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Netflix does have episodes of the pre-FiM pony series available, so she watched some of those today. While she claims to have liked them, I noticed that she spent much of her viewing time asking when Fluttershy was going to make an appearance.


Myself? I vomited rainbows, and not in the good way.

Yeah, the old MLP is definitely for small girls.  I watched it and the movie(s?) in the 80's and loved it enough to have way too many pony toys and several of the locations (stable, castle, nursery), so Hasbro's show gimmick worked well as advertising.  That said, if feminine is not a word that describes you and you are not under the age of ten, watching the old show is not recommended. 

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It just amuses me that the pony most guys like and identify with is the one who used to be the most fashion conscious.

(Though the collage missed her horrid "twenty percent cooler" dress from Suited for Success in favor of a Rarity fan edit? For shame!

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I just saw these today:














They were penned by the extraordinary Sandara on Deviantart. They capture a realistic, epic fantasy feel for the series that I'd never imagined before. I mean... wow.


For the uninitiated: from top to bottom, they are Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra. 

Edited by Kobold King
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Those pictures only solidify my belief that, in something that takes them "seriously" as animals, unicorns would be downright terrifying. 


Anyway, yeah; awesome pictures, but thanks for the link to Sandara's gallery as well. Even discounting MLP ( :gasp:!), there is a lot of  fantastic artwork there.

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Don't worry. If you're jealous I wouldn't mind making you one.

I'm good. I like MLP just fine, but it does worry me because I've heard a few reports of people saying "I don't want to go on 17S, that MLP fansite"... So it worries me a little.

I don't know where I'm going with this, of course. You can use whatever avatars you like. But it does worry me when people say such things as a reason to not come to the site.

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Funnily enough, I was thinking of changing my avatar anyway, at least temporarilly; there is a pony-based image I want to use for the Rambleman and Dawnsinger ranks, but I've been looking for a cool Arrow-based picture for a little while- get in touch with my roots, you know? Lol


Anyway, first spoiler is my kind of rambling in response to Chaos... and as a forewarning, I don't mean to offend or bother anyone with it. It's mostly just my thoughts off the top of my head, so... sorry if I do give any otherwise unintended slight!


Still, it's kind of strange that people peg 17th as an MLP fan site. I mean... yeah, I've opened a topic related to it, vis-a-vis my sig (and I really ought to comment on Applebuck season one of these days...) but it's not like there is a sub-forum for it, or even a topic for fans to talk about it. The only thing I can think of that would really make people think this is a pony fan site, rather than having members who are interested in it, is the abundance of pony avatars, as you say... but most of those are more of an in-joke thing, rather than being directly connected to MLP. I sort of wonder if everyone who has a pony picture changed it to something Who related, or "their" Hogwarts House, or other fandom-specific thing if there would be as much of a reaction.


...Which, now that I say it, sounds like a slam against you, so let me assure you, oh admirable and magnificent admin, that I don't mean you! I admit, the pony fandom can be kind of obnoxious to some people, and, yes (as I've said elsewhere and before) parts of the fandom can be sort of.. unpleasent sometimes. Of course, there's plenty of people who will point out (for instance) homophobia and sexism in Doctor Who, or the... more questionable Harry Potter fictions. Those connotations don't undermine the value of the larger Whovian/Pottermaniac community. 

(And, for the record, everyone I've met who's been into the Pony-thing have been really nice and awesome. So there's that.)


I don't really know where I'm going with that, either. Social theory stuff? I'unno. I think people calling this an MLP fansite are overreacting... but this is the official Cosmere site, the one linked to through Brandon's blog. I can kind of understand if there was a desire to push away from linking the Cosmere with MLP... but then, MLP is sort of a part of internet culture, as much as any other fandom. There are "Twenty percent cooler" images next to ones of Fry telling people to take his money, or Picard facepalming, or 60's Spider-Man, or Frozen, or... whatever.


Second spoiler? Traditional Quiver Pony Ramblings lol


So, I happened to be talking to Kobold, and the Kobold Capo mafia that I joked about before here (and that he's roleplaying in Newcago came up), and I mentioned that it made me want to do another MLP AU; one where the Mane Six were gangsters, led by Don Sparkle.


