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Quick Fix Game 2: Crushthroat's Beginnings

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Sign ups are over! May the Mayhem begin! 

Week 1- In the Wake of the AonTeo

It had been years since Kiin was driven from his home. Or at least that is how it felt to him. Still, there was something to be said for his new life on the sea. He loved the freedom from the responsibilities of his former life. He was even beginning to get to the point where he almost forgave Eventeo… almost. He supposed he would never fully forgive him; not until he finally stepped off the deck of the aptly named AonTeo. He had named his ship such to remind him of what he had lost and until he could give it up, he would continue to sail the seas.

The fact that he seemed to finally start coming to peace with his own past made the whispers he was hearing in his present all that more hurtful. He tried to be a fair and honest Captain… Well, fair and honest for a Pirate Captain at least and now he had heard that there was talk of mutiny amongst the Crew. The mere mention of it had sent more than one Captain to the depths, as Mutineers weren’t known for keeping the former Captains around as a possible rally point for the Crew to turn on them! This needed to be put to a stop before it began.


When Crushthroat emerged from his quarters, his famous axe in hand, the Crew was busy at work. The day before they had attacked another ship and they all wanted to be long gone before any pursuit could be started.

“Lads, gather round,” Kiin called.

It took some time for everyone to congregate to the deck, but once they were assembled, he addressed the crowd.

“Now, seems to me, there be possible talk of mutiny upon me ship and I won’t stand for it. We may be pirates, but we ain’t no politicians! We don’t go ‘round stabbin each other in the back. So if there be any one here who doesn’t think I should be in charge, speak now and we’ll settle this like men.”

At first, no one spoke. Just as Kiin was about to lay the matter to rest, a voice called out from the back of the crowd.

“Aye! I challenge ye, Crushthroat! Yer goin soft and the whole Crew knows it!” The Crew parted, revealing a gruff looking sailor they all only knew as Paan and he was glaring daggers at Kiin. “I ain’t afraid of a yellow-belly like yerself, so I’ll say it again. Ye’ve grown soft, Captain. Ye don’t take no chances anymore and ye sure ain’t deservin’ of respect! Bah! How many survivors did ye let go yesterday? Is this what’s left of the fear’d Captain Crushthroat? With me at the helm, we’ll earn the reputation that ye’ve been given! I’ll take yer title as I take yer life!”

Kiin stood calmly, his axe resting at his side, as Paan ranted and drove himself into a frenzy. He didn’t even flinch as Paan drew his sword and charged him from across the deck.

As Paan drew close, Kiin whispered, “You should’ve listened to yourself, lad. You’re right; I don’t take chances.”

Just as it seemed like he’d be struck down, Kiin erupted into a flurry of motion. His axe swung up, slicing directly through Paan’s sword arm. Paan cried out, but he didn’t have long to focus on it, as the axe swung back around and raked across his stomach. As he fell to his knees directly in front of Kiin, he still glared up at his “Captain.”

“Ye think ye’ve finished it, don’t ye?” Paan said. He turned his head to spit out some blood before his focus returned. “This ain’t over; not by a long shot. Me Brethren will avenge me, just you wait!”

Paan never broke eye contact until he finally passed away. Neither did Kiin. A shiver ran up his spine. If Paan was right, then this was, indeed, far from over….


The Crew, on Captain’s orders, gave Paan a rightful burial at sea. He may have been a Mutineer, but he was still part of the Crew. As they sailed off towards the horizon, only a few of the Crew bothered to look back. Some of them were making vows of vengeance as they did so.


Cycle 1 begins! There is still only 24 hours between cycles, but each cycle will count for a week or so in game time. This won't affect the game any; it's more for write ups. 

Player List
  • The Only Joe- Jeno (Former Bargeman/Accidental Murderer)
  • Mailliw73- Mai (No Description)
  • JasonPenguin- Jene (1st Mate)
  • Wyrmhero- Wyrm (Definitely not a Fjordan)
  • Kasimir- Kai (Maybe Wyrm's half brother... perhaps)
  • Jaelre- Jatae (No Description)
  • Renegade- Riingar (Former Captain)
  • Lightsworn Panda- Jain (Jindonese Sailor)
  • Alvron- Ratel (Gold Miner turned Pirate)
  • Herowannabe- Hreo (Runaway)
  • New One- Riitiidiikiir (Wealthy Runaway)
  • Theorymaker- Matim (Ship's Doctor)
  • Luckcat- Luka (Dula Adventurer)
  • Kal Dell- Kal FangShi (MaiPon Loyalists/Adventurer)
  • Aonar- Aonar (Svordish Graduate/Stowaway)

Good Luck Everyone! 

