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Channelknight Fadran

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3 minutes ago, Silver Phantom said:

Then suddenly the portal vortex widens and everyone get sucked in getting transported the the most regular place anyone could think of 

[Lets pretend this didn't happen so others can join.]

 The book imploded. It was kinda odd seeing it implode like that, but it just CRuNched inwards. It then poofed away. River had just stolen an imploding book. I guess that made sense now why the ask for ID. 

River started to feel faint. No longer with adrenaline, River started to have a hazy view of things. They became visable again, and realized just how much blood they had spilt. 

 It was over for River. They could tell it, but from the outside it must've looked like a corpse walking through the streets. 

River finally resigns to fate.

[Maybe dead idk if @Channelknight Fadran will let me use another character then yes river is dead. Don't jump through windows, children.]

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Sleep goodly or whatever it is you kids do nowadays


Just now, Aeoliae said:

[Lets pretend this didn't happen so others can join.]

 The book imploded. It was kinda odd seeing it implode like that, but it just CRuNched inwards. It then poofed away. River had just stolen an imploding book. I guess that made sense now why the ask for ID. 

River started to feel faint. No longer with adrenaline, River started to have a hazy view of things. They became visable again, and realized just how much blood they had spilt. 

 It was over for River. They could tell it, but from the outside it must've looked like a corpse walking through the streets. 

River finally resigns to fate.

[Maybe dead idk if @Channelknight Fadran will let me use another character then yes river is dead. Don't jump through windows, children.]


...excuse me what


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I it would take a couple of minutes but not that long if you cut a lot of arteries. But now I am sad because I liked River

A body of a 16 year old appears dead covered in blood and blown up at least a little bit, on a busy street in the middle of a day “well…. Who want to explain this to the cops”

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3 minutes ago, Silver Phantom said:

A body of a 16 year old appears dead covered in blood and blown up at least a little bit, on a busy street in the middle of a day “well…. Who want to explain this to the cops”

[Ah its unfortunate. I also grew fond of River, but they were a little over the top if you know what I mean. Reminds me too much of my other rp characters - the old ones at least

 They all seemed to similar, and I am trying to learn how to write different characters. (like two sides to one coin has). So my next character will probably be calmer.]

People around the slightly exploded bloody corpse start to blame Dave. After all, they had seen him summon a demon, and the kid appeared to be dead for no reason. Besides the demon that was summoned by dave. Someone has some explaining to do.

[There we go - now its still plot relevant. And also dave isnt in trouble. The police will be able to tell they stole something important that blew up. but the people are mad.]

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44 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Falchion nodded to her, still enveloped in weirdly thick water. "I like your dress."

Knalya looked down. She was wearing a dress formed of immaculately folded pages of a book- Her favorite fantasy book, specifically. It was the dress she always wore to any sort of book-related errand.

“Thanks! It’s one of my favorites.”


I forgot to describe Knalya’s appearance! She’s average height with thick dark brown hair often worn is some sort of braid. She has tanned skin with golden-hazel eyes and a smattering of freckles.

Knalya looked at the dead body. “If you need to cover that up, I can turn that corpse into fabric,” she said in a joking tone.

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11 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


"Well that's good, 'cause it's really pretty." She maanged to free herself from the goopy prison. "Yeesh... and this is a silk overcoat, man..."


“I could make you a new one, if you wanted! I’m a seamstress.”

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Chadwick points at Rivers dead body, he was busy giggling over his romance book upon reading the first page that he didn’t see what happened. “OKAY- Who killed the annoying 15 year old kid- he’s snotty but not that snotty!”

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3 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Chadwick scoffs, flipping his new book back open. “I’m not responsible for this, I saw nothing.” He looks back down at his book and continues reading without a second thought. 


He was busy smelling the books to notice a Larry demon be summoned and a teenager die


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Izett walked back to the front of the store, arms full of books. "Good thing I brought a box" he muttered to himself. And then he noticed a broken window, a dead body, a some guy named Falchion chatting with a person dressed in books. "I was gone for 10 minutes! Does anyone actually work in this store?"


Btw. The books he is carrying are on varying subjects but every single one is purple.

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7 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

Izett walked back to the front of the store, arms full of books. "Good thing I brought a box" he muttered to himself. And then he noticed a broken window, a dead body, a some guy named Falchion chatting with a person dressed in books. "I was gone for 10 minutes! Does anyone actually work in this store?"


Btw. The books he is carrying are on varying subjects but every single one is purple.

The pain behind Daves eyes started to return “Ok, sir i can help you with your books here.” walking over the counter. He then notices your books color and raises and eyebrow

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