After Aharietiam, they tended to take a variety of assistant leadership roles - they were quartermasters but not generals; navigators but not captains; ministers but not monarchs. They also discovered that the combination of increased friction with the great mass and strength of Shardplate allowed them to move incredibly heavy loads.

Surges: Abrasion (x2)

Wheelwatchers can use the Surge of Abrasion not only to "Slick" themselves, others, or objects - reducing friction to zero - but also to greatly increase friction, stopping a moving object, causing a wagon to crash by binding a wheel on an axle, anchoring themselves to the ground to better use the strength of Shardplate, etc.

True Spren: Gearspren

Gearspren in Shadesmar look like vaguely humanoid collections of wheels, levers, pulleys, and clockworks. Their Physical manifestations look like halos or arcs of sparks, generally appearing around an object. On a ship's mast, this can look like St. Elmo's Fire.

Gearspren are very rare. They have no settlements of their own in the Cognitive Realm, but tend to serve similar roles in the cities of spren as Wheelwatchers do among humans.

Platespren: Frictionspren

Frictionspren are very rare lesser (non-sapient) spren born from the Surge of Abrasion. They are seen only when heavy objects are being moved, and appear as tiny green sparks, so are easily missed when they do appear.

Ideals: Wheelwatcher Ideals are themed around directing others and accepting responsibility, and ultimately also recognizing the need for spontaneity in some aspects of life.

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Mattermolders (Transformation/Cohesion)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will perfect

Mattermolders are the ultimate artisans and architects among the Radiants. They are also key to logistics, using Soulcasting to feed people cut off from supplies by war or disaster. They were one of the least militant Orders; even during the Desolations they were primarily focused on keeping civilians fed and sheltered during the destruction.

Surges: Transformation and Cohesion

Transformation can be used to Soulcast, changing an object from one material to another.

Cohesion can be used to soften and reshape solid objects. Mattermolders lack the Connection and history aspects of Stoneshaping with Cohesion that Willshapers are capable of, but their control of physical change is more detailed.

When in combination, these Surges give Mattermolders the ability to transform and reshape matter with incredible precision and control. They can Soulcast at the axial level and reshape bonds with Cohesion to fit, changing some components of an alloy, mixture, or even compound while leaving others unchanged - such as turning a pure metal into an alloy by Soulcasting a proportion of its atoms into another metal and subtly readjusting the crystal structure; turning water into deadly hydrogen sulfide gas by turning the oxygen atom to a sulfur atom; and so on. They can also create highly complex objects by Soulcasting out of air.

Resonance: Mattermolders have a highly refined sense of touch, being inhumanly aware of subtle variations of texture and composition of objects.

True Spren: Shifters (Clayspren)

Unlike most truespren, shifters often don't appear humanoid in Shadesmar, though their "default" form is a humanoid that appears made of wet clay. They can take almost any shape, though they always retain the wet-clay appearance.

In the Physical Realm, they appear as a number of drops of gray fluid beading on a surface or flowing along the ground.

Shifters are the soul of remaking - shaping and transformation combined into one concept, change in form and matter.

Platespren: Fermentationspren

Ideals: Mattermolder Ideals are focused on perfecting the world, starting at the small scale. They are not civilization builders or government founders like the Willshapers or Bondsmiths, they focus on providing resources and tools to better everyday people's lives.

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Knight Radiant Order: Lifeholders
Surges: Division + Progression
True Spren: soul spren
Plate Spren: Death spren 
Resonance: insight into someones life span and what may be causing illness, the radiant gets an innate understanding into how long someone has to live and what might be causing the damage

Ideal Theme: accepting both Life and death as important, helping people pass on in peace or saving them if they can

First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD

Second Ideal: I will comfort those who leave this world

Third Ideal: Everyone will pass but i will make sure it is not today

Fourth Ideal: Death is necessary for those i hate and love

Fifth idea: ???


P.S: i thought mixing these two surges would be neat since they r kinda like opposites in the sense of growth and destruction, thats why i made 'soul spren' as their radiant spren as this order would focous on the soul and passing on which is why death spren are the plate


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31 minutes ago, SomePog said:


P.S: i thought mixing these two surges would be neat since they r kinda like opposites in the sense of growth and destruction, thats why i made 'soul spren' as their radiant spren as this order would focous on the soul and passing on which is why death spren are the plate


Did you mean division? The surge combo you have right now is the one of the Edgedancers.

