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Quick Fix Game 2: Crushthroat's Beginnings

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I told you guys I was a Gunner. :P

I don't appreciate the soak. Not funny. What am I going to wear now?! All my clothes are wet!

EDIT: And yes. Fang only brought one set of clothes on this voyage. Maybe you pushed me off just to give me a bath...

Edited by Kal Dell
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His half-brother was dead. This was perhaps the only time that Wyrm wasn't going to lie about something - he wasn't lying about his sadness for his passing. Instead he just sat there on the edge of the ship, balancing on it, looking out at the sea where they had buried him. The only thing that cheered him up slightly was watching Kal climb back up the ship, drenched with sea water. It provoked a small smile on his face, but that went away pretty quickly as he remembered what had happened. He'd find those damned Mutineers, not just for his captain now, but for Kai.


At least he didn't have to deal with his brother's imaginary ferret, he thought to himself as he broke a biscuit apart absentmindedly and dropped a few of the crumbs into his (rather full) shirt pocket.


Well, at least he got a Python reference off before he died. It's the way he would have wanted to go. Still, goodbye brother.


So Kai wasn't a Gunner. That means there's three of us. I suggest we lynch one of the two who have a hit on the, already and see what results we get. I might as well stick with the pattern and vote Jene. No surprise there.


I'm loathe to use that logic there, Mai, particularly since if we follow it there's no reason why you're not the Mutineer trying to convince us to lynch the other two just to get rid of their extra lives.


Jeno's continuing to place votes without enough time to justify them, which isn't good to see. I want to know why Jatae decided to join in on the massive bandwagon as well, after saying that he 'didn't want to do the Mutineers game again'. Well, if you thought they could have been innocent but voted for them anyway, then you just did.


It's a shame that most of the people I want to talk to are off... I think I'd like to question Riitii a bit at the moment. Not only has he voted for the eventual lynchers for each of the three days so far, but he's not really been questioned about his actions so far. In addition to that, his little charts are a very good way to bend people to your way of thinking without them realising it. So, Riitii, where are you on your chart?


Also, does a Buckler prevent a lynch, anyone/Meta? Is it possible that Kal saw he was going to die and bought one to protect himself, then claimed that he was a Gunner (not that this makes him either innocent or guilty)?

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Bye Kas. People still have that grudge from Game 5, it seems.  :D 


Of the 3 people that were killed (Kai, Ratel and Aonar), all were experienced players. I suggest other experienced players should watch their backs (jee... I've been in 4 games already... Does that make me experienced?  :o).


Shenanigan vote! I choose you Kal! (unintentional stereotypical Pokemon reference)


I have yet to come up with a RP idea...



Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Okay, Riingar be back after takin’ a caulk.  An’ we’d better start gettin’ some more infermation ‘round here fast.  At th’ verrry least, it be 9 Loyal Crew members agains’ 3 stinkin’ Mutineers at this point.  If we mislynch fer 3 cycles (although, given ourrr record, I be surprised if we lynch anyone at all), then we be dead.  So, I ain’t happy ‘bout Kai’s death at all, but it has told us that thar be only 3 proclaim’d Gunners.  May be more, may be less, but 3 be sayin’ that they be Gunners at this mom'nt.  I talk’d ta Meta, an’ he said tha’ a Buckler be workin’ th’ like a Gunner’s second life.  So, it be possible that Jene and/or Kal be lyin’ ‘bout bein’ Gunners, an’ jus’ used a Buckler.  But, I hon’stly don’ see no reason fer them to do so (that I can think of), so I think they be tellin’ th’ truth in that regarrrrd.  Howev’r, interestingly, this would mean that both o’ the players that th’ Mutineers set up (assumin’ they did set ‘em up) be Gunners.  I be doubtin’ they planned that, as Kal an’ Mai didn’t reveal themselves ‘til after th’ Mutineers tried settin’ ‘em up.  But if Kal an’ Mai be Gunners, then… well, I don’ know if we should go fer them.  Mai, in me opinion, seems like he be definitively bein’ set up.  Kal, on th’ other hand… I be less sure o’.  But I ain’t votin’ fer him right now, as thar still be a good chance, in me opinion, of him bein’ set up as well.  Arrg, why do these things have ta be so complicated?


