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The moment you've all been waiting for...

The Isochronism

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Wøw, I can't believe I waited like to weeks to answer the last question. I should do better at keeping this thread active, as I know how much joy and jubilee I bring all of you when I post... I'm sure. Anyway, I'm posting now, which means once again the moment has arrived. It is, officially, the moment you've all been waiting for...

On 6/8/2023 at 6:40 AM, stormform wert said:

what do you call a no legged thaylen?

Let's start from the beginning. Too know what to call a no-legged Thaylen we first have to understand what the name "Thaylen" means. To figure this out, I had to travel deep into the lands commoners refer to as the internet, where I found:


Out of 6,311,504 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Thaylen was not present. (1)

Well. That's helpful.

This discovery was both interesting and helpful, and so I continued my search to learn more! 

But what about the history of the name "Thaylen?"An in depth search of the Arcanum taught me something that helped me greatly on my search!


Thaylen language wasn't inspired by earth language. "Similarities to any Earth scripts is coincidental." (2)

So after gather all that data, I have a clear and concise answer for you!

You should call a no-legged Theylan a:

Really cool

Young looking

Slightly silly

Night Radiant (3) (my bad.) 

And then your free wisdom: If you want a great way to earn money just get a cardboard sign and write "Free Wisdom, $1." Then when anybody offers you money, your wisdom is as follows: "Don't pay for free stuff." Have a great day. Also all of you should ask more questions, even if I take a sec to answer them, because how else will I waste my time? Also you're free to ask more questions after you've already asked one, especially if you want more wisdom. They don't call me "The Hornswoggling Wisdom Shouter" for nothing. 


Now have a great day.

Edited by Bondsmith-Edgedancer
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  • 3 weeks later...

What, in your opinion, is the greatest feat of fiction ever accomplished by the human mind in the history of humankind to date, acknowledging the fact that a yet greater novel, novella or novelette may arrive into this plane of existence?

(for those who don't want to read all of that, the question is: What is your favorite fiction book?)

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's always a moment of anticipation that precedes something that is anticipated. Sometimes that moment of anticipation is greater than the moment that follows, but in this case your reward will be worth all the wait. You've been waiting for 384 hours (1) which means you have used between 1,280 and 1,600 gallons of water and produced an average of 70 pounds of trash in this period. (2) But deep in the back of your minds, you all have been anticipating my reply to this next question. Finally, that reply is here. 

That's right. It's the moment you've all been waiting for.

On 7/9/2023 at 11:39 AM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

What, in your opinion, is the greatest feat of fiction ever accomplished by the human mind in the history of humankind to date, acknowledging the fact that a yet greater novel, novella or novelette may arrive into this plane of existence?

(for those who don't want to read all of that, the question is: What is your favorite fiction book?)

So this is a complex and intricate question, which I don't think you simplified justly. Your initial question "what is the greatest feat of fiction ever accomplished by the human mind, etc. etc." is asking a different thing than your second question "What is my favorite book." My favorite book is probably something by Brandon Sanderson, (Way Of Kings, Oathbringer, Rhythm, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, Steelheart, Skyward, Bands of Mourning etc. etc. etc. the list goes on. (3))  However, I don't know if it would be fair to call any of his books the greatest feat of fiction ever to exist up to this point, even though I'd love to. So instead, I think it would be more fair to look to the most influential literary works ever to exist. I tried to do some research on which books were most influential, and found "The Bible" at the top of every list. (4) Which is fair, but also doesn't seem like a very good answer. So I'm going to say Lord of the Rings for fantasy, Dune for Sci-fi, Pride and Prejudice for Romance, and Sherlock Holmes for Mystery. (I'm only naming four of my favorite genres, there's obviously other genres, and this list obviously is just my opinion.

However, the book that had the greatest influence on me as a person has to be Steelheart. Maybe not Brandon Sanderson's best book, but it was what got me into his books, it was what turned me into a novelist, and those domino effects resulted in who I am today. 

And now some wisdom. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, it says in your signature that you dabble in writing, and us writers are always wondering what type of writing pays the most by word. So I have some wisdom for you, and all the rest of the writers out there. For years I wasted my time on books, and poems, and all sorts of writing that I expected would pay off, but I only recently discovered the type of writing that pays the very best. Ransom notes. I hope this wise tip saves you some time!



You know the drill, have a good day.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A consistent period of time between two events is called an Isochronism. (1) I've always loved that word, it just has this powerful ring to it. I love it so much that it has a place in my most recent complete novel, the name of one of the fictional cults. This thread, in a sense, is the opposite of isochronism. My replies are sporadic, and the questions more so. Regardless of what you may think, this is not a bad thing. It creates this feeling of anticipation and mystique surrounding my responses. Either that, or I'm giving myself way too much credit... but there's no way. Which means that this moment is the one you all have been waiting for... The future is now. 

