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9 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I still think three was a bit much (if Archer was killed C1, or had scanned anyone else, we were pretty much toast)

I think the issue here is: consider PtV. Yes, the Elims win at parity, but suppose we are looking at a 2-Elim game.

A perfect game for the Village is to take down 2 Elims. Suppose JNV is scanned C1. No one bothered asking if they should scan Devo - they just LAFOed. The stamp can only do so much, same with Mat's Confirmed Villager role. And a player who wants to be scanned instead of being killed raises red flags, so you're very much at the Village's mercy to not be dominoed either way. 

So perfect game for Village: win in 2-3 cycles. For the Elim team, they win in minimum 5 cycles. That's pretty disproportionate, ignoring the fact that the PtV gets pretty steep if you're a solo Elim because you need that final three to be able to turn on each other (TJ's problem.)

There's no point gambling an Elim won't be scanned. The Village just has a numerical advantage there, and doing what JNV did - RPing without engagement and fairly transactional PMs - will get you scanned, so trying to protect themselves from scanning automatically puts them in the suspect pool.

A perfect game for a 3 Elim team is 3-4 cycles for the Village, 4 for the Elims. That's far more balanced, difficulty-wise, and it recognises that the Village will probably get off at least one scan on an Elim because of scan pool exposure.

7 hours ago, Archer said:

I liked that the threshold was high enough that not everyone hit the maximum every round. The game is more interesting that way. 

Fair, that was the point of a high threshold and non-refunded bids, yes.

7 hours ago, Archer said:

The points thing also made it easier to guess who was Seeking, versus hunting for a single, unknowable player the whole game. It also made it so that an inactive Seeker wasn't an issue, or a mayor Seeker. 

I think that's why Drake and I were hesitating over how to index it next to a Seeker. It's easier for the Elims to make a kill guess, but arguably once the player has burned the Seek, then you gotta ask whether they are still an immediate kill necessity. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Agreed about avoiding the inactive or mayor Seeker problem, though, which is one attraction of moving the Seek around.

The other aspect I think is that it might average out better: you probably have players who make very good Seek choices and players who make very bad ones, but due to the distributed nature of this Seek, it gets functionally aggregated out.

But the main aspect I think I didn't consider enough: what happens in a lone Elim final few scenario and the ancillary issue that this effectively models a V!Seeker who never gets killed.

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On 5/26/2023 at 7:11 PM, Fifth Scholar said:

New voting plan

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Anyway, thanks a lot to Kas for running this, and Araris for IMing. I still think three was a bit much (if Archer was killed C1, or had scanned anyone else, we were pretty much toast), but hey, it worked out, thanks to some expert Village lying (again, good work Archer, even if you unjustly barred me from the truth twice :P). Also thank you to everyone who sparred with Ripling, verbally and otherwise. You were all true poets. :P Hail the Emperor!

I'm just sad I was killed C1 and that you never died to join me :P

Thanks for running it Kas and for IMing Araris!

Here are some quick Haikus, orderly and all. Take that Ripling! >:P


Twas a very fun game

The poet experience

Was sadly cut short 


I would join once more

Though long dead, messages reach

The living to haunt


Twas a nasty trick

The old man did play. Yet tricks

Hid one, Village green


Once what was hidden 

Now brought to light. Justice shall

be obeyed once more


I am beyond your reach now! I am as free in the wind as free as my verses once were in life.

- Scrap of paper (Rambleton)

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Thank you to Kasimir for running a great game, and congratulations to the village for a fantastic and quick win!

As always, if anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get ahold of Wilson, Devotary of Spontaneity, Elbereth, Araris Valerian, Elandera, or StrikerEZ, or post in the GM Signups & Discussion ThreadNot only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. 

You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone in our Art of Game Creation thread. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about. If you would rather keep some detail secret, or are self-conscious about posting in thread (there's really no need to be; while we do slaughter each other, we are very polite about it), then I'm sure one of our fantastic committee members (Amanuensis, STINK, Sart, Fifth Scholar, Straw, Archer, and Kasimir) would be more than willing to help you out in private.

Thanks again to everyone that played, and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games! :ph34r:

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