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Some questions about the ending


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We are presented with something that is supposed to be a happy ending with Yumi being free to live her own life in obscurity. But it doesn't work with a massive cataclysm when the Shroud dissipated, that would have required all of her powers and skill to help the people to survive! Everything is adapted to living in darkness with only hions for soft illumination and it should have taken some mad petitioning to the spirits to mitigate the initial damage and establish the new routine. For that matter, who could have treated with spirits in the hion lines, if not her?!

I also don't quite understand how sun-adapted plants could have survived in Torio, when the tree that Yumi rode on was revealed to also have been created from the Shroud. Real plants would have only interferred with the illusion. And the machine had no reason to let sun shine over the capital.

Why did the machine try to draw on Hoid's investiture, but not Design's, who should have been more vulnerable?

How could Hoid and Design hijack a ship that was on another planet? Do they have some way to jump straight  to UTol, using Aon Tia, maybe? Why would they even want a ship that was constructed for in-system voyages at best? And would stealing it mean marooning the poor crew?

Finally, earlier on, why did Yumi's stacking briefly reveal a figure of yoki-hijo in the Shroud? I thought that the whole point of imprisoning them in the groundhog day illusions was that they couldn't be made a part of it, not wholly, like other people were. 


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1 hour ago, Isilel said:

We are presented with something that is supposed to be a happy ending with Yumi being free to live her own life in obscurity. But it doesn't work with a massive cataclysm when the Shroud dissipated, that would have required all of her powers and skill to help the people to survive! Everything is adapted to living in darkness with only hions for soft illumination and it should have taken some mad petitioning to the spirits to mitigate the initial damage and establish the new routine. For that matter, who could have treated with spirits in the hion lines, if not her?!

The Hijo like Hion-viewer dramas so much that they're willing to become Hion themselves without a Yoki-Hijo intermediary. As for the sun, the people wouldn't be that worse off, and the Hion-grown plants still flourished if kept in the shade. 


I also don't quite understand how sun-adapted plants could have survived in Torio, when the tree that Yumi rode on was revealed to also have been created from the Shroud. Real plants would have only interferred with the illusion. And the machine had no reason to let sun shine over the capital.

It wasn't the plants themselves, but rather seeds, as I understand it. Besides that, the Machine was sentient to at least a small degree, so who knows? Maybe it liked the sunlight.


Why did the machine try to draw on Hoid's investiture, but not Design's, who should have been more vulnerable?

There's a whole other thread about this, but one theory (which seems most likely to me) is that The Machine doesn't actually need the Investiture (which is why it didn't go after Design) but rather detected that Hoid was extremely Invested like the Yoki-Hijo, thus a potential threat, and tried to neutralize him, either by trapping him in a simulation or otherwise.


How could Hoid and Design hijack a ship that was on another planet? Do they have some way to jump straight  to UTol, using Aon Tia, maybe? Why would they even want a ship that was constructed for in-system voyages at best? And would stealing it mean marooning the poor crew?

They didn't intend to steal it from UTol, but rather hijack a new one (which they would undoubtedly build, now that they knew there was another planet out there with life on it.


Finally, earlier on, why did Yumi's stacking briefly reveal a figure of yoki-hijo in the Shroud? I thought that the whole point of imprisoning them in the groundhog day illusions was that they couldn't be made a part of it, not wholly, like other people were. 

I'm confused about that as well. It could have been another Yoki-Hijo that escaped her prison and was working her way toward Kilahito to try and escape the Shroud, or maybe Yumi pulled her through the Shroud somehow by stacking rocks, pulling her closer the same way she does Hijo, with maybe additional help from their Connection. Brandon doesn't add weird details like that for no reason, we just don't know what it is. Something to ask at a stream or signing, perhaps.

Edited by Underwater_Worldhopper
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2 hours ago, Isilel said:

Finally, earlier on, why did Yumi's stacking briefly reveal a figure of yoki-hijo in the Shroud? I thought that the whole point of imprisoning them in the groundhog day illusions was that they couldn't be made a part of it, not wholly, like other people were. 

