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The Raven Throne

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BT stood up and a flaming sword formed in his hand, Not here lefty, if you two are going to fight... take it elsewhere, I will not have a battle break out in my NEWLY RESURECTED CASTLE. Seriously, I just got all the sand out of the A/C

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It's 4am here and I should sleep, but *yawns* one fight?

EDIT: BT has spoken. This is after all, his castle. Wanna take this outside?

I think I know your weapon now.

Misplaced loyalty. Blind trust.

Edited by Quitecontrary
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I see. You're so helpless that you need others to animate you, command you, and take care of you in order to function properly. Yep, I'm quaking in m'boots. My knees are getting bruised from knocking together so hard. I need to drink a couple gallons of water because of my cold sweat.

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Heh, Big Tot... because of BT... heh... fine, you can keep talking crap to each other but at least eat.


(Where I'm from it's usually considered rude to go to someone else's home and not eat if they are eating. Ya know... I was thinking about throwing a Party in the Desert here... wanna spread the word?)

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Poor Matrim. Why so confused?

You used to be so happy with honeycakes on the table.

This is a Sanderson site.

Things are done in a grand scale here. We don't do simple. We do intricate.


Do you still believe in the oath that you swore? Belief is important.

Would you truly follow a child queen on petty skirmishes, when you can just flit from guild to guild as an agent of chaos?

You can have all the stuff you want from my kitchen. Just make sure you wear the foxhead medallion when you visit because all of my kitchen staff are channelers. And wear that ashandarei. Because well...it looks cool awesome.

Always wear the medallion. It also works for soothing and rioting. Wear my ashandarei or bring it? And honeycakes sound TASTY right now.


Back off from him foul cook!

*Shoves Mat back into a pile of scarves*

I feel like it's time for a welcome back fight, Miss Marry. Let's run through the forums in our little dance of murder. You ready?

Leftinch i can do well on my own without being pushed into a pile of scarves. And i would never betray my oath if i were released from it i would join BT but it would mean that whatever got me released and kicked out would make me the enemy of the entire court. I would prefer not to do that. If i were released i would prefer to leave in friendship. Edited by Matrim Bloody Cauthon
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It's been a long time. I read them when I was younger. I stopped after Doomwhyte, they were getting a little boring. It's amazing how violent they are while still remaining kids books. I love that part about them.

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Sorry I didn't post yesterday.



BT stood up from his dinner table where he was surrounded by friends, Who here wishes to join my kingdom? Both Dreaming of Cheese and Matrim raised their hands and stood up. BT looked at the appraisingly and smiled Good, follow me over to my throne and we will continue.


The group walked over to the Raven throne. BT left to the two men standing on the bottom tier as he walked up the steps and retrieved his sword and Crown. The crown was plain silver with a spread-winged raven and a skull in the middle, he placed it upon his head and suddenly his eyes came alight with living fire.


THESE MEN STAND BEFORE ME, WILLING TO SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO MYSELF AND THE RAVEN THRONE. BT announced in a booming voice that carried through the hall. Soon, his voice lowered to it's normal volume and he smiled and clapped his hands. Four Muertos walked out of a back chamber carrying two large chests between them.  Here, in these chests lie the armor of Raven knights. Now, they are yours, after you swear an oath to serve me.

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Out of deep respect....and appreciation of the difficulties facing you... i matrim, son of battles, hornsounder, gambler etc. Give you my blade and fealty, BreathTaker.

But mark my words i will not fight newcago.

For my full title go to the war is coming thread.

Upvote for who can get the oath reference.

Edited by Matrim Bloody Cauthon
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Out of deep respect....and appreciation of the difficulties facing you... i matrim, son of battles, hornsounder, gambler etc. Give you my blade and fealty, BreathTaker.

But mark my words i will not fight newcago.

For my full title go to the war is coming thread.

Upvote for who can get the oath reference.


Ah, Paolini. Eragon when giving his oath to the Varden.


I understand Mat, I wouldn't force you to do anything of the sort. 


Welcome back, Your Majesty.

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Ah, Paolini. Eragon when giving his oath to the Varden.



Welcome back, Your Majesty.

Well done.

"Thank you Mary" BT bowed his head to her, "I apologize for my absence, there was a... disturbance... in another realm that needed my immediate attention."

Was it a disturbance in the force? As if a million voices cried out and were silenced?

Also what is my part in the realm?

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"Your soul duty Mat," BT said as he looked at him, is to protect the people of this realm, and when I decide to go to war, I expect your undivided loyalty. Don't worry, we will not attack Newcago unless we are attacked by order of the queen first, if that day comes, Newcago will fall but not before then." BT looked around at the group gathered 'round, "Yes Mat, there was a disturbance in the... Force, but it has been reduced to manageable levels for the time being."  

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