I think tryin’ ta vote fer someone different might end up broadenin’ our suspicions.  (That don’ mean I still ain’t suspicious o’ Kal; I am.  But I be puttin’ the pressurrrrre off o’ him fer now.)  But, fer th' moment, I be not votin' fer anyone.


Also, what happened with the Grappling Hook yesterday?  It seems like nobody used it, since we have all thirteen votes accounted for.

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You guys still haven't untied me? Harsh!

As for the outcome from last week, does anyone else find it odd that the two times we actually lynched someone they ended up surviving, supposedly from both being gunners? I'm not sure what that means, if anything, but it has my curiosity piqued.

Edit: and to top it off, the mutineers haven't hit a single gunner/buckler in any of their three killings...

Edited by Herowannabe
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I really think the Mutineers are having us take the extra life from our Gunners so they can swoop in and kill them whenever, so who started the votes on these two? Did we decide it from the chart? Time to research. Edit: I'm voting for Riiii his Chart is the reason why most people voted for either Jene or Kal. I will add my reasons when I get back on (I did do reasearch). I don't have anything to say today in white text, and no you don't have to smile so broadly.

Edited by Theorymaker
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Not only has he voted for the eventual lynchers for each of the three days so far, but he's not really been questioned about his actions so far. In addition to that, his little charts are a very good way to bend people to your way of thinking without them realising it. So, Riitii, where are you on your chart?


I would like to think that the reason I have not been questioned is because my actions have all made sense.  I have been voting for those who are most suspicious, early in the cycle.  I have explained all my reasoning, and I have fairly shown to everyone who I trust and who I don't trust.  You know I'm not bandwagoning, because I've generally been voting pretty early in the cycles.  If people are tending to vote similarly to me, it's probably because I have explained all my reasoning and it looks like a good choice.  


I'm sure you know why I haven't put myself on the chart.  If I am truly just putting how much I trust people, I would put myself at Radiant (obviously).  But then instead of showing people my suspicions, the chart would just become propaganda to tell people over and over how good I am.  



I'm voting for Riiii his Chart is the reason why most people voted for either Jene or Kal. 

I think the reason most people voted for Jene is that he voted for someone who didn't seem very suspicious, just because that person already had been voted for once.  I think the reason most people voted for Kal the first time was that he had voted against someone for playing aggressively, and then went off the grid.  I think the reason most people voted for Kal the second time was that he was saved at the last minute while he was inactive (hmm... it's almost like he has a team) and then all who had teamed up to save him said something to the effect of "Oh, it looked like I had absolutely no reason to vote for Wyrm after all.  Sorry."



The chart only reflects poorly on me if it is wrong.  And so far, everyone I have trusted have turned out to be good, so I don't know why you guys are coming after me.  Fact is, Kal FangShi still appears bad to me.  Last cycle's bandwagon probably happened because the mutineers knew they couldn't stop it, but that it wouldn't be devastating because he was a gunner and wouldn't die.  



I wasn't going to post a Chart of Evilness this cycle because it hasn't changed that much, but now people are dissing the chart, and I can't let them win.  Mai has gone down because his votes for Jene are looking less like logic and more like stubbornness.  Jain is firmly on Untrustworthy because while he doesn't seem remotely sinister to me, I can't trust a word he says. 


Edit: Also, I didn't change Wyrm or Matim on the Chart because it's natural to question those you should trust when times get rough, and I don't trust them any less because of it.  To both of you: I am sorry if I sound angry in this post.  That isn't my meaning.  I am slightly frantic, but you know that's to be expected.  I logged on to find that, for no reason, people had seemingly given up trying to kill Fang, and you two were lynching me instead!  Wyrm, I really don't see your reasoning behind it.  The fact that people have voted similarly to me doesn't incriminate me.  I'm trying my hardest to convince people to vote for those who I believe are mutineers.  That doesn't make me bad.  The coincidence that the two people who have been lynched both survived is really frustrating, but I had no way of knowing.  Remember, Jene didn't even hint at the fact that he was a gunner before he was killed, and Fang only revealed that he was a gunner after I had voted and presented all my arguments.  

