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1 minute ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I'm not sure which has me more miffed: the fact that I've had to break my no-voting bit for this, or the fact that I don't even get to post the epic persuasive speech I typed up about why y'all shouldn't lynch me because apparently I didn't need to :P

Smh murderpuppy, breaking your limits and proving yourself worthy to stay alive is your schtick!

I'm simply delivering your own teachings unto you! :P 

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LG95 Night Six: Death by Sleep

It’s official. Silverlight’s most talented researchers were dropping like flies, and Bavadin had nearly finished conquering each remaining shardworld, leaving only Sel and the 17th Shard’s base of operations beyond her control. Both Frost and Hoid knew if they didn’t reign in the chaos soon, the Cosmere as they know it would be doomed, and Ruin certainly hadn’t been helping the situation. Perhaps containing these powers, in the end, had been a grave error? For all the problems the most destructive Intents had caused, what about the benefits of those such as Preservation, Honor, and Endowment? How many lives could’ve been saved by their Vessels?

Hopefully it was not too late to make a difference.

* * *

No one was executed, however, Turtle and Fae have died from inactivity! They were both 17th Shard Researchers.

The Avatar DRUMS has been created on Scadrial!

@_Stick_ has Pinch Hit for Kasimir! Please give her a warm welcome!

Vote Count:

  • The Bald Brandon (3): |TJ|, DrakeMarshall, Threnody
  • DrakeMarshall (3): Araris Valerian, The Bald Brandon, Szeth_Pancakes

* * *

Night Six has begun!

This turn will end on 10:00 PM PDT / 5:00 AM GMT (+1 Day) on June 24th, in ~24 hours.

Shard Status:

  • Ambition:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Autonomy:     BREACHED :) 
  • Cultivation:    CONTAINED :( 
  • Devotion:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Dominion:      CONTAINED :( 
  • Endowment:  CONTAINED :( 
  • Honor:            CONTAINED :( 
  • Invention:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Mercy:            CONTAINED :( 
  • Odium:           BREACHED :) 
  • Preservation: CONTAINED :( 
  • Prudence:      CONTAINED :( 
  • Ruin:               BREACHED :) 
  • Survival:         CONTAINED :( 
  • Whimsy:         CONTAINED :ph34r:
  • Valor:              CONTAINED :( 

Players List:

  1. @The Known Novel - Ivam the Mad - 
  2. Kasimir @_Stick_ - Evgeny Karamazov - 
  3. @The Wandering Wizard - The Poet - 
  4. Fifth Scholar - Dr. Mattithias Gunther - Standard of Unity Researcher
  5. @Szeth_Pancakes - Liene - 
  6. @|TJ| - Al - 
  7. DeTess - Tessa DeLoren - 17th Shard Researcher
  8. Archer - Olivier Cosmos - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  9. @JNV - Jai - 
  10. xinoeph512 - Xorial - 17th Shard Researcher
  11. The Last Fae - 17th Shard Researcher
  12. @DrakeMarshall - Adjunct Professor Uther - 
  13. Matrim's Dice - Sir Arren Brockett - Khrissala
  14. Sart - 17th Shard Researcher
  15. STINK - Standard of Unity Researcher
  16. Elandera - Telan - Standard of Unity Researcher
  17. @Araris Valerian - 
  18. @Walin -  
  19. TheAlpha929 - Felt Jr. - 17th Shard Researcher
  20. Channelknight Fadran - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  21. Turtle - Letta Turson - 17th Shard Researcher
  22. VOCALS
  23. PIANO
  26. DRUMS


