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Cosmere reread order and questions after the reread

The flying spider


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So I finished mistborn era one with secret history integrated friday night and over-all it was great thanks @Treamayne for recommending it.

so I will have to admit I didn't like hero of Ages now when I was rereading it I realized when you you know a lot of the twists and what's going to happen at the end most of the book feels boring especially the fadrex plot line being useless, and Elend discovery about the mist and allomancers comes out of no were so I think I actually like well of Ascension quite a lot more.

Most of my questions about the book are related to the words of founding but I will post those later.

 who is the announcer? With sazed being the Hero of Ages it can't be him so I thought maybe kelseir when he realized its sazed but what do you think?

Also want is the cover this time? I know it's related to spikes but nothing else.


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8 hours ago, The flying spider said:

Also want is the cover this time? I know it's related to spikes but nothing else.

Which cover version do you have? Mine is the Mass Market 1st ed. and has nothing to do with Spikes.

9 hours ago, The flying spider said:

 who is the announcer? With sazed being the Hero of Ages it can't be him so I thought maybe kelseir when he realized its sazed but what do you think?

Sazed was the announcer for Vin, Haddek the announcer for Sazed. But really, It mostly doesn't matter because almost all of the Announcer/Holy First Witness business was falsified by Ruin to make manipulating the prophesies easier.

That was kinda the point of the climax, I think. There was never only "one" Hero of Ages. Brandon was pointing out how vague prophesies can also have vague fulfillment - showing Sazed expecting Vin to come to the Warren and save them without realizing she had already become the Hero and Ascended fighting at Kredik Shaw, and was already there and trying to help, even if he could not see her (and had indeed saved him by sending Elend when she did). And when she fulfilled her part and sacrificed herself, Sazed stepped up as a new Hero to fulfill even more of the prophecy. Back in Well of ascension, Sazed and Tyndwel keep discusing the seeming contradictions without ever once realizing that the reason the contradiction existed was because there was more than one Hero of Ages, each fulfilling their part(s) of the prophesy (but the distinctions were muddled by Ruin's meddling).

9 hours ago, The flying spider said:

I was rereading it I realized when you know a lot of the twists and what's going to happen at the end most of the book feels boring especially the fadrex plot line being useless

Sorry you felt that way - I had the opposite reaction. Seeing how well HoA and SH mesh and how small specific details from each affected the other made me appreciate them both so much more. Fadrex needed to happen because only Obligators had the inormation Elend needed to make sense  of the "16%" subplot, and also to close off the "Rashek was twisted by Ruin to become what we saw in Book 1" subplot.

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3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Which cover version do you have? Mine is the Mass Market 1st ed. and has nothing to do with 

Sorry you felt that way - I had the opposite reaction. Seeing how well HoA and SH mesh and how small specific details from each affected the other made me appreciate them both so much more. Fadrex needed to happen because only Obligators had the inormation Elend needed to make sense  of the "16%" subplot, and also to close off the "Rashek was twisted by Ruin to become what we saw in Book 1" subplot.

I'm mostly talking about the first 500 pages and I'm only not enjoying them in the reread first time it was awesome. A lot of the secret history details are at the end of the book and not that much at the beginning so I did really enjoy it then. The obligaters knowing the key to the mist is fine I just feel like there was a better way to get to there.

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1 hour ago, The flying spider said:

The cover is here:https://www.amazon.com/Hero-Ages-Book-Three-Mistborn/dp/1250318629

That's why I linked the Cover gallery above - you could have just said "2019 Mass Market" or linked the cover from the forums (if you are unfamiliar - links are made by clicking the fifth editor icon  - looks like a chain - to open the link dialog. Paste the link on top, change the display text on the bottom (optional)). Covers can be found in the Coppermind by slowly typing the full book name in the search (e.g. The Hero of Ages) at some point matches will display and includes the "extra" pages - such as Interior art, cover gallery, summary, etc.

Yes, that cover does appear to reference the prologue scene with Marsh using Hemalurgy.