Edited by New One
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Honestly Riitii, I just wanted to provoke discussion from you about it a bit, nothing more. I don't really suspect you, but I wanted to hear your thoughts. And people really should be asked questions no matter how trustworthy they seem. So I hope you'll forgive me for that.


It did however show something quite interesting. This makes another vote with no reasoning coming out of it from Matim. I want to hear their reasoning, but it seems they've hauled anchor and sailed away for the moment. Of particular interest is that this is the second time they've joined in on a vote in progress.


I also want Jain to explain why that's a shenanigan vote. I mean, plenty of others voted for Kal before. You could've just used their reasoning, but you instead chose to make it appear random. Why?


Bah, why must everyone I want to question be on a different timezone to me? :P


While I remember, Mai, what did you say back to Kai?


I suspect that either the Mutineers simply didn't purchase a Grappling Hook the previous cycle, or someone Loyal got there first, Riingar. I doubt they'd buy it and not use it.

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It looks like the mutineers killed the most obviously good person, and probably the one who was putting the most work in the game. well dang.


I have a challenge for you Mai! If I die, and am subsequently proven innocent, will you offer your own head up for lynching?

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don't have much time to post right now so I'll be fast. Being a gunner doesn't make KalFS any more or less innocent in my mind, so I'm going to have to vote for him again. Edited by Herowannabe
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While I remember, Mai, what did you say back to Kai?


Since he's dead, it probably doesn't matter much. In one of his posts, the one with a ton of analysis, he put in Chinese in white text at the bottom, "type zinc". Jain might be able to provide a better translation for those characters. I used google translate so I'm not sure how good it was. In my next post I put in German, "typed zinc". Realizing that Kai probably meant it as a code I put the L5 thing in which was a question asking if "zinc" was supposed to mean the letter L or the number 5, since that's what it stands for in the Steel Alphabet. He responded with saying that it was the second. I never figured anything else out before that. And he's dead now, so I can't figure out what he meant.

It looks like the mutineers killed the most obviously good person, and probably the one who was putting the most work in the game. well dang.


I have a challenge for you Mai! If I die, and am subsequently proven innocent, will you offer your own head up for lynching?

 If we didn't have evidence that Kal is a Gunner, I would agree to this. Since we do, I can't say that I have enough evidence as to decide which of you I think would be a Mutineer. So no, I don't accept this. I do retract my vote from Jene. That's a first for this game and it feels kinda weird. :P


I guess I'll just vote for Mai again. I really think he is evil.

I guess I can understand why you feel that way, but your gut must be a dark friend too. I'm completely clean.

My biggest suspicions are now Luka, , Kal, and Matim.

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OK, so the biggest evidence against me I've seen is the grappling hook saving me.


1. Why would the Mutineers save me if they knew I was a Gunner, and would've lived anyways.

2. Why would they do something that heavy-handed in order to save one of their own this early. It's a bit obvious, don't you think?

3. The Mutineers have what, one PM to organize? That doesn't give them much room for much complicated strategy. Some of them probably don't even know who all the Mutineers are yet, since their one PM has to be separate.


Whichever Mutineer saved me is trying to throw suspicion on me in the most obvious way possible. I'm going to hold off on voting for now, but I will later if I need to tie it up to save myself.

Edited by Kal Dell
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Regarding last night's vote, I joined on the bandwagon because I wanted to insure that no surprises would happen, and that I would get my coin. The 2 things seemed to go together nicely. While I realize that my adding a vote didn't change much in the general scheme of things, it would provide a certain advantage to the only person I'm sure is not compromised (me), while dealing an only unlikely probable damage to someone else, that besides looks suspicious or is made looking suspicious. See it as placing a vote on anyone else no one near that count, if you will.

In short, I valued the certainty of the lynching outcome and the advantage it would provide to me, but not only to me if you think of it, more than the potential damage of insuring an already predictable lynch.