Edited by Alvron
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Jeno stood at the railing, looking out over the sea. He still preferred the River Kalomo to the Sea of Fjorden. In truth, he preferred his old barge to this grand old ship. On his barge, there hadn't been any politics. No one had ever disobeyed an order, or tried to mutiney. Of course, he had been the only person on the Barge. But that was how he'd liked it. The only bad parts about his life back then were the beginnings and ends of his travels. That was when he had to deal with the Merchant Nobility of Arelon, and the Citizen Merchants of Duladel. One group was too haughty, and another was too friendly.


It had been the Dula's who taken him drinking, at the end of a successful trade. They'd insisted he must celebrate with them. That was the first, and last time he'd ever drunk spirits. While he was drunk, someone tried to steal his wallet, and Jeno had broken the man over a chair. He'd been forced to run after that. Making his way up the river, one step ahead of the Bounty hunters and Guards. He'd eventually put out to open sea in his barge in a desperate bid to escape capture. He'd gotten picked up by the good Cap'n a little while later.


He'd been forced to kill again.


That was the life of a pirate. Kill, or be killed.

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"Honor's in me name, and honor shall I be. Disloyal rats will be killed. Any of ye traitorous scum willing to brave me and duel?" Mai challenged as son as Paan died. He had once known Jeskeri Mystery priests and they had killed a whole town. Now he had traitors on this pirate crew. Were there no decent people left on Opelon? Honor had died on that snowy mountain outpost with the priests. Honor would strive for life on this pirate ship. I vote Jene. Not for much reason other than to get coins. Sorry.

Edit: I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on tomorrow before the cycle ends so that's why I'm posting now.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Right, so this QF is, stylistically, fairly close to the first one. And our biggest mistake there was waiting too long before we started acting decisively. We don't have much info to go on, but we can't let the Mutineers control the game. It'll be a little harder for them with the public votes, but the sooner things get rolling, the better. And it looks like Maill's already done that.


Merciful Domi... Aonar watched in horror as Dreok dispatched the mutineer with a brutal efficiency. Trying as best he could not to rush to the gunwale and empty his guts into the ocean, he made his way to the back of the crowd. He was hoping to put some distance between himself and the crew, seeing how they were already looking for another to be killed. 


It hadn't even taken an hour before one of them -Mai, Aonar thought his name was- called for someone named Jene to be lynched. No honour among thieves, I suppose. Chuckling inwardly at his own joke, he was struck with a feeling of disgust. A man just died; it seemed like another would be joining him soon, and Aonar was making puns. Not even good ones. 


He shook his head, once more fighting with a sudden nausea. Whatever was going to happen, one thing was clear. He needed to get off this ship. The sooner the better.


While it was good to get things going early Maill, and Peng's first question is a little suspicious, there's no way I can let a vote made within the first hour after role PMs were sent out stand completely unchallenged.

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I thought that Mailliw was voting me for a while. I didn't realize that Jason was named Jene. Jene, Jeno, and Jain. What a trio.


Now then. The Mutineers can't talk to eachother, so they'll all be playing differently. But none of them are stupid enough to start a vote for a random person Like Mailliw did. (If you are a Muntineer, I apologize for thinking you were smart Maw.) So Mailliw is Loyal I think. Therefore, I accuse  Aonar of being a Mutinous Scallywag!

Edited by The Only Joe
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Thanks for the confidence in my intelligence, Joe. :P

Aonar, I realize it was suspicious, but I honestly don't know when I'll be able to get back on before the cycle ends so I voted for the first person to post.

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Right. Coming out of the fun of my first game (I wonder how it will end... ;)) I enter this one which is completely different! Woohoo!


Hmm. I'm going to go ahead and vote Aonar. He's only made one post but it feels like he's playing more aggressively than last game, in which I feel he was more prone to plan things out first.

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At last! The game has begun!


Jain cracked open an eye. Below him, the sea spread like and endless blue plain, crested here and there with the white ridges of waves, Quite a beautiful scenery, really. He always bagged the crow's nest, even though he wasn't particularly keen of vision. Rather, it was the job that required the least effort. No one would anything flying Crushthroat's flag, and much less his own ship. The crew wasn't exactly in a raiding and pillaging mood, what with the mutiny that was going on. Now that he had woken up, he might as well enjoy the break.


