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Am I crazy for this?


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Currently reading HoA. Just finished part 2.

Right now I’m not interested in Vin and Elrond’s story tbh. I dunno why it just doesn’t seem that important and I feel like their character development is over.

Right Now I’m hella interested in Spook and Tensoon since we are learning new stuff about them.

Sazed is ehh. I have a rough idea of what happens to Sazed at the end of the trilogy from spoilers ( don’t tell me since I’m not certain ) and I do see where he’s going but he too isn’t that interesting 


Am I crazy for this take 

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3 hours ago, Munazir said:

Currently reading HoA. Just finished part 2.

Right now I’m not interested in Vin and Elrond’s story tbh. I dunno why it just doesn’t seem that important and I feel like their character development is over.

Right Now I’m hella interested in Spook and Tensoon since we are learning new stuff about them.

Yeah, Spook and TenSoon were the big draws in this book, followed by Vin - but more for the enigma aspect than for character interaction and developement (unlike TFE and WoA where her character arc was more of a focus).


Sazed is ehh. I have a rough idea of what happens to Sazed at the end of the trilogy from spoilers ( don’t tell me since I’m not certain ) and I do see where he’s going but he too isn’t that interesting 

Sazed's plot is a much slower burn - with a much better payoff before the climax. I certainly enjoyed his sections more on the second and subsequent rereads than I did on the first read of the story.


Am I crazy for this take 

Not at all. Though I don't think Vin and Elend's "romance" is meant to be a plot or arc for this book (it was mostly resolved in WoA). In HoA it is meant to more show how they grew during the time skip and show their relationship as a stable married couple who have not only resolved the trust issues, but deepened their bond and trust. 

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2 hours ago, MangoBoi101 said:


I- :sob:

I will say, when I was reading HoA, I found Spook's parts extremely dull and liked Vin and Elend's parts far more, so it's a matter of taste. There's no one objective "best" take, so no one is about to call you crazy for liking some chapters more than others.

except maybe MangoBoi.

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15 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

I- :sob:

I will say, when I was reading HoA, I found Spook's parts extremely dull and liked Vin and Elend's parts far more, so it's a matter of taste. There's no one objective "best" take, so no one is about to call you crazy for liking some chapters more than others.

except maybe MangoBoi.

I heard that some people’s favourite character was Spook and was surprised since he didn’t get much time in TFE or WoA but now I get it 

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25 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Yeah, Spook and TenSoon were the big draws in this book, followed by Vin - but more for the enigma aspect than for character interaction and developement (unlike TFE and WoA where her character arc was more of a focus).

Sazed's plot is a much slower burn - with a much better payoff before the climax. I certainly enjoyed his sections more on the second and subsequent rereads than I did on the first read of the story.

Not at all. Though I don't think Vin and Elend's "romance" is meant to be a plot or arc for this book (it was mostly resolved in WoA). In HoA it is meant to more show how they grew during the time skip and show their relationship as a stable married couple who have not only resolved the trust issues, but deepened their bond and trust. 

I do know where Sazed’s story ends so I can see why him being soo invested in true religion would be interesting on rereads

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27 minutes ago, Munazir said:

I do know where Sazed’s story ends so I can see why him being soo invested in true religion would be interesting on rereads

Right, I noticed you had mentioned the climax may be slightly spoilered for you - what I was referencing was a payoff before the climax - that to me was the better payoff for Sazed's arc in this specific book (where the climax is more for the trilogy as a whole). Slight Anticipation spoiler:


Specifically - Ch 62 and Ch 71

Speaking of spoilers - May I ask what other cosmere works you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter)?

PS: This may help if you need info on the tools to edit posts:


At the bottom left of a post you will see a "+" icon, a "Quote" link, and (your posts only) and Edit and Options tools. On the bottom right you will see an up arrow.

