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An unsurprising night.

Anyways, in my Totally Unbiased Opinion you shouldn't execute me today :P

...No but really :ph34r:

Thing is, there's no possible way for me to get Odium somewhere safe before the execution takes effect in the OOA. I don't believe it's worth gambling on the shard going to somebody who would responsibly put it back into containment. If the new shard vessel doesn't play nice, the village Sudden Death looks a lot less doable and the village's sudden death looks rather more likely, heh. Probably a lot safer to execute me D9 after the shard has been safely disposed of, if you're willing to trust me for that long.

I also don't believe it's a good plan to execute the last Hoidite, since that makes the logistics of a joint victory rather more tricky. It means that somebody would have to convert to Autonomous before I died in order for the game to not end prematurely, and currently that conversion would likely result in Autonomy outnumbering y'all. So yeah kind of messy.

So in other words, um. My assessment is that the best thing to do today for a joint victory is actually to intentionally execute a villager (well or to have no exe but that's not really feasible is it?). Which, is a little awkward :P But I do believe it's the truth of the situation, if we're going for a joint win. Honestly, been around the block before with the whole sacrifice somebody innocent to the exe to further factional win con gerrymandering, not the biggest fan :P This is why I wanted to just be Evil smh, much more clean-cut. Instead of going through weird acrobatics to try to secure a joint win. Still, what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Unless someone can come up with a compelling reason to do things differently? I'm all ears, really.

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Ok so lets talk timeline Ive got one of two destruction charges on Scadrial Ill get the other one in the night turn heres the issue if I dont get sent to Silverlight for the day I wont be able to put it back cause the rules say it needs both the day and the night of one cycle not just two consecutive turns so yeah if I dont Ill have to hop there and just idle in the night before spending cycle 10 on it same for anyone who gets Drakes Shards so honestly timing wise we could just leave Drake alive for another cycle get the Shards to trustworthy people who wont murder then spend day 9 pushing off Drake by then all Shards passed ready to be put back all that sound good or no 

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Well, TBB has been pretty adamant about being village, so we could exe him. But I’m pretty sure the game is going to end before anyone further can intent convert, so there’s not really a huge issue with shards going somewhere we don’t know. A third option would be to just not exe anyone.

On a side note, Drake is giving off serious e!Aman vibes this game.

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15 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Well, TBB has been pretty adamant about being village, so we could exe him. But I’m pretty sure the game is going to end before anyone further can intent convert, so there’s not really a huge issue with shards going somewhere we don’t know. A third option would be to just not exe anyone.

On a side note, Drake is giving off serious e!Aman vibes this game.


Well, if we want to exe a Villager we definitely shouldn't exe Araris.

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9 hours ago, JNV said:

Ok so lets talk timeline Ive got one of two destruction charges on Scadrial Ill get the other one in the night turn heres the issue if I dont get sent to Silverlight for the day I wont be able to put it back cause the rules say it needs both the day and the night of one cycle not just two consecutive turns so yeah if I dont Ill have to hop there and just idle in the night before spending cycle 10 on it same for anyone who gets Drakes Shards so honestly timing wise we could just leave Drake alive for another cycle get the Shards to trustworthy people who wont murder then spend day 9 pushing off Drake by then all Shards passed ready to be put back all that sound good or no 

Oh huh I didn't think about that.

Yeah ok so actually a joint win happens D10 at the soonest, unless RNG smiles on us.

8 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

On a side note, Drake is giving off serious e!Aman vibes this game.

I am not e!Aman!!! >:P

Because I'm not Aman.

I am indubitably e :)

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Honestly it might be simpler for the sake of the plan to vote me cause I still have my vessel shield and we control all the kills so its basically like a no vote except a lot less prone to vote manipulation and hammers and such

Edit ok well thinking about it like if we vote the last Hoid allied guy then it all still works and we might not even need to contain again we just hm we just need to make sure the kill numbers all work out so hm this is tricky can we try not to vote the Hoid guy person it makes the timeline complicated

Edited by JNV
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Why do we need to kill someone? What is wrong with tied exe? 

I'm sorry, I cannot in good conscience vote deliberately for a villager. 

If you guys vote for me, I'll be voting on who I think is the last Hoidite. 

Edited by |TJ|
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1 minute ago, |TJ| said:

Why do we need to kill someone? What is wrong with tied exe? 

I'm sorry, I cannot in good conscience vote deliberately for a villager. 

If you guys vote for me, I'll be voting on who I think is the last Hoidite. 

Because it's too open to e!interference. 

Edit: JNV’s point is a really good one. I would be willing to go on him.

Edited by The Bald Brandon
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Just now, The Bald Brandon said:

Because it's too open to e!interference. 

What can they do other than kill a villager? They could kill Drake I suppose but that's really not the worst outcome. 

Besides, I have a Devotion charge. I can negate any vote the Hoidite places. If y'all know who the Hoidite is. 

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Okay well the last Hoidite is Araris, as is painfully clear. Vote analysis shows as much. 
…I think

I’m not voting out a villager and would 100% prefer a tie here

Would have minded a JNV yeet had they not have willingly offered it, but I don’t think this is worth them losing their extra life over and I think a tie between Araris and JNV might work out best. If the last hoidite really is Araris, this is equivalent to a counter wagon being nonexistent.

Also SMH my head at endowment still contained. We could’ve had DeTess back. We could’ve had Fifth back. :( 

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6 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Bingo, yes.

What if I wasn't and I was just bluffing about that :P that would be pretty funny. But no I actually am on Silverlight :P

Anyways can we tie me instead of JNV smh. If the plan is nobody is dying today then I'll front the risk.

You don't have a Vessel Shield, JNV does. If our goal is to not have an exe today, JNV is best, and Araris is good since if he dies it's no great loss. 

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I’m kinda confused why anyone thinks Hoid would have converted me after I advertised that I’d be very inactive for the first portion of the game.

Unless Drake decides to murder everyone though it seems like the game is functionally over, so I suppose I won’t mind too terribly much if I get exed.

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