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Why was Szeth seemingly notified of being attacked when TJ had allegedly RB’d Drake? Unless I’m misunderstanding something 

2 hours ago, |TJ| said:

i need to know whos with drake on a shardworld smh, theyre getting this shards...

yeah I’ll echo that 

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51 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Why was Szeth seemingly notified of being attacked when TJ had allegedly RB’d Drake? Unless I’m misunderstanding something 

i read that as szeth suggesting that drake implied he would kill szeth in the docs theyre on? either jokingly or else? i donno.

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double-posting since it's been four hours

Good news: I've read Archer's posts in an extremely non-chronological order and I'm pretty sure I know who the two remaining ACs are

Bad news: Not sure if it matters anymore

Can elaborate during the Night turn if required I suppose

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7 hours ago, The Bald Brandon said:

Why wouldn't it matter?

We need to get Hoid after today, then JNV will probably be able to return his Shard, and hopefully you will as well.

It may not matter because I'm expecting some ships to be jumped today o_o Dw though my vote stays on Drake

I dont think I'm receiving any Shards unless Drake's currently also on Silverlight (I think that's how default shard passing after death works?)

Wiz checked in and dipped without voting ;-; Walin may be a lost cause 


@DrakeMarshall calling your battle of wits 





Actually no it’s 5 am I need to go to bed xD Maybe tomorrow if we’re both here 

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Sorry will vote in a few minutes. I’ve been  busy the last few days, and I totally should have expected a lack of free time but neglected to make plans for my remaining time. Aka I forgor.


Trukal forgor

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Friends, sharders, and gentlepersons, lend me your ears! I'll give them right back later I swear

(kas said this during D6 but I aint gonna @ him lol)


There is no reason not to turn on Aut at this juncture, quite frankly. Unless he gives us one.

Ta da!!! This is the part where I give you a reason! :D

Shame on you all for needing Kas to point out to you that you needed one. Repeatedly. Dishonor. Dishonor on you, your family, your cow! I literally just truthfully claimed Serial Killer in front of everyone, acted like I owned the place and expected nobody to raise a finger, and you all went with it for most of a whole day until somebody told you to stop :P However I've had a reason not to kill me prepared all this time I just wasn't gonna give you one unless... Well, unless you were actually capable of voting for me enough that I'd have reason to. Which you didn't do for quite some time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but here we are now. Finally.

I probably shouldn't start my Big Pitch by insulting you all, but clearly, if I were a wise person we wouldn't be here for a multitude of reasons :P And if you were wise people you wouldn't need insulting :P So now that it's firmly established we've all been equally silly let's get down to serious business.

I'm Bavadin.

I surrender, suckers.

However, I'm playing pretty nice right now, aren't I? :D

I've been playing pretty nice, haven't I?

Zero (0) Autonomy Charges have been spread around. Call me out on it if that's not true.

And I've been... Pretty forthright with everything :P

Also, six (6) elims are dead.

Only two (2) of those were killed by the village executing them.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think you could really use me. I think there's a solid chance the village would have already lost without some of the shots I made.

So... Here's the deal.

As previously mentioned, I can win with the Village.

And I'm now willing to consider doing so. Enough of you have showed up to vote that I no longer like my odds here, so -- you've passed Autonomy's trial :)

I didn't originally think it was worth considering. And yet. Against my expectation, even this late into the game, the Village Sudden Death win is actually still very possible. A grand total of three (3) Shards are out of containment, and everyone knows where all of them are. I have 2 of them. JNV has 1. If we agree to make it happen, to get all the Shards in containment, then there's no reason it couldn't. We just need to kill Hoid.

If the Village Sudden Death happens at the same time as Autonomy outnumbers everyone, we both win together (me and the Village, that is -- Hoid doesn't).

My conditions are pretty simple:

1. JNV wins. This means letting them do their thing in peace and giving them enough time to destroy Scadrial, which will take 2 more nights.

2. I am allowed enough Avatars to meet my outnumber requirements when the time comes.

Do those things, and I'll help the Village achieve their Sudden Death win. (Yes, that does mean I'm volunteering to die eventually, since that is a requirement of the Village Sudden Death win condition. But I will still win by my chosen replacement Vessel satisfying the outnumbering win condition.)