  • The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post
  • The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it the quote will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is
    • So, if you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote"
  • The + icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you click that for each post
    • As you click +, you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have
    • They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply
    • When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically
  • Finally, you can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote" button that pops up.
  • Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply.
    • For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down)  and move the quote to before the empty line. . .
  • Use the Edit link to make changes to a completed post or add information to your post if it is the most recent (to avoid double posting)
    • Quote buttons will still send a quote to "Reply" if you have a post open for edit, but it is easy to cut/paste the quote to the Edit box
    • Editing the first post in a thread allows the thread-creator to edit the thread title.
    • Editing allows you to add a reason for the edit (Spelling and grammar (SPAG), formatting, clarification, new information, etc.), but it is not required.
  • Next to Edit you will also find an "options" dropbox, you can use this to hide your post if you want to remove it after posting
  • At the top of a post you will find "Report Post"
    • Use this if you do accidentally double-post (sometimes it's the browser or a slow link that causes a double post) - just leave a message that it was an accidental double post and the Mods can fix it. If it was the first post of a new thread that doubled, they usually can merge the threads if they both have answers, so all of the content is retained.

Hope that helps.


Edited by Treamayne
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13 minutes ago, Munazir said:

I do know where Sazed’s story ends so I can see why him being soo invested in true religion would be interesting on rereads

Yes, it's quite satisfying to see him find peace in the way he does. Also, try not to double-post, it's against site rules. If you want to add something, you can always edit your original post.

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4 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Right, I noticed you had mentioned the climax may be slightly spoilered for you - what I was referencing was a payoff before the climax - that to me was the better payoff for Sazed's arc in this specific book (where the climax is more for the trilogy as a whole). Slight Anticipation spoiler:

  Reveal hidden contents

Specifically - Ch 62 and Ch 71

Speaking of spoilers - May I ask what other cosmere works you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter)?

SPOILERS for the entire cosmere however and I’m not sure if they are all correct.

I’ve read all of stormlight expect RoW ( part of why I was underwhelmed by the ending of TFE was I thought the Lord Ruler had a shard and Vin would get it but at the time I mixed up Dawnshards and Shards of Adonasium )and Warbreaker. (Plus TFE & WoA)

I’m making my way through the cosmere(I’m pretty sure the list I’m using is one you posted ) right now.

The spoiler I saw was something to do with Sazed becoming a Shard and I know what the Shards are from Honour, Odium and Cutivation. And I actually saw a video talking about Adonasium so I know there’s 16 shards. So rn I’ve made the connection of the 16 shards and the 16% of people that fall ill. 
I know the Marsh goes away to a different planet at the end

I think Demoux becomes a worldhopper looking for Hoid. I think he’s the one in the first Interludes of TWoK

I’m aware that Kelsier is the protagonist of Secret History so I wasn’t shocked that he returned but I was surprised on how soon it was.

and I actually saw on Reddit that Thaidakar is Kelsier but I’m not certain if I’m right on that 

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14 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

Yes, it's quite satisfying to see him find peace in the way he does. Also, try not to double-post, it's against site rules. If you want to add something, you can always edit your original post.

What do you mean double post 

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27 minutes ago, Munazir said:

SPOILERS for the entire cosmere however and I’m not sure if they are all correct.



I’ve read all of stormlight expect RoW ( part of why I was underwhelmed by the ending of TFE was I thought the Lord Ruler had a shard and Vin would get it but at the time I mixed up Dawnshards and Shards of Adonasium )and Warbreaker. (Plus TFE & WoA)

I’m making my way through the cosmere(I’m pretty sure the list I’m using is one you posted ) right now.

The spoiler I saw was something to do with Sazed becoming a Shard and I know what the Shards are from Honour, Odium and Cutivation. And I actually saw a video talking about Adonasium so I know there’s 16 shards. So rn I’ve made the connection of the 16 shards and the 16% of people that fall ill. 
I know the Marsh goes away to a different planet at the end

I think Demoux becomes a worldhopper looking for Hoid. I think he’s the one in the first Interludes of TWoK

I’m aware that Kelsier is the protagonist of Secret History so I wasn’t shocked that he returned but I was surprised on how soon it was.

and I actually saw on Reddit that Thaidakar is Kelsier but I’m not certain if I’m right on that 



I'm just gonna say that you're quite off about a lot of things, so it hasn't been spoiled as much as you might think.


What do you mean double post 

Posting twice in a row, back-to-back. If you have more to say after posting, go back and add it onto your post through the edit function.

Edited by Underwater_Worldhopper
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2 minutes ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

I'm just gonna say that you're quite off about a lot of things, so it hasn't been spoiled as much as you might think.

Posting twice in a row, back-to-back.

Ah that’s good. I need to stay off anything to do with the Cosmere until I’m caught up.