Jain took out his toy panda and started bouncing it against the wall's of the nest. He was quite fortunate to be in a ship that actually bothered to add walls to the crow's nest, so it was more like a basket than a platform stuck in the middle of nowhere on a pole. His crew-mates ha laughed at him for having a toy. At least, until they started to run into increasingly distressing cases of misfortune. And the panda was always happily watching, even though Jain had nothing to do with the incidents, much less set up his toy in a prime observing position. 


Err... So how does the gambling work? Cause I'm feeling lucky and signing up.


Oh, and since we get coins for voting, I will just shenanigan a vote and vote Kal Dell! No offence, I just wanna even up the votes and stop any bandwagons. 

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I am playing more aggressively. A lot more aggressively. You don't get much time in a quick-fix. We have (most likely) three Mutineers. Maybe four, but that would be rather bad for us. That means, in a worst-case scenario (with three Mutineers), we're all dead in five cycles. That's less than a week, real time. We need to gather a lot of info, and we need to do it fast.


I like to plan, that's true. I like to analyse things rather extensively. But we can't afford to do that here. I've already learned several things, and the majority are direct consequences of my vote for Maill. I never intended for it to be permanent, I just wanted to gather information, and I believe I've done that. (I already have a mess of blue and orange arrows on my diagram, anyway. :P


I made a vote, and several people responded. All of you responded largely as I would have predicted. That tells me things. Just with this little bit of discussion, we're already better off going forward. If I end up lynched today (I don't think it's likely, but you never know), that's fine. Just make sure you do something with the information.


(By the way Meta, if by chance I don't get on in time to re-vote, does a vote and retraction still count for a coin?)

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Ratel climbed the rigging up to the crows nest.  Climbing in he grabbed the strange stuffed creature and tossed it over the side and onto the deck below.  Pulling out his rune engraved dagger, Ratel glared at the upstart.


"There are two ways down.  You can either climb or we will see if you bounce like your toy just did."


Waiting until Jain had gone Ratel sheathed his dagger before pulling out the strange red glowing crystal he picked up on that  rock world he had briefly visited..


Sorry Panda but the job of lookout was already taken and Ratel doesn't like company.


Aonar is correct.  We need to throw votes around and get some information.  In the first QF game the lack of commutation really cost the civilians.  The sooner everyone posts their thought the better chance we have.


Edit: colors

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Wyrm grimaced a little as Mai accursed Jene, and Aonar accused Mai, and Joe and Kal accused Aonar, and Panda accused Kal in turn. Then Aonar removed his vote, and a cuddly toy fell on his head and Ratel cursed Panda from up on high. It was really going to be one of those days, wasn't it? "Round and round the noose goes..." he muttered. Then he cleared his throat to speak.


"We had some difficulty with this on the last ship I was on," he declared. "Of course, that ship wasn't as grand as one like this, but it was special in its own way. Y'see, it was a ship of the sky," he lowered his voice to a whisper, as if in reverence. "One of them Elantrian ships, like my father used to have. Well, rarer than that, since most of them didn't do that sort of thing. Walking and sailing are too good for most of them."


"But anyway, a couple of the crew there decided that they really liked the ship and wanted to use it to pirate there as well. I mean, who wouldn't? A flying ship'd be amazing for that sort of thing, kolo?" he messed up the pronunciation of the Dula word slightly but didn't notice. "Anyway, to cut a long story short, they managed to take over the ship, and killed the Elantrian in charge. And then they realised that they couldn't steer the damnation thing and crashed it into the seas! Mutineers are always like that. They want to be in charge, but have no idea what they'll do afterwards. O' course, that's if they don't end up killing each other to try and be captain."


"I dislike all this reactionary voting. I can see why you want to vote - the captain's incentive's rather nice as well - but at the same time, I don't know about confirming lynches this early in the day. It's only been a couple of hours since we got to know about this, after all. I am suspicious of Kal right now because of that, but he's got someone breathing down his neck right now, and if I joined it'd be rather hypocritical considering what my reason for voting for him would be."


"At the same time, I'm hesitant to vote Ratel as well - I mean, not only is that just following everyone else, but it's also just going to get me voted for as well as a matter of course. Of course, doing something different might do that too... But it's a good idea to give the Mutineers a choice of people to vote for."