1 hour ago, The flying spider said:

A lot of the secret history details are or with Spook

May I ask if you are reading the physical books, ebooks, or some combination? Are you using the post where I sorted where each SH chapter falls in the trilogy timeline?

For my ebooks, I ended up making a Complete Era 1 ebook, there I further splintered the SH chapters into scenes and placed each scene where it belongs.

For example (HoA and M:SH Spoilers):


HoA Ch. 27:


Vin raised an eyebrow. “I thought you said that stories shouldn’t cost.”

“Actually,” Slowswift noted, “I said that a story itself shouldn’t be a cost. That is very different from the story itself costing something. And, while some will argue, I believe that a story without cost is one considered worthless.”

“I’m sure that’s the only reason,” Vin said, smiling slightly as she tossed her bag of coins—minus a few cloth-covered ones to use for jumping—to the old man. “Gold imperials. Still good here, I assume?”

“Good enough,” the old man said, tucking them away. “Good enough ...”


Preservation led him to a small city square clogged with glowing souls and bits of metal on the walls. They glowed so brightly, particularly in contrast to his months out alone. Was one of these souls Vin?

No, they were beggars. He moved among them, feeling at their souls with his fingertips, catching glimpses of them in the other Realm. Huddled in the ash, coughing and shivering. The fallen men and women of the Final Empire, the people even the common skaa tended to dismiss. For all his grand plans, he hadn’t made the lives of these people better, had he?

He stopped in place.

That last beggar, sitting against an old brick wall ... there was something about him. Kelsier backed up, touching the beggar’s soul again, seeing a vision of a man with hands and face wrapped in bandages, white hair sticking out from beneath. Stark white hair, a fact not quite hidden by the ash that had been rubbed into it.

Kelsier felt a sudden shock, a painful spike that ran up his fingers into his soul. He jumped back as the beggar glanced his direction.

“You!” Kelsier said. “Drifter!”

The beggar shifted in place, but then glanced another direction, searching the square.

“What are you doing here?” Kelsier demanded.

The glowing figure gave no response.

Kelsier whipped his hand back and forth, trying to shake out the pain. His fingers had actually gone numb. What had that been? And how had the white-haired Drifter managed to affect him in this Realm?

A small glowing figure landed on a rooftop nearby.


Vin jumped out into the night, leaping a few houses away, burning bronze to see if she felt any Allomantic pulses from behind. She knew that her nature made her irrationally suspicious of people who appeared weak. For the longest time, she’d been convinced that Cett was Mistborn, simply because he was paraplegic. Still, she checked on Slowswift. This was one old habit that she didn’t feel much need to extinguish.

No pulses came from behind. Soon, she moved on, pulling out Cett’s instructions, searching out a second informant. She trusted Slowswift’s words well enough, but she would like confirmation. She picked an informant on the other side of the spectrum—a beggar named Hoid whom Cett claimed could be found in a particular square late at night.

A few quick jumps brought her to the location. She landed atop a roof and looked down, scanning the area. The ash had been allowed to drift here, piling in corners, making a general mess of things. A group of lumps huddled in an alley beside the square. Beggars, without home or job. Vin had lived like that at times, sleeping in alleys, coughing up ash, hoping it wouldn’t rain. She soon located a figure that wasn’t sleeping like the others, but sitting quietly in the light ashfall. Her ears picked out a faint sound. The man was humming to himself, as the instructions said that he might be doing.

Vin hesitated.


“Oh, hell,” Kelsier said, looking from Vin to the Drifter. He responded immediately, throwing himself toward the wall of the building and climbing desperately up it to Vin’s side. “Vin. Vin, stay away from that man.”

Of course yelling was pointless. She couldn’t hear him.



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14 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

That's why I linked the Cover gallery above - you could have just said "2019 Mass Market" or linked the cover from the forums (if you are unfamiliar - links are made by clicking the fifth editor icon  - looks like a chain - to open the link dialog. Paste the link on top, change the display text on the bottom (optional)). Covers can be found in the Coppermind by slowly typing the full book name in the search (e.g. The Hero of Ages) at some point matches will display and includes the "extra" pages - such as Interior art, cover gallery, summary, etc.

