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LG95 Night One: Ties and Connections

Autonomy may have reentered the cosmere with a whisper, but the force of Ruin was a roar. People whispered in the streets of Silverlight that the academy had had a breach, that two of the worst Shards had been released and no one knew where they were or who really held them. There were worse rumors, there always were, but in a place as Invested as Silverlight people began to seek out the truth.

Most people were concerned. Most.

The promise of power had drawn many ears. Most people seemed to balk at actually releasing more shards, as some like Telan and Letta advocated for a stronger containment system all together. Others wanted power, or gave the wishy-washy responses often connected to almost-concealed desire for a fragment of a deity. Others took neither side, caught up in memories. Memories that, perhaps, they should not have. Depends on your point of view, does it not?

Regardless, those who remembered the last time the Shards of Adonalsium were given to beings to control kept largely to themselves. They had their own plans, whether to right past wrongs, earn the power that was kept from them before, or just to survive.


Ivam the Mad was not one of these.

Ivam the Mad was, well, mad. As the people became concerned over the potential for further Shard breaches, they looked for who had changed. Ivam was perhaps one, because Ivam was different from day to day.

Oliver Cosmos was another, a rather chaotic individual for a Company man. Perhaps that would have fit Whimsy better, but chaos and entropy go hand in hand.

These were the two confronted by the others. Eventually they came to face one another. Ivam offered a truce, another one of several to help unite, but the cause of Unity was one that had gone to another voice no longer welcome in Silverlight.

And yet, the crowd dispelled, aid unneeded, the Last Word unsaid.


Silverlight soon felt emptier.

And another corner of the cosmere felt a bit more... individual.

* * *

No one has died!

The Avatar VOCALS has been created on Roshar!


Vote Count:

  • The Bald Brandon (4): Szeth_Pancakes, Archer, Elandera, TheAlpha929
  • Archer (4): The Bald Brandon, The Wandering Wizard, |TJ|, DeTess
  • DeTess (2): Matrim's Dice, Sart
  • Channelknight Fadran (1): Fifth Scholar
  • STINK (1): Araris Valerian

* * *

Night One has begun!

@The Last Fæ is being warned (ish) for inactivity! I don't have a set inactivity filter, but please post within the next two turns. Also if anyone (else) wants to be a Pinch Hitter, let me know!


This turn will end on 10:00 PM PDT / 5:00 AM GMT (+1 Day) on June 9th, in 48 hours. Good luck to all!

Shard Status:

  • Ambition:       CONTAINED
  • Autonomy:     BREACHED
  • Cultivation:    CONTAINED
  • Devotion:       CONTAINED
  • Dominion:      CONTAINED
  • Endowment:  CONTAINED
  • Honor:            CONTAINED
  • Invention:       CONTAINED
  • Mercy:            CONTAINED
  • Odium:           CONTAINED
  • Preservation: CONTAINED
  • Prudence:      CONTAINED
  • Ruin:               BREACHED
  • Survival:         CONTAINED
  • Whimsy:         CONTAINED
  • Valor:              CONTAINED

Player List:

  1. @The Known Novel - Ivam the Mad
  2. @Kasimir - Evgeny Karamazov 
  3. @The Wandering Wizard - The Poet
  4. @Fifth Scholar - Dr. Mattithias Gunther
  5. @Szeth_Pancakes - Liene
  6. @|TJ| - Al
  7. @DeTess - Tessa DeLoren
  8. @Archer - Oliver Cosmos
  9. @JNV - Jai
  10. @xinoehp512 - Xorial
  11. @The Last Fæ -
  12. @DrakeMarshall - Adjunct Professor Uther
  13. @Matrim's Dice - Sir Arren Brockett
  14. @Sart -
  15. @STINK - 
  16. @Elandera - Telan
  17. @Araris Valerian - 
  18. @Drake Inferno - 
  19. @TheAlpha929 - Felt Jr.
  20. @Channelknight Fadran -
  21. @Turtle - Letta Turson
  22. VOCALS


