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2 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Very curious why you think Drake having Odium, or DeTess having a charge of it and using it, is in any way exculpatory for either of them

Oh its very simple 

2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Well it's kinda both. The Sel doc is lonely...

And honestly part of it was to see how invisible I was when I noticed that I was while chameleoning.

I'm not opposed to being exed as I don't feel there's much I can do to help and my activity is going to dive even lower next week.

I can't keeping giving people village credit for this 

Out of game problems require out of game solutions, but at the very least, I'll +1 Kas' stance. You don't need to be a game breaker

2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

That Archer post feels hypocritical for a few reasons that I may outline later, I noticed a few things he pointed out that he himself had been called out for doing this game :P.

At the same time idk if that makes me e read him any more 

I've been very clear that I'd kill me, in your shoes. Why you haven't yet is beyond me :P. 


Very curious why you think Drake having Odium, or DeTess having a charge of it and using it, is in any way exculpatory for either of them

DeTess admitted to it. Good look. Felt like a hero shot.

As for Drake. I can't imagine the Odium wincon doesn't involve murdering a specific assortment of individuals, likely one of each type. Him holding off seems villagey

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5 hours ago, DeTess said:

I doubt I'll have the energy for that anytime soon, but just in case, could you link me two games of yours, one village, one elim (without telling me which is which)?

Here's two:


I regard the elim game as one of my best/better ones (I'm actually rereading the elim doc cause it was fun). The village game is just a pretty decent one that shows off some of the better aspects of my v game.

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3 hours ago, Archer said:

-TJ: Kas has said that he needs TJ to threadbrawl him in order to get a read on him. Wondering if TJ intentionally jumped into a tussle with Kas to get village read out of it.

This goes opposite to your prior theory that other faction leaders would not want to draw attention to themselves early in the them. Besides, Kas wondered the same thing (not necessarily threadbrawl, only paranoia).

I have no idea what the cases are on current vote leaders. 

Araris seems to be one of Kas' PoE and then Fifth just piled up. Only legit reasoning given seems to be by deTess. 

Xino seems to be carrying over suspicion from D2 (what was the case on Xino in D2?)

Archer voted Elandera for voting on Xino and Szeth just randomly piled on. 

The most suspicious of all votes seem to be Szeth's. @DeTess, thoughts on Szeth?

Mat still feels off. 

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3 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Out of curiosity, is anyone opposed to exeing Szeth (aside from having a different exe that they'd prefer)?


Edited to add: 

14 minutes ago, The Bald Brandon said:

Szeth. I'm willing to throw my vote in here, Szeth's comments about the 'spirit of the game' felt out of character. Not retaliating or anything, but I don't remember Szeth ever doing anything similar to that.

I don't find it out of character given his LG91 dead doc.

Edited by Kasimir
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Just now, The Bald Brandon said:


I haven't slept and still have this cursed report which has been given to me in light of my diploma :/

Fiiine I'll stop whining and give it a first pass. I'll come back and try to be more coherent, but due to time cosnstraints, it's probably important for me to say something first.

I've probably made some comment about this earlier in the game - lemme look in a sec - but the short of it is I feel Szeth is sort of the type of player who is easy to misunderstand and ML because he just kind of says weird drek. I can sort of see a world in which he's just Gorilla-ing but it doesn't feel like the right read of his actions IMO.

My thoughts summarised:

  • Caveat: Szeth's last bunch of E! games were Gorilla (AG8) and QF54 that I can recall so that's forever ago. The data I'm working off is more wrt recent Village games, e.g. MR61, LG91, and QF66.
  • Feel Szeth tends to be more proactive as a Villager - case in point, QF66, LG91. Active in PMs, less rules thoughts (cf. AG8 Gorilla), more willingness to solve, more 'live' thread presence. Has tapered off by now, but my rationale for thinking Szeth's alignment probably hasn't changed just boils down to 'converting a guy under fire doesn't really seem like a great idea.' You can't judge him by say, me for prolificity, but I feel he's showing up and dropping thoughts, cf. D2 tunnel on me.
  • Me-tunnel. I just felt the reasoning and reluctance to let go of it was very Szeth - cf. Szeth's Archer tunnel in LG79 (I think? The one Mat ran where I kind of maybe damned the Village against E!Araris and Szeth hard-tunnelled both Archer and me to the point he kept calling me Evil even after I flipped Village.) I feel Gorilla was a bit less willing to stick out and hard-commit.
  • Cf. Szeth's Night 'tbh still think maybe Kas sus.'
  • Note: Don't feel Elim would be as willing to sus someone defending them - no u is a real reflex on some players & feels pertinent in light of Szeth's category.
  • On Szeth says weird things: IIRC he made a contentious Sith or Jedi claim in MR61 he got exed for (I will check this later to confirm), in LG91 he had the famous bribe people with pizza to vote me, and in QF66 he tried to stimulate discussion by asking people who they'd kill if they were Evil which was a real ??? moment for the dead doc, whom I then trolled into believing E!Szeth.
  • I guess partly a gut/tone thing too. He just feels sincere about it.
  • Fundamentally I do feel if you want a better read on Szeth, early LG91 is crucial. Would actually argue it does showcase more typical V!TBB well as well.

If I've time, I'll come back and source this. (Ah who am I kidding it'll probably beat reading this report drek...)

I guess let's try something real quick, just for the road:










*TN: Shards are Evil and Odium is especially Evil because Division is Evil!!!

Actually he's in Null.

I have never done a readslist so disgraceful in my life but ok. This is more or less spur of the moment, 'you have 2 seconds to chunk them in a box, where do you go' raw stuff. I can see an E!Szeth world, I'm just not comfortable with it, and I've tried to lay out the reasons behind my thoughts. I'd rather go for someone in my nulls. Wiz is negotiable, yeah.

