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When you're sad


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Running. Swimming. Biking. Basically, rationalize melancholy into anger, self-pity, and blame, then proceed to burn these feelings off by screaming like a banshee and sprinting for a hundred to a couple thousand metres, depending on the sport.

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Usually I'll read, maybe while listening to a song that describes how I'm feeling. I'll sit and stew alone until I feel like I can face the world again. Maybe I'll leave the house and go where no one will bother me (I once drove to the nearest McDonalds and used their wifi to watch an episode of Doctor Who). I'll do whatever it takes.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Sleep does wonders for me.  I usually only deal with depression in conjunction with feeling really overwhelmed with too much to do which stimulates procrastination and staying up late to keep up.  The only way I've successfully dealt with that is to let go of a responsibility instead of trying to do everything.

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If I had to guess, it's the mention of drugs, coupled with unhelpful dose of black comedy. I found it funny, but I can see how others would not. In the spirit of your comment I'll say that hanging with a friend is a wonderful way to cheer myself up. I'm not sure if it's the heartwarming relationship or the oxygen loss, but it makes me feel tingly.


Well, crying is actually a natural way the body forces itself back into emotional stability, so if it comes to that, crying is a wonderful way to get over my problems and get back to work. Given lots of time, a quick flying dream has never failed to cheer me up, and given very little time I can always rage around an internet forum, watch a few bloopers/outtakes of a favorite series, or hold a snarky swearing duel with myself. Any one of these will usually have be feeling better in no time.

Edited by Observer
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Hmm, O.K because I have found that nothing really works to cheer me up when depression hits me. So I either enter the old self-loathing cycle, which is about 8-12 hours of my mind telling me, " you will die alone, no-one loves you, your too stupid to accomplish your goals." Cheerful things like that. Talking to people doesn't work neither does exercise, reading, movies, T.V, out door activities, study, meditation, modern medicine, crystals or anything so I just get black out drunk to drown the voice and then when it's quiet, pass out so that when I wake up it can start again.

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Regardless of how I feel about the way you manage it, I can't even begin to understand what it is like for you. I dont think it deserves a down-vote so I gave up an upvote to at least bring you back to zero.

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I usually find that getting out of the house helps me out. If I spend too many days inside without talking to friends or being outside, things can get dark. It helps if you have a friend who has similar troubles, like I do. You can check up on one another, talk, and keep each other from getting too down most of the time.

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I agree about getting outside the house. Sometimes, I hit the gym, or I go and do some work. I'll pick something to challenge myself--a mathematics problem I can't solve, a logic formulation, a particular article of German grammar I've been having difficulty with, and push past it. It's hard to do it, but I keep telling myself I have to do it and once I'm engaged in it, the sadness goes away.


Other times, I write. And in those very, very worst cases, when I can't focus or something, I go and sleep. A lot of times, it gets worse when I'm physically exhausted. And I tend to feel a lot better after I wake up.


And if none, absolute none of these help...


I make a cuppa :P

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I do well to have a project or something to anticipate. The best thing I did was go help somebody else. It got me out doing something positive which made me stop thinking about my own junk.

All the things they mention in web sites/magazines about beating depression work (exercise, friends, doing things even when you don't feel like it, counting your blessings, helping other people, getting more sunshine, etc). All of that works As Long as you're not too far gone. If you feel like you have the flu or like you're carrying a 200 lb sack of sorrow on your shoulders that you can't take off... It's a good idea to talk to a doctor. I don't recommend meds as the Only method or the first method...but if you need them---they can help you do the things outlined in the self help sections of books/magazines/websites.

I think counseling can be useful if the source of sadness is a result of something really old or resulting from a repetitive cycle of behaviors. I tend to trust Free counsel more (no financial gain from keeping you unwell). There is a nonprescription herb st jonswort that has been helpful for some. I used this because meds scared me. Caution: It can make you burn in sun easier and cause issues with birth control pills being effective.

Whether its meds or doing things differently, be open to change.

Web hugs!

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I usually like to seek some kind of distraction or escape. Things that work best for me are listening to music or being around a loved one who will make make me laugh or try to cheer me up. I’ll try to distract myself with things I enjoy, watching TV, gaming, drawing, etc. The thing is, sometimes you don’t know why you are feeling down and for some cases it makes me feel worse to puzzle it out in my head or try to explain it to someone. You want an escape so the feeling will pass, so you can forget about it or maybe realize it wasn’t that big of a deal.

However, some things are a big deal and a distraction simply isn’t enough. The problem will come back. If it is serious I will need to be very alone. I will go to something like a mind palace…maybe more like a mind sanctuary. Something I dream up where everything is okay, where there exists a version of life that is how I want it to be. It’s very comforting, but it is another escape. Although, it does help me figure out what it is I want and what I think is missing that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to admit to myself.

This kinda went a little deeper than I intended. I happened to be feeling a little blue when I wrote this up, but it made me a little feel better. So I’m going to post in just in case it helps someone else. :)

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Zoloft? :P
Other than that books are best for me if I can muster the energy to read them, getting into someone else's headspace is always good, be it through tv, music, games or books.

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When I get depressed I have found that the best solution for me is to just sit in silence. I love being around people but I love to be by myself more. If that doesn't work, I go out drink a few beers and sing karaoke with friends and my wife and I'm usually better after that. Otherwise I get really mean so I'll blast flogging molly and smoke a cigarette or use my E-Cig to chill out then I'm great.

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Hmmm....................well get away from my family, usually because they are the one rioting my emotions, then i read a book, listen to music, or the best remedy for me is to get on the forum. Maybe chat with some of my friends.

@Smurf i feel you. I hate that voice in the back of my head.

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Working out was life changer for me. Still feel sad sometimes of course but I need an important reason for that now. Started working out a year ago, simple push ups and stuff, life seems better. It does not have to be about bodybuilding or fitness, all I do is push my body a bit. I burn through that excessive energy which most of us bookworms and nerdy people tend to hoard and suddenly I don't have enough of it to waste it on being sad :)) Clears my mind as well and after some time of doing it I started getting serious confidence boosts out of it. It's good for health obviously and when I started seeing changes in my body I stopped being lazy and avoiding stuff that need hardship and time to give you something back. So yeah, best medicine for my sadness is imagining I'm some badass warrior who's gonna kick some villains chull later on but first he needs a little timeskip to get stronger and this totally works :D :D

If exercise doesn't works, than stop being sad, be awesome instead and try it again. Simple as that :D

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