Don Sparkle became Dawn Sparkle (because they sound alike, and it's connection to 'twilight') and... well.


The Mafia Six.

Dawn Sparkle

Adopted by Celestia as a filly, Sparkle has been groomed as the eventual heir to Celestia's criminal empire. Growing up in the lap of luxury, Sparkle laughs at the idea that crime doesn't pay. A spoiled, self-cantered and entitled brat, used to getting anything she wants if she wants it enough, she nonetheless has paid close attention as to how Celestia runs her syndicate... very close attention. Her mentor sent her to the hick town of Ponyville, part,y to sharpen her protege's skills in the field, and partly as a test of loyalty; Dawn took it as a chance to begin her own recruitment drive for when she's the boss.

Rainbow Dash
Too smart to stay at the bottom of weather patrol, and too dumb to really be a challenge to her authority, Rainbow is Sparkles right hoof pony, with a left hoof to match. As a child, Rainbow showed promise as one of the most talented fliers of her generation, an accolade that quickly went to her head. Anypony who seemed to be getting more attention than Rainbow quickly found themselves in a hospital with a broken wing. One particular incident ended with two former colt schoolmates on life support. Her parents paid it off, but Rainbows flying career was effectively over, leaving her to take a menial job pushing clouds in Ponyville.

Owner of the largest farm in Ponyville, Applejack is a pillar of the community, always generous and ready to help out any pony in need. Of course, anyone who accepts her help knows that, sooner or later, their going to get a knock at their door and meet an orange mare and her red brother, calling those favors in... at least, so the rumours go. And they're probably just as unfounded as the rumours about what happens to anyone who tries to sell Apple-products in Ponyville without the Apple family's permission first. As a member of a family that's lived in Ponyville since it's founding, it's a surprise that no Apple has ever been mayor. Of course, despite spending a lot of time around city hall, and being a close personal friend of Mayor Mare, Applejack has always refused to run. She basically runs Ponyville already, after all.

If you have a fix or an itch, the owner of the Carosul Boutique can help. Whether it's information, contraband, Rarity always knows how to get a hold of just what her clients are after.

Living on the edge of the Everfree forest, one would think the timid Fluttershy would have nothing to do with the underbelly of Ponyville. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every week, she visits Rarity to take the latters beloved cat, Opalesence, for a trim and check up, and every week, rolled up inside Opal's collar is a short list of items. Tariffs and rates for transporting goods over land, air or sea can be expensive and cut into one's profit margins... but Fluttershy has enough of a connection with the animals of the Everfree forest that they will happily smuggle things through on her behalf.

Pinkie Pie
The premier party pony of Ponyville, Pinkie Pie is friends with every pony. She knows everyone's names, their birthdays, their house numbers, what they did that they don't want any pony else to know about. In Ponyville, Pinkie Pie knows where all the bodies are buried...a few because she's the mare who put them there.


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I find it rather ironic that for some reason, the censors here in China block me from opening some of the spoiler boxes.


The MLP community does take a bit of flame across the internet, sadly. Look on the bright side, Chaos! 17th Shard has, at the time of this post, 7,500 members, and almost 200,000 posts! 

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Funnily enough, I was thinking of changing my avatar anyway, at least temporarilly; there is a pony-based image I want to use for the Rambleman and Dawnsinger ranks, but I've been looking for a cool Arrow-based picture for a little while- get in touch with my roots, you know? Lol


Anyway, first spoiler is my kind of rambling in response to Chaos... and as a forewarning, I don't mean to offend or bother anyone with it. It's mostly just my thoughts off the top of my head, so... sorry if I do give any otherwise unintended slight!


Still, it's kind of strange that people peg 17th as an MLP fan site. I mean... yeah, I've opened a topic related to it, vis-a-vis my sig (and I really ought to comment on Applebuck season one of these days...) but it's not like there is a sub-forum for it, or even a topic for fans to talk about it. The only thing I can think of that would really make people think this is a pony fan site, rather than having members who are interested in it, is the abundance of pony avatars, as you say... but most of those are more of an in-joke thing, rather than being directly connected to MLP. I sort of wonder if everyone who has a pony picture changed it to something Who related, or "their" Hogwarts House, or other fandom-specific thing if there would be as much of a reaction.