1 hour ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

I'm confused about that as well. It could have been another Yoki-Hijo that escaped her prison and was working her way toward Kilahito to try and escape the Shroud, or maybe Yumi pulled her through the Shroud somehow by stacking rocks, pulling her closer the same way she does Hijo, with maybe additional help from their Connection. Brandon doesn't add weird details like that for no reason, we just don't know what it is. Something to ask at a stream or signing, perhaps.

We don't have confirmation, of course, but my guess was that while we know there are 14 remaining Yoki-hijo, but there are usually 16 (Ch 24) - we don't know that there were only 14 when the Father machine activated. I think that either two didn't escape as the other Yoki-hijo did - or - that two were "consumed" in a method similar to Nightmare!Liyun's attack on Yumi in the playground. It isn't impossible to think that in 1700 yrs one or two of the Yoki-hijo escaped their prisons and were hunted down in the shroud (or in a Komashi city). Antoerh possibility is that the Spirits, in their brief freedom when pulled away from the Father Machine, were trying to reform a new Yoki-hijo from the shroud as a back-up to the plan with Yumi and Painter.

Whatever the method that resulted in a Yoki-hijo soul in the shroud, that soul was likely pulled to the edge of the Shroud by Yumi's Stacking. 


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I am nobody's boss but I'm going to recommend that we all just Don't Think about the space tram.

The space tram works fine as a way to learn the twist and a goal for Hoid at the end, but trust me if you think about it more than that it'll start to hurt.

Please call your representative and tell them to support my Never Mind About the Space Tram bill this session.

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2 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

We don't have confirmation, of course, but my guess was that while we know there are 14 remaining Yoki-hijo, but there are usually 16 (Ch 24) - we don't know that there were only 14 when the Father machine activated. I think that either two didn't escape as the other Yoki-hijo did - or - that two were "consumed" in a method similar to Nightmare!Liyun's attack on Yumi in the playground. It isn't impossible to think that in 1700 yrs one or two of the Yoki-hijo escaped their prisons and were hunted down in the shroud (or in a Komashi city). Antoerh possibility is that the Spirits, in their brief freedom when pulled away from the Father Machine, were trying to reform a new Yoki-hijo from the shroud as a back-up to the plan with Yumi and Painter.

There aren't usually 16, that's just the maximum amount that can exist at any one time. When the Father Machine activated, only 14 were alive. We know that because the simulations made to keep Yumi compliant always reference 14 total Yoki-Hijo, and the Machine can only excise her memories of a single day. If there were more (or less) than 16, Yumi would be confused, because to her knowledge, just yesterday there were 16, and now there were 14. She doesn't ask any questions about them, doesn't even think to, which means that 14 must be the right number. Besides, Hoid talks about what happened to the Yoki-Hijo separate from Yumi or Painter's point of view, and he also talks about fourteen. Design finds thirteen Connections branching off from Yumi, meaning that counting her, there are 14 others. Besides, if they could be hunted down and killed, the Father Machine would do that instead of keeping them trapped in a simulation, which is a riskier move. It has no use for them, and they could easily be very problematic. If he could eliminate them, he'd have done so as soon as Yumi got Connected to Painter.

The idea of the Hijo trying to create a new Yoki-Hijo out of the souls in the Shroud is valid though, I think that's something that could maybe work, even if the Father Machine could eliminate something made out of the Shroud. However, if it was an entirely new Yoki-Hijo, there would have been a 14th Connection linking Yumi to the now 15th Yoki-Hijo.

2 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Whatever the method that resulted in a Yoki-hijo soul in the shroud, that soul was likely pulled to the edge of the Shroud by Yumi's Stacking. 

I agree, that's the most likely scenario.

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Is it just me, or does  splitting a quote  not work on this forum anymore? I have to copy and manually add a quote signifier.


On 13.7.2023 at 0:59 PM, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

The Hijo like Hion-viewer dramas so much that they're willing to become Hion themselves without a Yoki-Hijo intermediary


First of all, it is kinda random and too conveniet that before the only way to attract the spirits was stone-stacking and not any other kind of artistic endeavour, but now the dramas, which are something totally different, are even better. But even beyond that, only most spirits decided to stay, so there could be sudden weakenings and failures of hion lines in places where too many chose to quit. Somebody had to formulate a rule framework for spirits leaving and joining the lines in the future while maintaning stability of the grid, and the only option for that would have been Yumi.