Oh, also, if you do kill me today... You might not like mopping up the consequences very much. I'm on Silverlight, you see. The same planet that almost everyone else is on. If I die today, both Odium and Autonomy will pass to random people. If RNG puts them in Hoidite hands, well... I believe that would mean the Village just loses. Even if it does go to Village hands, good luck tracking who has it, if they decide to go rogue with Shardic Power. If the new Autonomy Vessel decides to carry on what I've started, I don't think you'll be able to repel them, not with your numbers. Sincerely, I don't think it would be very good for the village for me to die today. I don't intend this as a threat, but I do rather think you should be aware of the likely consequences here.

If you think this is a reasonable offer, I motion that we execute Wizard here, because I believe Wizard is Hoid (as does Stick, if that matters). Conveniently, Wizard also hasn't been voting, so this exe won't put you guys at a numerical disadvantage against me, which should instill some confidence that I'm dealing in good faith here.

If you decide to turn down my offer, well, that's your right.

Edited by DrakeMarshall
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I guess I’ll vote Wizard because of the train rn. I don’t have time to check for what I should actually do. But I was asked to vote and I said I would, so here it is.


Trukal sent a message within the system. He didn’t know what or who the researchers were talking about, but a standard “I agree” should cover his bases for a few minutes while he got his bearings.

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LG95 Night Seven: The Wanderer and the Broker

Lorn Haemtes had not been torn to shreds. Not yet. Someone had tried, in some darker night, but killing the bearer of a Dawnshard is no simple matter of glass knives and Odious Investiture. Even Shards feared it. Some all too much.

Then again, Lorn feared the Shards. He might have to try and kill one today.

The kindly Professor Uther had claimed to be Bavadin's new face. For a while none had responded to it, but now came the accusations. That Autonomy had ended them once, and could do so again.

Uther instead directed them towards the one known as the Poet, one who had been quieter since late events. Accused them of being Hoid in disguise.

And so the two faced off. The Poet and the Professor. The Wizard and the Marshall. The Wanderer and the Broker. The First Gem and the Pantheon of Dieties.

Allegedly, of course.

Although when the votes were cast, the Avatars of Autonomy certainly came in support of Uther. And when Lorn Haemtes told the Poet what the Last Word was, it was certainly Cephandrius who collapsed in front of him.

* * *

The Wandering Wizard was executed! They were Hoid!


Vote Count:

  • The Wandering Wizard (5): The Bald Brandon, JNV, DrakeMarshall, Walin, VOCALS, DRUMS
  • DrakeMarshall (4): _Stick_, Szeth_Pancakes, |TJ|, Araris Valerian

* * *

Night Seven has begun!

This turn will end on 10:00 PM PDT / 5:00 AM GMT (+1 Day) on June 27th, in ~24 hours.

Shard Status:

  • Ambition:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Autonomy:     BREACHED :) 
  • Cultivation:    CONTAINED :( 
  • Devotion:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Dominion:      CONTAINED :( 
  • Endowment:  CONTAINED :( 
  • Honor:            CONTAINED :( 
  • Invention:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Mercy:            CONTAINED :( 
  • Odium:           BREACHED :) 
  • Preservation: CONTAINED :( 
  • Prudence:      CONTAINED :( 
  • Ruin:               BREACHED :) 
  • Survival:         CONTAINED :( 
  • Whimsy:         CONTAINED :ph34r:
  • Valor:              CONTAINED :( 

Player List:

  1. @The Known Novel - Ivam the Mad - 
  2. Kasimir @_Stick_ - Evgeny Karamazov - 
  3. The Wandering Wizard - The Poet - Hoid
  4. Fifth Scholar - Dr. Mattithias Gunther - Standard of Unity Researcher
  5. @Szeth_Pancakes - Liene - 
  6. @|TJ| - Al - 
  7. DeTess - Tessa DeLoren - 17th Shard Researcher
  8. Archer - Olivier Cosmos - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  9. @JNV - Jai - 
  10. xinoeph512 - Xorial - 17th Shard Researcher
  11. The Last Fae - 17th Shard Researcher
  12. @DrakeMarshall - Adjunct Professor Uther - 
  13. Matrim's Dice - Sir Arren Brockett - Khrissala
  14. Sart - 17th Shard Researcher
  15. STINK - Standard of Unity Researcher
  16. Elandera - Telan - Standard of Unity Researcher
  17. @Araris Valerian - 
  18. @Walin -  
  19. TheAlpha929 - Felt Jr. - 17th Shard Researcher
  20. Channelknight Fadran - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  21. Turtle - Letta Turson - 17th Shard Researcher
  22. VOCALS
  23. PIANO
  26. DRUMS


  • Lorn Haemtes has been doing just fine, thank you very much.
  • Anyone actually looking in here or am I pasting this over and over again for nothing?
  • You may only pass one Charge of Investiture or one Shard in a Passing action.
  • Charges of Investiture (whether Autonomy Charges or other Charges) held by Autonomous Players do not count towards the Autonomous Sudden Death Win Condition.
  • Multiple factions can win at the same time if they complete their (Normal or SD) win conditions at the same time. I don't think there's a way to get all 4 main factions to win at the same time, but if you all find one... congratulations?
  • Invention's Investment Ability can be used on Avatars, which will grant Invention an Autonomy Charge.
  • All actions are limited to once per cycle, unless otherwise noted (Autonomy's Shardic, Whimsy's Shardic, and Researcher returning Shards to Containment).
  • Vessel Action and Vessel Shield do not stack. Vessels can "gain" them from other sources, but that only matters if they pass their Shard while they would still have Vessel Action/Vessel Shield from another source.
  • Avatars can exist on the same Shardworld as each other.
  • Shardworlds get a new Doc each time the player list on that Shardworld changes.
  • Avatars and players will be put in the player list for each Shardworld Doc (i.e. you can't pretend you're not there).
  • Shardworld presences are not publicized in thread.
  • Hoid and Khriss's Conversions take place before Shardic Inheritance from Breaching (or other reasons).
  • Consuming Investiture does take actions.
  • Charges of Investiture that are used then Roleblocked (or otherwise fail) are lost, as are Charges of Investiture used on a Roleblocked Shardworld action.
  • Hoid and Khriss do not lose Conversion Charges on Roleblocked or failed conversions.
  • In the event that Hoid and Khriss target the same player for conversion, both conversions fail.
  • The only abilities that contribute to Shardic Breaching are Researcher Siphons, Khriss's double-Siphon, and Hoid's Sabotage.
  • Returned keep the alignment and win condition they died with when they Return.
  • Valor Charges cannot be used on yourself.
  • Worldhopping is only a Day action.
  • Two players using actions to create 1-on-1 PMs with each other will consume both Charges/actions/etc and only create 1 PM.
  • Avatars only count as players for the Autonomous win condition, not for other factions' win conditions.
  • Avatars in Shardworlds and Ambition in the Cognitive Realm should speak in bold - other players should not (a bit for emphasis is okay, just don't write entire sentences).
  • You cannot create PMs with Avatars.
  • You cannot cut players in half.
  • Whimsy has Breached.
  • Ignore previous statement, Whimsy has not Breached.
  • Ignore previous two statements, Whimsy will breach when it wants to.
  • Ignore previous statement, Whimsy has not not not Breached.
  • It's late.
  • Lament you spared.
  • Lament you spared.


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okay so hold on, for sudden death win - 

n7 (7-6)
ruin destroys scadrial. ruin wincon completed. 
drake passes autonomy to someone. (i think it remains 7-6 @Ashbringer if bavadin passes autonomy to someone, will the receiver count as autonomous party if they have not used autonomy's powers? and after bavadin passes it, i assume they are still considered autonomous)
solution edit: drake also passes odium to the same person 

d8 (7-6)
we execute drake. we still don't win as shards are not contained and hoids partner is still alive. drake's odium goes to someone. (7-5)
ruin gives up their shard for containment. 
new autonomy creates an avatar to make it (7-7) (they get intent converted (+1) and create an avatar (+1)

n8 (7-7)
new odium gives up their shard. 
new autonomy both creates creates a new avatar and gives up the shard for containment. 7-8, outnumber done. shards contained. 

problem is if odium goes to the evil person. so in order to prevent that, drake needs to use vessel action tonight and send both autonomy and odium to the same person.

n7 - drake passes both odium and autonomy to a person. 
d8 - kill drake. new odium containment. ruin containment. 
n8 - new autonomy avatar creation. new autonomy containment

should be fine. and as the only previous holder of both odium and autonomy at the same time, you should clearly pass it to me :P. 