We have 2 questions today, both of which I'm excited to answer.

On 9/7/2023 at 9:44 PM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Do you plan on writing another essay about a book?

So firstly, I'm flattered that you're asking. I really love writing those essays, and if I could be known for anything on the shard, I would love for people to remember those. Yes, I plan on writing more, although I'll note that not all of them will be about books. The point is to highlight great stories, no matter what the format of those stories are. If you stay tuned my next essay is probably going to be about Spider-Man: Across the Spider Verse. I just need to sit down and actually finish editing that dang thing. 

The thing about the shard is, now that school is in full-swing I'm low on time. It's really annoying actually, because I don't have time for all the weird side-projects I love so much. Things like writing super long responses in my AMA thread. I still love doing those things, but that type of silly writing has to take a back seat to my required essays, and my main writing projects, and my homework. And that's why you sometimes have to wait forever to get a response from me, so I hope you'll excuse the tardiness. 

On 9/7/2023 at 9:55 PM, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Where is your ideal living place in the world?

This is a great question, but here's the thing: There's "living" and there's living. I wouldn't want to live anywhere outside of my current location really, just because of state and national policies, leaders, etc but that doesn't change the place that I would love to spend time over the summer, or for periods of a few months where I wanted to get writing done. That place is the oregon coast. The beaches up there are unreal. The mood they carry is so perfect, calming in just the right way. (2) I love the misty days, dark and cloudy and gloomy in a cozy and relaxing way. I love the waves crashing not against sand, but against huge dark rocks, loud and majestic. I love the cliffs overlooking the sea, and the lighthouses that rim the coastal towns. I love the sea-food, the salty breeze, and the cold water--- so different from california's warm beaches where people sunbathe. The tide pools and caves you find at those beaches are also amazing. If I could own one of those tall glass beach houses, on the edge of a cliff overlooking the waves... holy cow I'd love that. Oregon Coast just carries a different mood and that mood is very hard to describe, but if any of y'all have been there you'll know what I mean.


Anyway, some wisdom: If you're bored, put out a complaint box at your office, and everyone will assume HR put it out, then whenever you're bored you can entertain yourself by just reading all the petty office gossip. 

And since there were two questions I'll obviously give you some more wisdom. Wisdom part 2: Sorting books by color makes librarians mad, so that is not the way to make a librarian happy. If you want to really make their day, try sorting the pages by number. (3)

Of course, I sort my books the normal way. Alphabetically. (by first sentence.)

May your day proceed swimmingly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been far too long since my creatively named thread has been at the top of the AMA forum. WELCOME young and old, and nobody inbetween! If you're a newcomer consider reading my many posts above, to glean the wisdom therein. I just so happen to be the "Hornswoggling Wisdom Shouter" and though I'm now posting to this thread under a different name (a very cool sounding name I might add) that much will never change. And boy do I have some wisdom for you today. Veterans: You know what time it is. Newcomers: I'll tell you what time it is.

It's the moment you've all been waiting for.

Our question today is "what makes an object good" 

So first let's tackle the simple question that philosophers haven't been able to answer for decades (1) "what makes something good/evil in the first place?" My answer however is simple, below I've attached a handy flowchart for your convenience. (2) So anyway, now that I've answered the question that has plagued philosophers for generations, how do I apply it to this specific question? Well, here's the deal. If an object is used to do good (see citation 2 for what counts as doing good) then it is good. If it is used to do evil, it is evil. On the converse side, if it is used to destroy evil, it must be good. Somehow if it is used to destroy good, it is also good, because destruction is fun. (3) Let me provide some examples: a light bulb is used to illuminate people trying to do their homework. It is used to do good! Now if it was used to illuminate people who waste too much time citing fake evidence for example, that same light bulb would be evil. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is not things that are evil, it is people. (4)

People say "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" but did you know The first lemons came from East Asia, possibly southern China or Burma. The lemon is a cross breed of several fruits.  One fruit is the bitter orange, best known in the west for its use in marmalade, cocktails, and tea.  The bitter orange has about six different varieties, the best known being the Seville orange (the famous ingredient in marmalade) and the bergamot orange (used in Earl Grey tea).  The bitter orange itself is a hybrid of two other citrus fruits: the pomelo and the mandarin. To create the lemon, the bitter orange was cross bred with the citron.  In most languages of Europe, citron is the word for lemon, deriving from the Latin word citrus.  This can cause some confusion, since the citron and the lemon are two different fruits. (5) ANYway, Do you know what this means? Life didn't give us lemons, we gave ourselves lemons. So if anything answers your question, it's that.