"As such, I'm going to vote for Jeno for now to break the chain, and give the Mutineers a choice on how to proceed. No offence to you Jeno, I just think it's a little to early to declare that you think of Mai as loyal that quickly without you knowing that he is already. I just think that you're wrong about them not starting a vote on a random person. Also, you managed to avoid the chain of accusations, which makes me suspicious of you already, along with Kal."


Thanks to Aonar and Alvron for forcing me to change this up twice before I hit the post button :P


Edit: Fixed the names.

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Okay, first round of rule clarifications from here, in thread, and in PMs to me. 


First off, the coins. Everyone starts off with 2 coins. A post within a cycle counts for one more (it must be on topic. You can just post, "Hi!" and get a coin) and a vote will net you another. If you retract your vote, then it is the same as having not voted and you will not receive that coin. This means that you can get a maximum of 2 coins per cycle without gambling. 


Those coins are usable during that cycle. While you don't technically get the additional coins until the end of the cycle, they are first in the order and will be received before any bids, gambling, etc. take place. An example:


Someone decides to bid 4 coins on a Grappling Hook this cycle. As long as they have posted and voted, they will have the 4 coins necessary to complete their bid. 

Now, let's say that they retract their vote and do not vote again. They would only have 3 coins by the end of the day and their bid would not be counted. 


Next, everyone gets two actions and only two actions per cycle (the only exception to this is the PM that the Mutineers can send to the person making the kill for them and the kill itself. That is not considered an action). The voting action is self-explanatory; it is for voting. The secondary action is used for bidding, gambling, or using an item. You can not bid and gamble at the same time, even if you have the coins for it. There are two items that have their own rules for use:

  • Loaded Dice- If someone purchases the Loaded Dice, their use an item action automatically allows them to gamble. Loaded Dice also allow the user to waive the entry fee for that attempt (as they paid for it with the buying of the Loaded Dice). 
  • Buckler- The Buckler is a passive item and does not need to be activated with the use item action. Thus, someone with a Buckler can still perform other actions. 


And Gambling. Gambling can either be broadcast here or in a PM to me. It costs two coins to gamble. If you win, you get 3 coins (the 2 you used plus 1). If you lose, your coins are forfeit. It is called Gambling for a reason.

On the other hand, if you bid on something and lose, your coins will be returned to you. 


I will also post this in the third post, so that all clarifications will be available on the first page. 

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A tiny tail poked out of his vest pocket, and Kai sighed. "'Rii," he muttered, "Get back in there." All the same, he fumbled in another pocket for the bit of hardtack he'd begged off Cook and crumbled it, dropping the crumbs into the first pocket.
Narii dook-ed at him, poking her head out of his pocket. "C'mon now," Kai said. "If they see you, we're both going to be in for it." The Captain ran a tight ship, and Kai was pretty sure that ferrets didn't count as something a seaman was allowed to take with him on the AonTeo.
Narii cocked her head.
"Be that way," Kai said, dusting off his hands. He watched the other crewmen carefully. They'd buried Paan, for sure, but mutiny didn't happen to just one disgruntled sailor. The Captain'd been silent, but Kai was pretty sure he was still watching. Already, the other sailors were starting to murmur and cast distrustful glances at each other.

At this point in time, I want to make a suggestion with regard to strategy. Whether we lynch a person or go for a no-lynch, I suggest we make the threshold/margin as high as possible. So if we lynch a person, we should ideally have about three or four votes for them. If we go for a no-lynch, we should try to tie the votes off at about 2-2 each. 3-3 would be even better but unlikely.

Here are my reasons:

Assume, for the moment, that there are 3 or 4 Mutineers among us.

They technically win this game as long as we don't stop them from getting a lynch in on the Captain. While Meta has clarified that this will normally happen when we are outnumbered by the Mutineers, I don't particularly want another Bela incident to happen. With that in mind, I suggest we either lynch someone, or if we choose to force a no lynch, force one with a sufficiently high threshold (i.e. a no lynch with votes tied off at 2-2 each, for example) such as to block a last minute attempt by one or two Mutineers to take advantage of us doing nothing and lynch the Captain successfully.

