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Just finished Rhythm of War and need advice!


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I just finished book 4 of the Stormlight Archives and… wow there’s a lot to unpack! I’ll admit part way through I was finding some of the book to lose me slightly but towards the end it gripped me like a voidbringer. Overall I’ve absolutely loved this series, and it got me back into books in general so thank you to Brandon for that.

Having listened to the series via audiobook over the past year or two, I feel like I’ve missed or forgotten a fair bit so I have some questions and am hoping for some direction. I’m scared to Google too much because I know there’s lots out there I’ve not yet read.

- I have read no other Cosmere related books outside of the Stormlight Archive and Warbreaker. Where should I go next? (Mistborn?)

- What’s the latest information on Stormlight 5?

- How much should I know and understand about the shards / gods? I feel like I’ve either missed or lost parts of knowledge.

- Is there a good recap anywhere about all of the key events that happened throughout the series? It’d be great to have a refresher. I feel like there were so many questions raised throughout the series that I can’t remember which were answered and which weren’t.

- Are there any good podcasts / video essays that break down the series so far that you’d recommend?

- How do you all survive knowing you have to wait for the rest?!


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Hope that helps.

48 minutes ago, BraXzy said:

I just finished book 4 of the Stormlight Archives and… wow there’s a lot to unpack! I’ll admit part way through I was finding some of the book to lose me slightly but towards the end it gripped me like a voidbringer. Overall I’ve absolutely loved this series, and it got me back into books in general so thank you to Brandon for that.

Having listened to the series via audiobook over the past year or two, I feel like I’ve missed or forgotten a fair bit so I have some questions and am hoping for some direction. I’m scared to Google too much because I know there’s lots out there I’ve not yet read.

- I have read no other Cosmere related books outside of the Stormlight Archive and Warbreaker. Where should I go next? (Mistborn?)

Reading Order Threads are available and may help - but you would probably be best served by deciding on which subject you are most curious to learn more about: 

  • Emperor's Soul Novella is a great introduction to Realmatic Theory (though you likely have a good idea on that after all of Stormlight Archive) told simply in a small story
  • Mistborn (Era 1) is a great story with a comparable amount of action - if you prefer action driven plots
  • Elantris is more politically complex (most of the "action" is near the climax) but is also a great story
  • Warbreaker is half-way between the two on the sliding scale of action-> politics, but has a closer "direct connection" to the stories you just finished.
    • I, personally would recommend this either right-before or right after Mistborn era 1 - simply because of the parallels Sanderson intended between Susebron and The Lord Ruler

The linked thread also discusses Spoiler considerations in chosing what to read next.

48 minutes ago, BraXzy said:

- What’s the latest information on Stormlight 5?

Updates are on Sanderson's Website, but still on-track for next Fall as far as I know.

48 minutes ago, BraXzy said:

- How much should I know and understand about the shards / gods? I feel like I’ve either missed or lost parts of knowledge.

Mistborn really introduces this topic and has the most on the subject outside of Stormlight Archive

48 minutes ago, BraXzy said:

- Is there a good recap anywhere about all of the key events that happened throughout the series? It’d be great to have a refresher. I feel like there were so many questions raised throughout the series that I can’t remember which were answered and which weren’t.

In the Coppermind (a name which will have more meaning after you read Mistborn), starting here.

I also, sometimes, do a faux re-read on TVTropes (Way of Kings Tropes) where  I will pick a book and read through the Moments of Awesome, Funny, Heartwarming and Tearjerker (not necessarily in that order) to remind me of the highlights from a given book. 

Example WoK Trope Highlight:


Crowning Moment of Awesome (CMoA):

  • Kaladin killing a Shardbearer with only a spear and minimal armor.
    • And one for his squad when they follow him against the Shardbearer, who had just killed four of them effortlessly.
  • Also, the way that Kaladin kills the Shardbearer. He tries fighting in close with his spear, and the Shardblade cuts off the head of the spear. Kaladin throws his knife at the Shardbearer's helmet slit, but just barely misses. Then, as the spearhead tumbles down past him, Kaladin grabs it and slams it through the visor slit into the man's face.

CMoF (Funny):

  • There exists in the Palanaeum a book that categorizes people based on their preference in jams.
  • The properties of truthberry jam. Legends say that those who eat it will speak only truth until the next sunrise. What actually happens is that the stems and leaves of truthberry bushes put you in a Mushroom Samba when burned. Tribesmen would gather the berries, eat them around a fire made from the stems, and Hilarity Ensues.
    Shallan: It's a wonder they didn't become known as birthberries, considering...

