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Long Game 6: Daes Dae'Mar, The Great Game

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Night 1: A Fool's Choice Cycle Ends 5AM EST Friday, June 20th 


Night began to fall over the town of Drell's Crossing once again with the setting sun just a smeared blip of light on the horizon, it's fading color stretched out across the skyline, slowly blending from orange to red, and finally, to darkened purple twilight. Tension hung thick in the air as the villagers scrambled to make sense of the horrible events of the day, and before long fear and suspicion began to creep in and spread throughout the town like an infectious wound.


One look at the mess that had been found in the morning left no doubt in the villagers' minds who was responsible. Only Darkfriends were heinous enough and capable of committing such atrocities. Mayor Twim had been a beloved, respected man who had led the town of Drell's Crossing for the last 13 years, and the sight of his grizzly remains had set the town's blood boiling and it wasn't long before many voices began to demand justice.


Almost immediately, the villagers began to fill the void of leadership by trying to elect a new Mayor. Malai was the first to speak of, proposing Witless be the one to fulfill the vacant position, while Rishi stepped forward and suggested Waes be elected instead, as he was the first to step forward and prompt discussion. This prompted an outbreak of discussion and arguments that eventually led to people being accused of being Darkfriends as well.

“I will not have this in here!” Declared Gade, the Innkeeper. “I will not have the environment of my establishment tarnished with these grim discussions! If you insist on going at each other's throats, you can bloody well do it outside!”


Mostly uninterrupted, the arguing had indeed spilled out into the streets, with suspicion and mistrust growing as the afternoon dragged on. When it had appeared that the conversation was starting to run in circles, Leas Fel stepped forward to begin barking orders to double patrols and to start having a funeral for the mayor arranged. The Aiel-War veteran's display of taking charge reminded the village of the void in leadership they were facing and debates for a new mayor broke out again in earnest.


“We need a strong leader!” People began cry out. “We need somebody who's respectable, charismatic, and sharp of wit!”


Nobody was exactly sure who could perform such a daunting duty as leading the town to safety in the troubled times ahead, but it was just that moment that Witless came strolling through town carrying a couple of rabbits he had caught in his snares earlier in the day. They were impressed with his self-dependency and reckoned that for somebody to live as comfortably as he did in his circumstances, there must be something more to the guy that meets the eye.


“Congratulations, Witless.” Malai declared, stepping forward. “You are now the Mayor of Drell's Crossing.”


“Er-, what?” asked the Town Fool, looking around, believing everybody was playing some sort of trick on him. “If I'm Mayor, then you have to listen to what I say?”


“Uh, yes. That's how being Mayor works.”


Witless did a quick look around the village to see everybody's reactions, trying to detect their hidden smiles and stifled laughter. What he instead saw was Bela, the shaggy mare that had been randomly roaming around town chomping on sticks, walk up carrying a noose in it's mouth, which it then laid at Gade's feet.


“Aha! That horse has declared Gade, the inn-keeper, a Darkfriend! As Mayor, I declare that he must be lynched!”

It wasn't until everybody shrugged their shoulders and complied with the request that Witless realized they were serious. He really
was mayor. And he had just sentenced somebody to be hanged! Upon searching Gade's body after he was cut back down, the villagers found a book in his pocket. It was a copy of “The Way of the Light” written by Lothair Mantelar.


Gade was a Villager Whitecloak. Witless is the new Town Mayor

Final Lynch Count:                                              
Gade (2) -  Leas Fel, Bela                 
Grimlar (1) - Witless
Dellan (1) - Malai
Bob Dirt (1) - Waes


Phew. That was a difficult write-up! First things the Town does is elect a Fool as Mayor, and a horse gives the lynching vote! Witless obviously had nothing to do with the actual lynching, but I needed some reason for the lynch to happen. Hope you all enjoyed!

Night 1 will last 48 hours, or until all Night Actions are sent in. Remember, even if you don't want to perform an action, still send in a PM saying so. Remember, Dragon Fangs do count as a Night Actions!
So, if the Cycle goes the full time, it will end ~5AM EST Friday, June 20th.


