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F gold synergies

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I saw this quote in another thread.  I guess it is from one of the chapter annotations in Warbreaker.  


It’s common for someone who suddenly becomes a Drab to get sick almost immediately. For a time, her immune system was magically enhanced and warded, in a way, to keep her from becoming ill. With that removed suddenly, sickness can strike. She hasn’t built up immunities to the sicknesses going around, and by becoming a Drab, her immune system suddenly works far worse than that of other people.

My question here is do you think this would make a difference for someone using F gold?  Could a higher heightening allow you to store more health before feeling the negative effects? 

Wayne describes it more like a systemic infection almost.  Storing to the point of making yourself borderline septic.  For this reason alone I think there is a huge advantage to being able to use powers that allow you to ignore that discomfort or power through the willpower to store at a higher rate. 

I figure an added sense of wellness could work either way in this. I think the 5th heightening makes you immune to illness and even feeling drunk... maybe most poisons?  So someone of that heightening would either be caught totally off guard by storing a bunch as it would be the first time in a long time they have felt sick... perhaps working against themselves in how much they could store.

Or... the person at a higher heightening has the ability to store more health before feeling the effects.  Maybe to them they feel like they are getting a cold while storing at a rate that would leave even Wayne bed bound.  

I know pewter is a good example of something that would likely allow you to store more.  Some have even talked about an infinite loop of burning pewter while storing and then tapping a bit of health when you are done to heal back from the pewterdrag effects of using the method for too long. 

F electrum might help in that it seems to store determination. Tapping the willpower to push through a higher rate of storage would let you store more health in less time and let you live more normally for longer. 

Stormlight... would this completely just heal through the storing side effects?  Allowing you to store up complete metalminds worth during highstorms for later use?  (I can totally see a person with some spikes making full metalminds this way for the super wealthy.) 

Those are the ones I have off the top of my mind, what other powers does everyone think could synergize well with F gold? 


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14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

My question here is do you think this would make a difference for someone using F gold?  Could a higher heightening allow you to store more health before feeling the negative effects? 

Yes, he has more health to store, he can store more. A drab has less health to store, he can store less.

14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

I figure an added sense of wellness could work either way in this. I think the 5th heightening makes you immune to illness and even feeling drunk... maybe most poisons?  So someone of that heightening would either be caught totally off guard by storing a bunch as it would be the first time in a long time they have felt sick... perhaps working against themselves in how much they could store.

They're immune to illness so it's hard to say what would happen if they start storing health. Would their immunity go away? Or would they be able to store without any illnesses but it would make their body's ability to heal wounds still slower. Their immunity comes from Breaths, and while storing health you don't touch those Breaths at all, so it should still be there even when storing massive amounts of Health.

14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

I know pewter is a good example of something that would likely allow you to store more.  Some have even talked about an infinite loop of burning pewter while storing and then tapping a bit of health when you are done to heal back from the pewterdrag effects of using the method for too long. 

Pewter doesn't give you that much health. It lets you survive normally lethal wounds, but both Vin and Elend, after sustaining their wounds, were unconscious for weeks, and spent months to heal their wounds after that. Pewter doesn't give that much health to store. You can't exploit it to that degree.

14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

F electrum might help in that it seems to store determination. Tapping the willpower to push through a higher rate of storage would let you store more health in less time and let you live more normally for longer. 

Live longer? How? F-gold doesn't affect age related illnesses.

14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Stormlight... would this completely just heal through the storing side effects?  Allowing you to store up complete metalminds worth during highstorms for later use?  (I can totally see a person with some spikes making full metalminds this way for the super wealthy.) 

Yes. It would be more or less converting Honor's investiture into Preservation/Ruin's one. You would just put Stormlight into a perfect vessel so it won't escape from spheres, gems or your body. Useful if you don't have perfect gems, but not in short timeframes.

14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Those are the ones I have off the top of my mind, what other powers does everyone think could synergize well with F gold?

Everything that provides healing. 