...Which, now that I say it, sounds like a slam against you, so let me assure you, oh admirable and magnificent admin, that I don't mean you! I admit, the pony fandom can be kind of obnoxious to some people, and, yes (as I've said elsewhere and before) parts of the fandom can be sort of.. unpleasent sometimes. Of course, there's plenty of people who will point out (for instance) homophobia and sexism in Doctor Who, or the... more questionable Harry Potter fictions. Those connotations don't undermine the value of the larger Whovian/Pottermaniac community. 

(And, for the record, everyone I've met who's been into the Pony-thing have been really nice and awesome. So there's that.)


I don't really know where I'm going with that, either. Social theory stuff? I'unno. I think people calling this an MLP fansite are overreacting... but this is the official Cosmere site, the one linked to through Brandon's blog. I can kind of understand if there was a desire to push away from linking the Cosmere with MLP... but then, MLP is sort of a part of internet culture, as much as any other fandom. There are "Twenty percent cooler" images next to ones of Fry telling people to take his money, or Picard facepalming, or 60's Spider-Man, or Frozen, or... whatever.

Oh, I take no offense. I didn't say it nor do I agree with the sentiment, so :P Some people just irrationally really hate the pony stuff. Shrug. Anyone with irrational prejudices just needs to chill out.

My general opinion of anyone getting upset (especially on the internet) is that they should probably chill out...


The MLP community does take a bit of flame across the internet, sadly. Look on the bright side, Chaos! 17th Shard has, at the time of this post, 7,500 members, and almost 200,000 posts!

Isn't that cool? The last quarter of 2014 averaged 9000 posts a month, which is insane. I'm feeling very good :)

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That's very cute. :)  I can only imagine how much your 3-year-old loves it!  Our friends' 4-year-old son thought the parasprite episode was hilarious, but he was laughing at completely different things than the adults.  He loved Pinkie Pie's antics, too!

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I admit, I watch it with my near 3 yearold Daughter, collect the comic books and I read them to her.... And Pinky Pie is My Favorite.


Can I just take a minute to tell everyone that they should be reading those comics?


Because seriously, those comics are awesome. I actually got into the Pony-thing partly through them, by picking up the first volume of the comics from my local store. Of course, my local store is more than an hour away, so I've settled since on just asking them to add "My Little Pony" and "Friends Forever" to my pull list with them... but increasingly, they tend to be the comics I most look forward to every month.


In case anyone is persuaded by my oh-so-wise words,  recommend either the first volume or the third. The first is a sequel to 'A Canterlot Wedding', with a four issue story arc, while vol 3 has two 2-parters which are hilarious, and actually add some characterization to background characters.


(Vol 2 is about Nightmare Moon and Luna; it's a good story, but I think those other volumes are better.)

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JTolman, do you play the collectible card game, by chance?


The first time my husband bought cards at the local store, he was sitting there with them on a nearby table when this serious Magic/StarWars/Etc. card game player guy (that's the technical term, by the way. ;) ) walks up and demands, "Whose cards are these?!"  This guy has tough guy written all over him - shaved head, tattoos all up both arms (I think he's got all the mana symbols as tattoos).  My husband knows him, though, and decides to sheepishly admit the Pony cards are his.  As soon as he does, this dude is like, "Are you going to come play on Thursday nights with us?!"  He then proceeds to gush about the game and the show.  Bronies come in all shapes and sizes. :)

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JTolman, do you play the collectible card game, by chance?


The first time my husband bought cards at the local store, he was sitting there with them on a nearby table when this serious Magic/StarWars/Etc. card game player guy (that's the technical term, by the way. ;) ) walks up and demands, "Whose cards are these?!"  This guy has tough guy written all over him - shaved head, tattoos all up both arms (I think he's got all the mana symbols as tattoos).  My husband knows him, though, and decides to sheepishly admit the Pony cards are his.  As soon as he does, this dude is like, "Are you going to come play on Thursday nights with us?!"  He then proceeds to gush about the game and the show.  Bronies come in all shapes and sizes. :)


LOL I have not, LOl the Wife doesn't let me gt into collectable card games anymore even if I did have the disposable money to do so.

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