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Liss Identity


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Not a lot to say on this - but spent some time looking for this theory and didn't see one anywhere. 

Has no one proposed the theory of Liss being Azure? 

Both characters are described similarly, both have unique swords, both are only seen around Kholinar. 

Hold knows her and helps her. 

Am I missing an obvious thing here that disproves this?

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19 minutes ago, Hare_Mettle said:

Not a lot to say on this - but spent some time looking for this theory and didn't see one anywhere. 

Has no one proposed the theory of Liss being Azure? 

Both characters are described similarly, both have unique swords, both are only seen around Kholinar. 

Hold knows her and helps her. 

Am I missing an obvious thing here that disproves this?

Does Hoid know and help Liss?

Liss has a Shardblade….. Azure’s sword isn’t a Shardblade.  We can go into what her sword is if you want, but it’s definitely not a Shardblade.  Liss’s definitely is, and the differences between the two are relevant.  A Shardblade is easy to hide, Azure’s sword is not.  Nor are we sure that sword burns out eyes the way Liss has to cover up.

also, I could be wrong, but Azure doesn’t seem the type to be an assassin for hire.


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Interesting theory, and not like most other current theories about Liss

4 hours ago, Hare_Mettle said:

Both characters are described similarly

I'm not sure where you are seeing that:


WoR Prologue:


Liss stood from the table inside the small chamber. She wore a maid’s dress—low cut, of course—and could have been Alethi. Or Veden. Or Bav. Depending on which part of her accent she chose to emphasize. Long dark hair, worn loose, and a plump, attractive figure made her distinctive in all the right ways.

OB Ch 70:


The highmarshal was of average height for an Alethi woman, maybe just under, and wore her hair straight and short, reaching halfway down her cheeks. Her eyes were orange, and she wore a side sword with a glistening silver basket hilt. That wasn’t Alethi design. Was it the aforementioned Shardblade? It did have an otherworldly look about it, but why wear it instead of dismissing it?

Regardless, the highmarshal was lean and grim, and had a couple of serious scars on her face.

Also, we later learn from Azure: (OB Ch 78/93)


“You couldn’t have been in the city long before the siege began; nobody talks of you earlier than that time. They say you appeared right when the Guard needed you.”

“Perhaps I was always here, but merely blended in.”

“With those scars? They may not spell out danger as explicitly as mine, but they’d have been memorable.”

The rest of the table—lieutenants and the platoon captain—stared at Kaladin slack-jawed. Perhaps he was pushing too hard, acting too far above his station.

He’d never been good at acting his station though.

“Perhaps,” Azure said, “one shouldn’t be questioning my arrival. Be thankful someone was here when the city needed them.”


You’re a soldier though,” Kaladin said.

“Not really. In Kholinar, I merely stepped up to do a job nobody else was doing. I thought perhaps the Wall Guard would have information on the man I’m hunting. Everything went wrong, and I got stuck.”

So, we learn Azure arrived in Kholinar shortly before the riots - while Liss was there five years ago (though she could have left and come back, if your theory is correct - but then if she were in Kholinar five years before she probably would have found her quarry back then since the War of Reckoning and move to the Shattered Plains had not yet happened).


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13 hours ago, Hare_Mettle said:

Not a lot to say on this - but spent some time looking for this theory and didn't see one anywhere. 

Has no one proposed the theory of Liss being Azure? 

Both characters are described similarly, both have unique swords, both are only seen around Kholinar. 

Hold knows her and helps her. 

Am I missing an obvious thing here that disproves this?

Azure has been only recently on Roshar, not 5/6 years before OB, not to mention she would have to be there earlier to make her reputation known. Azure's blade doesn't burn out eyes, it drains color from bodies which would be very noticeable and hard to hide. And Azure is on Roshar to find Nightblood and Vasher, not to be an assassin - Azure isn't that kind of person who would be an assassin. So no, Liss isn't Azure.

Liss is likely Herald Vedel, who was a patron of healers and love. It would be fitting for her madness to make her kill as an assassin. And this WoB with Brandon's reaction to this question seems suspicious to me - just hear his laugh! 



And then the final question. At the beginning of Words of Radiance, the assassin Liss, is she Chana?

Brandon Sanderson

*Evil laugh* I will RAFO that. Sorry!

Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)


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On 6/7/2023 at 11:10 AM, alder24 said:

 And this WoB with Brandon's reaction to this question seems suspicious to me - just hear his laugh! 

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And then the final question. At the beginning of Words of Radiance, the assassin Liss, is she Chana?

Brandon Sanderson

*Evil laugh* I will RAFO that. Sorry!

Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)


Oh dear God, that laugh is terrifying. That's what the new odium must sound like while he's scemeing.

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