  • Lorn Haemtes hasn't been seen in a while, has anyone found them?
  • Anyone actually looking in here or am I pasting this over and over again for nothing?
  • You may only pass one Charge of Investiture or one Shard in a Passing action.
  • Charges of Investiture (whether Autonomy Charges or other Charges) held by Autonomous Players do not count towards the Autonomous Sudden Death Win Condition.
  • Multiple factions can win at the same time if they complete their (Normal or SD) win conditions at the same time. I don't think there's a way to get all 4 main factions to win at the same time, but if you all find one... congratulations?
  • Invention's Investment Ability can be used on Avatars, which will grant Invention an Autonomy Charge.
  • All actions are limited to once per cycle, unless otherwise noted (Autonomy's Shardic, Whimsy's Shardic, and Researcher returning Shards to Containment).
  • Vessel Action and Vessel Shield do not stack. Vessels can "gain" them from other sources, but that only matters if they pass their Shard while they would still have Vessel Action/Vessel Shield from another source.
  • Avatars can exist on the same Shardworld as each other.
  • Shardworlds get a new Doc each time the player list on that Shardworld changes.
  • Avatars and players will be put in the player list for each Shardworld Doc (i.e. you can't pretend you're not there).
  • Shardworld presences are not publicized in thread.
  • Hoid and Khriss's Conversions take place before Shardic Inheritance from Breaching (or other reasons).
  • Consuming Investiture does take actions.
  • Charges of Investiture that are used then Roleblocked (or otherwise fail) are lost, as are Charges of Investiture used on a Roleblocked Shardworld action.
  • Hoid and Khriss do not lose Conversion Charges on Roleblocked or failed conversions.
  • In the event that Hoid and Khriss target the same player for conversion, both conversions fail.
  • The only abilities that contribute to Shardic Breaching are Researcher Siphons, Khriss's double-Siphon, and Hoid's Sabotage.
  • Returned keep the alignment and win condition they died with when they Return.
  • Valor Charges cannot be used on yourself.
  • Worldhopping is only a Day action.
  • Two players using actions to create 1-on-1 PMs with each other will consume both Charges/actions/etc and only create 1 PM.
  • Avatars only count as players for the Autonomous win condition, not for other factions' win conditions.
  • Avatars in Shardworlds and Ambition in the Cognitive Realm should speak in bold - other players should not (a bit for emphasis is okay, just don't write entire sentences).
  • You cannot create PMs with Avatars.
  • You cannot cut players in half.
  • Whimsy has Breached.
  • Ignore previous statement, Whimsy has not Breached.
  • Ignore previous two statements, Whimsy will breach when it wants to.
  • Ignore previous statement, Whimsy has not not not Breached.


Edited by Amanuensis
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I have no idea what happened overnight to cause this...

tbb - ?
stick - v
wiz - ?
szeth - v
tj - v
jnv - ruin
drake - murderpuppy
araris - ?
walin - ? (not likely hoid)

so for hoid we have - tbb,wiz, araris
so elims - tbb,wiz, araris, walin

could further narrow it down if one of them is frost. 

currently non-auto numbers - 8
auto-numbers - 6

if drake kills a player and then creates an avatar in d7, along with a non-auto elimination, it's 7-6 to auto and drake wins post-d7. 

we should go for drake d7, villagers this makes sense? 

@JNV how far along are you with your wincon? 

Edited by |TJ|
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I have DEFINITELY read the threads and also the rules 

Both fae and turtle flipping village is unlucky 

Brb figuring some things out 


Im gonna have to ask everyone what their game plan is for transparency’s sake 

@DrakeMarshall what is your wincon that you’re trying to achieve 

@Szeth_Pancakes @Araris Valerian @The Bald Brandon @JNV @The Wandering Wizard @|TJ| @Walin same question 

Only recently found out bald Brandon is TKN lmao all this time I thought it was someone new 


4 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

You cannot cut players in half.

ō_ō wonder what prompted this clarification

anyway ive forced myself to read the rules tbh, not sure if i retained anything 

but if my calculations are correct, it looks like we are screwed

Edited by _Stick_
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5 hours ago, The Bald Brandon said:

I suppose Drake won the coin flip @JNV, or did you not vote?

Vote for what I mean its fairly obvious I didnt vote cause my names not in the vote count 

4 hours ago, |TJ| said:


@JNV how far along are you with your wincon? 