As for the sun, the people wouldn't be that worse off, and the Hion-grown plants still flourished if kept in the shade. 


It is wholly implausible for the first months to not be very damaging and traumatic. They lived without the sun for almost 2 millenia! People should get sun-burned, blinded, psychologically traumatised, get sun and heat strokes, etc. Ditto domestic animals. The plants would wilt and die unless put into shade within days, irrigation would need to be abruptly increased - and that's where Yumi's petitioning of spirits should have been crucial, because all this can't be accomplished with mundane means in that time frame, leave alone with people being disoriented and incapacitated.

I really feel that Sanderson's ending for Yumi's character arc doesn't fit with with the worldbuilding plot arc, where getting rid of the Shroud should have been only half the battle.



It wasn't the plants themselves, but rather seeds, as I understand it.


Seeds that are still viable after 1700 years?! Of plants that would have to contend with cooler climate and lack of their whole ecosystem. The sun didn't seem to be shining on the machine when Yumi arrived where it was either, and her tree turned out to be a construct of the Shroud... Honestly, people surviving the cataclysm would have worked better if the environment in yoki-hijo prisons had been real and could have been immediately coopted .

An excellent idea that the machine mistook Hoid for a yoki-hijo and tried to imprison him! That explains it indeed. I guess that Design was too different for her to register as an escaped spirit?

Regarding the spaceship - there wasn't any talk of a second one and it looked like it wasn't expected back for some time? Maybe sooner than in 3 years, but it was written like Hoid and Design were going to hijack it immediately, while it was still on UTol. Not to mention that it couldn't go fast or far. Though, maybe Hoid could use his allomancy to push it beyond it's construction parameters.


On 13.7.2023 at 2:52 PM, Treamayne said:

. I think that either two didn't escape as the other Yoki-hijo did - or - that two were "consumed" in a method similar to Nightmare!Liyun's attack on Yumi in the playground.

Speaking of which - this is another incongruity. If they could be consumed, even with complications, why imprison them? I thought that the whole point of the 1.7 millenia long charade was that they couldn't be. Maybe it was only possible with Yumi because she was in Nico's body?


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8 minutes ago, Isilel said:

Is it just me, or does  splitting a quote  not work on this forum anymore? I have to copy and manually add a quote signifier.

"Splitting a quote?" I'm not sure what you mean by that, but here are the methods I use and share:


At the bottom left of a post you will see a "+" icon, a "Quote" link, and (your posts only) and Edit and Options tools. On the bottom right you will see an up arrow.

  • The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post
  • The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it the quote will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is
    • So, if you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote"
  • The + icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you click that for each post
    • As you click +, you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have
    • They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply
    • When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically
  • Finally, you can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote" button that pops up.
  • Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply.
    • For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down)  and move the quote to before the empty line. . .
  • Use the Edit link to make changes to a completed post or add information to your post if it is the most recent (to avoid double posting)
    • Quote buttons will still send a quote to "Reply" if you have a post open for edit, but it is easy to cut/paste the quote to the Edit box
    • Editing the first post in a thread allows the thread-creator to edit the thread title.
    • Editing allows you to add a reason for the edit (Spelling and grammar (SPAG), formatting, clarification, new information, etc.), but it is not required.
  • Next to Edit you will also find an "options" dropbox, you can use this to hide your post if you want to remove it after posting
  • At the top of a post you will find "Report Post"
    • Use this if you do accidentally double-post (sometimes it's the browser or a slow link that causes a double post) - just leave a message that it was an accidental double post and the Mods can fix it. If it was the first post of a new thread that doubled, they usually can merge the threads if they both have answers, so all of the content is retained.

Hope that helps.

On 7/13/2023 at 11:42 AM, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

If he could eliminate them, he'd have done so as soon as Yumi got Connected to Painter.

