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Which shard would you serve?


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Each other the shards offer you power in exchange for servous who would you serve?


Offers transformation into a kondra with 2 blessings of your choice.


offers turning you into a mistborn 


Offers turning you into a full ferochemist 


Offers any Spren who's ideal you can alone with 


Offers any boon (you will still also get a bane)



Offers make you into a fused 



You gain 1,000 breaths.


Edited by bmcclure7
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Hmmm, interesting idea

Ruin would just control me as a Kandra so that's clearly out.

Preservation and Harmony's offer is pretty good, just free powers no strings attached.

Honor is tempting too but the Oaths would restrict me in ways that I probably wouldn't like, plus I don't know how honorable I'd be in sticky situations.

Cultivation's would be pretty interesting as well, Taravangian and Lift shows just what she can grant. But I think I'd like more clear and consistent things than take a wild gamble.

Odium is just straight out for the same reasons as Ruin, except Odium would torture me if I ever disagreed with him. Plus the Fused have shown that their immortality isn't all that pleasant.


I'd probably go with Harmony's offer, Feruchemy alone could potentially lead to more powers later on with less cost, plus I like Sazed.

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Tough call between Preservation and Harmony.

As a Mistborn, you can:

  • Manipulate people's emotions (my favorite power)
  • travel insanely quickly and use any metal as a bullet
  • Become stronger, more balanced, and tireless
  • Have magnified senses
  • See your own future (Can be very combat effective with enough training)
  • Speed up time
  • Slow down time (no more boring waiting or long commutes!)
  • Flare any of these to extreme levels

As a Feruchemist, you can:

  • Weigh as much or as little as you wish, (not very hard to store up)
  • Increased muscle mass, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • increased speed, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • increased senses, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • Indefinite memories (requires forgetting them)
  • increased wakefulness, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • increased mental speed, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • Be as hot or cold as you like (not very hard to store up)
  • learn a language or become friends with anyone, or conversely become completely unnoticeable. (not very hard to store up)
  • Increased Intuition, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • heal faster, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • increased determination, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • decreased need to eat, but requires storing it equivalently first
  • decreased need to breathe, but requires storing it equivalently first

In my opinion, though Feruchemy grants way more actively useful abilities, the powers the Allomancy grants come with no cost and are a lot more supernatural, so they're roughly on par with one another. I'm gonna say I'll serve Preservation, Feruchemy is more quality of life stuff, Allomancy fits the dramatic lifestyle I have much better.

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7 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

Each other the shards offer you power in exchange for servous who would you serve?

Endowment - gives me tons of Breaths and Returned heritage (like Vivenna)! I don't care about Fullborns, OP Surgebinders or others if I can do fun Awakening and create whatever I can imagine! And make my own friends :P 

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11 hours ago, alder24 said:

Endowment - gives me tons of Breaths and Returned heritage (like Vivenna)! I don't care about Fullborns, OP Surgebinders or others if I can do fun Awakening and create whatever I can imagine! And make my own friends :P 

Forgot about her lol probably a good choice. 

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Yeah now that endowments on the list I have to go with it. Go to would be pretty cool and we don’t even know have the stuff you can do being a bondsmith. Bring a full mistoborn would also be awesome you could jump around and such. I feel like the boon and bane wouldn’t work for me somehow, and I wouldn’t take ruin or Odium as masters. But with Breaths, I could do all sorts of cool things with awakening and giving crazy instructions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/6/2023 at 0:06 AM, JustQuestin2004 said:

Hmmm, interesting idea

Ruin would just control me as a Kandra so that's clearly out.

Preservation and Harmony's offer is pretty good, just free powers no strings attached.

Honor is tempting too but the Oaths would restrict me in ways that I probably wouldn't like, plus I don't know how honorable I'd be in sticky situations.

Cultivation's would be pretty interesting as well, Taravangian and Lift shows just what she can grant. But I think I'd like more clear and consistent things than take a wild gamble.

Odium is just straight out for the same reasons as Ruin, except Odium would torture me if I ever disagreed with him. Plus the Fused have shown that their immortality isn't all that pleasant.


I'd probably go with Harmony's offer, Feruchemy alone could potentially lead to more powers later on with less cost, plus I like Sazed.

THIS! Immediately said Harmony. Feruchemy is such a fascinating concept. One of my favorite aspects of Mistborn.

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11 hours ago, dantruthwatcher said:

THIS! Immediately said Harmony. Feruchemy is such a fascinating concept. One of my favorite aspects of Mistborn.

Plus it's cheaper than Allomancy, you only need to buy a single set of Metalmnds and you're good, but with Allomancy you'll need to replenish frequently.

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I guess the boring answer would be I’d serve none of them since all shards tend to ask their followers to do some pretty difficult and traumatic things. But if I had to choose for some reason…

Ruin: JustQuestin2004 already mentioned Ruin can control you. Even if that didn’t exist, I don’t think serving someone who wants you dead is a good idea. Not to mention as a 1st generation Kandra, you won’t be very good at shapeshifting. This is a pass.

Preservation: Allomancy offers a decent set of abilities but most of them aren’t too useful in the modern day. One exception would be emotional allomancy but using that would be quite unethical.

Harmony: Ferchumy offers abilities that are generally more useful, but having to store things would be a big hassle. It’ll really depend on how much downtime you have. With that said, if the tabletop RPG is canon and you can use nicrosil to convert one type of investiture to another then Feruchemy becomes significantly more powerful. It’ll also lets you easily convert mundane matter into raw investiture which could have some interesting applications.

Honor: Hard pass on this one. Not getting any privacy in life is too much for me. Even if I get to become a Truthwatcher. Also, there’s the small issue of where to get a steady source of investiture to power a decent chunk of my abilities.

Cultivation: The boon & bane system is too random. It’s probably not worth it. Pass.

Odium: Having to eternally serve a god whose pissed off by his very nature sounds like a terrible idea. Another hard pass.

Endowment: Hitting the fourth heightening doesn’t really give you any useful abilities unless you’re really passionate about the arts. Or, maybe you REALLY need the ability to store and edit your memories.. For me this is a pass.

I guess if the Mistborn tabletop isn’t canon, I’d pick Preservation for some easily accessible abilities (even if 2 of them are unethical). If the tabletop is canon, then I’m going with Harmony and am going to do a bunch of experiment with the massive amount of investiture I’ll can get from eating and drinking while also living a life with no sickness, abnormally high luck, and genius level intellect.

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I would rather choose honor or preservation. Being a full Mistborn would be awesome, especially toying with others' emotions. But having the powers of a surge-binder would be amazing as well especially having a spren to help guide me in what is right or honorable. I'd probably choose preservation though, its a bit more useful in modern-day life.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/5/2023 at 11:42 PM, bmcclure7 said:

Each other the shards offer you power in exchange for servous who would you serve?


Offers transformation into a kondra with 2 blessings of your choice.


offers turning you into a mistborn 


Offers turning you into a full ferochemist 


Offers any Spren who's ideal you can alone with 


Offers any boon (you will still also get a bane)



Offers make you into a fused 



You gain 1,000 breaths.


Do I Get Stormlight? If so I'll go for Honor, if not, Harmony.

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