CMoH (Heartwarming)

  • Dalinar giving up his Shardblade to save Sadeas' bridgemen. It may have saved Kaladin's faith in humanity in general and the lighteyes in particular.
    Dalinar: What is a man's life worth?
    Kaladin: The slavemasters say one is worth about two emerald broams.
    Dalinar: And what do you say?
    Kaladin: A man's life is priceless.
    Dalinar: Coincidentally, that is the exact value of a Shardblade. So today, you and your men sacrificed to buy me twenty-six hundred priceless lives. And all I had to repay you with was a single priceless sword. I call that a bargain.

The actual Literary Trope page is also a good refresher on plot points while also sometimes providing a different perspective on something you may have overlooked on the first read:

  • Chekhov's Gun: All over the place, but especially noticeable in the Distant Prologue, with the Heralds and the Last Desolation. The names of the Heralds themselves are important, and the lost Herald is the most obvious, but even the color of the blood on the ground becomes important later on. Sanderson even sets up guns that won't be fired until books much later in the series. This might as well be Chekhov's Gun: The Book.
    • The Death Rattles recorded before each chapter in the opening and closing sections of the book are enigmatic statements given by people moments before they die. What they even are won't be explained for a few books, but each holds some hidden significance.

PS: For those that don't know - the Checkov's Gun Trope is a term has come to mean an insignificant object that later turns out to be important: Anton Chekhov, master of the short story, gave this advice: If it's not essential, don't include it in the story.


"If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there."  Anton Chekhov (From S. Shchukin, Memoirs. 1911.)


48 minutes ago, BraXzy said:

- How do you all survive knowing you have to wait for the rest?!

By rereading the books and talking about them constantly on this forum. Also by Reading Words of Brandon on The Arcanum - but that's a mixed bag of spoilers. However, you can do neat things like select a topic and order it by "oldest first" and only read the Q&A  answers from before the time you are avoiding. For example, that link is the Dalinar hashtag - so if you order it oldest first you'll start by only seeing questions from The Way of Kings. . . 

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31 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Congratulations. Welcome to the Forums. Some hints and tricks, in case you find them useful:

Awesome thanks for all this!

I think I’ll give myself some time to process this latest book and then dive in with Mistborn. I feel like I’m missing out… like I’ve only got part of the available puzzle completed for the Cosmere.

It’s going to be weird moving on (temporarily) from the world and characters I’ve grown attached to but that’s how these things go ey.

Coppermind is a goldmine thanks for the link!

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31 minutes ago, BraXzy said:

Awesome thanks for all this!

I think I’ll give myself some time to process this latest book and then dive in with Mistborn. I feel like I’m missing out… like I’ve only got part of the available puzzle completed for the Cosmere.Coppermind is a goldmine thanks for the link!

No worries - also I was in the midst up adding the TVTropes link and explanation when you replied (see above). 


It’s going to be weird moving on (temporarily) from the world and characters I’ve grown attached to but that’s how these things go ey

If it is any consolation, you will see some of the characters you may be missing as you read these other works. If you recall in RoW Ch 13 when Shallan (Radiant) discusses Ialai's book with Mraize (see below), he mentions there are places the Ghostbloods want to export Stormlight.


Ask a better question. “Nalathis,” Radiant said. “Scadarial. What are they?”

“Nalthis. Scadrial.” He spoke the words with a different accent. “Where are they. That’s an excellent question, Radiant. Suffice it to say they are places in Shadesmar where our Stormlight—so easily captured and transported—would be a valuable commodity.”

Curious. She knew so little of Shadesmar, but the spren had vast cities—and she knew Stormlight was prized there. 

Slight Spoiler:


Nalthis is the location of Warbreaker  - a.k.a. Expanse of Vibrance on the Shadesmar Map

Scadrial is the location of Mistborn - a.k.a. Expanse of Vapors on the Shadesmar Map


So, not everybody you met in Stormlight Archive books are actually native to Roshar. . .  you wil see some of them in these stories from before they came to Roshar. Slight Spoiler:


Though not necessarily with the same "name." Slightly More Spoiler


Using the most obvious examples:

E. g. Felt is still Felt, but Azure wasn't always Azure

OB Ch 114:


“When you came before,” Dalinar said. “What … what did you see?”

“To be frank, sir, nothing. She didn’t come to me. Doesn’t visit everyone, you see.” He clapped his hands, then breathed on them. It had been winter, lately. “You’ll want to go in right after dark. Alone, sir. She avoids groups.”

“Any idea why she didn’t visit you?”

“Well, best I could figure, she doesn’t like foreigners.”

“I might have trouble too.”

“You’re a little less foreign, sir.”