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12 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

okay so hold on, for sudden death win - 

n7 (7-6)
ruin destroys scadrial. ruin wincon completed. 
drake passes autonomy to someone. (i think it remains 7-6 @Ashbringer if bavadin passes autonomy to someone, will the receiver count as autonomous party if they have not used autonomy's powers? and after bavadin passes it, i assume they are still considered autonomous)
solution edit: drake also passes odium to the same person

You've got the right idea but a few things to point out:

  • JNV destroys Scadrial N8, it takes 2 cycles to destroy a planet
  • A player doesn't become Autonomous until they use Autonomy's shardic action 3 times, same with other shards
  • As Bavadin I am permanently Autonomous and immune to all forms of conversion
  • Due to the fact that I used 2 actions yesterday, I only have enough actions tonight to pass one of my two shards, as per the ruling that you can only pass 1 shard/charge per action, a new rule that I spontaneously cuased on N0 when I asked Ash what prevented me from hoarding Autonomous Investiture to myself for the whole game and then passing it all to some poor shmuck in a single action to end the game :P
  • Even if I could pass both shards, probably best not to give them both to the same person, because it takes both a day action and a night action to place a shard in containment, meaning somebody with both shards does not have enough actions to put both shards in containment in one cycle
20 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

new autonomy creates an avatar to make it (7-7) (they get intent converted (+1) and create an avatar (+1)

new autonomy both creates creates a new avatar and gives up the shard for containment. 7-8, outnumber done. shards contained.

  • Creating an Avatar doesn't contribute towards Autonomous Intent Conversion since it isn't Autonomy's shardic ability technically it's Autonomy's investment ability
  • Autonomy can only have 6 Avatars, I have 5 right now, so creating 2 additional Avatars is impossible.
52 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

n8 (7-7)

new odium gives up their shard. 
new autonomy both creates creates a new avatar and gives up the shard for containment. 7-8, outnumber done. shards contained.

  • Putting a shard in containment takes both a day action and a night action to accomplish. Only splintered shards can be contained in 1 action.

None of these are particularly insurmountable issues, though. Again, you have the right idea. Mostly the difference between my projection and yours is "the game ends N9 instead of N8."

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Yeah I’ll go for an Endowment breach! I…don’t think I’m thinking of the same player to revive that you are. But anyway best of luck to getting it if E breaks out.


Trukal joined another group chat to vote, this time hopefully better informed. They were going to attempt to breach the Endowment shard.

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LG95 Day Eight: Return to Sender

Nothing much happened today.

Perhaps that was a good thing, perhaps it wasn't, perhaps it was the natural result of such a momentous yesterday. But it is what happened.

* * *

No one has died!

No Shards have Breached Containment!

No Shardworlds have been Destroyed!

No other Announcements are necessary!

* * *

Day Eight has begun!

This turn will end on 10:00 PM PDT / 5:00 AM GMT (+1 Day) on June 29th, in ~48 hours.

