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The Raven Throne

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Stranger threw back his head and laughed. Laughter spren darted around in circles as his laughter echoed throughout the hall. When he finally stopped he grinned at BT in amusement


 You wish to speak to my master? You assume that I serve someone. Neither I nor the Dark Alley have a master or a leader. That is where the dark alley is unique among the guilds. Oh, certain members have been there longer, and others have a higher rep, but there is no leader. Once you are inducted into the Alley you are trusted to lead yourself. Certain members such as Voidius and myself are more aggressive, ahem, salesmen and Kurkistan started a list of certain individuals who qualified, but that is all there is too it. I'm sure you could ask Voidius to stop by if it would make you feel better, but these endorsements have been my scheme. 

Or maybe there is a leader and I'm simply unaware. Who knows.

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Well I checked with Voidius and there's no leader. So unless you want to talk to another Denizen, I have all the authority needed to make this deal.

And while I appreciate Chaos's work, he is not in fact our leader. Cool guy though, has a winning smile.


So BT, do we have an Accord? (Not the Honda) 

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Ain't that the truth.


Stranger grinned and pulled out a black feather from his sleeve. He held out both scroll and feather to BT.


Just sign on the dotted line please. Try not to smudge the ink.


He winked, and a silver line appeared on the black parchment. The courtroom held it's breath...

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Nah, probably not.


The stranger rolled up the parchement, then both quill and scroll dissolved into smoke.

The Stranger looked up with that grin that danced among nightmares and spoke


It has been a pleasure doing business wit' ya, bud. Make sure you post your endorsement. If you need inspiration the lovely Elsa posted hers in the Alley for all to see. It was quite moving. 


He turned to the rest of the room.


And make sure the rest of you watch his eyes. It's true when they say they are windows to the soul.

Mine are no exception.


He laughed, madness spren swirling in a wild frenzy. Then he exploded into smoke, grey billows of it washing around the hall.

Laughter echoed.


It had been a fun trip.

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It has been a pleasure doing business wit' ya, bud. Make sure you post your endorsement. If you need inspiration the lovely Elsa posted hers in the Alley for all to see. It was quite moving.

I am honoured that you thought my endorsement was moving :)
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BT took the pen from Stranger's hand... thought about it for a another second, and signed away. It's not like that could take his soul hahahahaha.








Nah, probably not.


The stranger rolled up the parchement, then both quill and scroll dissolved into smoke.

The Stranger looked up with that grin that danced among nightmares and spoke


It has been a pleasure doing business wit' ya, bud. Make sure you post your endorsement. If you need inspiration the lovely Elsa posted hers in the Alley for all to see. It was quite moving. 


He turned to the rest of the room.


And make sure the rest of you watch his eyes. It's true when they say they are windows to the soul.

Mine are no exception.


He laughed, madness spren swirling in a wild frenzy. Then he exploded into smoke, grey billows of it washing around the hall.

Laughter echoed.


It had been a fun trip.



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BT nods at Elsa's curtsy.

Alright, who does one speak to about one of them Clan tags in the signature bar?

There are various people on 17th Shard that can make one for you: some people are: Lightsworn Panda and Awesomest Summoned, and some others.
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Thanks Elsa. I'll talk to Panda, if he can't I'll talk to Awesome... 


"PANDA!!!!! I SUMMON YOU" BT draws a summoning ward in front of his throne with a Glyph in the center that looks like a panda headed person. 

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"You know, I was sorely tempted not to come," says the Panda as he walks up behind BreathTaker, "but since I'm a charitable person, I'll make you a Clan Tag"


Admittedly, this was a quick and slightly rushed job, and I did get carried away and make something more than a tag. Ah well. Here's what I've done.


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