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Mindswayers (Abrasion/Cohesion)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will persuade

This Order was suppressed due to the disturbing nature of its power, which was considered Voidish by many (though it truly is not). This is because it is so similar to the effect of the Unmade Ashertmarn. In reality, though -- unknown even to the Bondsmiths -- this connection is because Ashertmarn was once a spren of this Order (a revelryspren).

Shortly after Aharietiam, a conflict in the Cognitive Realm forced the revelryspren to cease bonding humans.  Thus, for over 2000 years there were no Mindswayers, and none of the existing dead Shardblades and Plate were left behind by Mindswayers.

Surges: Abrasion and Cohesion

Abrasion can be used to reduce friction (of an object, another person, or oneself) to zero. Mindswayers can also use Cognitive Abrasion, which slicks the mind, so thoughts and impulses flow easily. 

Cohesion can be used to soften and reshape solid objects. Mindswayers lack the Connection and history aspects of Stoneshaping with Cohesion that Willshapers are capable of, but they can use the Cognitive reflection of this Surge instead - this softens barriers and inhibitions.

The combined effect of both Cognitive forms of Surge is similar to that of the Unmade Ashertmarn, increased impulsiveness and lowered inhibitions.  

Truespren: Revelryspren

 Platespren: Alespren 

Mistborn Spoilers:


Yeah, it's basically Rioters/Soothers as an Order.


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Huh, just stumbled on this WoB...


Questioner Could new Orders eventually be formed?  Brandon Sanderson This is plausibly possible but highly, highly unlikely. A lot of things are possible in the Stormlight Archive that are highly unlikely. So I rarely say "no," because I built the magic systems of the cosmere to be able to do a lot of things, 'cause I knew I was going to be writing in a lot of different worlds. Which means that very few things are completely off-limits. But there's a lot of things that are unlikely to happen. 



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Treetenders (Cohesion/Progression)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will sustain

This Order has the mastery of life. They can reshape, heal, and grow living things.

They were historically a retiring Order which preferred to work behind the scenes. Where the Edgedancers were combat medics, the Treetenders were responsible for advanced and specialized medicine as well as improving crops and livestock, curing crop blights, and so on.

Surges: Progression and Cohesion

Progression is used to speed the growth of plants, or as Regrowth, to heal.

Cohesion is used to soften and reshape solid matter.

Their combined Surge effect lets them use Cohesion on living matter, which isn't normally possible.

Resonance: Treetenders can evaluate the health of a plant or animal by touching it.

Truespren: Kelpspren

A kelpspren in the Physical Realm looks like a single ribbon of sea-green color.  In Shadesmar, it appears as a humanoid figure made of seaweed.

Platespren: Wavespren


1st: standard

2nd: I will sustain what must live

3rd: I will heal what grows weak

4th and 5th ideals are more personalized. The 4th often involves an acceptance of the inability to heal all suffering.

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Order: Life Savers, basically doctors and people who want to heal. (Going to be very similar to Wind Runners)

Surges: Progression and Gravitation

True Spren- Serenity Spren, nickname Soothers

Plate Spren- Rot Spren

Resonance-Enhanced senses.  Useful for detecting higher temperatures in patients or irregular heartbeats.

Ideal Theme-Protecting life through medicine.


First-Oath of Radiance

Second-I will care for those that need it.

Third-All in need are equally deserving of my care.

Fourth-I will accept that I can not save everyone.

Fifth-I will let those who can, care for themselves.

I realized as I started working on this that it was going to be extremely similar to Wind Runners.  But considering the conversation between Kaladin and his father at the end of RoW, I don't think that's a bad thing. Mostly, I think that with span reeds on Roshar, that Wind Runner and Edge Dancer teams could make great mobile hospitals/ambulances.  This order is just a combination of their powers for that purpose. 

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On 6/22/2023 at 0:39 AM, cometaryorbit said:

Oops, I see @Quantus used the same concept a month ago. I think I'm mostly out of ideas, then.

You could go onto the three or 4 surge table. We have so many more left...

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  • 1 month later...

Knight Radiant Order: Life Ligthers
Surges: Progression and Divison
Surge Combo: Can make the divison surge propagate between living beings like a chain reaction (as its very powerful it woud be only possible past third ideal o even fourth)
True Spren: Passionsprens ? (I'm not sure with the name of this one) 
Plate Spren: Flamesprens
Resonance: The Radiant can easly know how badly injured is someone with a rapid dignoses.
Ideal Theme: Understanding that life is ephemeral and that we must live it at its maximun and accept death, because the most important thingh is not how we die but how we lived.