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1 minute ago, Treamayne said:

No worries - also I was in the midst up adding the TVTropes link and explanation when you replied (see above). 

If it is any consolation, you will see some of the characters you may be missing as you read these other works. If you recall in RoW Ch 13 when Shallan (Veil) discusses Ialai's book with Mraize (see below), he mentions there are places the Ghostbloods want to export Stormlight.

  Hide contents

Ask a better question. “Nalathis,” Radiant said. “Scadarial. What are they?”

“Nalthis. Scadrial.” He spoke the words with a different accent. “Where are they. That’s an excellent question, Radiant. Suffice it to say they are places in Shadesmar where our Stormlight—so easily captured and transported—would be a valuable commodity.”

Curious. She knew so little of Shadesmar, but the spren had vast cities—and she knew Stormlight was prized there. 

Slight Spoiler:

  Reveal hidden contents

Nalthis is the location of Warbreaker

Scadrial is the location of Mistborn


So, not everybody you met in Stormlight Archive books are actually native to Roshar. . .  you wil see some of them in these stories from before they came to Roshar. 

Just spotted that… god the ‘priceless’ line from Dalinar is still so good.

Very good point on the interconnected aspect. Part of the appeal of reading the other books after all. Based on the comments in that reading order thread it does sound like I’ve started on hard mode, and there were definitely lots of plot points that were hard to grasp or fully comprehend so it’ll be nice to clear things up.

Speaking of, I just remembered that I missed out on god knows how many sketchbooks and other illustrations with listening instead of reading… so much to catch up on!

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5 hours ago, BraXzy said:

Speaking of, I just remembered that I missed out on god knows how many sketchbooks and other illustrations with listening instead of reading… so much to catch up on!

Interior art is also on the coppermind. If you start typing the name of the book (e. g. Words of Radiance) in the search box (top-right), don't immediately hit enter and you will see a list of subpages. Look for the Art page (e.g. Words of Radiance/Interior art) to jump directly there and avoid spoilers for books you have not yet read. 

5 hours ago, BraXzy said:

I think I’ll give myself some time to process this latest book and then dive in with Mistborn.

If you plan to start with Mistborn, then I would probably recommend a rough order of:

  • Mistborn: The Final Empire
    • The Eleventh Metal (short story - available in Arcanum Unbounded)
  • Well of Ascension
  • Hero of Ages
  • Warbreaker
  • Elantris
    • Hope of Elantris (Short Story - available in Arcanum Unbounded)
  • Emperor's Soul (Novella  - available in Arcanum Unbounded, separate ebook or physical book packaged with Legion)
5 hours ago, BraXzy said:

Very good point on the interconnected aspect.

Speaking of, @BraXzy I also edited the section you quoted above. Very slight spoilers - up to you if you go back and look. 

Also, have you read the Words of Radiance Deleted Interlude?

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- I have read no other Cosmere related books outside of the Stormlight Archive and Warbreaker. Where should I go next? (Mistborn?)

If you haven't read them yet, read the two novellas that are part of Stormlight Archive - Edgedancer (available as part of Arcanum Unbounded collection) and Dawnshard.

Then Warbreaker. It's almost like prequel for a few side characters in Stormlight.

Then Mistborn Era 1. Then ask again!

(Or read whatever excites you most - this isn't a strict order or anything.)


- What’s the latest information on Stormlight 5?

Brandon is currently 52% done with the first draft, is targetting completing the first draft by the end of the year, with a release date next year, probably november. He has weekly updates on his progress, and typically gets 1-2% done per week (except last week, where he spent the whole week on revisions - he just sent the first quarter of the book to his editor and agent for their first look.)



- How much should I know and understand about the shards / gods? I feel like I’ve either missed or lost parts of knowledge.

Probably not very much. It gets revealed more and more over the course of many series. You learn most in Rhythm of War, Dawnshard, Mistborn Secret History, The Lost Metal (book 4 of Mistborn Era 2), and the arcanum unbounded essays.

You probably understand everything you're supposed to. Though if you do detailed analysis on everything you've read you could probably figure out more, that's not expected.


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On 6/27/2023 at 0:00 PM, BraXzy said:

- I have read no other Cosmere related books outside of the Stormlight Archive and Warbreaker. Where should I go next? (Mistborn?)

I've been thinking a lot about reading order lately. Here's what I did, if it helps.

I would suggest reading Elantris next, then Mistborn Era 1 and 2 and maybe White Sands depending on whether you're into graphic novels. After that I would do a Stormlight re-read (it seems long but it's worth it) including the novellas. After that is the perfect time to do a deeper dive into all the random short stories (Arcanum Unbounded) and then it's time for the unpublished stuff. Aether of Night, any sample chapters available, that  kind of thing. After that it's time for re-reads, in whatever order you want.