12 minutes ago, Isilel said:

Maybe it was only possible with Yumi because she was in Nico's body?

Which is what I was trying to say - maybe Yumi isn't the first time a YH was pushed into a mortal shell; and maybe on in that state can they be "consumed/diffused." So, maybe, one or two previous YH were dealth with this way (and it may not even been permanent, so what Yumi saw was a consumed YH in the process of pulling herself back together from the shroud. Afterall, they never say that the YH's separation from the Shroud was quick. . .  we don;t know hoe long it took for thier identiy to reform.

On 7/13/2023 at 11:42 AM, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

When the Father Machine activated, only 14 were alive. We know that because

Except that we don;t really know that. I agree that it is most likely - but it is still an assumption.

On 7/13/2023 at 11:42 AM, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

We know that because the simulations made to keep Yumi compliant always reference 14 total Yoki-Hijo, and the Machine can only excise her memories of a single day. If there were more (or less) than 16, Yumi would be confused, because to her knowledge, just yesterday there were 16, and now there were 14.

Except that when Yumi hears about the 13 others she had no idea how many YH existed. Even before the FM was activated, Liyun (like any abusive control-freak - assuming the "reform movement plotline actually existed pre-FM) was limiting Yumi's knowledge of other YH. She had no idea that 16 was the maximum or that she was, supposedly, one of 14. 

On 7/13/2023 at 11:42 AM, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

 Besides, Hoid talks about what happened to the Yoki-Hijo separate from Yumi or Painter's point of view, and he also talks about fourteen. Design finds thirteen Connections branching off from Yumi, meaning that counting her, there are 14 others.

Which only shows that there have been 14 since Hoid and Design arrived and, if there had been one or two more, whatever happened to them severed the link to the rest of the YH. 

I'm just trying to postulate possibilities without assuming suspect narration as truth. We know:

  • There was something of a YH in the Shroud,
  • we know there were 13 Connections at the time of the story
  • We know the "almost the same every day" false narrative of the FM claims 14 YH at the time of the story
  • Therefore: Either one of the 13 was outside of her "prison" or a 15th YH soul was in the shroud somehow

Does that check?

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13 minutes ago, Isilel said:

Is it just me, or does  splitting a quote  not work on this forum anymore? I have to copy and manually add a quote signifier.

Works for me, you just have to press enter twice after clicking on the end of the part you want to separate from the rest of the quote at the bottom.

13 minutes ago, Isilel said:

First of all, it is kinda random and too conveniet that before the only way to attract the spirits was stone-stacking and not any other kind of artistic endeavour, but now the dramas, which are something totally different, are even better. But even beyond that, only most spirits decided to stay, so there could be sudden weakenings and failures of hion lines in places where too many chose to quit. Somebody had to formulate a rule framework for spirits leaving and joining the lines in the future while maintaning stability of the grid, and the only option for that would have been Yumi.

Stacking isn't the only art form that summons Hijo, it's just the most efficient (presumably) before the Hion Viewer dramas: 


When Liyun arrived, he realized he’d filled the scroll with bamboo. A part of him was slightly disappointed—he’d hoped, contrary to what Yumi said, that painting would draw the attention of spirits. She said that although other arts could do it,  painting wasn’t one of them as far as she knew.


13 minutes ago, Isilel said:

It is wholly implausible for the first months to not be very damaging and traumatic. They lived without the sun for almost 2 millenia! People should get sun-burned, blinded, psychologically traumatised, get sun and heat strokes, etc. Ditto domestic animals. The plants would wilt and die unless put into shade within days, irrigation would need to be abruptly increased - and that's where Yumi's petitioning of spirits should have been crucial, because all this can't be accomplished with mundane means in that time frame, leave alone with people being disoriented and incapacitated.

They would be, but the Hijo aren't necessary for their survival. All they need in Hion, which the Hijo are happily willing to supply so long as they're given Hion-Viewer dramas to watch. A Yoki-Hijo is needed to draw the Hijo, then bind them into Fabrials that will work efficiently for years. The existence of the Father Machine (and the smaller prototypes) proves that mechanical means can also do so. The Hion-Viewers could easily be some kind of middle ground, a mechanical Art form so enticing that Hijo are willing to come and negotiate with regular humans, which we also know they can do because they contacted the people of Futinoro 30 years prior to Yumi's escape. The humans don't have a fun time surviving the disappearance of the Shroud, but they do manage to do so, mostly because the Hijo don't make the ground boiling hot.