Regarding Kal's defense, while this is no way conclusive, keep in mind that the Mutineers are in a limited number, and while their win condition is in effect outnumbering the rest of the crew, the coordination required makes it much more valuable to preserve as many people as possible.


That said I would urge people not to disperse votes too much, for the reason above as well. It's counter productive in that it creates bandwagons, but as things stand right now, assuming the Mutineers are 3-4, they might as well go for the captain.


Ergo, I'm momentarily placing my vote on Kal, for all of the above and the fact I'm inclined to let myself be convinced of the argumentations above, and this time I should be able to get back to it before the week's end.

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Okay Riii that's a pretty good explanation from you. I also agree with Jene and Riii that Mai seems suspicious, but he seems okay for now (thank you for decoding some of that language it actually made you a lot less suspicious in my eyes).


My evidence against Riii was mostly about the Chart how the Radiant keep dying and the Sinister are all Gunners or protected (I'm not sure that Kal is a Gunner but he might be) and losing their extra lifes. Also the few suspects I have actually show up in the middle of the Chart. But I don't think it's really Riii's fault it's just that his least is so publicized I focused on it too much.


About me jumping on established votes. Looking back I do vote the same way as Wyrm. I should probably stop doing that. So time to research before I vote. I really need to give up on white text and probably RP more.

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I was about to head off, then I realised I hadn't actually made a vote.


I have no idea how the voting's currently panning out specifically, but from a glance I can tell that Kal has been pretty successfully bandwagoned - Whether by Loyal or Mutineers though, I can't really say. On the bright side, if Kal is confirmed to be Loyal, then at least that tells us a lot about our assumptions.


Matim has replied, so I'm relatively alright with that. Tempted to accuse again because the answer isn't 'change your voting strategy just so it doesn't match anyone else's'. People changing their strategy halfway through just brings waves of suspicion on them for inconsistancy, particularly if your reason for not voting with your honest suspicious is because someone else has voted the same way.


However, I do want Jain to explain his voting shenanigans, and so I will vote for him overnight. Not sure how effective this will be in getting a discussion, but I think it's worth a shot considering the poor quality of his previous explanation.

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Riingar is radiant because his arguments are really great, and I think that every post he has written has given the loyal crew a better chance at finding the mutineers.  I would bet Riitiidiikiiiir's life on the fact that Riingar is loyal.  


Hreo and Wyrm are valiant because they have both pointed out things that I wouldn't have noticed, they're arguments have added to the discussion, and they haven't done anything I see as suspicious.  I would be surprised if they were mutineers.  

If anyone was decent, it would be because they were good, but had done a couple of things that I viewed as suspicious.  I expect them to be loyal, but I don't plan on taking any risks trusting them, just in case.  


Those who are "Meh." have done things that are useful, but also things I view as slightly suspicious, and they kind of balance out.  I wouldn't be surprised either way whether they turn out to be good or bad.  


Those who are untrustworthy have done multiple things that I view as suspicious, but I am completely sure whether they are evil or they just have a very different playing style.  I expect them to be mutineers, but I won't spend time voting for them if there is someone else I view as sinister.  


Those who are sinister just seem totally evil, and I view everything they say as suspect.  I try to get sinister people lynched.  

Edit: color

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I have no idea how the voting's currently panning out specifically, but from a glance I can tell that Kal has been pretty successfully bandwagoned - Whether by Loyal or Mutineers though, I can't really say. On the bright side, if Kal is confirmed to be Loyal, then at least that tells us a lot about our assumptions.


Interesting that you cast the first vote for Kal on the second week and voted for him again on the third then, isn't it?

Riiiii, okay. I understand how you format that chart now. I wouldn't put anyone above scrutiny though. Looking back, there are some pretty interesting voting patterns from the top three on that chart.

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I'm a Loyal, and you'll see that at the end of this cycle. I guess the power of the Mutineer bandwagon is too strong to resist.

Since it's looking like I'm getting killed I have one more thing to say.

Look to the people who first suggested me and started the bandwagon. I can almost guarantee at least one of them is a Mutineer. There has to be one there. I doubt that Loyals would start two bandwagon votes in a row like this on one guy unless they were being driven by a Mutineer.

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