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What else can a Wind-Whisper store?

Tineyed Feruchemist

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Not sure what could be spoilers but wanted to warn if you have insight on what to tag would be appreciated.

I am able to see the advantages of storing health in gold paired with pewter or gold allomancy and the other types of feruchemical storages, but I think we are overlooking the extensive adaptability of a tin mind and its storages. It is said that a Wind-Whisper can store senses outside of the basic 5 that people posses. If this is true could one perhaps store their sense of balance, or even their enhanced balance that would be granted as a twin born with allomantic pewter? Could they store their ability to sense allomantic pulses that would be granted as a twin born with allomantic bronze? Would a Wind-Whisper who is storing their sense of touch be able to ignore heat, cold, and hunger until their body starts to shut down? Do you think that they could store the ability to sense metals around them, without being able to push or pull on them, that a twin born with either allomantic steel or iron would sense? Could they store the life sense granted by the accumulation of breaths?

Edited by Tineyed Feruchemist
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3 hours ago, Tineyed Feruchemist said:

Not sure what could be spoilers but wanted to warn if you have insight on what to tag would be appreciated.

I am able to see the advantages of storing health in gold paired with pewter or gold allomancy and the other types of feruchemical storages, but I think we are overlooking the extensive adaptability of a tin mind and its storages. It is said that a Wind-Whisper can store senses outside of the basic 5 that people posses. If this is true could one perhaps store their sense of balance, or even their enhanced balance that would be granted as a twin born with allomantic pewter? Could they store their ability to sense allomantic pulses that would be granted as a twin born with allomantic bronze? Would a Wind-Whisper who is storing their sense of touch be able to ignore heat, cold, and hunger until their body starts to shut down? Do you think that they could store the ability to sense metals around them, without being able to push or pull on them, that a twin born with either allomantic steel or iron would sense? Could they store the life sense granted by the accumulation of breaths?

 @Koloss17 - you have been summoned. While you await a far-too-in-depth essay on the Properites and Benefits of F-Tin by Sense-Master Koloss; please see these threads:

There has been much discussion on the topic. Here are some of the known WoBs:



Can Feruchemists store more than the five ‘traditional’ senses, and does Allomantic tin enhance more than the traditional five senses?

Brandon Sanderson

More is possible.



Can Feruchemical tin store Allomantically granted senses like bronze sense?

Brandon Sanderson




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12 hours ago, Tineyed Feruchemist said:

I think we are overlooking the extensive adaptability of a tin mind and its storages

I can assure you, we are not -  @Koloss17 

As a member of the F-tin Cult I'm obligated to tell you that F-tin is the most versatile Feruchemical ability we know of. I personally believe that if you have a sensory organ doing something specific, you can store that. You have pain receptors in your body - you can store pain. You have an inner ear - you can store balance (it would stack up with balance granted by A-pewter). You have temperature receptors in your skin - you can store that and feel no heat or cold (storing this and pain is dangerous, as your body doesn't know what is happening to it and it can cause a serious damage or even death - you're not immune to damage, just to feeling it). You can store A-bronze sense, you can likely store steelsight (but it doesn't give you the ability to push/pull on metals), you can store Heightening effects like life sense.

Yes, F-tin is really cool, especially combined with other invested arts :) 



I'm really curious if a tinmind could store the ability to sense pain.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, that is theoretically possible, yes. Yes.

WorldCon 76 (Aug. 18, 2018)


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22 minutes ago, alder24 said:

I personally believe that if you have a sensory organ doing something specific, you can store that.

I wonder if it would interact with sense(s) that aren't governed by a specific sensory organ, such as propioception. Sure, it's a nerve signal - just from a intra-muscular neurons rather than a sensory organ.  From Da Wiki:


The sense of proprioception is ubiquitous across mobile animals and is essential for the motor coordination of the body. Proprioceptors can form reflex circuits with motor neurons to provide rapid feedback about body and limb position. . .

Proprioception is mediated by mechanically sensitive proprioceptor neurons distributed throughout an animal's body. Most vertebrates possess three basic types of proprioceptors: muscle spindles, which are embedded in skeletal muscles, Golgi tendon organs, which lie at the interface of muscles and tendons, and joint receptors, which are low-threshold mechanoreceptors embedded in joint capsules. . .

In humans, a distinction is made between conscious proprioception and nonconscious proprioception:

  •     Conscious proprioception is communicated by the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway to the cerebrum.
  •     Nonconscious proprioception is communicated primarily via the dorsal spinocerebellar tract and ventral spinocerebellar tract, to the cerebellum.


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16 hours ago, Tineyed Feruchemist said:

Not sure what could be spoilers but wanted to warn if you have insight on what to tag would be appreciated.

I am able to see the advantages of storing health in gold paired with pewter or gold allomancy and the other types of feruchemical storages, but I think we are overlooking the extensive adaptability of a tin mind and its storages. It is said that a Wind-Whisper can store senses outside of the basic 5 that people posses. If this is true could one perhaps store their sense of balance, or even their enhanced balance that would be granted as a twin born with allomantic pewter? Could they store their ability to sense allomantic pulses that would be granted as a twin born with allomantic bronze? Would a Wind-Whisper who is storing their sense of touch be able to ignore heat, cold, and hunger until their body starts to shut down? Do you think that they could store the ability to sense metals around them, without being able to push or pull on them, that a twin born with either allomantic steel or iron would sense? Could they store the life sense granted by the accumulation of breaths?

Well well well, a kindred soul. In terms of all of your inquiries, yes. So long as you have the extra bit of Investiture that enables you to actually get those extra senses, you can store them. It’s worth noting that you can’t really store steelsight without actually burning steel, as it’s not an innate part of a person’s senses. 

But yes, there are certainly many, many uses of F-Tin, and it is truly a special ability that does not get enough credit. However, with your help, we can give it the credit it deserves!

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