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The Official Club for people whose sleep schedules are completely incoherent and inconsistent

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7 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I got to sleep at like 7. Pretty reasonable actually.

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Until I woke up at midnight and stayed up till 6 then woke up at 7. 

Never had 50 hours sleep deprived before yesterday and I am taking the toll for it today

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got up at 8:00 AM, and it is currently 3:08 AM...this is going to be rough when I wake up tomorrow morning. Er, today morning, I guess. That poetry I wrote had better be worth the sleep deprivation! Except...given said sleep deprivation, it most likely is not. Anyway, this is my rather loopy introduction to a club of which I am most definitely a member of. Does that sentence work? We'll see! After midnight, I start to lose the ability to do words...

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On 1/6/2024 at 9:49 PM, Faerie Braids said:

I'm semi-convinced that if I stay up long enough, I will discover the secret to not needing to sleep. My brain is lying to me, but it is a very convincing liar, so...no such thing as sleep!

This. I completely, one hundred percent, absolutely agree. Sleep is totally a social construct

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Tech week is coming up and I’m starting another musical around this time too. We’ve increased in rehearsals, and I’ve got a billion fun things I love to do so I’ve just been subtracting sleep time hehe. 5 hours a night is DEFINITELYYYY enough for me. Totally.

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Oh storms I doomscrolled till 1 am, then read Defiant till 230(ish?). This is after a week at apprentice teaching where I went to bed consistently at 10pm and woke up at 6am. 

I would like - no need - consistent sleep. Annoy me if you see me online. 

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A few lines of dialogue that sum up my relationship with sleep.


The rational part of my brain: It is almost 2 AM and you have been awake for 20 full hours.

The rest of my brain: So?

TRPoMB: So, you should go to bed.

TRoMB: Haha nope.

TRPoMB: Seriously? This is extremely immature behaviour.

TRoMB: But I want to wriiiiiiite. And reeeeeeead.

TRPoMB: You can do those things in the morning.

TRoMB: It doesn't work right in the morning. (Looms menacingly) And, I'm bigger than you, so THERE.

TRPoMB: (Frustrated sigh of defeat)

The End

My brain is a pair of siblings fighting...what fun! Nope, no bitterness here...

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