13 minutes ago, Isilel said:

I really feel that Sanderson's ending for Yumi's character arc doesn't fit with with the worldbuilding plot arc, where getting rid of the Shroud should have been only half the battle.

The book was meant mostly as a gift to his wife, who wanted more romance. The story made for a natural ending with the death of the shroud, even if narratively there was more to be made for content.

13 minutes ago, Isilel said:

Seeds that are still viable after 1700 years?! Of plants that would have to contend with cooler climate and lack of their whole ecosystem. The sun didn't seem to be shining on the machine when Yumi arrived where it was either, and her tree turned out to be a construct of the Shroud... Honestly, people surviving the cataclysm would have worked better if the environment in yoki-hijo prisons had been real and could have been immediately coopted.

True, but in real life, we've sprouted trees from 2000-year-old seeds, so it's not impossible, especially if the plants were Invested, which they likely were given how the tree works. Not to mention the plants aren't rooted to the ground, so the seeds could work in a totally different way. And the sun does seem to enter the ruins of Torio city, there are shadows being cast in the art of the scene of Yumi having a stack-off with the machine. The lack of a proper ecosystem would be difficult to get around, but the people of Kilahito have created spaceships, so while it would be tough, I think they would have access to the right technology for cultivating the seeds properly.

13 minutes ago, Isilel said:

An excellent idea that the machine mistook Hoid for a yoki-hijo and tried to imprison him! That explains it indeed. I guess that Design was too different for her to register as an escaped spirit?

possibly, though now that the FM can produce Hion properly, it may not need every single Hijo it can get its hands on. In that scenario, maybe it only recaptures escaping Hijo to stop them from getting help and recruiting the citizens of Nagadan or the other modern Komashians, and since Design knows nothing about whats going on, it doesn't bother with her.

13 minutes ago, Isilel said:

Regarding the spaceship - there wasn't any talk of a second one and it looked like it wasn't expected back for some time? Maybe sooner than in 3 years, but it was written like Hoid and Design were going to hijack it immediately, while it was still on UTol. Not to mention that it couldn't go fast or far. Though, maybe Hoid could use his allomancy to push it beyond it's construction parameters.

I doubt they meant to sabotage a civilization's entrance into the Cosmere, so it would likely be a second spaceship, or at least the first one after it returns.

13 minutes ago, Isilel said:

Speaking of which - this is another incongruity. If they could be consumed, even with complications, why imprison them? I thought that the whole point of the 1.7 millenia long charade was that they couldn't be. Maybe it was only possible with Yumi because she was in Nico's body?

No, it was possible to consume them. Except, now you'd have a Nightmare that's as Invested as a Yoki-Hijo, freed from the control of the Machine, essentially making a new Yoki-Hijo. It wouldn't solve the problem.

8 hours ago, Treamayne said:

"Splitting a quote?" I'm not sure what you mean by that, but here are the methods I use and share:

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At the bottom left of a post you will see a "+" icon, a "Quote" link, and (your posts only) and Edit and Options tools. On the bottom right you will see an up arrow.

  • The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post
  • The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it the quote will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is
    • So, if you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote"
  • The + icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you click that for each post
    • As you click +, you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have
    • They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply
    • When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically
  • Finally, you can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote" button that pops up.
  • Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply.
    • For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down)  and move the quote to before the empty line. . .
  • Use the Edit link to make changes to a completed post or add information to your post if it is the most recent (to avoid double posting)
    • Quote buttons will still send a quote to "Reply" if you have a post open for edit, but it is easy to cut/paste the quote to the Edit box
    • Editing the first post in a thread allows the thread-creator to edit the thread title.
    • Editing allows you to add a reason for the edit (Spelling and grammar (SPAG), formatting, clarification, new information, etc.), but it is not required.
  • Next to Edit you will also find an "options" dropbox, you can use this to hide your post if you want to remove it after posting
  • At the top of a post you will find "Report Post"
    • Use this if you do accidentally double-post (sometimes it's the browser or a slow link that causes a double post) - just leave a message that it was an accidental double post and the Mods can fix it. If it was the first post of a new thread that doubled, they usually can merge the threads if they both have answers, so all of the content is retained.