Player ListTM
1)(Kasimir) - Kaim, a retired Thief-Taker
2)(Little Wilson) - Witless, the Town Fool
3)(Lightsworn Panda) - Jain, Random Traveler
4)(TheoryMaker) - Nath, an Average Guy
5)(Kal Dell) - Dellan, Quiet Countryman
6)(Alvron) - Ralv, a Passing Wanderer
7)(Only Joe) - Joel, Antisocial Hermit
8)(Leonardus) - Lam, Street Sweeper
9)(Shivertongue) - Khamsi Zareef, Domani Gleewoman
10)(Mailliw73) - Malai, Horse Breeder
11)(Grey Pilgrim) - Grimlar al'Pil, Town Drunk
12)(Renegade) - Gade, Innkeeper - Villager Whitecloak
13)(Adolin Dustbringer) - Jim Bob Dirt,  Dirt Salesman
14)(AonarFaileas) - Leas Fel, Aiel War Veteran
15)(Lev) - Bela, A Shaggy Mare?
16)(New One) - Newan, a Seanchan morat'raken
17)(Awesomeness Summoned) - Waes, Cobbler
18)(Ashiok) - Trimat, Manure Salesman
19)(twelfthrootoftwo) - Douza, Blacksmith Apprentice
20)(Sphinx) - Senna, Village Weaver
21)(Jaelre) - Jae, Inn Hall Boy
22)(Aspren) - Sprell Hanaar, Village Carpenter
23)(Binnut) - Bunnt Nibbel, Quiet Farmer
24)(Sir Jerric) - Erik, Homesick Borderlander
25)(QuiteContrary) - Rishi, Tavern Maid

Edited by Gamma Fiend
Grammar, time update
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Well, there goes our Lyev Skyknight (anyone get that reference?). Least we didn't lose someone too important to friendly fire, but a Whitecloak is important nonetheless.


Have fun being Mayor, Wilson.


Edit: Color

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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OOC blue, Panda. Let's keep it in there ;)


Blood and bloody ashes, losing our Whitecloak like this...I admit, I'm relieved not to have lost our Dreamwalker or Wolf-Brother, but as far as things stand, that's still one storming mislynch.


I'm sorry, Rengar.


...I'm definitely going to go back and re-read the posts by which his lynch was secured. I'm not very happy about lynches coming out of almost nowhere near the last part of the day.

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The body no longer hung from the tree but long past sunset Waes was still staring at the dangling rope, deep in thought. He'd never particularly liked whitecloaks and he certainly never saw eye to eye with Gade. That didn't mean he'd wanted to see the man dead though and a devout whitecloak might be just what they needed to find the killer. There was no point trying to tie a broken shoe string. The deed was done.

Waes couldn't blame Witless. It was the town's fault for putting a fool in charge during a crisis. Waes had been thoroughly confused when his own name started getting thrown around for mayor but he knew for sure everyone had gone crazy when Witless was chosen. The poor man had even thought it was a joke until the noose tightened around Gade's neck. That was what was haunting Waes now. That look in the fool's eye when he realized he was responsible for a man's death. Waes couldn't help but be relieved that responsibility hadn't fallen on his own shoulders.

Waes glanced over at the shaggy mare that was still grazing near by. Perhaps he was going mad himself but he was sure Witless and the beast shared a long look just before the call for Gade's death. What am I thinking? The man is crazy. I'm blaming a horse for his actions now? The paranoia must really be getting to me. He couldn't pull his eyes away from the horse though. There had always been something off about that animal. He'd keep an eye on it all the same.

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Erik wouldn't have believed it if he had not seen with his own eyes. He would have been fine passing it off as crazy talk. Now he was pursuing villagers through the fading twilight, asking the same question time and again. "Horses do not tie knots. Where did that mare get a noose?"

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Malai was utterly confounded. Her entire life, she'd been around horses. She had never seen or heard of one like this Bela. This one seemed to be able to somehow communicate and even tie knots. Malai would have to look a lot deeper to find out how this horse was capable of such things.

Edit: I also would like to call out Grimlar. Wilson put up a good argument about you. Care to defend yourself?

Edited by Mailliw73
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An Open Letter to Padan Fain,

I have no idea if I was even a front runner for the corrupted villager position you had recently opened up but I feel I should inform you that after tonight a few players will be able to identify pretty quickly if I were corrupted. I was not previously particularly against working with you. You are a very charismatic individual who I think is just sadly misunderstood. I mean, who wouldn't want to have their free will taken away and only have to worry about serving your every need? That would be very freeing.

Sadly, I think becoming corrupted would quickly result in my death, which I'm sure is something neither of us would like to happen, so it would probably be better if you passed over my resume and chose a more suitable candidate for your corrupted positions. I appreciate the opportunity though and will certainly reapply if my circumstances change in the future.


Waes Brune Valdi Cornelium LV

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Grimlar was wrenched back into consciousness by the shrill cry of a raven. Looking around, he found himself in an alley. He had little recollection of anything after going into the inn. He must have gotten drunk pretty quickly. Well, at least he hadn't pissed himself this time. No vomit, even! An improvement!


