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8 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

What is our incentive not to do this.

Because then I make you lose.

Edit: We hold all the cards right now. If you win, it's because we let you. If we get a joint victory, it's because we felt that was the Right Thing to Do. 

I'm willing to let Drake play his game. I win regardless, so if he's willing to give up his win, then I'll respect his wish.

12 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:


1. I fully believe a joint victory is possible. I fully believe I could come up with a workable plan for one. I don't think you guys currently have a plan for one, and I think you'd have better luck if you realized that there's no quick way to do this.

2. None of that matters overly much unless we both actually want a joint victory.

3. To spell things out further. You have 3 voting options.

  • Executing me creates a village-only victory, ending the game.
  • Executing any other player creates an Autonomy-only victory, ending the game.
  • Executing an Avatar leaves the option open for a joint win, continuing the game.

It's really that simple smh guys.

4. I'm offering you guys a game!!! A game decide the fate of the game. I'm trying to give you guys a fair chance, make the finale of the game actually interesting here.

  • If you win, I surrender. I am at your disposal. Execute me or whatever, I won't fight back. Ask me for a plan for a joint victory, I'll give you one, although I will silently judge you for not having the spine to execute me. The game is really truly yours to do as you please with.
  • If you lose, you forfeit. I decide what happens next, and my decision will be to close the curtains on this game: pursuing a joint victory doesn't really feel like a game to me anymore, and I no longer have any commitments staying my hand. It sure doesn't sound like you have the slightest intentions of submitting to this result if and when it comes around, which tbhhh is only further evidence that the village is unworthy, but even if you try to rescind on the stakes of this game I'm not sure you really have the power to prevail by such dishonorable brute force.

If you for some reason weren't already clear on what the stakes of this game were, and you don't agree to those stakes, then stop playing.

5. I'm sorry JNV quokka friend. I wanted to be peaceful and such but it seems I'm really not cut out for it :P


Alright now that all that table-setting is out of the way, the moment you've really been waiting for!!! HANGMAN!!!


It's the Sanderson Elimination letters!!!

Did you guys do that on purpose? :P

Very nice.

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Do I get to play?

Edited by The Known Novel
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4 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

What is our incentive not to do this.

Is this what the village wants?

Are you saying this in your capacity as Frost? :eyes:

1 minute ago, The Known Novel said:

Do I get to play?

If you want!

Please play at your best, though. Only play if you want to help champion the village.

If you just want to play a game without those stakes, we can also totally get a second hangman game going just for fun :)

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Just now, DrakeMarshall said:

Is this what the village wants?

Are you saying this in your capacity as Frost? :eyes:

Ah. I thought you’d have figured out by now that I’ve been playing you. I’m not actually Frost :P

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10 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Remind me: what are you again?

also: y @DrakeMarshall


I'm currently village, but let's call me Auto-curious.

7 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Ah. I thought you’d have figured out by now that I’ve been playing you. I’m not actually Frost :P

Ah. I suppose that's why Kas trusted TJ so much? Not that I completely trust you on this front. But at this point, Frost doesn’t matter too much to us. 

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2 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

I’m not actually Frost :P

Yes you are :P





37 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

@DrakeMarshall O



scratch that, wanna see what y does first 



21 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

I kinda still just wanna vote drake bc something demonic has awakened in me after reading that TKN post

be the chaos demon you want to see in the world! :D

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Approximately 22 minutes remain in the Day to get in your votes and actions!

Current VC:

  • (2) JNV: JNVThe Known Novel
  • (1) DrakeMarshall: _Stick_
  • (1) SAXOPHONE: Szeth_Pancakes
  • (1) Szeth_PancakesDrakeMarshall
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LG95 Aftermath: A Solemn Crescendo 

There were six souls left in the struggle.

Ivam the Mad, namesake from the chaos that came with the first Shardic Breaches, now present with some measure of lucidity. Evgeny Karmazov, who had clearly changed even with the same face, had hands on the table, staring Intently at the others. Liene, the one who spoke with utter calculation, icy eyes watching the room. Al, the one who kept putting forth ideas for Silverlight with an air of almost envy. Jai, who threw around ideas to use, but the dark mist leaking from their fingertips gave away that they had what they wanted already. 

And Adjunct Professor Uther. The Broker. The one who by now, everyone knew, was a face of Bavadin.

(I can say that, now. It means you know what is coming. But you did already, did you not?)

"You can't turn this around on me, Frost," Uther said, looking directly at Liene. "Not yet. I can accept my end. To finally join the others. But my dream will not die. I won't let it, and my forces still equal yours even if you can somehow convince Ruin to aid you." Liene did not deign respond, and Jai simply gave a grin.

"If Trukal was aligned with Hoid, then only Ivan of the 17th Shard agreed to my terms. The rest did not. So, I ask again. Here, directly. Do you accept?"

The 17th Sharders looked at the table in front of them, trying to etch out the game. Bavadin had offered it, a test, but they hadn't made much progress. Al hadn't participated at all.

"What do we have," Evgeny's whisper carried. "Not enough," was Al's reply. "We need-"

"Time," Uther said. "Fortunately Ruin here is offering you some."

