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Dragon Steel 2023 Discussion

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I'm so excited for DS 2023.

I've gone every year since dragonsteel bagan, (so I've gone twice) and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. (I want every convention badge from now until FOREVER...) Absolutely love that convention, I hope y'all will come get my autograph. (Which obviously will be very valuable someday.)

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2 hours ago, The Isochronism said:

I'm so excited for DS 2023.

I've gone every year since dragonsteel bagan, (so I've gone twice) and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. (I want every convention badge from now until FOREVER...) Absolutely love that convention, I hope y'all will come get my autograph. (Which obviously will be very valuable someday.)

I will have you sign my spear

also your lucky you made to the first one. I went last your but wished I had gone to the 1st.

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Those going to the convention can you update if you see that there selling stormight minis? If they are it would probably mean more chances that you'll be able to get them without supporting the kickstarter. I was debating between buying a pet tortoise (sulcta) or the minis but at the time had the budget for one so I got my pet tortoise (it was the right decision) but would love to get the minis and if they were selling there it would raise the chances of me being able to get them one day.

Thank you

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On 9/27/2023 at 11:40 AM, The flying spider said:

Those going to the convention can you update if you see that there selling stormight minis? If they are it would probably mean more chances that you'll be able to get them without supporting the kickstarter. I was debating between buying a pet tortoise (sulcta) or the minis but at the time had the budget for one so I got my pet tortoise (it was the right decision) but would love to get the minis and if they were selling there it would raise the chances of me being able to get them one day.

Thank you

I don’t know if there selling the minis. But now I just want to see a photo of Sulcta 

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Im trying to send a photo but it keeps on saying upload failed. Mine is only a baby so he's around 8 centimeters but will go all the way up to 80 which is why their the 3rd biggest tortoise species. Also their real name is African spurred tortoise.

Edited by The flying spider
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22 hours ago, The flying spider said:

Im trying to send a photo but it keeps on saying upload failed. Mine is only a baby so he's around 8 centimeters but will go all the way up to 80 which is why their the 3rd biggest tortoise species. Also their real name is African spurred tortoise.

What type of tortoise is he?

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8 hours ago, The flying spider said:

.  And nickname sulcata. Do you know how I can upload a photo?

Yes, well maybe. How it works for me (I am doing this on an Ipad) is I go to my photos, click and hold  on the one I want, hit the copy. Then I go to files and paste it in there. When I do this it changes to the correct format for me. It could be different depending on what device you are using.

I also just look up a photo of that type of tortoises. STORM! Those things are cute!


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Hey, I have another question for people who've been to dragonsteel before...

Does anyone know what the defiant release party is going to be like? (the TSO is performing in Salt Lake at the same time and I'm trying to decide where I want to be)

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I just want to say how happy I am that they opened the crafts up this year to make them available to everyone. I went to the first day of Dragonsteel 2022, but I didn't know about it until the day of the event, so everything cool was sold out. Couldn't make any crafts, couldn't get a book for the release party, couldn't get into any games. I figured I saw everything worth seeing on day one and I didn't come back for the second day last year. I can already tell I'm going to have a better experience this year.

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On 10/3/2023 at 10:06 PM, Edema Rue said:

Hey, I have another question for people who've been to dragonsteel before...

Does anyone know what the defiant release party is going to be like? (the TSO is performing in Salt Lake at the same time and I'm trying to decide where I want to be)

Ok, first I just looked up TSO and man they look cool. Second. I not sure what it will be exactly but last year they had a Q and A session and Brandon read some of stormlight 5, it was very hype. But it seems they might be stepping up their game this year so I have no idea

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On 10/3/2023 at 10:06 PM, Edema Rue said:

Hey, I have another question for people who've been to dragonsteel before...

