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Has anyone been in a book club?


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I've wondered the same thing myself. My entire (and probably entirely unfair) impression of a book club is a handful of middle-aged women passing books back and forth while enjoying tea and cookies. Which doesn't sound half bad, actually. :P

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Well I think you may be accurate about the majority of them in my area of the world. But there are reasons for this: 1) Here, women of that age have more time to read for leisure.

When I was in school, I had plenty of academic books to read (and ignore). In my free time, I  wanted to go out and see good looking people. (just being honest)

2) It's oppressively hot so many of us choose to be indoor people.

3) A lot of the men here are wanna-be cowboys and are into huntin', fishin' and sports so the wives are looking for something to do.

I'm in that middle age range now. (which is odd because once I got here, I felt younger.) My fear is that I'd go to one of these things and all the books selected would be with scrolly fonts, pink covers and some Tarzan dude on the front. That's SO not for me.  But cookies.... mmmmm.


Edited by Tien'sPetLurg
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Well I think you may be accurate about the majority of them in my area of the world. But there are reasons for this: 1) Here, women of that age have more time to read for leisure.

When I was in school, I had plenty of academic books to read (and ignore). In my free time, I  wanted to go out and see good looking people. (just being honest)

2) It's oppressively hot so many of us choose to be indoor people.

3) A lot of the men here are wanna-be cowboys and are into huntin', fishin' and sports so the wives are looking for something to do.

I'm in that middle age range now. (which is odd because once I got here, I felt younger.) My fear is that I'd go to one of these things and all the books selected would be with scrolly fonts, pink covers and some Tarzan dude on the front. That's SO not for me.  But cookies.... mmmmm.


You'll just have to bring along the epic fantasy's and force everyone to read them :P.

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Hi! I'm new...and I'm taking over.  These are books by Brandon Sanderson. Please select one. LOL  
Oh Hi. I see you're geeks, just not my *kind* of geeks. buh bye
Yeah this whole being "social" thing is going to be tricky. It sounds so tiring. 


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Hi! I'm new...and I'm taking over.  These are books by Brandon Sanderson. Please select one. LOL  


Oh Hi. I see you're geeks, just not my *kind* of geeks. buh bye

Yeah this whole being "social" thing is going to be tricky. It sounds so tiring. 






There. Simple. :D

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I will probably have to bring a paper bag to breathe into. *sigh*  I like a lot of different kinds of books. The thing is, Brandon's stories kind of give you a nice variety of multiple elements in 1 book. There's wisdom, escape, mystery, science, action (which isn't high on my list but it's there for those who love it), religion, philosophy, and even biography. (Fictitious---but it reads well for those who, like me, enjoy a biography) There's a morsel of romance too. (I almost forgot.) 

I won't know about local people if I don't try, but at a peek, I don't think I have much in common with most of the people here.

I would probably do better joining a museum club or something. I wonder if those exist?! 

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Possibly? Try using The Mighty Internet to find out :)


If you're really interested, why don't you turn up to one book club meeting and see how it goes? It can't be too bad, and if it is, you never have to go back again (although there may be potential awkwardness if you bump into one of them on the street..?)
Even if they're witches you could join their coven or something. :P

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Even if they're witches you could join their coven or something. :P

Well, at least, that would be interesting. 

Sometimes, when I'm "supposed" to go do something and I really don't want to go, I manage to move toward it by thinking "at least I'll get a story out of it."  ;)

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I tried going to a book club through a church we attended (for a short period of time) and the books chosen were at least fictional but were the Christian book version of a romance/drama.  *sigh *  Every time I've heard people mention book clubs in real life (an old coworker of mine used to be in one) and I ask what they're reading, it's never ANYTHING like I'd want to read.  If you do check out a local meeting sometime, I give you major credit in the bravery and daring department!  If you were able to convert them all into Sanderfans, that would be totally awesome, too.


Also, if you can possibly find a site that will show you all of episode 10 of season 1 of Corner Gas, there's a funny book club thing that runs throughout. ;)

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I will look for the site. Thanks!

I read that each person shows up to this club with 2 book suggestions. Each suggestion is put into a hat and they draw. That's how the next book is chosen. So I need a few Sanderson fans (or convincing Kandra) to infiltrate with me. ;-) Bring shard plate, metal, spikes, lens, chalk, breaths...whatever you can find.

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I tried going to a book club through a church we attended (for a short period of time) and the books chosen were at least fictional but were the Christian book version of a romance/drama.  *sigh *  Every time I've heard people mention book clubs in real life (an old coworker of mine used to be in one) and I ask what they're reading, it's never ANYTHING like I'd want to read.  If you do check out a local meeting sometime, I give you major credit in the bravery and daring department!  If you were able to convert them all into Sanderfans, that would be totally awesome, too.


Also, if you can possibly find a site that will show you all of episode 10 of season 1 of Corner Gas, there's a funny book club thing that runs throughout. ;)

I thought everyone reads a different book and eventually you've all read the same things? Never been to a book club myself though.

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All the ones I've heard about have a selection that they all read then meet up and discuss.

In typing that, I realize how much it sounds like literature class. (But with snacks and possibly wine) Hmmm. I'm not at all sure how I feel about this other than Very old. Sigh

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Yeah, Tien's..., that's been my second- and first-hand experience as well.  Everyone is reading one book at the same time, and you discuss.  


The wine would make it tempting.  And the snacks.  There will be snacks, there will.*



*Shameless Andrew Bird lyric quoting

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