On 6/27/2023 at 0:00 PM, BraXzy said:

- Are there any good podcasts / video essays that break down the series so far that you’d recommend?

Shardcast! Someone may have already suggested it, but it's great. They read words of Brandon, analyse the books, and the videos are available on this site. I'm currently listening to all the Who's That Cosmere Character segments to find the most common clues and guesses. There are so many episodes that it's going to take a while, but you should definitely listen to it! 

On 6/27/2023 at 0:00 PM, BraXzy said:

- What’s the latest information on Stormlight 5?

The prologue is available, if you want to read it before the book comes out. There's a thread pinned in Cosmere discussion.

On 6/27/2023 at 0:00 PM, BraXzy said:

- How much should I know and understand about the shards / gods? I feel like I’ve either missed or lost parts of knowledge.

Everyone misses things their first time through. I don't even understand half the stuff people say in these forums when they get into the details. This thread has some great info, but beware it has a lot of spoilers. Cosmere 101

On 6/27/2023 at 0:00 PM, BraXzy said:

- Is there a good recap anywhere about all of the key events that happened throughout the series? It’d be great to have a refresher. I feel like there were so many questions raised throughout the series that I can’t remember which were answered and which weren’t.

If you have questions, the Coppermind is great, and there's also Cosmere Q&A in the Cosmere Discussion section.

On 6/27/2023 at 0:00 PM, BraXzy said:

- How do you all survive knowing you have to wait for the rest?!

We don't. I am currently dying, and I have been since I finished Rythm of War. Someone help. The only cure is Stormlight 5. 

Oh yeah, also, welcome to the Shard!! (Sorry, sometimes it takes me a while to get to the main point of what I'm trying to say.)

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4 hours ago, The Sibling said:

I would suggest reading Elantris next, then Mistborn Era 1 and 2 and maybe White Sands depending on whether you're into graphic novels. After that I would do a Stormlight re-read (it seems long but it's worth it) including the novellas

Skip Warbreaker entirely?

@BraXzy - I normally do not recommend reading Mistbon Eras 1 and 2 back-to-back for the first reading, but if you do that just keep in mind that the setting has changed a lot.

I actually started in the Cosmere with Mistborn Era 1 (Alloy of Law had just been published when I found these books) and I read TFE, WoA, HoA and AoL as my first four books. The dissonance of change was so jarring (esp because I did not expect it) I nearly didn't finish Alloy at all and would have walked away from all of the Cosmere if a friend hadn't loaned me Elantris. I read that, then found the WoB (below), then went back and finished Alloy of Law and continued to read the Cosmere. But without Elantris to restore my faith in Sanderson as an author, and without the WoB to explain why I felt such dissonance on the setting changes in Alloy of Law - I may not be on this Forum or have read any of these great stories.

Mistborn WoB (slight spoiler - but not for books themselves)


Brandon Sanderson (2013)

On my tour, I frequently read from the first chapter of a new novel in the Mistborn world, a sequel to The Alloy of Law. (In fact, you can watch my entire presentation right here. This reading comes at the 45:45 mark.) Tor, understandably, wanted to know when they could publish this book.


As many of you know, the Mistborn series was pitched to my editor way back when as a trilogy of trilogies, with an epic fantasy trilogy, followed by an urban fantasy trilogy with the same magic in the same world, followed finally by a science fiction trilogy in which the magic had become the means by which space travel was possible. The Alloy books aren't part of this original plan, but in them you will find foreshadowing toward the second trilogy.

Also Note, this slightly newer WoB (2017 - excerpted for spoilers):

I originally pitched Mistborn to my editor, Moshe, as a trilogy of trilogies: Past, Present, Future. Epic fantasy trilogy, urban fantasy trilogy, science fiction trilogy, set in the same world, with advancing technology in which the magic becomes the foundation for space travel. And the original idea that the epic fantasy trilogy becomes the foundation of myth and religion in the modern day trilogy.

Speaking of Warbreaker, if you read it free on the Sanderson website (yes, the whole novel is free), then each chapter has links to that chapter's annotations (book spoilers exist in the annotations - but are hidden). The eBook also comes with the annotations included. However, I would recommend reading through the book first, then reading through the annotations afterward (the ebook offers both options since the Annotations are after the book - but each chapter has links back-and-forth if you want to read it that way).

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3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Skip Warbreaker entirely?

I thought that it said in the OP that they had already read it, but I just went back to check and it does not say that at all so I don't know where I got that idea. Anyways, I would put Warbreaker after Elantris. 

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