Shard Status:

  • Ambition:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Autonomy:     BREACHED :) 
  • Cultivation:    CONTAINED :( 
  • Devotion:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Dominion:      CONTAINED :( 
  • Endowment:  CONTAINED :( 
  • Honor:            CONTAINED :( 
  • Invention:       CONTAINED :( 
  • Mercy:            CONTAINED :( 
  • Odium:           BREACHED :) 
  • Preservation: CONTAINED :( 
  • Prudence:      CONTAINED :( 
  • Ruin:               BREACHED :) 
  • Survival:         CONTAINED :( 
  • Whimsy:         CONTAINED :ph34r:
  • Valor:              CONTAINED :( 

Player List:

  1. @The Known Novel - Ivam the Mad - 
  2. Kasimir @_Stick_ - Evgeny Karamazov - 
  3. The Wandering Wizard - The Poet - Hoid
  4. Fifth Scholar - Dr. Mattithias Gunther - Standard of Unity Researcher
  5. @Szeth_Pancakes - Liene - 
  6. @|TJ| - Al - 
  7. DeTess - Tessa DeLoren - 17th Shard Researcher
  8. Archer - Olivier Cosmos - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  9. @JNV - Jai - 
  10. xinoeph512 - Xorial - 17th Shard Researcher
  11. The Last Fae - 17th Shard Researcher
  12. @DrakeMarshall - Adjunct Professor Uther - 
  13. Matrim's Dice - Sir Arren Brockett - Khrissala
  14. Sart - 17th Shard Researcher
  15. STINK - Standard of Unity Researcher
  16. Elandera - Telan - Standard of Unity Researcher
  17. @Araris Valerian - 
  18. @Walin -  
  19. TheAlpha929 - Felt Jr. - 17th Shard Researcher
  20. Channelknight Fadran - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  21. Turtle - Letta Turson - 17th Shard Researcher
  22. VOCALS
  23. PIANO
  26. DRUMS


  • Lorn Haemtes has been doing just fine, thank you very much.
  • Anyone actually looking in here or am I pasting this over and over again for nothing?
  • You may only pass one Charge of Investiture or one Shard in a Passing action.
  • Charges of Investiture (whether Autonomy Charges or other Charges) held by Autonomous Players do not count towards the Autonomous Sudden Death Win Condition.
  • Multiple factions can win at the same time if they complete their (Normal or SD) win conditions at the same time. I don't think there's a way to get all 4 main factions to win at the same time, but if you all find one... congratulations?
  • Invention's Investment Ability can be used on Avatars, which will grant Invention an Autonomy Charge.
  • All actions are limited to once per cycle, unless otherwise noted (Autonomy's Shardic, Whimsy's Shardic, and Researcher returning Shards to Containment).
  • Vessel Action and Vessel Shield do not stack. Vessels can "gain" them from other sources, but that only matters if they pass their Shard while they would still have Vessel Action/Vessel Shield from another source.
  • Avatars can exist on the same Shardworld as each other.
  • Shardworlds get a new Doc each time the player list on that Shardworld changes.
  • Avatars and players will be put in the player list for each Shardworld Doc (i.e. you can't pretend you're not there).
  • Shardworld presences are not publicized in thread.
  • Hoid and Khriss's Conversions take place before Shardic Inheritance from Breaching (or other reasons).
  • Consuming Investiture does take actions.
  • Charges of Investiture that are used then Roleblocked (or otherwise fail) are lost, as are Charges of Investiture used on a Roleblocked Shardworld action.
  • Hoid and Khriss do not lose Conversion Charges on Roleblocked or failed conversions.
  • In the event that Hoid and Khriss target the same player for conversion, both conversions fail.
  • The only abilities that contribute to Shardic Breaching are Researcher Siphons, Khriss's double-Siphon, and Hoid's Sabotage.
  • Returned keep the alignment and win condition they died with when they Return.
  • Valor Charges cannot be used on yourself.
  • Worldhopping is only a Day action.
  • Two players using actions to create 1-on-1 PMs with each other will consume both Charges/actions/etc and only create 1 PM.
  • Avatars only count as players for the Autonomous win condition, not for other factions' win conditions.
  • Avatars in Shardworlds and Ambition in the Cognitive Realm should speak in bold - other players should not (a bit for emphasis is okay, just don't write entire sentences).
  • You cannot create PMs with Avatars.
  • You cannot cut players in half.
  • Whimsy has Breached.
  • Ignore previous statement, Whimsy has not Breached.
  • Ignore previous two statements, Whimsy will breach when it wants to.
  • Ignore previous statement, Whimsy has not not not Breached.
  • It's late.
  • Lament you spared Lament you spared Lament you spared


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