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Would You Like to Destroy SCP-682 Today?

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I have noticed several references on the forum to SCP-682, the "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile" made famous by the internet creepypasta wiki. The wiki, for the uninformed, is about the fiction "SCP Foundation", an immoral organization which locates paranormal items and entities, and contains them away from society.


From the article:


"SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible. At this time, no means available to SCP teams are capable of destroying SCP-682..."


682's chief claim to fame is that it seems to be impossible to destroy my any means. You can blow it up, and it'll reassemble. You can poison it, and it will adapt its body to metabolize the toxin. You can create an entire pocket universe where the sole underlying law of physics is "682 must die", and it will somehow warp reality just to survive.


But let's be optimistic for a moment. Brandon Sanderson has created a universe filled with overpowered, extremely dangerous powers and weaponry. Surely something in the Cosmere is capable of destroying the lizard?


So how about an imaginative exercise: state your idea to kill SCP-682, and I or somebody else will come along and explain to your precisely how it will survive and proceed to ruin everything you love.

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Does it work on Investure? If so a Chromium-leeching would do a good job of amking it mortal. If not here are some alternatives.

1) Nightblood.

2) Forcfully worldhopp it into Damnation.

3) Use Hermalurgy to rip apart whatever makes it immortal. (and then add it to yourself. MUHAHAHAHA!!!)

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SCP 682 would be unkillable through any Cosmere means. Shardblade would not be effective, since you're gonna have to land the blow in the first place and any severed limbs would instantly be torn off and regrown. To kill a 682, you have to go for his spine, and he could just liquefy it (Yep, he can do that). 682 would somehow adapt to Nightblood, most likely coalescing from the dark smoke (He's been cut up and incinerated before and survived). The Foundation has already tried teleporting it into a different realm with 507. It came back with fangs and wings. 682's abilities are largely biological, and you'd have to land the spikes in the first place, then pull them out with getting mutilated. 682 has survived 409 before. A basilisk tooth would be child's play.


Pretty much nothing can kill it. Even "God" 343 could do nothing against it. The legendary SCP 173 could only injure it. 914 on Rough setting only made it worse. Personally, I'd just stick it with SCP 87, block the door and excrete bricks of abject terror (87 is the scariest SCP I've had the chance to know, second being 35). Maybe stick it in a room at the bottom of the ocean with 76, 73 and that creepy "Old Man" that can go through walls, and let 'em at each other. Nuke the victor.


Yeah, I'm a massive fan of SCP. I really like this topic for a reason. I highly recommend clicking on those links. Just make sure you have adult diapers on when you read 35 and 87.


Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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SCP-682 (when asked why it had killed humans): "They were... disgusting."


I get the feeling that if exposed to Nightblood, 682 would somehow convince him that humanity really is disgusting, and thus by twisted logic, evil. Then they'd team up and we'd all be crying for Vasher or Hoid to come save us.


Hemalurgy? That's probably our best guess yet... though one of 682's more devilish attributes is its ability to mutate and adapt to face new threats. It'd probably hijack Hemalurgy somehow and use the spikes to its own advantage.


SCP-682 a horcrux? I am really, really terrified of the dark wizard who made that. :o


The only thing I can think of would be to try Soulcasting it. Nothing can survive having its Cognitive aspect permanently and fundamentally altered... right? If that fails, use whatever splintered Adonalsium on it.

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Soulcasting wouldn't work on 682, since he has a Psychic Resistant Level of [DATA REDACTED], but we know it's higher than a human's. Also, 682 is pretty hate-filled and stubborn.


I've got a couple of favorite SCP, like 999 and 458. As for 274, cup o' Joe, anyone? (Wow, Joe. Wow. That coincidence and joke)

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Maybe we could Forge it into being killable? Or let Ruin try to destroy it?


I love SCP-294 (and think it's hilarious that it's Joe's favorite). I wonder what we could use it for... maybe a cup of lerasium? A cup of Investiture? A cup of Adonalsium?

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Forging wouldn't work. SCP 1237, the reality changing dream was used against it to make it a "harmless and easily killable kitten". It didn't work. Everyone died of bubonic plague. Ruin isn't going to work (although 682 might not bear a grudge against it, since Ruin isn't a living biological organism). 


Some more fun SCP I like: SCP 504 and 666-J.


You can pretty much get anything from 294. Hmm... Cup of Stormlight?

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Put it in a pocket dimension with nothing but badly-written and illustrated Harry Potter fanfic erotica in the style of Lovecraft. It will conclude that the only method of escape from the memories is to obliterate its mind, its senses, and any capacity to regrow them.

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Put it in a pocket dimension with nothing but badly-written and illustrated Harry Potter fanfic erotica in the style of Lovecraft. It will conclude that the only method of escape from the memories is to obliterate its mind, its senses, and any capacity to regrow them.


You just made me tear my eyes and brain out. I think that's how 682 BECAME 682.



Dr. Kobold: Request to place fantasy author [REDACTED] into SCP-914 on the "Very Fine" setting.


Pending approval from 05.


Very Fine makes the subject better (or in this case, worse) Rough would be... (Insane chuckle)

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Leave SCP-682 in a Room with SCP-426 for a year. It won't kill him, but it will be Hilarious.

If SCP-682 would share prolonged contact with me, my secondary effect could not kill it but but it might cause SCP-682 to change his cognitive aspect in a way that alters his properties. I have to admid that explaining the ability of my kind with realmatics is intriguing. I probalbly overwrite the cognitive aspect of everything I come in contact with.

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If SCP-682 would share prolonged contact with me, my secondary effect could not kill it but but it might cause SCP-682 to change his cognitive aspect in a way that alters his properties. I have to admid that explaining the ability of my kind with realmatics is intriguing. I probalbly overwrite the cognitive aspect of everything I come in contact with.


I would likely be impossible to Soulcast. On that note, it would be highly amusing to initiate a conversation between the Stick and myself.

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