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43 minutes ago, The Bald Brandon said:

Szeth. I'm willing to throw my vote in here, Szeth's comments about the 'spirit of the game' felt out of character. Not retaliating or anything, but I don't remember Szeth ever doing anything similar to that.

31 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I don't find it out of character given his LG91 dead doc.

It's a long dead doc but the exchange I remember is wrt to Szeth talking with me and someone else about whether you can let Elims submit pre-/in absentia- actions and how much we should account for unforeseeable as opposed to foreseeable RL stuff and the GM's perspective. IMO that sort of talk isn't weird coming from Szeth. Ctrl+fing for that and Tani might be faster, IDK. 

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1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

Out of curiosity, is anyone opposed to exeing Szeth (aside from having a different exe that they'd prefer)?

Edit: Just saw Mat's post. @Matrim's Dice, can you point me to where you say why you think he's village?

I don't know that I ever have said why, actually, though I have mentioned the read before. At a base level it's gut + me not understanding the e!case (which is a me problem, aka I haven't tried to understand it), but I also don't think e!Szeth has as many controversial points, I guess? Like going after Kas the way he did. I don't see e!Szeth doing that at all.

51 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Adding to Araris' question, why are you/others voting for xino? 

Mainly has to do with this, where I thought his self pres was an overreaction and unnecessary, which I think could be indicative of a more-than-usual care of dying. Additionally, the last time he did that, he was evil (according to Kas/Elan, anyway) so there's a level of connection there. Plus, I think it'd be useful to resolve the trains from yesterday, as a bonus.

Edit: I also kind of think xino is Autonomy which is likely a bad read but there you go

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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2 hours ago, Archer said:

I can't keeping giving people village credit for this 

Out of game problems require out of game solutions, but at the very least, I'll +1 Kas' stance. You don't need to be a game breaker

Don't then. Wait till I prove you either way. Cuz Idk why it did but Kas yelling at me got me back into the game. Actually rereading rn.

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15 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Mainly has to do with this, where I thought his self pres was an overreaction and unnecessary, which I think could be indicative of a more-than-usual care of dying. Additionally, the last time he did that, he was evil (according to Kas/Elan, anyway) so there's a level of connection there. Plus, I think it'd be useful to resolve the trains from yesterday, as a bonus.

On 6/12/2023 at 0:42 PM, Kasimir said:

At the same time, LG90, which Elan IMed, did have a Xino self-pres at 0140hrs which was about 3hrs, 20 minutes prior to rollover, and Xino was actually endangered there (though there was, I think, a three way tie.)

Worth flagging this because this was V!Xino - he's had early self-pres votes before, which I figured after digging late into EoD. 

So IDK which is more pertinent: the early vote with mistake in LG91 from E!Xino, or the LG90 early self-pres.

I've felt V!Xino can be more responsive/helpful so @ during the Night for his rationale as to why Alpha over Turtle (both legit self-pres trains) to get a better sense of him but he hasn't replied, and I'm less fond of his ghosting the thread.

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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

It's a long dead doc but the exchange I remember is wrt to Szeth talking with me and someone else about whether you can let Elims submit pre-/in absentia- actions and how much we should account for unforeseeable as opposed to foreseeable RL stuff and the GM's perspective. IMO that sort of talk isn't weird coming from Szeth. Ctrl+fing for that and Tani might be faster, IDK. 

Hmmm. I think I'm gonna  stick this one out. He just doesn't feel right, and the first vote track record is ridiculous. 

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Just over 4 hours until rollover!

Vote Count:

  • Szeth_Pancakes (3): The Bald Brandon, |TJ|, Araris Valerian
  • Araris Valerian (2): Fifth Scholar, DeTess
  • Elandera (2): Szeth_Pancakes, Archer
  • xinoeph512 (2): Matrim's Dice, Elandera
  • The Wandering Wizard (1): Kasimir
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On 6/13/2023 at 9:39 AM, Kasimir said:

because I have read Dostoevsky

how hard is the original russian to read for a russian learner? like what level would it be at

i inherited Братья Карамазовы and have been debating giving reading it a go.


hi quoting is not working imagine this is after the next quote

i dont rlly want szeth to die rn

feel like elims could get by easy by being quiet

who hath been quiet someone tell me i am sleep soon

school is finally over i am free

On 6/13/2023 at 9:45 AM, Kasimir said:

нет. Is why I immediately ruled out Scadrial as an option and figured it had to be Vessel Shield (perm/temp) or Honor.

  • 6489f3a93c0dc_etotmoment.jpg.333ebc5ca47ec2f5dbf0fd4c7046711a.jpg


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2 minutes ago, Turtle said:


  Reveal hidden contents
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I've seen that shirt but for French :P


Vote Count:

  • Szeth_Pancakes (3): The Bald Brandon, |TJ|, Araris Valerian
  • Araris Valerian (3): Fifth Scholar, DeTess, Matrim's Dice
  • Elandera (2): Szeth_Pancakes, Archer
  • The Bald Brandon (1): The Wandering Wizard
  • xinoeph512 (1): Elandera
  • The Wandering Wizard (1): Kasimir
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8 minutes ago, Archer said:

Hm. I like the idea of Szeth who converted Mat as a team. I also like the idea of making Ash's VC outdated mere moments after he posted it. :P. 

Elandera Szeth

Bold of you to assume I’d place Szeth at Top No. V Read if that were the case :P.

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11 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Bold of you to assume I’d place Szeth at Top No. V Read if that were the case :P.

Well they are about to die maybe. My options are the boring world where STINK is the Big Bad and we'll never catch him, or the fun world where you've tipped your hand by caring about someone else when no one else has

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