First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD

Second Ideal: "I will make worth each moment because we only live once"

Third Ideal: "All lives have a moment to part and I will accept that."

Fourth Ideal: "I will remeber that lives that have ended, even if I wish they didn't."

Fifth Ideal: I'm not sure as we haven't seen any fifth ideal yet


[I'm not sure if I have portayed very well with the oaths but this knights would be like battle medics, brining life to its allies, dead to its enemies and accepting when there is no survival posibilities to give a painless death]

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6 minutes ago, icefenix7198 said:

Knight Radiant Order: Life Ligthers

Good work! I haven't been keeping up with the chart, so I don't know if this spot was already taken or not, but it was done well. I see the Edgedancer influence clearly, and I feel like Edgedancers kind of fit the battle medic role already. So maybe they could be something more like heavy support since they lack the mobility of Edgedancers/Dustbringers in exchange for the strength of Skybreakers/Dustbringers. They could also be trappers, growing plants in groups to restrain enemies and then igniting them with their combo to do heavy damage. Besides my minor criticisms, great work!

Unrelated, but don't let the chart discourage you. If you believe you have a different idea from the one already on the chart, feel free to post it!

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12 minutes ago, Voidwatcher said:

Good work! I haven't been keeping up with the chart, so I don't know if this spot was already taken or not, but it was done well. I see the Edgedancer influence clearly, and I feel like Edgedancers kind of fit the battle medic role already. So maybe they could be something more like heavy support since they lack the mobility of Edgedancers/Dustbringers in exchange for the strength of Skybreakers/Dustbringers. They could also be trappers, growing plants in groups to restrain enemies and then igniting them with their combo to do heavy damage. Besides my minor criticisms, great work!

Unrelated, but don't let the chart discourage you. If you believe you have a different idea from the one already on the chart, feel free to post it!

The spot hasn't been taken yet (or at least updated in the excel charts)

And I agree with the overlap with edgedancers , I didn't find a better role with them with its theme of "Protect life but embrace death" but I like a lot the trapper idea , maybe being more of an "ranger unit" with the ability to eliminate treats using division and the ability to use the flora to hide and heal from enviromental hazard with progresion, more of a guerrilla units type.

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I was bored so I decided to make one.

Knight Radiant Order: Notetakers
Surges: Illumination and Cohesion 
Surge Combo: After using Cohesion on an object, they can modify it into an illusion for a great amount of Stormlight.
True Spren: Archivespren
Plate Spren: Exhaustionspren
Resonance: Enhanced memory, not like Lightweavers, but instead they rarely forget things
Ideal Theme: Recording Knowledge

First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD

Second Ideal: I will record the knowledge I’ve found to share with others

Third Ideal: I will help others record their knowledge

Fourth Ideal: I will not attempt to record all the knowledge I know, as such a thing is impossible.

Fifth Ideal: I have no idea, will have to wait until we get some sort of example besides the very vague Skybreaker’s.


In the olden days, the Notetakers would serve as scribes or cartographers or bookkeepers to other orders of Knight Radiant, and would almost never be deployed on the battlefield.

Edited by Ravenclawjedi42
Correcting formatting
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Good work, @Ravenclawjedi42! Quoting your post is not working so I have to do this to get the message directed. I'd imagine they'd work closely alongside Truthwatchers, to point out what's truth from all these notes. Makes sense. Do you think the spren would lean towards women to pick their Radiant to match the Alethi standard, or do you think that gender roles just came out the way they were because humanity is humanity and the spren were completely neutral?

11 minutes ago, icefenix7198 said:

The spot hasn't been taken yet (or at least updated in the excel charts)

Good, then!

12 minutes ago, icefenix7198 said:

And I agree with the overlap with edgedancers , I didn't find a better role with them with its theme of "Protect life but embrace death" but I like a lot the trapper idea , maybe being more of an "ranger unit" with the ability to eliminate treats using division and the ability to use the flora to hide and heal from enviromental hazard with progresion, more of a guerrilla units type.

Guerrilla units work, didn't think of that properly, nor did I notice the ability to protect/heal with the environment as a shield! Nice!

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