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Channelknight Fadran

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7 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

Izett grins. "You'll notice that my books match my socks. I've been working on creating the most aesthetic library in the universe. The socks are unrelated. Anyways, is there a bulk discount on purple books?"

“No, we do not have a discount on purple books. But we do have more purple books in the Necromancy section if your interested.”


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This RP should be called crazy Dave's bookstore average day


Name: Chroma

Gender identity gayness etc: female (to differentiate from river if he gets rez'd)

Age: 29

PCP: Inertia control, which includes things like extreme balance and probably potential surface tension manipulation. So that kind of thing, as well as being unaffected by moving stuff. It's hard to explain. 

Job: the person who delivers snail mail, whatever they're called.

Education: Completed the British education system.

Notable battles: none really

Weaponry etc: hand-to-hand combat

More: Idk can't feel bothered to make a backstory don't blame me

^Character sheet

Also why is necromancy in a book store of all places,a thing. You didn't ask for ID!]

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Kghilis heard the crash, looked up from his book, and walked outside. His eyes widened slightly as he saw River’s corpse, bloody glass shards jutting from it at odd angles. “Stand aside,” he said authoritatively. He sat down cross-legged on the sidewalk, closed his eyes, and reached, with his mind, towards the Waiting Realm.

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1 minute ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Kghilis heard the crash, looked up from his book, and walked outside. His eyes widened slightly as he saw River’s corpse, bloody glass shards jutting from it at odd angles. “Stand aside,” he said authoritatively. He sat down cross-legged on the sidewalk, closed his eyes, and reached, with his mind, towards the Waiting Realm.


What's the waiting realm? Is that where dead people live?


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26 minutes ago, Silver Phantom said:

No, we do not have a discount on purple books. But we do have more purple books in the Necromancy section if your interested.”

"Cool! I'll have to come back with another box. I love Necromancy! Actually maybe I'll buy a few. Do you need ID?"

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6 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

"Cool! I'll have to come back with another box. I love Necromancy! Actually maybe I'll buy a few. Do you need ID?"

“We have some empty boxes in the back”

10 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Kghilis heard the crash, looked up from his book, and walked outside. His eyes widened slightly as he saw River’s corpse, bloody glass shards jutting from it at odd angles. “Stand aside,” he said authoritatively. He sat down cross-legged on the sidewalk, closed his eyes, and reached, with his mind, towards the Waiting Realm.

Dave notices what’s going on outside “uhhh… Steve you good buddy?”

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16 minutes ago, Aeoliae said:

What's the waiting realm? Is that where dead people live?


I was imagining it as sort of limbo area, where souls wait for ties to their bodies to be severed before moving on to the afterlife proper. Since River died a few minutes ago, they’re still there.


Steve didn’t respond to Dave’s question.

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8 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



It’s cool that I’m doing my own worldbuilding with that, right?

The Waiting Realm wasn’t a dark place, but it wasn’t particularly bright, either. It wasn’t really quiet, but there also wasn’t any noise. The kid’s soul floated, invisible, but also unmistakably there. Kghilis reached out, pulling it back into the physical space. His flesh burned, as his incarnation has neglected to breathe while he was outside of it. This one was growing rather frail, anyways. Might be time to throw it out and find a healthy young adult to inhabit. He coughed, shoving the soul back into the kid’s body and binding a piece of his essence to it, which would seal River’s wounds and force the shards of glass from their body.

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5 minutes ago, Aeoliae said:

River was awoken suddenly. 

It was Steve.

Damned necros. 

River waited for the healing to finish, before finally speaking in a low scratchy voice, "Why...?"

“I have plans for you, child.” Kghilis stood up and dusted himself off, waves of pain still  rolling through his body. “Meet me here at dusk. Then we will talk.” He walked back into the bookstore.

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