I need two more cycles after tonight and no one messing with me

3 hours ago, _Stick_ said:


Im gonna have to ask everyone what their game plan is for transparency’s sake 

@DrakeMarshall what is your wincon that you’re trying to achieve 

@Szeth_Pancakes @Araris Valerian @The Bald Brandon @JNV @The Wandering Wizard @|TJ| @Walin same question

I need to destroy Scadrial well I need a bit more than that but those bits are already gotten cause Braize is gone Threnodys about to blow sorta thing 

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2 minutes ago, JNV said:

Vote for what I mean its fairly obvious I didnt vote cause my names not in the vote count 

I need two more cycles after tonight and no one messing with me

I need to destroy Scadrial well I need a bit more than that but those bits are already gotten cause Braize is gone Threnodys about to blow sorta thing 

I think he meant the Threnody vote that appeared on TKN 

Okay!! That’s very cool 

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1 minute ago, _Stick_ said:

I think he meant the Threnody vote that appeared on TKN 

Okay!! That’s very cool 

Oh well if there was a coin flip for it I guess I lost it then you know given the situation 

But instead of thread stuff, lets think about quokkas




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Who's up for a coordinated Odium charge attack on Drake?

8 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

what is your wincon that you’re trying to achieve 

I agree with Araris: might be easier to kill the remaining elims than put the Shards back. Right now we should focus on stopping Drake, though.

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10 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

How sure are we on the number of Hoidites left?

Hoid has 3 conversions, and while they can sometimes fail (against me, for example) there have already been 6 nights (yes its N6 but we had N0) and thus 6 whole opportunities to convert.

Also, 2 Hoid converts are already dead.

Unless Hoid is either pretty inactive or deliberately holding the 3rd conversion for later after not holding back the first 2, there is very likely exactly 2 Hoidites right now.

Also, it would be... at least a bit odd of a decision to hold on to conversion #3 specifically, bc 4 Hoidites is a special number-- it lets their faction break Shards out of containment without any outside help. So unless AC!Archer died before Hoid had the opportunity to fire off all 3 conversions and hit the magic number of 4, it would be pretty odd to stop right on the cusp of being able to get shards. And Archer was exed D4 meaning it was preceded by 4 nights, and therefore Hoid would need to have failed at not just 1 but 2 conversion attempts in 4 nights to have not spent all his conversions by the time of D4. Most players can be converted so 2 failed conversions in 4 nights is possible but a bit eyebrow raising.

So in conclusion, we can't be sure, but it's probably 2.

Also village why am I the one explaining this to Stick smh

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12 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

same question 

smh wdym whats my wincon, we need to either kill hoid + drake and contain all the shards. or we need to kill hoidites + drake and hope the next autonomy does not intent convert. 

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2 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

smh wdym whats my wincon, we need to either kill hoid + drake and contain all the shards. or we need to kill hoidites + drake and hope the next autonomy does not intent convert. 

Clearly I was hoping some of you would admit to the AC wincon smh 

But yes, i was asking more about which of those the village wants to primarily gun for

Keep in mind I still haven’t read the past turns but will try to when I have the time. Preferably will catch up on D6 first then back read in a non chronological order 

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1 minute ago, _Stick_ said:

Keep in mind I still haven’t read the past turns but will try to when I have the time. Preferably will catch up on D6 first then back read in a non chronological order 

could probably save time if you focused on posts only from the players who are alive + archer and fadran. we've already caught the entirety of khriss' team so their sole posts are kinda not that relevant. 

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LG95 Day Seven: For Those Who Mourn

Writeup to come - or not.

These days, does it matter?

For nine entered into that good night, and nine have returned. The songs are still sung. The Autonomous Jazz Band still plays.

The only ones who have lost are those who already mourn.

* * *

Threnody was Destroyed!

... and pretty sure that's it.

* * *

Day Seven has begun!

Just as a note - the good news is, I'm not working this rollover! The bad news is I'm going camping instead, and while I will have cell coverage (if the internet hasn't lied to me) it may be spotty and rollover may be done over a hotspotted connection to a half-dead laptop. 

This turn will end on 10:00 PM PDT / 5:00 AM GMT (+1 Day) on June 26th, in ~46 hours.