Yes, that cover does appear to reference the prologue scene with Marsh using Hemalurgy.

May I ask if you are reading the physical books, ebooks, or some combination? Are you using the post where I sorted where each SH chapter falls in the trilogy timeline?

For my ebooks, I ended up making a Complete Era 1 ebook, there I further splintered the SH chapters into scenes and placed each scene where it belongs.

For example (HoA and M:SH Spoilers):

  Reveal hidden contents



I was reading your post quickly and didn't realize it was a link sorry.

I'm reading physical so I read secret history after every chapter that involves it. Because I rather not go back and forth.

I'm meant that a lot of secret history comes toward the end of the book so that makes that back half awesome but there isn't to much of kelseir in the beginning. 

My mistake with that sentence I'll fix it. The Spook part also didn't really make sense my bad:wacko:

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2 hours ago, The flying spider said:

I was reading your post quickly and didn't realize it was a link sorry.

No reason to be sorry - just thought you might not have known there were internal ways to reference things like book covers.


I'm reading physical so I read secret history after every chapter that involves it. Because I rather not go back and forth.

I'm meant that a lot of secret history comes toward the end of the book so that makes that back half awesome but there isn't to much of kelseir in the beginning. 

No worries, I've done it both ways (I used physical books for the first version of the correlation). Yeah, parts five and six correlate to HoA, this is the rough matchup I use:


Part Five (these don't correlate, so the chapters I used were major scene breaks that having a Kelsier scene would not hurt)
 - 1: HoA  - after Prologue - Travel btwn realms
 - 2: HoA  - after Ch 7 - Finding the Ire
 - 3: HoA  - after Ch 12 - Stealing from the Ire
Part Six
 - 1: HoA  - Ch 27 - Traveling back - Arrival at Fadrex - Warning Vin
 - 2: HoA  - Ch 37 - Siege of the Koloss
 - 3: HoA  - Ch 47 - Fights in the army - Leaving Fadrex
 - 4: HoA  - after Ch 55 - Leras, as preservation, dies - Kelsier Ascends - Warning Vin
 - 5: HoA  - Ch 58 - Kelsier helps Spook throw off Ruin
 - 6: HoA  - CH 63/64 - Spook's Dream, Message to Vin
 - 7: HoA  - CH 69, 72 - Goradel's Journey - Vin arrives at Luthadel - Vin Ascends
 - 8: HoA  - Ch 81 and 82 - Eland's Death, Final Clash of Vin and Ati
 - 9: HoA  - Ch 82 - Reworking the world
 - E: HoA  - After Epilogue - Influencing Spook


My mistake with that sentence I'll fix it. The Spook part also didn't really make sense my bad

Which part with Spook was unclear?

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I'm in the middle of Warbreaker and I have 3  questions:

How many breathes does hoid have?

Is there more the 10 heightening? Maybe if you had 100000 breath.

In chapter 21 vasher says that if he had more breath he could maybe feel lichen on the stones yet it says the you get perfect life sense at the 4th but vasher is already at 5th so is that actually true?

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1 hour ago, The flying spider said:

I'm in the middle of Warbreaker and I have 3  questions:

  1. How many breathes does hoid have?
  2. Is there more the 10 heightening? Maybe if you had 100000 breath.
  3. In chapter 21 vasher says that if he had more breath he could maybe feel lichen on the stones yet it says the you get perfect life sense at the 4th but vasher is already at 5th so is that actually true?
  1. Unknown
  2. There are no known heightenings beyond the tenth. 
  3. If you recall, in the prologue Vasher said (paraphrased) "I could have the fifth heightening" not "I have the fifth heightening." So Vasher, at the time he makes the comment you are referencing, is not above Fourth Heightening (but he could be if he took specific actions - which will be explained by the end of the book). 
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43 minutes ago, Treamayne said:
  1. Unknown
  2. There are no known heightenings beyond the tenth. 
  3. If you recall, in the prologue Vasher said (paraphrased) "I could have the fifth heightening" not "I have the fifth heightening." So Vasher, at the time he makes the comment you are referencing, is not above Fourth Heightening (but he could be if he took specific actions - which will be explained by the end of the book). 