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6 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Pewter doesn't give you that much health. It lets you survive normally lethal wounds, but both Vin and Elend, after sustaining their wounds, were unconscious for weeks, and spent months to heal their wounds after that. Pewter doesn't give that much health to store. You can't exploit it to that degree.

14 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

F electrum might help in that it seems to store determination. Tapping the willpower to push through a higher rate of storage would let you store more health in less time and let you live more normally for longer. 

Live longer? How? F-gold doesn't affect age related illnesses.

Both of these I simply meant that they would help you endure the suffering of making yourself more sick through storage which would fill metalminds quicker and let you spend more time feeling normal.  

1 day of sever septic shock endured vs a couple weeks of a light man cold could be the same amount of total health to draw from later.  

Pewter and F electrum would just help you pull through the agony and hell that would be required to store that much that fast.  Luckily as soon as you stop storing you will be back to normal.  Just like hanging from a bar.  The burn becomes unbearable and eventually you quit.  Likely your body could have gone longer but the idea of that instant relief is too strong.  

I think pewter and electrum would help you push past those points. 

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Might as well summon @Koloss17 to talk to you about the benefits of F-Tin. Storing your sense of pain is a much more pleasant approach than tapping determination to grit through horrible suffering.

If you can't heal through alternative means then any sort of anesthetic will help. In later eras pain meds will help if they still haven't figured out how to compound with Medallions. For a bit I was trying to figure out if storing health in a Medallion would let you sleep while storing wakefulness in a Bronzemind, but that sounds like all kinds of risky.

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13 minutes ago, Duxredux said:

If you can't heal through alternative means then any sort of anesthetic will help. In later eras pain meds will help if they still haven't figured out how to compound with Medallions. For a bit I was trying to figure out if storing health in a Medallion would let you sleep while storing wakefulness in a Bronzemind, but that sounds like all kinds of risky.

It should work. Medallions works when sleeping. 



In Era 1, Sazed says the only thing you can Feruchemically store while sleeping is wakefulness, but in Era 2 they have the sky ships that require everyone to be storing weight to fly and they don't land while people sleep. Was Sazed just wrong, or is that a difference between normal Feruchemy and using the unsealed metalminds?

Brandon Sanderson

Unsealed metalminds, I am moving toward complete—you probably already guessed this—mechanical uses of Investiture, and this indeed is a step toward that. And so we are stepping toward having a little machine that gives you powers. That's what the world wants to try to find. And this is—this being mechanical—we'll just say that the medallions and the things that they're building have more of a life-force, more of an Identity of their own than a traditional metalmind does, even though they're unkeyed and all of this stuff.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)


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Let me just put this here…..

All I really put down for Gold was pewter, but F-Tin might also help. Now, it would require you to either be a full feruchemist or use Hemalurgy, so it isn’t the easiest way to cheat F-gold. I do think you’re onto something with the breaths stuff. Another way to achieve F-Gold savantism….

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On 6/8/2023 at 6:39 AM, alder24 said:

It should work. Medallions works when sleeping. 

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In Era 1, Sazed says the only thing you can Feruchemically store while sleeping is wakefulness, but in Era 2 they have the sky ships that require everyone to be storing weight to fly and they don't land while people sleep. Was Sazed just wrong, or is that a difference between normal Feruchemy and using the unsealed metalminds?

Brandon Sanderson

Unsealed metalminds, I am moving toward complete—you probably already guessed this—mechanical uses of Investiture, and this indeed is a step toward that. And so we are stepping toward having a little machine that gives you powers. That's what the world wants to try to find. And this is—this being mechanical—we'll just say that the medallions and the things that they're building have more of a life-force, more of an Identity of their own than a traditional metalmind does, even though they're unkeyed and all of this stuff.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)


Oh, I know it works while sleeping, I just put having health siphoned off when sleeping in a different risk category than weight. For that matter, I'm not entirely sure how a Sentry Ferring chooses when they wake up from active storage.

Edited by Duxredux
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