And some wisdom: If you want to make your enemies mad, mail them some milk. Like seriously, pour milk into an envelope, mail it to your enemies, and watch the revenge comence. Imagine this, your enemy gets an envelope and they're like "Look, a nice note from my arch enemy" but NO it's just spoiled milk.

Congratulations, you're a horrible person. (6)



1. https://www.classics.pitt.edu/research/ancient-philosophy-and-science

2. Handy Flowchart:

       |-------Does it annoy me-------|
       |                                             |
   [Yes]                                        [No]
       |                                             |
       v                                            v
[It is good]                              [It is bad]


3. https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/why-is-destruction-so-satisfying

4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_I'm_Citing_Wikipedia_Get_Over_It/None#of%my%citations%are%very%Helpful%anyway

5. https://www.trueorbetter.com/2018/05/how-lemon-was-invented.html

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4FUZk89KkY

Enjoy your next 24 hours.


Oh yeah, and I accidentally posted this before it was finished (hence the edit), so don't @ me. I do my best, it's not my fault control+shift=you posted your draft, congratulations you look ridiculous. :angry:

Edited by The Isochronism
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Hey everybody. The birds are chirping, and the airplanes are also chirping, and if that's not a sign of the apocalypse I don't know what is! That's right, for the first time in at least 6 months, it's the moment you've all been waiting for.

Today is very special, because I'm going to answer a total of 3 questions. The first is quite simple.

On 11/4/2023 at 1:23 PM, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Do you like to play ping pong?

No. I don't like to play ping pong. Ping pong is not a child's game, you simpleton! It's not something to be played! It's a competitive sport. (1) I compete at ping pong. And I win. Usually. (2)

On to the second question.

On 5/6/2024 at 7:52 AM, Anguished_One said:

What day will it be when the world ends? 

It's time for some hard core math. First lets list some possible world-ending disasters. To keep it simple, we'll only list five of the most deadly. (3)

1. Asteroids 

2. Solar Flares

3. Very Big Volcano 

4. Time Travelers

5. Spontaneous Combustion

Now we have to calculate the most probable time for each of them to end the world, by setting time [T] to zero [0] and then we'll take the average of all five to figure out how many years until we have to be worried. Let's begin.

According to BBC a large asteroid will only hit earth once about every 100 million years. (4) I encourage you to follow the citation link and check their math, but for now we'll assume they're correct. The last world destroying asteroid was the one that killed the dinosaurs, which hit about 66 million years ago. (5) That means for #1, T = ~34,000,000 years

Now, some silly scientists believe there IS no probability of a solar flare destroying earth, (6) but I feel like they're just saying that. I saw the northern lights a few nights ago, that crap is crazy. And if it's crazy now, it'll only get crazier. The largest recorded solar flare was in 1972 (6) and I'd bet there was a good chance of that destroying us even, and that was 52 years ago (7) time [T] for #2 equals -52

A very big volcano may also destroy the earth, but scientists seem to agree that for the time being that's unlikely. The chances of that are about 1 in 730,000. So statistically it will take 730,000 more days, or 1995 years give or take. So time for number 3 equals 1995. (9)

Time travelers are equally likely to destroy us every day through all time, so the negatives and positives cancel out to create T=0

Spontaneous combustion is most likely to destroy the earth sometime this year, (10) so for that we'll say T = 1

Okay so now we have 

T(1) = ~34,000,000
T(2) = -52
T(3) = 1,995
T(4) = 0
T(5) = 1

So now we do [T(1)+T(2)+T(3)+T(4)+T(5)]/5

That gives us probably about 6800388.8 years to live. (11) I wish I had better news. 

Do you guys want some real life advice for your wisdom? Maybe I'll give you some serious advice after all that. I'll put it in a spoiler tag though, so you know you've been warned.

On 5/6/2024 at 9:46 AM, WhyEverNot_8 said:

How the heck do I make @Anguished_One believe that she makes people happy???

For my real advice I'm going to answer this question. 

You can't make anyone believe they make people happy. You can tell them, and hope they believe, but it's actually really hard to see one's own influence. It's weird, because I think we all do a pretty good job of seeing each other's influence. And then suddenly we wake up one day and realize a decision we made really hurt someone else. Or perhaps in a happier scenario, saved someone else, or even just made someone smile. That's why I do this. That's why I'm still here. Because I believe in the smiles I can't see. 

If you're stuck just... existing, then I want you, whoever you are, to trust me just once. Just like we're all surrounded by fake smiles, that hide broken hearts and invisible tears, you are also surrounded by real smiles, that you'll never see because of the people who you caused to cry. None of us know our effect on other people, but I know many of you have an effect on me. Sometimes it's easier to believe in the people you've hurt, but take it from me, who two days ago hurt my very best friend in a way I thought I never would. You can do a lot of good, even when you screw up.

