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Favourite Obscure/Side Characters in the Cosmere

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Okay just coming from the least favourite character's thread I wanted to start a discussion about Cosmere side characters. Despite their limited page time what obscure Cosmere character stuck out to you?

Mine would have to be Lord Redeem, Rushu, Daggon and Sebruki. I'll come back and iterate my reasons in moment haha. 

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Lopen.  Definitely The Lopen.  I just love his attitude and quick wit.


"My other hand?" Lopen said.  "The one that was cut off long ago, eaten by a fearsome beast?  It is making a rude gesture toward you right now.  I thought you would wish to know, so that you can prepare to be insulted."



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I love minor or obscure side characters in general. It always pains me to see them die.


Mines would be Yeden from Mistborn (you know, the guy in charge of Kelsier's army). I don't even think he got a page of writing on him. I forgot if he was a Misting or not. Or his appearance. In fact, I forgot pretty much everything about him. My other would be the member of Kelsier's crew that got caught and killed (not Marsh). He got a bare mention. What was he called again?

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There's this guy... You probably don't remember him... His name is (usually) Hoid, and he appears in almost every cosmere book, albeit in a different guise, and rarely sticks around for more than a scene or two... I don't know, there's just something about that guy, you know what I mean? I feel like he's more important than he seems.


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Lopen.  Definitely The Lopen.  I just love his attitude and quick wit.




Ahh, I came here just to say Lopen and you beat me to the punch  ;)


My other favorite side character is from TWoK, during one of the interludes--Axies. He was the dude who woke up in the trash heap and almost avoided imprisonment for public indecency  :lol: . I was in public when I read his interlude for the first time and actually laughed out loud once or twice, which is something I rarely do in private and usually would never do in public! Gosh, I seriously hope he comes back a few more times besides that glimpse in WoR. 

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Lopen.  Definitely The Lopen.  I just love his attitude and quick wit.




Yes, definitely The Lopen! Every scene I read with him in it left me with the toothiest grin on my face. Could always go for more Bridge Four, especially Sigzil and, of course, Rock. :D


I also really enjoyed Zahel, but from what I've picked up around here, me liking Zahel is yet another reason I should read Warbreaker.


OreSeur was a favorite as a side character in Mistborn. Ham was also great, seemed like the kinda guy you could bear hug, haha.

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There are so many side characters I've loved. Lopen. Rock. Dalinar's sergeant. Lift (she counts as a side character, right?)


Mab the cook in Warbreaker. Parlin and Tonk Fah's parrot. And of course, Nightblood.


Who else... this isn't Cosmere, but I liked David's dad and Conflux from Steelheart.

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More seriously, compared to be previous comment, I really liked the characters Lemex and Parlin from Warbreaker. Lemex, I don't really know why. I just kind of like his name, and for some reason I remember him. Parlin, I just felt like he was one of those side characters who have a lot more to them, you know what I mean? I felt really bad for him.

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Parlin, I just felt like he was one of those side characters who have a lot more to them, you know what I mean? I felt really bad for him.

 Yeah, same here.  My heart hurt.


In addition to some of the others mentioned above, I kinda loved Ashe, Sarene's Seon, too.  

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Although there are many numerous side characters that I love, I'm going to go with Sebarial on this.  Cranky old snarkmaster who is a mercantile genius trying to build an economy? Sebarial's the best...

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Rock makes me laugh every time I read him. Same with Galladon, even though he's more than just a side character. 


I would like to know more about the cranky mystery that is currently known as Nazh. Yeah, he's not exactly a character that we know much about, but from what we can tell, he seems scholarly, grumpy, and slightly endearing. Plus, he's a worldhopper. 


Oh yes, Kazan Smedry, the short person who uses "fowl language" and gets lost all of the time. 

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There're just so many! In SA my favourite so far are Rysn, Axies, Sigzil, Rock, Zahel and Taln. (I wonder whether Wit can count as one? :D) Also the Bloodsealer from Emperor's Soul.

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Rysn was more awesome, though.


Honestly, Rysn is one of my favourite interlude characters; the only one who even comes close to her is Eshonai, and that's partly because I find the whole idea of Stormform and the way the Parshendi forms affect their personality fascinating.


But Rysn is... such a badass.


She abseiled a kaiju to IMPRESS people. She's been given a Larkin (which, for some reason, I picture as being Roshar's Pheonix equivalent).

She has pet grass.


So awesome.

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Although there are many numerous side characters that I love, I'm going to go with Sebarial on this.  Cranky old snarkmaster who is a mercantile genius trying to build an economy? Sebarial's the best...

I would have to agree with this, although that one Purelaker in tWoK was really enjoyable.

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Sebarial's wife, whose name I've forgotten. Seriously. At some point she was taken in by Sebarial so she probably has some cool backstory, and seriously who READS A NOVEL DURING THE EVERSTORM ON A BATTLEFIELD?? She's either completely insane of there's more to her then meets the eye.


Also Rushu, and, again forgotten the name - Teleb, maybe? - Dalinar's Oldblood commander dude. Because Oldbloods are interesting.


Also Mraize, most of Bridge four, most of Kelsier's crew but TenSoon in particular. Ishikk for being chilled, Axies for being hilarious, Rysn and Navani for awesomess (no pun intended :P)


And I'd forgotten about him, but I totally agree with Parlin :(

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