Thanks. In the book people say he's around 5th highting so I guess that's what got me confused.

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14 minutes ago, The flying spider said:

Thanks. In the book people say he's around 5th highting so I guess that's what got me confused.

What chapter? Do you have the reference, or do you mean the quote I paraphrased from the Prologue?

Warbreaker Prologue:


Vasher could, of course, have up to the fifth Heightening at any time, if he wished. That would require certain sacrifices he wasn’t willing to make.

Prologue Annotations (spoiler removed):


Also, if you look, I’ve inputted in the last drafts a little hint here of Vasher foreshadowing. He says he could have the Fifth Heightening if he wanted it, which is true. <spoiler>

Ch 15:


A man was standing two rows back, and he was staring directly at Vivenna. She normally wouldn’t have paid him any attention. He was wearing ragged brown clothing, ripped in places, his loose trousers tied at the waist by a simple rope. His facial hair was halfway between being a beard and just scruff. His hair was unkempt and came down to his shoulders.

And he created a bubble of color around him so bright that he had to be of the fifth Heightening. He stared at her, meeting her eyes, and she had a sudden and awful panicked sense that he knew exactly who she was.

She stumbled back. The strange man didn’t take his eyes off of her.

This is Vivenna's guess (keep in mind how new she is to reading breath auras)

Ch 19:


“Denth,” Jewels said, approaching. She barely gave Vivenna a glance. “I don’t like this. I don’t like the fact that he got here first. He has Breath— reports say he looked to have reached at least the Fourth Heightening. Maybe the fifth. I’ll bet he got it from that rebel, Vahr.”

This is just the speculation from Denth's team.

Ch 21:


Protect a flower, destroy the pests who wanted to feed on it. Protect a building, destroy the plants that could have grown in the soil.

Protect a man. Live with the destruction he creates.

Although it was dark, Vasher’s life sense was strong. He could just faintly feel the grass growing below and knew how far away it was. With more Breath, he might even have been able to sense the lichen growing on the palace stones. 

Ars Arcanum:


Perfect Life Sense:

At the Fourth Heightening, an Awakener’s life sense achieves its maximum strength.

Note Four: Each additional Breath grants some things, no matter which Heightening an Awakener has achieved.

Keep in mind that Fourth Heightening "Max Strength" is about how far away (and through obstacles) a person can sense another sapient being and is more about range (and regard - such as Vivenna sensing when Vasher started staring at her in Ch 15). Higher levels of breath let you sense smaller and less complex lifeforms (with the correct Intent). Even before Fourth Heightening you might, with the correct intent be able to sense some of that if the life is close enough. . . 

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19 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

What chapter? Do you have the reference, or do you mean the quote I paraphrased from the Prologue?

Warbreaker Prologue:

  Reveal hidden contents

Vasher could, of course, have up to the fifth Heightening at any time, if he wished. That would require certain sacrifices he wasn’t willing to make.

Prologue Annotations (spoiler removed):

  Reveal hidden contents

Also, if you look, I’ve inputted in the last drafts a little hint here of Vasher foreshadowing. He says he could have the Fifth Heightening if he wanted it, which is true. <spoiler>

Ch 15:

  Reveal hidden contents

A man was standing two rows back, and he was staring directly at Vivenna. She normally wouldn’t have paid him any attention. He was wearing ragged brown clothing, ripped in places, his loose trousers tied at the waist by a simple rope. His facial hair was halfway between being a beard and just scruff. His hair was unkempt and came down to his shoulders.

And he created a bubble of color around him so bright that he had to be of the fifth Heightening. He stared at her, meeting her eyes, and she had a sudden and awful panicked sense that he knew exactly who she was.

She stumbled back. The strange man didn’t take his eyes off of her.

This is Vivenna's guess (keep in mind how new she is to reading breath auras)

Ch 19:

  Reveal hidden contents

“Denth,” Jewels said, approaching. She barely gave Vivenna a glance. “I don’t like this. I don’t like the fact that he got here first. He has Breath— reports say he looked to have reached at least the Fourth Heightening. Maybe the fifth. I’ll bet he got it from that rebel, Vahr.”