  • You may only pass one Charge of Investiture or one Shard in a Passing action.
  • Charges of Investiture (whether Autonomy Charges or other Charges) held by Autonomous Players do not count towards the Autonomous Sudden Death Win Condition.
  • Multiple factions can win at the same time if they complete their (Normal or SD) win conditions at the same time. I don't think there's a way to get all 4 main factions to win at the same time, but if you all find one... congratulations?
  • Invention's Investment Ability can be used on Avatars, which will grant Invention an Autonomy Charge.
  • All actions are limited to once per cycle, unless otherwise noted (Autonomy's Shardic, Whimsy's Shardic, and Researcher returning Shards to Containment).
  • Vessel Action and Vessel Shield do not stack. Vessels can "gain" them from other sources, but that only matters if they pass their Shard while they would still have Vessel Action/Vessel Shield from another source.
  • Avatars can exist on the same Shardworld as each other.
  • Shardworlds get a new Doc each time the player list on that Shardworld changes.
  • Avatars and players will be put in the player list for each Shardworld Doc (i.e. you can't pretend you're not there).
  • Shardworld presences are not publicized in thread.
  • Hoid and Khriss's Conversions take place before Shardic Inheritance from Breaching (or other reasons).
  • Consuming Investiture does take actions.
  • Charges of Investiture that are used then Roleblocked are lost, as are Charges of Investiture used on a Roleblocked Shardworld action.
  • Hoid and Khriss do not lose Conversion Charges on Roleblocked or failed conversions.
  • In the event that Hoid and Khriss target the same player for conversion, both conversions fail.
  • The only abilities that contribute to Shardic Breaching are Researcher Siphons, Khriss's double-Siphon, and Hoid's Sabotage.
  • Returned keep the alignment and win condition they died with when they Return.
  • Valor Charges cannot be used on yourself.
  • Worldhopping is only a Day action.
  • Two players using actions to create 1-on-1 PMs with each other will consume both Charges/actions/etc and only create 1 PM.
  • Avatars only count as players for the Autonomous win condition, not for other factions' win conditions.
  • Avatars in Shardworlds and Ambition in the Cognitive Realm should speak in bold - other players should not (a bit for emphasis is okay, just don't write entire sentences).
  • You cannot cut players in half.


Edited by Ashbringer
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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

Wait is it just you and VOCALS lol

YEP >:(

I don't hold it against Drake, but smh y'all making me have to share a doc with Autonomy.

I guess Autonomy was really terrified by the possibility of a Village backchannel doc, though I'd considered doing a fakeout and dipping to Sel instead. There's one other possibility, but not my problem :P 

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Dear Autonomy,

This is a rave and we have recreational substances! Respectfully, please collect your offspring. It is extremely irresponsible of you to leave your minor unsupervised with utter strangers and Aman doesn't remotely count as a responsible supervising adult. What the hell sort of parenting is this anyway?



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Just now, DrakeMarshall said:

okay, round 2 of containment breach

I wonder what exciting new horrors will be unleased this time :ph34r:

I was disappointed in the showing n0 :P


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Queen takes D4.



Not playing the containment breach game not sorry :P

No horrors thank you our job is to keep the Gates of Hell firmly shut and damn God >>

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6


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6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:
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Not playing the containment breach game not sorry :P

No horrors thank you our job is to keep the Gates of Hell firmly shut and damn God >>

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6



B- But Frost said we need to free the Shards :(

Don't you trust our fearless leader? :D

Bishop takes C6!!


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23 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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B- But Frost said we need to free the Shards :(

Don't you trust our fearless leader? :D

Bishop takes C6!!




Surely that is driven by fear more than anything else. 

For fear of Autonomy, we've unleashed Ruin. Now we move to unleash Hatred.

What evils we wreak, in the name of our fear.

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6
8. Bxc6 - bxc6


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3 minutes ago, Kasimir said:
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Surely that is driven by fear more than anything else. 

For fear of Autonomy, we've unleashed Ruin. Now we move to unleash Hatred.

What evils we wreak, in the name of our fear.

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6
8. Bxc6 - bxc6



Honestly, it's a wonder the Shards ever got contained in the first place.

There have been multiple eras of past history where they've all been safely in containment, and yet it seems like they always break out at the first provocation.

Truly, we live in interesting times... Maybe not safe times but interesting ones >:P

Um sir by my reckoning your light-square bishop hasn't moved from its resting spot so how exactly do you propose it can take my bishop on C6 hmmmm :|


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4 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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Honestly, it's a wonder the Shards ever got contained in the first place.

There have been multiple eras of past history where they've all been safely in containment, and yet it seems like they always break out at the first provocation.