Shard Status:


What do you think

  • Ambition:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Autonomy:     BREACHED :) 
  • Cultivation:    CONTAINED :( 
  • Devotion:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Dominion:      CONTAINED :( 
  • Endowment:  CONTAINED :( 
  • Honor:            CONTAINED :( 
  • Invention:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Mercy:            CONTAINED :( 
  • Odium:           BREACHED :) 
  • Preservation: CONTAINED :( 
  • Prudence:      CONTAINED :( 
  • Ruin:               BREACHED :) 
  • Survival:         CONTAINED :( 
  • Whimsy:         CONTAINED :ph34r:
  • Valor:              CONTAINED :( 

Player List:

  1. @The Known Novel - Ivam the Mad - 
  2. Kasimir @_Stick_ - Evgeny Karamazov - 
  3. @The Wandering Wizard - The Poet - 
  4. Fifth Scholar - Dr. Mattithias Gunther - Standard of Unity Researcher
  5. @Szeth_Pancakes - Liene - 
  6. @|TJ| - Al - 
  7. DeTess - Tessa DeLoren - 17th Shard Researcher
  8. Archer - Olivier Cosmos - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  9. @JNV - Jai - 
  10. xinoeph512 - Xorial - 17th Shard Researcher
  11. The Last Fae - 17th Shard Researcher
  12. @DrakeMarshall - Adjunct Professor Uther - 
  13. Matrim's Dice - Sir Arren Brockett - Khrissala
  14. Sart - 17th Shard Researcher
  15. STINK - Standard of Unity Researcher
  16. Elandera - Telan - Standard of Unity Researcher
  17. @Araris Valerian - 
  18. @Walin -  
  19. TheAlpha929 - Felt Jr. - 17th Shard Researcher
  20. Channelknight Fadran - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  21. Turtle - Letta Turson - 17th Shard Researcher
  22. VOCALS
  23. PIANO
  26. DRUMS


  • Lorn Haemtes hasn't been seen in a while, has anyone found them?
  • Anyone actually looking in here or am I pasting this over and over again for nothing?
  • You may only pass one Charge of Investiture or one Shard in a Passing action.
  • Charges of Investiture (whether Autonomy Charges or other Charges) held by Autonomous Players do not count towards the Autonomous Sudden Death Win Condition.
  • Multiple factions can win at the same time if they complete their (Normal or SD) win conditions at the same time. I don't think there's a way to get all 4 main factions to win at the same time, but if you all find one... congratulations?
  • Invention's Investment Ability can be used on Avatars, which will grant Invention an Autonomy Charge.
  • All actions are limited to once per cycle, unless otherwise noted (Autonomy's Shardic, Whimsy's Shardic, and Researcher returning Shards to Containment).
  • Vessel Action and Vessel Shield do not stack. Vessels can "gain" them from other sources, but that only matters if they pass their Shard while they would still have Vessel Action/Vessel Shield from another source.
  • Avatars can exist on the same Shardworld as each other.
  • Shardworlds get a new Doc each time the player list on that Shardworld changes.
  • Avatars and players will be put in the player list for each Shardworld Doc (i.e. you can't pretend you're not there).
  • Shardworld presences are not publicized in thread.
  • Hoid and Khriss's Conversions take place before Shardic Inheritance from Breaching (or other reasons).
  • Consuming Investiture does take actions.
  • Charges of Investiture that are used then Roleblocked (or otherwise fail) are lost, as are Charges of Investiture used on a Roleblocked Shardworld action.
  • Hoid and Khriss do not lose Conversion Charges on Roleblocked or failed conversions.
  • In the event that Hoid and Khriss target the same player for conversion, both conversions fail.
  • The only abilities that contribute to Shardic Breaching are Researcher Siphons, Khriss's double-Siphon, and Hoid's Sabotage.
  • Returned keep the alignment and win condition they died with when they Return.
  • Valor Charges cannot be used on yourself.
  • Worldhopping is only a Day action.
  • Two players using actions to create 1-on-1 PMs with each other will consume both Charges/actions/etc and only create 1 PM.
  • Avatars only count as players for the Autonomous win condition, not for other factions' win conditions.
  • Avatars in Shardworlds and Ambition in the Cognitive Realm should speak in bold - other players should not (a bit for emphasis is okay, just don't write entire sentences).
  • You cannot create PMs with Avatars.
  • You cannot cut players in half.
  • Whimsy has Breached.
  • Ignore previous statement, Whimsy has not Breached.
  • Ignore previous two statements, Whimsy will breach when it wants to.
  • Ignore previous statement, Whimsy has not not not Breached.
  • It's late.
  • Lament you spared.


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