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Most convenient power


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Go rea dAbsorption RPG kickstarter on my about me page (click my profile, click all activity button, click about me) for why absorption's powerset is so OP.

Check out Question 23 thread in Reckoner's RPG and go find Cy. they are my most powerful epic to date.

Recapture's powerset is also rather strong. He has the ability to go back to where he was at a certain time, and he will be in that state that he was in at that time. That, linked with his dangersense, makes Recapture have one of the most OP powers in all of oregon.

There will be a status update on my profile with Absorption RPG kickstarter chapter featuring both Aerie and Recapture.

Edited by Aeoliae
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1 hour ago, Zackarcanum said:

Besides for the obvious answer of steelheart invincibility…

what in your opinion is the most convenient epic power that you would get if you had the chance and why would you choose it?

I released the latest Alensdale chapter. It features both Voidcaller and Recapture's abilities in depth and you can see how they work. 

Next chapter should be an Aerie chapter. 

Absorption is literal proof that epic abilities can be a lot more interesting and powerful than steelheart.

1 hour ago, Silver Phantom said:

Being able to go Incorporeal would be mine. Think kitty from the X-men. Just being able to pass though things would be really fun and if you get good at timing no one could beat you in a fight. 

Until they find your weakness. :D

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/31/2023 at 7:30 PM, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Do you mean in the Cosmere?


Soulcasting. One, you could survive infinitely anywhere with infinite food and water. Two, it would also just be insane, and if you were really good at it, we’ll Jasnag in a fight is… scary.


  1. Please make sure you have spoiler tagged your cosmere references when not in a Cosmere forum.
  2. Have you read the Reckoner's trilogy (Steelheart, Firefight, Calamity)? Epic powers are not cosmere powers.
  3. Your conclusions on Soulcasting are not quite right, but this is not the forum to discuss that.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Honestly, I think that a copy-and-paste power would be OP, now there would be a limit to how many things you can copy at a time or something like a cooldown period. but if you were being attacked you could paste a tank, armored car, plane anything to get away. Or you could copy a building and put it on top of the person attacking you.

Now for the fun stuff, with a copy-paste ability....you also get infinite money and can copy a million-dollar house and paste it onto your own property. You could have everything. 

Phone across the room? easy paste a new one

Hungry? easy paste some food

no glue? easy paste some paste

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/24/2023 at 9:10 PM, MadMax634 said:

Honestly, I think that a copy-and-paste power would be OP, now there would be a limit to how many things you can copy at a time or something like a cooldown period. but if you were being attacked you could paste a tank, armored car, plane anything to get away. Or you could copy a building and put it on top of the person attacking you.

Now for the fun stuff, with a copy-paste ability....you also get infinite money and can copy a million-dollar house and paste it onto your own property. You could have everything. 

Phone across the room? easy paste a new one

Hungry? easy paste some food

no glue? easy paste some paste

Copy-paste yourself? Other epics?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I am so sorry about the stupid Paginaitions. I deleted them but they still are there whenever I click save and look at my post.

Anyway onto my original post

Convenient power eh? I will try my hand at this,

Already existing in the lore?

Spoilers for main villain of calamity. Can’t remember if it’s mentioned in the other books and im to lazy to check


Oh well that was easy, eyeball button ftw! What’s his name, the sun charge bomb guy who can teleport, that’s right obliteration. Besides being a solar powered Bomb teleportation is really handy.

than that, maybe telekinesis? That’s basically extra set of hands. Also it’s very versatile. For example, you could hold stuff in place while you’re working on it. In a combat situation, pull weapon out of enemies hands. Maybe even redirect bullets if you get good enough.


Give me some suggestions to improve my posts as I am still new and want to make top quality posts as to not be a nuisance!



*Edited for clarity.







well, i guess u wouldnt be able to copy things alive, no plants, animals, people, bacteria

If you copied something with bacteria on it, would it become sterile, or would it fail to copy? And would the objects be permanent? Ooh maybe that could tie into the weakness. Like if a certain type of metal comes into contact with the copy/pasted thing it vanishes? I just listed an example of a weakness it could go with pretty much anything.

Edited by UndiagnosedCrazyBoy
Clarity and removing paginations
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6 hours ago, UndiagnosedCrazyBoy said:

I don’t know how to do spoilers yet

Spoilers are the "eye" icon on the post toolbar (left of the Emoji icon), click it to make a spoiler box where the cursor is, then type in the spoiler box - or - type your text, highlight the applicable section, then click on the "Eye." 


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To remove the Pagination, place your cursor on the line above the line, and click Delete.


Edited by Treamayne
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  • 1 month later...
On 7/20/2023 at 12:54 AM, Aeoryi said:

I released the latest Alensdale chapter. It features both Voidcaller and Recapture's abilities in depth and you can see how they work. 

Next chapter should be an Aerie chapter. 

Absorption is literal proof that epic abilities can be a lot more interesting and powerful than steelheart.

Until they find your weakness. :D

who is Alensdale

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