Liene suddenly vanished, replaced with the form of a well-dressed man, skin slowly freezing at the edges. "And if we don't accept? If we find our own way?"

Lorn Haemtes stepped into the room, Word on his lips. Bavadin had been wounded before, the Dawnshard should be able to kill her. Could kill anyone here, except perhaps Jai. But that could be Bavadin's plan. So he remained silent.

Uther did not react, aside from perhaps a small twitch as his eyes darkened with a barely-controlled anger.

"It's not up to you," he finally said. "Of course, it's not up to me, either. It's up to him."

All eyes turned to Ivam the Mad, suddenly seeming further away. Glowing with power. Glowing with the power of Autonomy.

"He said he could help. And help he can."

A line of power jumped between the two of them. The others began to speak but were silenced by two sparks shooting from Bavadin's eyes. Lorn began to speak, but a resounding blast of sound grabbed and twisted his head, facing towards Jai. "DE-" he bit off, and Jai grunted but stood firm.

The remaining researchers of the 17th Shard could only watch as the sound of the Avatars resounded. Resounded on every planet Ruin had left standing. For their time had passed. And thus began another Age of Autonomy.

* * *

JNV was executed, but survived!

Vote Count:

  • JNV (3): The Known Novel, JNV, SAXOPHONE
  • DrakeMarshall (1): _Stick_
  • Szeth_Pancakes (1): DrakeMarshall
  • SAXOPHONE (0): Szeth_Pancakes, |TJ|


Congratulations to the Autonomous (@The Known Novel, @DrakeMarshall) have met their Primary Win Condition of having all Autonomous players + all Avatars outnumber all other players!...

And to @JNV, who has met their Ruin Independent Win Condition to have Scadrial Destroyed and to Destroy two non-Scadrial planets!

Thank you all for playing! I will have some GM thoughts up soon, but it's late and I have to get up early tomorrow so they won't be today. Also Docs may be a bit of a mess to get up ready. So for now, a huge thank you to @Amanuensis who I definitely would not have been able to do this without.


Docs That Shall Go Here:

Shard Status:


Far away from the final confrontation, a Doorman listened to the growing music. A few people had visited his post since Odium escaped and Tessa died, but not enough for anyone to worry, or pay much attention. It had been left quite alone and undisturbed... well, with one large exception. But it didn't matter, not yet, and it would resolve itself shortly. The Doorman twisted the new vault, sealing the way with him left alone inside.

"Now what," Faleast said, looking at the thirteen intact Shardic Containment Pods, "am I going to do with all of these?"

Player List:

  1. The Known Novel - Ivam the Mad - Autonomous Researcher, Vessel of Autonomy
  2. Kasimir / _Stick_ - Evgeny Karamazov - 17th Shard Researcher
  3. The Wandering Wizard - The Poet - Hoid
  4. Fifth Scholar - Dr. Mattithias Gunther - Standard of Unity Researcher
  5. Szeth_Pancakes - Liene - Frost
  6. |TJ| - Al - 17th Shard Researcher
  7. DeTess - Tessa DeLoren - 17th Shard Researcher
  8. Archer - Olivier Cosmos - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  9. JNV - Jai - Independent Researcher, Vessel of Ruin
  10. xinoeph512 - Xorial - 17th Shard Researcher
  11. The Last Fae - 17th Shard Researcher
  12. DrakeMarshall -  Adjunct Professor Uther - Bavadin, Vessel of Odium
  13. Matrim's Dice - Sir Arren Brockett - Khrissala
  14. Sart - 17th Shard Researcher
  15. STINK - Standard of Unity Researcher
  16. Elandera - Telan - Standard of Unity Researcher
  17. Araris Valerian -  17th Shard Researcher
  18. Walin -  Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  19. TheAlpha929 - Felt Jr. - 17th Shard Researcher
  20. Channelknight Fadran - Adonalsium's Chosen Researcher
  21. Turtle - Letta Turson - 17th Shard Researcher
  22. VOCALS - Avatar
  23. PIANO - Avatar
  24. SAXOPHONE - Avatar
  25. TROMBONE - Avatar
  26. DRUMS - Avatar



Yet to be :ph34r:


Edited by Ashbringer
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5 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

I kinda still just wanna vote drake bc something demonic has awakened in me after reading that TKN post 

buttt I won’t throw the game for the village probably 

Congrats to Stick for making the best damn quote of this game by far :)

Miles, miles above the murderpuppy quote. 100% relatable. Made me laugh so much I kept making typos and Drake finally asked me if I was having a stroke.

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Thank you Ash, Aman, & Devo for putting what was undoubtedly quite a lot of work into facilitating this game

Anyways it would seem I got my triumvirate of doom in the end

I'm sure there will be plenty to unpack with this game but for now just GG and I hope you enjoy all the memes when the docs go up

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4 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Anyways it would seem I got my triumvirate of doom in the end

As you did point out to me when I said no, many players would be champing at the bit for the opportunity. My reply would be the same reply I gave to Wilson years ago, I suppose. That and the fact your powers of corruption aren't really quite there yet, sir :eyes:

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