Truly, we live in interesting times... Maybe not safe times but interesting ones >:P

Um sir by my reckoning your light-square bishop hasn't moved from its resting spot so how exactly do you propose it can take my bishop on C6 hmmmm :|



Smh they're basically Denarians and our security has more holes than Swiss cheese >>

Interesting times are the worst, I'm on vacation smh.

bxc6 is notation for b square pawn takes c6 :P If my bishop moved, I'd've had to do it Bxc6, the same way yours was done. Apologies for the lack of clarity.


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45 minutes ago, Kasimir said:
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Smh they're basically Denarians and our security has more holes than Swiss cheese >>

Interesting times are the worst, I'm on vacation smh.

bxc6 is notation for b square pawn takes c6 :P If my bishop moved, I'd've had to do it Bxc6, the same way yours was done. Apologies for the lack of clarity.



Our security is more holes by volume than actual security :P

Smhhhhh funny chess notation strikes again >:|

Pawn to G4


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2 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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Our security is more holes by volume than actual security :P

Smhhhhh funny chess notation strikes again >:|

Pawn to G4



You'd think we'd've learned by now.

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6
8. Bxc6 - bxc6
9. g4 - Qh4+


1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

…hmph. Kinda with Mat that I’d have preferred someone outside the main wagons but still sad at no death/info :/

I mean.

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4 minutes ago, Kasimir said:
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You'd think we'd've learned by now.

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6
8. Bxc6 - bxc6
9. g4 - Qh4+



Maybe if there was a shard of learning >:P

Knight to F2.


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16 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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Maybe if there was a shard of learning >:P

Knight to F2.



There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6
8. Bxc6 - bxc6
9. g4 - Qh4+
10. Nf2 - Bc5

This Is Not A Reads List:


2 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

…hmph. Kinda with Mat that I’d have preferred someone outside the main wagons but still sad at no death/info :/

Like, yeah, no crem? I know some of this is definitely on me for being around at EoD and deliberately disengaging, and I'm not very sorry for that, but it's a strange comment to make given no effort from either to make own wagon.

I also think it's sort of clear that Hoid and Khriss at least as holders of faction converts are more likely to hide in mid-tier activity while not getting enmeshed in anything seriously controversial. I'm not ruling out Archer and TBB having been 'caught' early on (I have reservations about TBB) and having to talk their way out, but otherwise an ideal D1 for Hoid and Khriss is fundamentally Toucan.

And this is as helpful as I feel like being tonight, not sorry.

This Is Also Not A Reads List:

Sart (!!!)

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:
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There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6
8. Bxc6 - bxc6
9. g4 - Qh4+
10. Nf2 - Bc5



Denying ignorance and just sort of hoping it goes away feels like a pretty ignorant thing to do >:P

Queen D2 I guess


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10 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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Denying ignorance and just sort of hoping it goes away feels like a pretty ignorant thing to do >:P

Queen D2 I guess



IDK, I've always felt it was just an attempt to imitate a koan :P

drake - kas
1. d4 - Nf6
2. f3 - g6
3. e4 - d5
4. Nc3 - e6
5. e5 - Nfd7
5. Nh3 - c5
6. Bb5 - cxd4
7. Qxd4 - Nc6
8. Bxc6 - bxc6
9. g4 - Qh4+
10. Nf2 - Bc5
11. Qd2 - Nxe5


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wait i forgor to move to a dif planet lmao

1am rollover so mean to me :(

struggling to decode kas's not a reads list but ah well

going to be sorta inactive today bc its the last day to submit things in my math class and im nothing if not a procrastinator


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8 minutes ago, Turtle said:

struggling to decode kas's not a reads list but ah well

I don't really find myself fully believing Hoid and Khriss* were front and centre D1. I think they had better incentive to look contributory but not do anything too noisy and controversial because if they get exed, their factions are in trouble. They want to be under the radar but not obviously inactive. So to Fifth's new wagon comment, well, yes, but despite my reservations, List B is basically anyone who fits that criterion. It's not a suspicions list, just a list of any player who has been slouching. There's meta reasons to favour certain players on the list over others as places to apply pressure but that's more helpful/game-on than I wanna be rn.

List A is something else entirely.

*I could say the same of Bavadin and I actually believe this is true of Bavadin as well but I also don't want to make VOCALS mad at me as we're having a concert at the rave so I'm not gonna add Bavadin there for the moment.

Edited to add:

Just now, STINK said:

Did anyone actually leave silver light I'm in an echo chamber over here smh 

Having a highstorm rave with VOCALS on Roshar smh why didn't you join do u have something against party culture

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