When he exited the alley, he made his way over to one of the other villagers. He was informed of the lynching. "What?" he exclaimed. How did things go this far so quickly? He was even more stunned to find that he had been called out for lynching himself, and by the new Town Mayor! Light, it had not been a good day.


Quickly he sought an audience with the new mayor. He had things to discuss.


As he made his way over, he heard that raven calling down again. A servant of the Dark One? Whether it was or not, Grimlar knew the Lord of Evil's eyes were upon Drell's Crossing.


Creator help us.


Well, I see I missed quite a bit. I too thought the day didn't end till several hours from now. Oops. Unfortunately, you can no longer see, but I was off the site for about 18 hours total before coming back on, and by then this thread had been posted. That should explain any contradictions anyone may find, since I advocated lynching on Day 1. I would have been making my vote right now, had I not been mistaken.


To respond foremost to the arguments made against me by Witless, I shall copy.



Yes, we can learn a lot from lynching people. But that information is gathered from the discussion that takes place, not the actual lynch itself, unless there are vote manipulation roles (which there are none of in this game).



I beg to differ. The lynch does give us a great deal of information. Now that we know Gade was a Villager, we can begin to try to make connections based on what people said about him and how they responded to what he said. The information does indeed come from the discussion itself, but we can gain much more meaning out of it after a lynching. It is unfortunate to lose a valuable player so soon, but at the very least nothing potentially goes to the enemies from the death of a Villager.



At 6:56, Grey responded to Joe’s post, saying that he also was all for the day one lynch. This could be an innocent post from a player who just wants to mix things up and try something different from the previous game. Or it could be someone who just got his role telling him he was the Darkfriend or the Forsaken, and noticed a perfect way to cover himself and make it look like his push for a first day lynch isn’t anything to worry about. Coupled with everything else, I’m inclined to say it’s the latter.



Though I doubt Gamma will choose to confirm this, I received my role at 7:04 MDT, eight minutes after I made that post about lynching Day 1. Therefore, that post was as innocent as can be. Of course, you can choose to doubt that, but the timing makes sense to me based on when you got your role and when Gamma said he was finished distributing them. I decided to change my strategy for this game to a more offensive role. I have been very conservative in the past with lynching, at least after lynching somewhat at random in Game 4 (and eventually being lynched because of that). Game 5 I tried to step it back a bit, but I don't think that worked well either. So I will in this game try to find a balance, voting as much as I can as reasonably as I can. Yes, it is difficult to vote reasonably on Day 1, but I feel I had and have a good reason to go for it. Again, the only reason I didn't vote is that I was mistaken about the time I had to do so.


Interesting strategy, Waes. May I ask, how can you say that a few players will pretty quickly be able to identify if you have been corrupted? The only role that can find out alignment is Viewer, and I would be surprised if there were more than two or three of those. Therefore, in order for a few to identify your Corruption, all Viewers would have to View you on Night 2, which I can't foresee happening, unless of course they all do so after your post. Which I also doubt.

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Interesting strategy, Waes. May I ask, how can you say that a few players will pretty quickly be able to identify if you have been corrupted? The only role that can find out alignment is Viewer, and I would be surprised if there were more than two or three of those. Therefore, in order for a few to identify your Corruption, all Viewers would have to View you on Night 2, which I can't foresee happening, unless of course they all do so after your post. Which I also doubt.

Obviously I'm not going to explain all the circumstances surrounding that claim. I will say this though, If you think the Viewer would be the ONLY way to tell if someone had been corrupted, you aren't thinking creatively enough.


But lets just assume a Viewer is involved in my claim (and again not confirming that one way or another). There are quite a few pm discussions going on so the information they gain would not likely stay with just the Viewer. All it would take is one scanning me for a few players to be able to identify if I got corrupted. A viewer scan later on would be the most effective way of identifying the change but once a group of people know someone's role, its pretty difficult for that person to bluff for very long after they are corrupted. 

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The village was mostly dark and few of the wooden houses showed dim lights.  The house he was looking for was just off the village green, a favourable position for the former mayor.  Walking noiselessly through the darkened streets, Ralv kept an eye out for any nosy dogs who might alert their owners to his presence.


The tall front showed heavy oak shutters barred with iron and a stout door with an expensive lock.  Working his way around the building until he found a small side window, Ralv quietly slid a thin bar between the shutters and lifted the latch.  Sliding into the room, he pulled out a cylindrical tube that gave off a small amount of light. That's right. Ralv has a lightstick.


