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Lucid Dreaming


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I've been keeping a journal since Dec 22 to help in my quest to become an LD. In this time I've gone from barely remembering my dreams to recalling about 3 a night. It's also been to the T I ll have an LD once every 5 nights. On those nights I train and have since flown and gotten good at TK. Wonderful exp!

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Have you drowned yet? The first time drowning and then breathing underwater can be a real trip.


and for the beneift of others, lol, no I have never done any iIlegal drugs.


Heck I don't even smoke or drink.

Edited by JTolman
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Sub? Substitute? Submarine? 


Perhaps in my retirement I will actively try training to lucid dream better. :)  It's been a little while since I had one, but I tend to remember my dreams a lot without effort, just can't control them beyond steering the plot where I want.


On the drowning note, I almost drowned in a dream I had as a teenager, but someone saved me at the last moment.

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To be honest, I've always been aware that I'm dreaming (I don't actually use dream signs or anything like that), but my control is usually partial at best. That is, until last night...I always have fantastic elements in my dreams, so, I guess it shouldn't be surprising that when I did the lucid dream thing, I...ah...got on a mistcloak and decided to fly by steel pushing and iron pulling...it really is fun!


Heh heh, I guess the fact that my first full experience doing this I chose to be a Mistborn shows that I am indeed a Sandernerd. >.>

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I used to be able to Lucid Dream. I seem to have lost the ability recently, for some reason.  :(


My Lucid Dreams weren't exactly very controllable. Sure, I could still control things (like creating people and such), but the said things always had some sort of (almost cruel) twist to them. People would be stuck in a vegetative state, objects created would break easily, and so on.

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I usually have some level of lucid control; often, when something happens that I don't like, I'll go, "Oh, hey-all, no," and actually rewind the dream to fix it.  It's so casual now that sometimes when I'm awake and I screw something up, I'll think momentarily, "Rewind? No? Dangit, this is real life, so no."  :lol:


I have had the rare fully lucid dream, but they usually only kick in after I've hit my minimum sleep threshold.  I find that the closer I am to wakefulness, the easier it is to lucidify things.  There was one time that I had a flying lucid dream and I thought, "Eh, I'm already flying, why not have wings?"  And so I shapeshifted myself into a dragon.  That was cool.

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I had a lucid dream a while back but the really funny thing was that I kept trying to change things but it wasn't working! I was like I really want to move this wall! Or something. Can't remember exactly but I was focusing really hard and I was like: I know I'm dreaming and I've heard of lucid dreams but why the heck can't I move this wall? 

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I had a lucid dream a while back but the really funny thing was that I kept trying to change things but it wasn't working! I was like I really want to move this wall! Or something. Can't remember exactly but I was focusing really hard and I was like: I know I'm dreaming and I've heard of lucid dreams but why the heck can't I move this wall? 


You basically need to train yourself. I set myself goals for each dream. Ex: Flying. I had to jump alot getting higher and higher on each one until I finally was able stay in the air stabely and then managed to lift myself higher. Unless someone is just a natural LDer or has tremendous WILL you need to practise. Ive managed to do some cool damnation things over the last 2mths.

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I haven't had one since, though. It was like, years ago. Maybe it was last year and I'm exagerating. Either way, long time ago. Haven't had one since. I never have boring dreams, though. I like the dreams I have, even when they aren't lucid. Except nightmares. I had one of those recently.

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You basically need to train yourself. I set myself goals for each dream. Ex: Flying. I had to jump alot getting higher and higher on each one until I finally was able stay in the air stabely and then managed to lift myself higher. Unless someone is just a natural LDer or has tremendous WILL you need to practise. Ive managed to do some cool damnation things over the last 2mths.


Agreed.  It takes practice.  A lot of what you're doing is training your subconscious to ignore the laws of physics.  We're so used to all of these basic natural laws that it can be very, very difficult to convince yourself that gravity doesn't exist here.


By the same token, you can absolutely feel pain in your dreams, because you get injured and you expect it to hurt.  After all, pain is an impulse in your brain.  Though I've noticed that it's not usually nearly as intense in dreamland as it is in real life.

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Once I had a dream. It wasn't lucid but I managed to control it anyway. I was supposed to die (like, broken neck die) but I was like Keep breathing, keep breathing. And I did. So that was kind of awesome, especially considering it wasn't even lucid.


EDIT: Also, it hurt a lot less than I would have expected dying in a dream to hurt. Odd thing to remember after a while back. 

Edited by Winter Cloud
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Once I had a dream. It wasn't lucid but I managed to control it anyway. I was supposed to die (like, broken neck die) but I was like Keep breathing, keep breathing. And I did. So that was kind of awesome, especially considering it wasn't even lucid.


EDIT: Also, it hurt a lot less than I would have expected dying in a dream to hurt. Odd thing to remember after a while back. 


Yeah, I've died before, too, a few times.  It generally goes like this: 


1)  Bad Thing happens.  It's usually an explosion.  Once it was actually a nuclear blast.

2)  A sense of Doom appears, and I think, (a la Arthur Dent), "So this is it, I'm going to die."

3)  A wave of heat washes over me.

4)  The adrenaline rush wakes me up.


I then think, "Eesh, that was disturbing," and lie awake for a while, as it's hard to fall back asleep when you've got an adrenaline kick in your system.

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Finally! 23 nights. I realized I was dreaming so I Phased through my front window of car and went flying. The strange thing was as soon as I cleared my car it morphed into a floating pool chair and that's what I was flying on! I was very high up and going small plane speeds. I even made a flip and felt that roller coaster feeling in my stomach doing it. Fun fun fun.

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I have them from time to time but the first one i had was the most powerful. I was about 13 at the time and I was riding in the passenger seat of a semi-trailer going (according to the dream) near the speed of light on a windy cliff side highway. the door flew open and i found myself hanging from the door handle over a precarious drop off the cliff and unto another highway below. I remember that the man who was driving counting down from three and when he got to one I fell off. I hit the ground and was turned to ground beef, then i was run over several times from a bunch of sixteen wheeler trucks. then i realized I wasn't dead and instead was actually dreaming. from there the world melted into a white room and the first thing i did was make a bath appear get in it and wake up!   

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had lucid dreams from time to time. I don't tend to be able to control the setting, though there was this one time when I willed myself into a candy store and left with two enormous bags of candy... I am able to do things I normaly wouldn't be in a dream though, for example I've been able to fly since I was about seven and I can snap out people I don't want in my dreams.

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  • 3 months later...

I've only been able to once. it went a lot like how you were saying. Basically, I was in a shop and there was someone behind a counter, and then I realized that when I looked away the shop changed. I almost woke up then but stopped myself. The only thing I did, however, was change who was behind the counter. I hadn't even considered attempting allomancy etc. Thanks for suggesting!

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  • 3 months later...

I never have nightmares anymore because I always have a Divergent-style moment and say "Wake up" and I do. The only dreams this doesn't seem to work on is those where I can't see correctly.


I've had some interesting drowning experiences in dreams. The most vivid one was when I was trapped under a 1 foot-thick sheet of ice. Right before drowning, I started breathing normally and punched right through the ice.


I've also felt pain many times in dreams, including dying by arrows and getting an Ender's Game style monitor taken out. It was just as painful as expected.


However, I've had some really awesome dreams. One was me as a mistborn with all of the cool abilities that come with it. It was so vivid that I legitimately tried to use iron, pewter, tin, and steel when I woke up. 

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