By posting twice in a row. Do you mean I posted this forum or whatever you would call it twice. I think it’s a glitch it has always done this ever since I’ve started using is website 

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Please see my edit (above) about doubleposting tools. Most likely the Multi-quote will help the most. Doubleposting is making two separate posts in a row, instead of just using multi-quote to reply to more than one person - or editing your post if it is the most recent post.

10 minutes ago, Munazir said:

SPOILERS for the entire cosmere however and I’m not sure if they are all correct.



I’m making my way through the cosmere(I’m pretty sure the list I’m using is one you posted ) right now.

The spoiler I saw was something to do with Sazed becoming a Shard and I know what the Shards are from Honour, Odium and Cutivation. And I actually saw a video talking about Adonasium so I know there’s 16 shards. So rn I’ve made the connection of the 16 shards and the 16% of people that fall ill. 
I know the Marsh goes away to a different planet at the end

I think Demoux becomes a worldhopper looking for Hoid. I think he’s the one in the first Interludes of TWoK

I’m aware that Kelsier is the protagonist of Secret History so I wasn’t shocked that he returned but I was surprised on how soon it was.

and I actually saw on Reddit that Thaidakar is Kelsier but I’m not certain if I’m right on that 



Some of those are correct, most are not. I'll let you figure them out as you encounter them. 


I’ve read all of stormlight expect RoW ( part of why I was underwhelmed by the ending of TFE was I thought the Lord Ruler had a shard and Vin would get it but at the time I mixed up Dawnshards and Shards of Adonasium )and Warbreaker. (Plus TFE & WoA)

So, for major works, you are working on Mistborn Era 1 now; and still need to read Elantris, White Sand, and Mistborn Era 2 (through BoM), RoW, and TLM. With Tress, Yumi, and the shorter works (Emporer's Soul, Sixth of the Dusk, Shadows for Silence) mixed in there somewhere. Awesome, I hope you enjoy the ride.

PS: @Underwater_Worldhopper and @Munazir- don't forget to spoiler tag the non-mistborn references please.

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2 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Please see my edit (above) about doubleposting tools. Most likely the Multi-quote will help the most. Doubleposting is making two separate posts in a row, instead of just using multi-quote to reply to more than one person - or editing your post if it is the most recent post.

Some of those are correct, most are not. I'll let you figure them out as you encounter them. 

So, for major works, you are working on Mistborn Era 1 now; and still need to read Elantris, White Sand, and Mistborn Era 2 (through BoM), RoW, and TLM. With Tress, Yumi, and the shorter works (Emporer's Soul, Sixth of the Dusk, Shadows for Silence) mixed in there somewhere. Awesome, I hope you enjoy the ride.


Im not sure what you mean by edit above 

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5 minutes ago, Munazir said:

Im not sure what you mean by edit above 

I meant this post (reworded: "see the post above that I edited"), but I'll just quote myself here to make it easier:

30 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

PS: This may help if you need info on the tools to edit posts:


At the bottom left of a post you will see a "+" icon, a "Quote" link, and (your posts only) and Edit and Options tools. On the bottom right you will see an up arrow.

  • The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post
  • The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it the quote will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is
    • So, if you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote"
  • The + icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you click that for each post
    • As you click +, you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have
    • They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply
    • When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically
  • Finally, you can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote" button that pops up.
  • Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply.
    • For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down)  and move the quote to before the empty line. . .
  • Use the Edit link to make changes to a completed post or add information to your post if it is the most recent (to avoid double posting)
    • Quote buttons will still send a quote to "Reply" if you have a post open for edit, but it is easy to cut/paste the quote to the Edit box
    • Editing the first post in a thread allows the thread-creator to edit the thread title.
    • Editing allows you to add a reason for the edit (Spelling and grammar (SPAG), formatting, clarification, new information, etc.), but it is not required.
  • Next to Edit you will also find an "options" dropbox, you can use this to hide your post if you want to remove it after posting
  • At the top of a post you will find "Report Post"
    • Use this if you do accidentally double-post (sometimes it's the browser or a slow link that causes a double post) - just leave a message that it was an accidental double post and the Mods can fix it. If it was the first post of a new thread that doubled, they usually can merge the threads if they both have answers, so all of the content is retained.

Hope that helps.



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