I agree it's hard for them to mobilise and organise, which is why by making thresholds sufficiently high, we block attempts to sneak in and get the lynch on the Captain moving at the last minute. While one or two Mutineers might be able to work together, I think it's less likely (although I wouldn't entirely discount the possibility) that they could mobilise as a complete bloc.

Also, GM Almighty: If a Gunner gets hit by a grappling hook, does that take away our extra life? And can grappling hooks block votes?

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Riitiidiikiiiir liked working in the kitchens, even though the cook had nicknamed him "Tie-Dye". It was easier than working up on the deck, and Riitiidiikiiiir sunburned very easily.

Riitiidiikiiiir was stirring a large pot of oatmeal when he saw the rat. It had climbed up the side of an open barrel of hardtack on the other side of the room and was now ambitiously trying to steal a cracker the size of it's whole body. Riitiidiikiiiir grabbed a kitchen knife and threw it at the rat. The throw missed wildly, but the rat dropped the piece of hardtack from it's mouth and leaped from the barrel. Riiitiidiikiiiir dashed after it, but it was quick. The rat ran into a small hole in the wall where human hands couldn't grab him, then turned around and squeaked as if to say "this isn't over," then ran into the darkness.

The young man sighed and picked up the knife from the ground. He would have to work on his throwing skills if he was ever going to catch that rat. He walked over to the barrel and picked the large piece of hardtack from the ground. The cook wouldn't want him to put it back after the rat had put it's mouth on it. Blessing his luck, Riitiidiikiiiir smashed the hardtack into little pieces and popped one into his mouth.

I agree with Kasimir. I'm going to vote Jain.


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The Grappling Hook does not remove the Gunner's ability, but it does affect everything else. A Grappling Hook will stop both actions by a person, their vote and their secondary. It can also remove the protection of a Buckler. This is why it is more expensive than the Buckler, even though the Buckler still allows the use of the secondary action. 

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Ahoy, me hearties, Riingar be back on board to help blow down some mutinous men!  An’ try sayin’ that five times fast, I dare ye!


Alrrright, based on the evidence that be laid before us so far, I be votin’ fer Jeno.  I don’ really see his reasonin’ fer the defense of Mai linin’ up.  Maybe I be missin’ somethin’, but it seems that it'd be jus’ as likely fer a Mutineer to vote fer a random person as a Loyal Crew member doin' the same.  An' it’d make sense fer a Mutineer to claim one of his fellow scallywags as a Loyal Crew member so early on.  That bein’ said, it ain't conclusive evidence, so the rest o’ ye ain’t off o’ the hook yet; I’m likely to change me vote ‘fore the day ends, depending on what information transpires.  But I be havin’ a feelin’ that Aonar, who I don’ necessarily think is loyal, is at the very least leadin’ our discussions in the right direction, so lynchin’ ‘im so soon may not be th’ best idea, unless we get some conclusive evidence against ‘im.  Discussion be what we need here.  These here “chain lynches” that’ve been goin’ ‘round ain’t gonna get us nowhere; chains be for bindin’ people in the Cellar* or bringin’ ships to port, not fer makin’ wild goose chases all over this here crew!  We need more discussion ‘round here, so that we can come to an accurate assessment of our situation.  (I be a very analytical pirate.)  So, ye who have yet to make any discussion points (and, to a lesser extent, the rest of ye who’ve alrrready done so), start yer talkin’!  Not only will it help us all, but ye’ll be handsomely rewarded wit’ some loot by ol’ Cap’n Crushthroat.

*The Cellar Reigns!


Alright, non-pirate-speak time.  This is a quick game.  It’s called “Quick-Fix” for a reason.  So, we have to have lots of discussion and activity in order to get information and make correct lynches as soon as possible.  If it takes three of four days before we get a Mutineer lynch, then we’re basically doomed.  We need people to talk and respond to the other players, and compare our information and suspicions.  This game’s going to go by pretty fast, and we need to make the most out of the time.  I’m not completely sure whether my lynch vote will stay; it depends on how other people will argue and defend themselves later today.  But I like how the game is going so far.  We have already received a fair amount of information.  Not nearly enough to make any definite votes yet, but if we have other people join in, and keep up the discussion, we should start getting some important information and making conclusions in no time.  And also, like Kai has explained, I don't want the Mutineers getting a Captain lynch early on.  It's very unlikely, but if it does occur, well, it's game over almost immediately.  That's part of the reason I'm voting for Jeno right now.