Hope that helps.

Which is what I was trying to say - maybe Yumi isn't the first time a YH was pushed into a mortal shell; and maybe on in that state can they be "consumed/diffused." So, maybe, one or two previous YH were dealth with this way (and it may not even been permanent, so what Yumi saw was a consumed YH in the process of pulling herself back together from the shroud. Afterall, they never say that the YH's separation from the Shroud was quick. . .  we don;t know hoe long it took for thier identiy to reform.

That's a good point about them reforming, but if they could reform at all, then it isn't worth it, because then you're putting a very dangerous person in a situation where they're guaranteed to fight back, and in so doing risk them realizing that they're stronger than you, all while not even getting rid of them in the first place. That isn't a better solution than keeping them trapped in a prison.

And any Nightmare could kill them at any point, just like how that one Nightmare almost consumed Nikaro. But then you'd end up with a Yoki-Hijo-levels of Invested Nightmare, immune to the Father Machine, which is arguably worse, since they have a more extensive knowledge of what's been going on, and now have the power to fight back.

8 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Except that we don;t really know that. I agree that it is most likely - but it is still an assumption.

I gave reasons for why it's not just an assumption.

8 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Except that when Yumi hears about the 13 others she had no idea how many YH existed. Even before the FM was activated, Liyun (like any abusive control-freak - assuming the "reform movement plotline actually existed pre-FM) was limiting Yumi's knowledge of other YH. She had no idea that 16 was the maximum or that she was, supposedly, one of 14. 

You're gonna have to cite a quote, because I'm pretty sure that while Liyun keeps things secret from Yumi, she never outright lies to her this way.

8 hours ago, Treamayne said:

I'm just trying to postulate possibilities without assuming suspect narration as truth. We know:

  • There was something of a YH in the Shroud,
  • we know there were 13 Connections at the time of the story
  • We know the "almost the same every day" false narrative of the FM claims 14 YH at the time of the story
  • Therefore: Either one of the 13 was outside of her "prison" or a 15th YH soul was in the shroud somehow

Does that check?

Makes sense, but if there was a Fifteenth Yoki-Hijo, there would be 14 Connections as opposed to 13, which isn't the case. So either one Yoki-Hijo is dead somehow without leaving behind a Connection, or one of the other 13 was just pulled out of her prison through Yumi's stacking. 

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On 7/13/2023 at 4:54 AM, Isilel said:Finally, earlier on, why did Yumi's stacking briefly reveal a figure of yoki-hijo in the Shroud? I thought that the whole point of imprisoning them in the groundhog day illusions was that they couldn't be made a part of it, not wholly, like other people were. 


My read on this is that Yumi with her stacking broke into another Yoki-Hijo prison. Since the Yoki-Hijo there was the only thing not made of Shroud, she was revealed when the Shroud got pushed back. From her perspective it would’ve looked like a section of the world was falling apart, either revealing the modern city or just raw Shroud, either one would be a terrifying sight enough to provoke a Yoki-Hijo to reach out to try and stop it.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/19/2023 at 6:14 AM, AliasMcFakenames said:

My read on this is that Yumi with her stacking broke into another Yoki-Hijo prison. Since the Yoki-Hijo there was the only thing not made of Shroud, she was revealed when the Shroud got pushed back. From her perspective it would’ve looked like a section of the world was falling apart, either revealing the modern city or just raw Shroud, either one would be a terrifying sight enough to provoke a Yoki-Hijo to reach out to try and stop it.

I don't think they were close enough to another Yoki-Hijo's prison. It appears that the yoki-hijo is right at the edge of the shroud. But I don't see how one could have escaped...

Can someone please ask Brandon about this at the next signing???

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