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Dragon Steel 2023 Discussion

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32 minutes ago, Lightweaver2 said:

Me too, I’m not sure what to do other than go when the time comes and bring some books. Which signing did you get?

I think it’s the 5:00 lightning one, I’ll double check when I get a minute.

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On 11/8/2023 at 7:36 AM, Omnicrola said:

Has anyone organized a 17s meetup during the con? Was surprised there was no mention of one in this thread.

I know there's a meetup planned for Sunday prior to con, but it's mostly been discussed on Discord.

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1 hour ago, Silver Phantom said:


When and where, I will be their.

Are you on the Discord? The information (and the ability to RSVP so the organizers know how many people are going) is in the pins in the #events-and-streams channel.

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7 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

Are you on the Discord? The information (and the ability to RSVP so the organizers know how many people are going) is in the pins in the #events-and-streams channel.

Thank you. I found it and sadly wont be able to make it. I won’t be at my hotel until around 4 or 5

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12 hours ago, Siri said:

How does picking up your badges work? Last year there was a huge line. Will it be like that this year?  Also, anyone know how old a "babe in arms" can be?  I'm a little nervous to leave my almost 2yr old with a babysitter.


I don’t know about the babe in arms rule, but for the badges you can pick them up Sunday afternoon between 2pm and 8pm. You can also simply get them Monday morning but either way this should help make the line smaller.

You can try to email dragonsteel directly for more info for your child

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On 11/8/2023 at 11:07 AM, Ambroz said:

Not sure if this is the right spot for this, please delete if not. 

I have three badges to this year's Dragonsteel con, and I just learned I'm unable to go. I was looking to see if anyone wanted to buy them at a cheaper price. Thanks.

@AmbrozDid you figure out what to do with the badges you aren't going to use? I'm trying to talk someone into joining me at the con. A discount on a badge might help sway them.

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Who is signed up for the D&D and other RPGs at the convention?

I got a ticket for the Competitive D&D Heat 4 on Tuesday at 1:00. I have no idea who the other players are I'm playing with but I'm looking forward to that. If you're playing in that session (or any of the other competitive heats) I'd love to hear about it.

And I would really love to get tickets to any of the other RPG sessions. I signed up to have the TableTop Events system email me if tickets come available. I have had a handful of email notifications in the last few days that a ticket became available and I pounce immediately but they are always gone by the time I log into the system. If you have a ticket to any of the RPG sessions and you aren't going to use it, I would love to work something out with you wink wink nudge nudge

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46 minutes ago, Ambroz said:

@Ender's Son Hi, just saw your post. Yeah I believe transferring badges is easy right on the main tabletop site. I have 3, so if you just need one or more let me know.  And half the list price would work great. Let me know, thanks. 

@Ambroz Sounds great. Sent you a direct message with my contact info

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9 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

When is the best time to get in the line on Monday? I won’t be able to get the early badge pickup and I’m not sure how to time it so I’m not standing in line forever but also don’t miss anything.

I am really not sure. But last year I got there about 30 minutes early and I was already almost out side the line was so long

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