Finding himself in the library, Ralv quickly ran his hand along the mantel, feeling the different items placed on top.  After placing a tankard and a couple of goblets into his sack, Ralv dusted the top of the mantel to disguise what he had taken.


Refastening the shutters after climbing back out took only a couple of minutes.  In short time Ralv was back in his bed above the inn with none the wiser of his little excursion.


The only role I can think of that would work with Waes' plan is if he were to be a Dreamwalker.  If he is then it would be very easy to find out if one was corrupted as their messages would stop.  Only problem with that plan is that I highly doubt that there is only one Dreamwalker.  So if one message were to stop then there would be very little way of knowing which one unless they were to include some kind of message and tell others so that they can confirm.  Which makes Waes a prime target for the DF, unless he is a DF Dreamwalker.  Or I could be way off track again.

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Any channelers: please bond me as your warder.  I'll be a good warder.  I'll watch your back, I'll do what you say unless your life depends on it, and if you die I'll go kamikaze mode and everything.  Pleaaaase.  I just really want the cool color-changing cloak.

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This thread has been up for about 15 hours so far. Remember, Night Cycles will either End when all Actions get Sent in, or 48 hours hits. Whichever comes first. If anybody asks for an Extension (via Docs, PM, or Thread) the Cycle will automatically last for 48 hours no matter what.

I will not let you know how many Actions have been sent in or not. I will keep a countdown for hours going, however. Night Actions may be changed as many times as you see fit, but when the Cycle ends, your last sent in order will be recorded. 

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Any channelers: please bond me as your warder.  I'll be a good warder.  I'll watch your back, I'll do what you say unless your life depends on it, and if you die I'll go kamikaze mode and everything.  Pleaaaase.  I just really want the cool color-changing cloak.


The cloaks are made with a special ter'angreal in the White Tower. As all the channelers in this are Wilders... yeah, not like to have the ter'angreal :P

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Hey, look, it's your beloved GM with yet *another* clarification/update. This one is actually pretty big, as it's the clear-cut, once and for all,


  1. Water Ability (necessary so it can stop the Spirit ability or Whitecloak

  2. Spirit Ability/Whitecloak

  3. All other Player Actions

  4. Fireball Ability/Wolfbrother/Forsaken/DF Kill

  5. Corruption


Corruptions will happen AFTER all the other actions. This allows so that Padan Fain's ability doesn't act like another Role-block, and anybody that it targets will still complete their Night Action beforehand. Sorry for not getting this more clear earlier, but hopefully this will still be up early enough to allow for adjustments to any plans this may mess with.

The Thief-Tracker is not listed on there, because their power is used during the day, and it just checks to see who the person targeted the previous Night Cycle. So if they targeted somebody, there is a result. If they did nothing  or get role-blocked, or the Thief-Taker gets Role-blocked, then the result for that Tracking shows up "Unsuccessful".

Any questions, please keep asking. I really want to make sure I get this all out of the way before it starts changing your plans too much mid-way through the game! You all have been doing great so far (except maybe Gade ;)), keep it up!

Edit: D'oh! Forgot to give credit where credit is due. Do NOT upvote this. Meta is the one who helped me come up with this Action Order, he deserves all the credit.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
Credit Given
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Because I'm the impartial Mod, in case any problems arise. Trust me, this looks like an amazing game and I wish I could, but I called dibs on Hero's game, thus Wilson got to beat me to this game! :P


While I will help out with game mechanics and speculate on who is who, I have no stake in this game, thus if you have an issue that you don't feel comfortable bringing to Gamma, you guys can bring it to me. I will contact everyone involved and deal with the situation as needed. As such, I hope everyone has read the Etiquette thread and understands it. If not, feel free to ask. 


Don't worry, Lightsworn, you'll get a chance to kill me yet! ;) 


Best of luck to you all! 

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The Golden Voice of The Creator booms down from the Heavens above, causing villagers to stop in their tracks and stare to the skies rejoicing. The Light had blessed them with their presence! Surely it was a sign that evil would be defeated!

With their morale renewed, the villagers set back to their tasks at hand. There was still work to do.

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Talk about strange intervention...


Jain looked up. that was strange. He was sure someone had said his name. In a very deep and baritone voice. Shaking his head Jain went back to idly juggling his rocks, his toy panda blessedly not in the circle of whirling rocks.

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The cloaks are made with a special ter'angreal in the White Tower. As all the channelers in this are Wilders... yeah, not like to have the ter'angreal :P

Way to crush my hopes and dreams, shiv

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