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So currently, the votes look like this:


Jene (1): Mai

Mai (0): Aonar

Aonar (2): Jeno, Kal

Kal (1): Panda

Panda (2): Ratel, Riitiidiikiiiir

Jeno (2): Wyrm, Riingar


I note that Kai has not voted, nor Aonar has not placed his vote elsewhere yet. We still have not heard from Jatae, Hreo, Matim and Luka.


We have a three-way tie here. I am curious as to why Riitiidiikiiiir voted for Panda after agreeing with Kai that there should not be a low-vote lynch. Panda only had one vote on him at that point. Surely if you agreed with Kai's point, you should've cemented the lynch on Aonar rather than forced a tie?

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Kai muttered to himself and to 'Rii as he tried to scratch out the tallies on the splintered piece of wood with his dirk. He'd listened to the accusations being thrown to and fro and wondered briefly if the Captain'd see fit to follow up on any of them.

He shivered. Best to avoid the hempen halter. What'd happen to 'Rii then?

I've tracked the votes up to this point in time, but I'm not 100% certain I can get on in time to make any late edits, so this won't be a running tally.

Jene (1): Mai
Mai (1): Aonar
Aonar (1): Jeno, KalFS
KalFS (1): Jain
Jain (2): Ratel, Tie-Dye (sorry, Newan, let me know if you'd prefer something else.)
Jeno (2): Wyrm, Riingar
Tie-Dye (1): Kai

And, as my tally has indicated, I'm going to place a vote for Riitiidbdgdbdkud. At this point in time, I'm more interested by the fact that Riitii seems to be playing more passively at the moment, in a game where we need as much discussion as possible going through. The Quick Fix is more fast-paced and in this particular case, we're supposed to get our information from lynch discussion, and chiefly that, barring a lucky hit with the grappling hook. (Which, incidentally, means that votes may also be nullified, so that's something we have to take into consideration in lynches.) Given that, that he seems to be a bit more passive here than he was in Game 6 is currently something I find interesting. In addition, I'd like to know why he's put a vote on Jain.

As things stand, I think a current 2-2-2 tie is a decent margin to prevent a Captain lynch from slipping through. The question now remains if there will or won't be a first day lynch. As the grappling hook won't be useable until next cycle, I believe we'll only have to worry about the possibility of a vote nullification tomorrow.

Edit: Actually, I was long ninjaed by Wyrm as I was trying to figure out who I wanted to place my vote on. However, in true familial stubbornness, I decided to stick with this post anyway.

Edited by Kasimir
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"As such, I'm going to vote for Jeno for now to break the chain, and give the Mutineers a choice on how to proceed. No offence to you Jeno, I just think it's a little to early to declare that you think of Mai as loyal that quickly without you knowing that he is already. I just think that you're wrong about them not starting a vote on a random person. Also, you managed to avoid the chain of accusations, which makes me suspicious of you already, along with Kal."



I was hoping that Jene would be the one to vote me, that way the current votes would go in a circle. Also, why would we want to give the mutineers a choice on how to proceed? We want them boxed in, having no choice.


As for my declaring Mai Loyal, In all the games to date, I don't think one of team Evil made the first vote on Day one. Usually they prefer to wait for a bit. Admittetly, looking back at my logic for accusing Aonar, I no longer believe he's a scallywag. But Kasimir is right in making there be a threshold to protect the Captain. So I'll retract my Vote for Aonar. As we still half half of a week left, (12 hours) I'll  hold my vote until Later on.

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been able to be the wild lynchmaster I was in day 1 for game 6. I'm traveling right now, and I'm playing from my very slow phone. It's easy to write out some RP and paste it in, but it's difficult to navigate the site. So I've only read each post once. I'll be able to analyze people a little bit better once I get home. Plus, last game I was trying to get the discussion started. This game the discussion started without my help.

Wyrm: I should have specified this a little bit better in my first post. The part of Kai's logic I was going for was the 2-2 tie vote. I'm not quite convinced that Aonar is bad, so I didn't want to cement the vote on him.

Kai: I promise to be less passive once I get home. I voted for Jain because of those who already had a vote placed on them, Panda seemed to have placed his vote most randomly. He just sort of did it for kicks. ...then again, he did the same thing in game 6, and he was good. Hmm... I might end up changing my vote. We'll see.

Also, yes you can call me Tie-Dye. Or Riitiisjeosjsjisiaibdisiisiids or whatever.

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