This is just the speculation from Denth's team.

Ch 21:

  Reveal hidden contents

Protect a flower, destroy the pests who wanted to feed on it. Protect a building, destroy the plants that could have grown in the soil.

Protect a man. Live with the destruction he creates.

Although it was dark, Vasher’s life sense was strong. He could just faintly feel the grass growing below and knew how far away it was. With more Breath, he might even have been able to sense the lichen growing on the palace stones. 

Ars Arcanum:

  Reveal hidden contents

Perfect Life Sense:

At the Fourth Heightening, an Awakener’s life sense achieves its maximum strength.

Note Four: Each additional Breath grants some things, no matter which Heightening an Awakener has achieved.

Keep in mind that Fourth Heightening "Max Strength" is about how far away (and through obstacles) a person can sense another sapient being and is more about range (and regard - such as Vivenna sensing when Vasher started staring at her in Ch 15). Higher levels of breath let you sense smaller and less complex lifeforms (with the correct Intent). Even before Fourth Heightening you might, with the correct intent be able to sense some of that if the life is close enough. . . 

I guess all of those stuff confused me. 

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2 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Are you sure you want me to answer that? It's a re-read, right? Have you read the Annotations before (free here)?

Spoilers are in tags, so you can show them or not. 

I don't thanks for asking. I only read the annotations at the end of the book it's to much for me to go back and forth and don't enjoy reading on a device. That why I was going to only read white sand omnibus or Prose but not both but I ended up transferring Prose to my kindle.

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So I finished Warbreaker which was really great and solid (it's actually the first bradon book I read and when I finished it I snatched mistborn from my brother hand he forced me to give it back but instead gave me the way of king:)) now I know your saying it took you all this time to read Warbreaker will I might of also finished white sand Prose too reading 400 pages today;).

So Prose questions:

What are star marks and why where they only added in the Omnibus?

What happened to the epilouge?

The sand master is performing a luehel bond?

The investiture of the sand is the lichen?

Do we know how people become sand masters?

That's it for now and now it's time for white sand omnibus. (My physical still hasn't arrived:(:()


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5 hours ago, The flying spider said:

So I finished Warbreaker which was really great and solid (it's actually the first bradon book I read and when I finished it I snatched mistborn from my brother hand he forced me to give it back but instead gave me the way of king:)) now I know your saying it took you all this time to read Warbreaker will I might of also finished white sand Prose too reading 400 pages today;).

So Prose questions:

  1. What are star marks and why where they only added in the Omnibus?
  2. What happened to the epilouge?
  3. The sand master is performing a luehel bond?
  4. The investiture of the sand is the lichen?
  5. Do we know how people become sand masters?

That's it for now and now it's time for white sand omnibus. (My physical still hasn't arrived:(:()


  1. They were in the Prose version too - just called "Skycolor." I don't recall if there were any references in the original GNs (I think they were mostly edited out since they didn't apply much to the story and it is thought that they can't be used on Dayside) but more info was added back to the Omnibus as foreshadowing for a possible sequel on Darkside.
  2. I'm not sure what you mean. The Prose Epilogue? Nearly the whole thing was changed for the Canon Omnibus epilogue(s).
  3. That is a great question. We do not have a definitive answer (but many believe they are).
  4. Not quite, the lichen absorbs the investiture from Sunlight. The Light is the investiture - the lichen just stores it, and mastering sand releases it.
  5. Do we know the thruth, or do we know that they people on Taldain beleived at the time of the story. There are some indications that what is presented in the story is not quite entirely correct.




Are you gonna do more [White Sand Graphic Novels]

Brandon Sanderson

We're gonna do a full omnibus, and then we're talking about what to do with Darkside, 'cause there's a story there that I want to tell. I might involve Isaac in it; he's my art director who art directed this entire thing. There should be another story in the world. We're not sure if it'll be graphic or if it'll be print.


