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The Lopen Discussion

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(DISCLAIMER! This is completely for silliness purposes! Don't take it to seriously)

What do we know about Lopen's past? Close to nothing! This CLEARLY is intentional so we never figure out that The Lopen is Cousins with the King of Herdaz!

How did our incredible Hero lose his arm? SIMPLE! He lost it fighting a Greatshell in Herdaz! 

He speaks of building his Castle often! I mean this is a dead give away!

(Less silly for now...)

In all seriousness though I don't know whether Lopen mentioning building a castle is Lopen, just being Lopen, or whether it's like a right of the king of Herdaz, or WHATEVER. So now I open the floor to you, cousins.


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1 hour ago, Treamayne said:

I think The Lopen follows the Miltary rule of storytelling:

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Any story is valid as long as it is at least 10% true

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Unless it results in an unwanted nickname for somebody else, then ony 1% is required.


Hence 10% of a castle would mean he wants to really build a shack.

Ahhhhh. So if he were to say "I want to build a Country" then That might be a castle

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51 minutes ago, Jace The Firesworn said:

Ahhhhh. So if he were to say "I want to build a Country" then That might be a castle

In Lopen's world . . .  probably.

A more "accurate" example of the 10% rule might be:


@alder24 is so fond of quoting Words of Brandon that Alder maintains a cadre of laborer's researching every thread's title for related Words of Brandon for him to post. I hear they each get a "reward cookie" if they can find a WoB that directly refutes somebody else's comment.


At least 10% of that is believed to be true.

Obviously many actual Military stories like this start with either "I/<person> was in <country>. . . "; or "I/<person> was drunk. . . "

Example 2:


I was in Manila, Phillipines and trapped on a bus taking me to Clark Air Base when I realized that "true crazy driving" didn't exist in the US. Why? Because I realized that the main road onto which we were attempting to merge had 5 lanes of traffic, but was only a three lane road (as all narrow cars, motorcycles, and scooters just drove on the line between other lanes of traffic). So, when the interesction was blocked by too many people trying to "cross before the red light," the motorcycles and scooters would cross the street by turning against the flow of traffic - weave a block or two until they could U turn, and go against the flow of traffic back to the intersection (but now on the other side) then turn again to resume driving passed the blocked intersection.

All (or some) of that is true. . .



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7 hours ago, Treamayne said:

@alder24 is so fond of quoting Words of Brandon that Alder maintains a cadre of laborer's researching every thread's title for related Words of Brandon for him to post. I hear they each get a "reward cookie" if they can find a WoB that directly refutes somebody else's comment.

Storms! My cover is blown! Who spilled the beans? I'm gonna make their life a True Desolation! :angry:

Edited by alder24
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