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Fused Voidlight use(and maybe gemheart stuff)


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 I reread Stormlight recently and noticed some interesting wording about Heavenly Ones and Lashings I don't have the exact quote, but it said Fused don't use Voidlight except to use the occasional rare Lashing. Also, this isn't a world where you can just fly around; you need to use a Surge to accomplish something. Heavenly Ones can Lash themselves and only leak Voidlight when they heal. Venli can draw in Voidlight and hold it in her gemheart (to maybe power her form?) but can't use it for much else without Timbre and the bond.

 Gemhearts are another piece of the puzzle. All life originating from Roshar has one, these are harvested by humans to hold stormlight and can be cut to seal impurities so they leak less Stormlight. Gemhearts naturally grow  in the body so I think when they are harvested they leave behind pieces or are damaged in some way. While inside a body they don't leak Light. Humans don't have a gemheart and are called an imperfect vessel for Light and I think that is the reason.

When a Fused uses a Surge internally they hold the Light powering it in their gemheart. It escapes when there is a hole for it to leak through like a wound. Could someone find these quotes please I think they can help people understand what I'm saying.

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3 hours ago, Xiahida said:

Could someone find these quotes please I think they can help people understand what I'm saying.

RoW Ch 31, Raboniel to Venli:


“The Radiants each have two Surges,” Venli said. “The Fused each have one. So are the Radiants more powerful?”

“Powerful? Is it better to have more abilities, or to have one ability handled expertly? We of the Fused know our Surge with an intimacy a Radiant will never know. Humans. They were not created for this world, these Surges, or the storms. Light leaks from humans like water through fingers. They get flares of great power, but cannot hold what they have.

“One of the Fused can contain Light and bask in it indefinitely. Even a Regal such as you knows this power in a lesser way—most don’t know it, but you contain a small amount of Voidlight in your gemheart. You can’t use it actively, of course, but you might have felt it enflaming your emotions.

“As for Fused, our dominance over our Surge is eternal. Where humans visit, we reign.” She gestured toward the Deepest Ones. “Can any Radiant claim to know the stones as these do, melding with rock, mixing their very axi? Radiants are so outwardly focused. They change the world, but ignore themselves. Yes, a Radiant can cast a stone into the sky, but the shanay-im can soar without worry of ever dropping.”

Venli hummed to Craving

With some small amount of "unreliable narrator" as Raboniel is clearly baised, and for some surges, thier abilities are not quite the same (making direct comparison dubious at best). But the fact that Fused and Regals can hold the light(s) inj their gemheart and that humans leak light is solid.

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3 hours ago, Xiahida said:

 Gemhearts are another piece of the puzzle. All life originating from Roshar has one, these are harvested by humans to hold stormlight and can be cut to seal impurities so they leak less Stormlight. Gemhearts naturally grow  in the body so I think when they are harvested they leave behind pieces or are damaged in some way. While inside a body they don't leak Light. Humans don't have a gemheart and are called an imperfect vessel for Light and I think that is the reason.

Animals don't need to store Stormlight forever on Roshar. Until the next Highstorm will do. As they use the Stormlight they store having a certain leakage does not matter.

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