Sand mastery must be taught and does not appear spontaneously. It can take weeks to decide if a person has the ability or not. The ability must be nurtured and encouraged properly in order to appear.[5] To test if someone has the ability, sand is placed in a person's hands so they can feel its grains. They are directed to change the direction of the flow of sand, like disrupting a water's flow.[6] The ability to master sand comes more naturally to some than others, but a sand master's strength may grow over time.[1] Training is required to develop strength and skill. Some believe that strength potential in sand mastery may be genetic.[2] The form of initiation is unknown; however, it is different from initiation on Sel.[7]



I was wondering if you could answer a couple questions about the White Sand omnibus, as I've gotten the impression you're mostly the one running that?

  1. Khriss prologue: Is this Khriss's introduction from the prose, or is it a different scene?
  2. Slatrification: Brandon's mentioned wanting to retcon out slatrification, and Volume 3 does not contain the main (I think only?) time it was actually used in the prose. However, in Volume 1, it is mentioned a few times by a couple characters. Are you changing this in the omnibus, or is this being left as-is?
  3. Khriss's notes: Are these just things from the prose that didn't really make it through into the graphic novel prior, or will we be getting some new nuggets of information as well?

Isaac Stewart

  1. Khriss's introduction is adapted from the prose but has been changed to better fit her character and the needs of the rest of the store.
  2. Slatrification was never meant to even be in Volume 1, but somehow it slipped in. Slatrification has been entirely edited out of the omnibus.
  3. Khriss's notes are meant to help flesh out the world in ways a graphic novel normally can't. Some of it is world building that has been taken and adapted from the prose. There's new stuff there, though. I hope readers will enjoy it!



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Finished white sand omnibus last night and it was great reading it back to back with the Prose seeing all the changes and how the ars Arcanum pages fill in a lot of information that you couldn't get otherwise.

I really only have one question:

Is baon the most powerful sand master?

And by being a sand master shouldn’t he realize it is a threat to the dynasty and kill everyone on the ship?

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On 9/26/2023 at 2:44 AM, The flying spider said:

I really only have one question:

Is baon the most powerful sand master?

And by being a sand master shouldn’t he realize it is a threat to the dynasty and kill everyone on the ship?

Well, two questions?

  1. Not necessarily, he shows significant potential - but he would have to train for years to unlock that potential.
  2. Is it? They still don't know if they will be able to recharge sand on Darkside. No amount of skill or potential will help if you have no Charged sand to master.
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7 minutes ago, Treamayne said:


  1. Is it? They still don't know if they will be able to recharge sand on Darkside. No amount of skill or potential will help if you have no Charged sand to master.

It was one question leading to the other:D

I think as the the story continues there's more suspicion that white sand works on Darkside especially the with the epilouge and baon should at least be mildly concerned. It doesn't have to go to the extreme.

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4 hours ago, The flying spider said:

 shouldn’t he realize it is a threat to the dynasty and kill everyone on the ship?

28 minutes ago, The flying spider said:

I think as the the story continues there's more suspicion that white sand works on Darkside especially the with the epilouge and baon should at least be mildly concerned. It doesn't have to go to the extreme.

Killing everybody on the ship seemed pretty extreme, though with multiple trained Sand Masters and multiple barrls of sand available, I doubt he could pull it off.

The thing is, we - the readers - know White Sand can be charged by any Kinetic Investiture. But from Baon's POV in the story, he is still very justified in reporting to the Dynasty that Sand Mastery is not a known threat, since there is no known way to recharge sand on Darkside.

SA Spoilers:


Since we also know that Baon joins the Worldhopping organization "17th Shard," as seen in the WoK interlude in the Purelake, we can guess that finding an ability to Master Sand will lead him to stop working for the Dynasty (and leave Taldain altogether).


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So it's been awhile I just checked it was actually only 2 weeks I have been reading a bit slower but I finished alloy of law and shadows of self which were truly great ( especially shadows ) I have one question shadows takes place in 2 or three days and it seems that each night  the mists are out when in era 2 it's only out once in a week or 2 am I wrong?

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