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Virtuosity is the shard that's not on a planet

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 I was reading old WoBs recently and I found a bunch of WoBs about a Shard the is not on a planet.


So I asked Brandon at the LA signing if he could tell us about a shard that we don't know anything about (including the survival shard) and he said that there was a shard that isn't on a planet. Now I think this means that the shard is either on an asteroid, or a star. It could also be floating in space or on a moon and influencing from a distance. I will repeat it is not any shard we already know about.

Words of Radiance Los Angeles signing (March 5, 2014)

I was just wondering if maybe it's Virtuosity since Hoid says she splintered herself between plants, which is maybe where she is.

Please share your thoughts.

there might already be an answer for this which I missed.

Edited by Awakened rock stacker
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3 hours ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

I was just wondering if maybe it's Virtuosity since Hoid says she splintered herself between plants, which is maybe where she is.

Probably, especially since we have this as well:



By the time of [Yumi and the Nightmare Painter], it has been more than 10,000 years since the Shattering. In this story, there is an implication that Virtuosity Splintered herself 1700 years ago. Can you tell us something about what she was doing in between?

Brandon Sanderson

In between?

Adam Horne

The 10,000 years since the Shattering and her...

Brandon Sanderson

Until then? Virtuosity was exploring the artistic expressions of the cosmere. And choosing not to settle in one location--something that Virtuosity was not keen on doing. Not for too long at least.

So, if Virtuosity spent most of the time since the Shattering refusing to invest in any one system and trying to experience artistry in each culture cosmere-wide then it is very likely that she was the "Shard not on a planet."



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