Does anyone know what the defiant release party is going to be like? (the TSO is performing in Salt Lake at the same time and I'm trying to decide where I want to be)

Personally, I love hearing Brandon's speeches. They're usually super funny, good, and incredibly well-written. I love release parties, but I also love concerts so the choice is ultimately yours. You might get a SA5 reading too if you stay for the release party, and if you get a ticket for the signing line that's right after (I think?) so it all depends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone! I had an amazing time at Dragonsteel 2022, and loved it so much I wrote about my experience on our geek blog: SKKAW dot BLOG. If you search Dragonsteel 2022 on Google our blog comes up pretty close to the top. A lot of the Dragonsteel 2022 cosplay photos we took come up too! Just thought to share here in case if anyone is interested, or it may be helpful for Dragonsteel 2023. 

Dragonsteel 2023 sounds like it’s going to be amazing. Enjoy the Journey everyone!

- Skkaw

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I'm going to Dragonsteel 2023 with my family this November and I've never gone before. I was browsing on Dragonsteel 2023 & looked at all the rooms and events happening, am I supposed to sign up for events I wanna go to beforehand even with a VIP badge? Or do you just show up to different events?

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1 hour ago, Leronsiphedus the Carnie said:

I'm going to Dragonsteel 2023 with my family this November and I've never gone before. I was browsing on Dragonsteel 2023 & looked at all the rooms and events happening, am I supposed to sign up for events I wanna go to beforehand even with a VIP badge? Or do you just show up to different events?

For events that have 5000 tickest available, you can just show up. The only reason you can get tickets for these events is so you can have it on your schedule. Any event with less tickets then 5000 are limited seating and you need to get them in order to attend. I hope this helps let me know if you have any other question

I am also a vip, what events are you planing on going to?

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On 10/26/2023 at 7:25 PM, Silver Phantom said:

For events that have 5000 tickets available, you can just show up. The only reason you can get tickets for these events is so you can have it on your schedule. Any event with less tickets then 5000 are limited seating and you need to get them in order to attend. I hope this helps let me know if you have any other question

I am also a vip, what events are you planing on going to?

I'm planning on going to Witlash, The Silverlight Live Recording, Writing in Multiple Genres, Welcome Ceremony, Intentionally Blank, Everything we know about Cosmere Dragons, Veiled Resin Art Reveal, Stormlight 5 Theorycrafting. (All on Monday) Hoid and his Magic Systems, Dare to begin writing..., Slug finger puppets, Hoid and Seek.., Brando Collecting 101, Spoiler Q&A, and then the Defiant Release Party. (For Tuesday)

What events are you planning on? And, does anyone know if we'll get the prices for the merch that's gonna be available at Dragonsteel? 


Like the Tress Cup, SP (Secret Project) pins, Spensa Pin, Vin Pin, etc?


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7 hours ago, Leronsiphedus the Carnie said:

I'm planning on going to Witlash, The Silverlight Live Recording, Writing in Multiple Genres, Welcome Ceremony, Intentionally Blank, Everything we know about Cosmere Dragons, Veiled Resin Art Reveal, Stormlight 5 Theorycrafting. (All on Monday) Hoid and his Magic Systems, Dare to begin writing..., Slug finger puppets, Hoid and Seek.., Brando Collecting 101, Spoiler Q&A, and then the Defiant Release Party. (For Tuesday)

What events are you planning on? And, does anyone know if we'll get the prices for the merch that's gonna be available at Dragonsteel? 

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Like the Tress Cup, SP (Secret Project) pins, Spensa Pin, Vin Pin, etc?


I am going to (in order)

Monday:Stormlight RPG play test, Cosplay showcase, Welcome ceremony, mistborn vial demo, stormlight cosplay demo, general Sanderson cosplay meetup, Everything we know about dragons, MTG charity draft overflow

Tuesday: World hopper meetup, Cosmere trivia, stormlight cosplay meetup, Hoid and seek, soulcaster demo, general Sanderson cosplay meetup, Shardblade tournament, Defiance release party

And sorry to say but I don’t know how much stuff will be

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