In this community, I see people who lift each other up, instead of competing to push each other down. That alone is enough to make me smile. Each of you gives me a reason to write.



Thanks you for reading, but just know I'm expecting cheers of joy when y'all see I posted this. 

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8 hours ago, The Isochronism said:

Hey everybody. The birds are chirping, and the airplanes are also chirping, and if that's not a sign of the apocalypse I don't know what is! That's right, for the first time in at least 6 months, it's the moment you've all been waiting for.

Today is very special, because I'm going to answer a total of 3 questions. The first is quite simple.

No. I don't like to play ping pong. Ping pong is not a child's game, you simpleton! It's not something to be played! It's a competitive sport. (1) I compete at ping pong. And I win. Usually. (2)

On to the second question.

It's time for some hard core math. First lets list some possible world-ending disasters. To keep it simple, we'll only list five of the most deadly. (3)

1. Asteroids 

2. Solar Flares

3. Very Big Volcano 

4. Time Travelers

5. Spontaneous Combustion

Now we have to calculate the most probable time for each of them to end the world, by setting time [T] to zero [0] and then we'll take the average of all five to figure out how many years until we have to be worried. Let's begin.

According to BBC a large asteroid will only hit earth once about every 100 million years. (4) I encourage you to follow the citation link and check their math, but for now we'll assume they're correct. The last world destroying asteroid was the one that killed the dinosaurs, which hit about 66 million years ago. (5) That means for #1, T = ~34,000,000 years

Now, some silly scientists believe there IS no probability of a solar flare destroying earth, (6) but I feel like they're just saying that. I saw the northern lights a few nights ago, that crap is crazy. And if it's crazy now, it'll only get crazier. The largest recorded solar flare was in 1972 (6) and I'd bet there was a good chance of that destroying us even, and that was 52 years ago (7) time [T] for #2 equals -52

A very big volcano may also destroy the earth, but scientists seem to agree that for the time being that's unlikely. The chances of that are about 1 in 730,000. So statistically it will take 730,000 more days, or 1995 years give or take. So time for number 3 equals 1995. (9)

Time travelers are equally likely to destroy us every day through all time, so the negatives and positives cancel out to create T=0

Spontaneous combustion is most likely to destroy the earth sometime this year, (10) so for that we'll say T = 1

Okay so now we have 

T(1) = ~34,000,000
T(2) = -52
T(3) = 1,995
T(4) = 0
T(5) = 1

So now we do [T(1)+T(2)+T(3)+T(4)+T(5)]/5

That gives us probably about 6800388.8 years to live. (11) I wish I had better news. 

Do you guys want some real life advice for your wisdom? Maybe I'll give you some serious advice after all that. I'll put it in a spoiler tag though, so you know you've been warned.

  Reveal hidden contents

For my real advice I'm going to answer this question. 

You can't make anyone believe they make people happy. You can tell them, and hope they believe, but it's actually really hard to see one's own influence. It's weird, because I think we all do a pretty good job of seeing each other's influence. And then suddenly we wake up one day and realize a decision we made really hurt someone else. Or perhaps in a happier scenario, saved someone else, or even just made someone smile. That's why I do this. That's why I'm still here. Because I believe in the smiles I can't see. 

If you're stuck just... existing, then I want you, whoever you are, to trust me just once. Just like we're all surrounded by fake smiles, that hide broken hearts and invisible tears, you are also surrounded by real smiles, that you'll never see because of the people who you caused to cry. None of us know our effect on other people, but I know many of you have an effect on me. Sometimes it's easier to believe in the people you've hurt, but take it from me, who two days ago hurt my very best friend in a way I thought I never would. You can do a lot of good, even when you screw up.

In this community, I see people who lift each other up, instead of competing to push each other down. That alone is enough to make me smile. Each of you gives me a reason to write.



Thanks you for reading, but just know I'm expecting cheers of joy when y'all see I posted this. 

*many cheers of joy*

You're very good at answering questions!

Here's a good one...

How do I get my grade from an F in history to a D (passing grade) in 2 days so that I don't have to graduate high school when I'm literally 20??

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On 5/13/2024 at 6:04 PM, Anguished_One said:

*many cheers of joy*

You're very good at answering questions!

Here's a good one...

How do I get my grade from an F in history to a D (passing grade) in 2 days so that I don't have to graduate high school when I'm literally 20??

I solved this problem!

You’re very welcome :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

You have two people in the same room as you.

They are both staring at you awkwardly.

You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen.

There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room.

It looks slightly angry.

The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft.

The door is bright pink and locked from the outside.

There are no windows.

There is no furniture.

What do you do?

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